#i just can't resist i wanted to make three fic arts for the first day instead of 2
mahikamihan · 25 days
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go gentle into that good night by luna_eclipse_writes/ @milktearosethorn
He throws the door open and pounces the figure waiting for him before the other could utter a word.
They land in the dewy grass. Sapnap pins the man with a one leg against his torso and his free arm braced against his chest. Then with his sword-hand he presses the tip of his blade under the man's chin.
"Are you stupid?" he asks, panting as the exhaustion from the chase before catches his bones. He should've taken something before picking this fight: regeneration, or maybe swiftness. Careless.
"Maybe," says Dream. He tilts his head, exposing more of his neck like a taunt. "But I needed to see you."
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softlystarstruck · 3 years
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✩ softly reading, aug 2 - 8 ✩
✩ - a fave | 🔥 - hot | purple - reread
hello all!! hope you had a good first week of august :) i reread quite a few fics, trawled the trans drarry tags on ao3, and read some wireless fics! let me know what y’all have been reading or if y’all love any of these fics too 💕 short & sweet, pocket-sized, and non-drarry are under the cut!
spotlight rec
✩ That Old Black Magic by @bixgirl1 [E, 77k]
Centuries ago, marriage contracts were the norm — ready-made alliances between families, expected and complied with, without complaint. But norms have a way of changing, and when a long-dormant contract flares to life, Harry has to navigate an unexpected splintering of the path he'd thought would be easy after the war... with Draco Malfoy.
why i rec this: okay. okay. i was talking with starry about bond fics and they were like “have you read this one?” so obviously i read it immediately in one day because it is SO. GOOD. the emotional stakes are high from the beginning, and this may be one of my favorite complex harry narrations ive ever read. i don’t know how to be more coherent about this but! absolutely recommend this gorgeous story
longer reads
Bond by AnnaFugazzi [M, 173k]
Harry swam back into awareness, finally focussing on something. The ceiling. The very familiar ceiling of... the hospital wing. Damn, not again, was his first thought. How did it happen this time? was his second.
✩ A Love Story of Less-Than-Epic Proportions by anon [E, 39k]
Harry and Draco are just friends. Sure, they work together, and live together, and go to gigs together, and do pretty much everything else together—so what? That’s just what friends do. [H/D Wireless 2021]
Makes Me Stronger by Lomonaaeren [E, 28k]
Rita Skeeter’s Harry James Potter: An Unnatural History is a best-seller, mostly due to the fact that Skeeter’s collaborated with a photographer who’s infused the pictures in the book with Harry’s actual memories. As Harry struggles to survive the storm consuming his eighth year at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy becomes an unexpected ally.
The Fortunate Fall by Lomonaaeren [M, 28k]
Draco's sure he suffered an irreplaceable loss at the end of the war. Harry's not.
✩ Blue Sunny Day by @firethesound [E, 26k]
Years ago, Harry Potter disappeared from the Wizarding World. When Draco spots him at a club in Muggle London, well, he just can't resist the opportunity that presents itself.
✩ holemate by anon [E, 18k]
'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates / So where do we begin? / I can finally see you're as fucked up as me / So how do we win? [H/D Wireless 2021]
✩ Two Zinnias and the Scent of Lemon by anon [M, 16k]
The Ministry didn’t turn bad overnight. Harry didn’t suddenly turn rogue either. Between covert Legilimency links and Polyjuice disguises and running and running and running, Draco has forgotten what it is like to have a safe harbor that isn’t a person. If there’s an art to fighting back, then they’ll find it hand in hand. [H/D Wireless 2021]
✩ you’ve got the antidote for me by Kandakickass [M, 20k]
When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.
short & sweet (< 10k)
Dedication and Desperation by anon [T, 6.1k]
Diagnosed with a rare and serious illness, Draco has mostly given up until Harry comes to visit. [H/D Wireless 2021]
Sunscreen by @kittycargo [T, 5.9k]
"I want someone to remind me to wear sunscreen and take my vitamins when it slips my mind..." -Ira Wolf
✩ Holy Ground by @phoebedelia [T, 4.9k]
Draco scoffed to himself. Nostalgia, seriously? How pathetic to be brooding over events that’d just transpired over the past three days.
