#i just dk. all ik is europe is infected by christianity too so im sure its not great over there really either esp since thats... kinda wher
snekdood ยท 4 months
i fundamentally think what causes the most problems in the world is dualistic thinking (us vs them, good vs evil, light vs dark, etc) and i think a lot of that dualistic/black and white thinking came from christianity (technically it came from zoroastrianism and then christianity took it a mile further) hence why i often blame christianity for a lot of the worlds problems, it all always seems to stem back to it, where people under christian influence think themselves to be the Good Guys and The Light and from there it just snowballs down until you have people committing genocide against those who "Taint Their Goodness" somehow, likely for just existing and being different or disagreeing with the christians' beliefs, "good vs evil" becomes less of a guideline on how to treat others and is instead interpreted too literally and thus people are labeled entirely good or evil instead of just their actions. same goes for "light vs dark", which, i probably dont need to go into how christians have used that ideology to fuck up the world in a million ways. "darkness" is no longer a metaphor for evil, instead it is once again taken too literally and thus anything thats "dark", whether that be the night, people, animals, clothing, etc. becomes "evil", rather than it being simply being symbolic of "being in the dark". this is where i think anti theists get messed up, they wanna paint all religions as bad but truly i think its only the ones that push duality so hard that end up being harmful, not to mention duality is an ideology someone can have who's not religious. it's all about lacking the ability to see yourself in another person, of putting yourself in their shoes, a lack of seeing them as part of the same whole that you are, that their existence contributes something to the world just as yours does. idk .-.
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