✩ You Were Crushed (Just Like Me) by @firethesound [E, 4.9k] 🔥
Something finally comes of Harry's embarrassing crush on Malfoy. (Well, two somethings. Someones. Whatever. Also all of Harry's friends are terrible.)
There Be Dragons by Miya_Morana [M, 4.5k] 🏳️‍⚧️
Harry has been Draco's friend since they were 11 years old, the keeper of his secret, and his best ally. This is the story of how Draco became who he was always meant to be.
✩ turn my blue heart to red by @bonesliketambourines [M, 4.5k]
Harry figured he'd never see Draco Malfoy again after their disastrous not-a-relationship-no-really-Hermione ended after Eighth Year, but Harry's never been lucky, so naturally it's Head Healer Malfoy who's swanning all over Harry's emergency department, looking all pale and accomplished and competent as he sneers down at Harry's systems and processes. Meanwhile, what about that fit bloke at the gym...?
✩ On the Balcony by @firethesound [E, 3.7k] 🔥
Life had been hectic for both of them lately, and Harry was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. Having a romantic dinner on the balcony of their flat sounded like just the thing.
✩ You Were Dead by @moonstruckwytch [T, 2.4k]
What do you mean, Harry was dead?
Exclsuive. Tranquil. Deadly. by @mystickitten42 [E, 2.1k]
Harry takes his overworked husband to Silver Sands, a luxurious and exclusive wizarding resort situated on a remote tropical island. They get more than they bargained for.
✩ Pissing for England by Moonflower_Rose [M, 2k]
They're sharing a flat as part of an Auror training exercise, but if Ron can't learn to piss more quietly, they may not make it out alive.
✩ Instinctive by @shealwaysreads [E, 1.9k] 🔥
Draco does what he wants, when he wants. Even on Harry’s birthday. Luckily enough, their wants align.
I Hear You (Loud and Clear) by phdmama [E, 1.8k] 🔥
Harry absolutely does not mean for it to happen. He’s lying in his bed under the invisibility cloak. He’s not doing anything, which is probably part of the problem. He’s just lying there, trying to find the energy to get up and do… something. It doesn’t matter what.
Sleepless by Saras_girl [M, 1.7k]
Harry can’t settle, and Draco is lost in the desert. Again. Possibly.
Learning Curve by @rockingrobin69 [G, 1.7k]
“Uncle Harry, did you know Uncle Draco is a weredragon?”
Kisses by ketsumodoki [E, 1.4k] 🔥🏳️‍⚧️
A bit of pure porn where Draco and Harry fuck. That is all and fuck jk rowling <3
A-Team by @hogwartstoalexandria [E, 1.1k] 🔥🏳️‍⚧️
It wasn't even anything special Draco did or said, it was just that Harry found himself, not for the first time nor, if he had to guess, the last, consumed by the need to make his husband come undone.
✩ Let Me Carry It Instead by @the-starryknight [M, 1k]
He's going to save the Wizarding world again (again!). I'll hold him when he aches from it and wash away the blood. I'll tell him he's still a good man even if I don't believe it.
pocket-sized (< 1k)
Bird Set Free by @rockmarina [G, 827] 🏳️‍⚧️
Draco rarely felt as free as he did when he swam in the ocean.
Another’s Life by @p1013 [M, 508]
It clings to every corner, nestles into every crack and crevice it can find. There's plenty of them in the rubble that's left of the illegal potion's laboratory, and as Harry picks his way across the remains of the building carefully, his hands come away stained black with ash.
✩ Little Moments by @primavera-cerezos [G, 375]
Draco wakes to the smell of cooking.
That one time Ron attended Harry's party and didn't enjoy it at all by @melcalder [E, 8.5k, ron/blaise with background drarry] 🔥
After his "break-up" with Hermione, Ron crashes at Harry's place and has to attend one of Harry's parties. He doesn't enjoy it all that much, until he does...
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cyberrat · 3 years
46th Batch Of Fics: 10th Fill
McCree/Hanzo/Fareeha – AlphaxAlpha AU – cont B46F9 – A/B/O; D/s; hurt/comfort; dirty talk – Fareeha takes care of everything when the boys can't do it... as always.
“Damn, Reeha… it’s always such a treat to watch ya work your magic.”
Jesse tilts his head toward her as if tipping his head. He is slurring as if he were drunk, his eyes so heavy lidded that it is a wonder he hasn’t already fallen asleep.
Hanzo tries to focus on him, but it is… insanely hard. Impossible, even; what with Fareeha’s cock rooting around his insides and setting everything ablaze.
It is not the same one she had used on him a couple days ago. The last one was gentle and smooth and, now that he thinks about it – and feels the comparison – probably had been chosen to just give him a bit of comfort as he had been… ah… needy for McCree.
There’s no other way to put it. He knows it now. The sting of not being able to get McCree hard is sitting too deep to ignore or explain away. He feels hurt in a very vulnerable kind of way – though not enough to not start to get mindless at the ribbed, fake cock currently rearranging his guts and making his hole feel… oh god…
It feels so swollen, the hard ridges dragging against it continuously with every inward and outward movement. Tears are shooting to his eyes. He is drooling and only notices it when he chokes on his own saliva.
Hanzo acts like a mangy dog, but McCree sounds as if he were watching a work of art.
“Not even five minutes, and lookit him. Damn…”
Fareeha snorts. She is kneeling upright on the edge of the mattress, right hand on Hanzo’s left hip, fucking him with an ease that borders on boredom.
“It’s in the attitude, Jess. Treat them like Omega, and they will act like Omega. Nice and easy. He’s not the first Alpha I met that craves the treatment.”
She pushes back in and Hanzo thinks he can feel every ridge of her cock scraping along his sensitive insides. It triggers a shudder that goes from the tips of his toes right up to his scalp. His knot feels like a water balloon filled to the point just before bursting open. He is crouching sideways over McCree’s legs, getting drunk on the stench of medicine, cock and Alpha pheromones in the air. He feels dizzy. He feels like he is going crazy.
His cock is dripping like his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He listens to the both of them talking about him as if he were an animal… and he is dumb enough in that moment to truly feel like one, too.
Jesse laughs; slow like molasses. He lets his head fall back against the headboard, just taking a few desperately long moments, then lifting it again with seemingly monumental effort to keep watching them.
“You’ve always been three steps ahead of me.”
“Tch.” But it sounds decidedly more smug this time. “You’ve all fucked him like a bitch, but you need to treat him like an Omega.”
“Hey, you weren’t there.”
“I wasn’t. But I know you all well enough to hazard a guess as to how it all goes.”
They talk so easily; as if they had sat down for a beer instead of her fucking Hanzo like he doesn’t even matter. He can’t say that he doesn’t like it. Fareeha exudes confidence and calm in a way that makes him want to just… settle down. With her it feels like she is in control 100% of the time, no questions, no fuss. She is no-nonsense enough that he can absolutely see her dumping him if he becomes too much of a nuisance for her, so he stays nice and quiet and just goes along for the ride, letting her rearrange his insides and set his guts on fire.
She is in charge. He is just… he is just there for her enjoyment.
Slowly, his upper body lowers down until his shoulders and face is braced against the bed, ass nice and up. His muscles are as relaxed as they can be, while giving resistance to her so she can fuck him deeper. He can feel the vibrations of the ridges in his teeth...
There’s a beat of surprised silence before Jesse breathes out another little laugh.
“Well I’ll be…”
“Never presented to you, did he?” Fareeha sounds smug, fingers digging a little harder into Hanzo’s skin. She gets one foot up on the bed next to Hanzo’s knee both to keep him from bonelessly sliding his legs apart, and also have more leverage as she starts to fuck him harder; sharp little thrusts that have tears spring to his eyes and his whole body feel numb and hypersensitive at the same time.
“Not like that he didn’t. When I got my hands back, I’ll tip my hat to ya, Queen Fareeha.”
She snorts.
“Just shut up and watch. I’ll show you how to do it next time.”
Jesse mumbles something, but it is unintelligible. Hanzo somehow manages to turn his head so he can stare at McCree while he gets fucked by Fareeha. His cheek is pressed against the bed; he wouldn’t have been able to push himself up even if he wanted to; his muscles are loose in a way that is borderline scary. He’s never… felt like this. He is trained to push himself past his limit, he knows what it feels like when he is so exhausted that his muscles give out-
This is different. This is something… deeper. His body flat out refuses to move from underneath the Alpha, hoping, hoping, hoping… no… craving…
Fareeha’s cock is reaching so deep, the ridges along the shaft making him lose his mind. Her presence is like a rock. More oppressive maybe, keeping him right where he is so she can dick him in short thrusts that rattle through his body and end in the light click of his teeth.
After his experience with the Alphas at the truck stop, this is… it is too much. Too intense. But he can’t say a damn word against it. His body is just… giving it up for Fareeha in a way it has never disobeyed him before. It is scary and exciting.
Is this how Omegas feel?
His cock is painfully hard, dripping onto McCree’s sheets, balls feeling ready to burst-
Fareeha reaches beneath him, her fingertips brushing lightly against the tight swell of his testicles, already close to his body, so damn ready to shoot… He jolts, fear of her denying him this release, makes it impossible to breathe, tears shooting to his eyes.
“Don’t think he deserves to come.”
“MMhh… prolly not. But honestly – I’m not up for the bitching.” Jesse sounds so tired. He stretches slightly, then falls back against the bed, his face pale beneath the scruff of his beard.
“I’m jus’... glad he’s not hurt. An’ I really just wanna sleep, y’know?”
Fareeha’s thrusts pause for just a moment before resuming harder, her fingers curling around Hanzo’s cock.
“Sure thing, Jess. Just relax, alright? I’ll do the rest.”
She does. She does do the rest.
Hanzo whites out shortly after, shaking through an orgasm that feels like it has short-circuited his brain. He is vaguely aware of getting rearranged to lie against Jesse’s side, his whole being suffused with the smell of Alpha; but he can’t even move his tongue to form any words, so he just… doesn’t.
He sleeps.
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scribbledquillz · 3 years
For your fic ask thingie, I'm low key curious about all of them, but that is a lot... so how about D for bloodletter AU, K, L, S, and U? 😁
Fanfic Ask Meme - still accepting!
Thank you so much for sending these in, @siriskulk!
D. for Bloodletter AU - Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
I'm SO GLAD you asked this one, because I've been putting off making a legit playlist for my vampire disasters for too long. The end song count was 28 - so to save you and my dash I'll just pick a few of my faves.
1. You Ain't Comming Back - Zeal & Ardor
These stairs don't have anywhere to lead you Who cares if you're lost like the others? Don't let anybody step into the circle now Don't let anybody tell you that you're safe All these days gonna pass like a grass fire Don't let anybody tell you that you're safe
2. River - Bishop Briggs
Tales of an endless heart Cursed is the fool who's willing Can't change the way we are One kiss away from killing
3. Silvertongue - Young the Giant
Clothes on the floor, but the bed's on the ceiling Slurring my lines, but I'm nailing the meaning I'll say what you want me to say But talk only gets in the way Rolling our eyes, no more words to describe how we lose control
4. Supernatural - World's First Cinema
I ask questions of the darkness And it answered back I felt it creepin through my veins Before it all went black And I smell fire the taste of brimstone It takes control As I surrender to the beast
5. My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy
All the writers keep writing what they write Somewhere another pretty vein just dies I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see That you're the antidote to everything except for me A constellation of tears on your lashes Burn everything you love Then burn the ashes In the end everything collides My childhood spat back the monster that you see
(Trimming this beast now before it gets out of control lol)
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Ohhh that's a genuine tough one. I used to write a lot more angsty stuff back in the day before I decided I needed a happy ending to look forward to at the very least. I would say it's probably a tie between an abandoned F!Hawke/Fenris fic I had where Hawke was turned tranquil by rogue Templars after the Chantry boom, and my original timeline for Revka and Zevran. It involved Zev being out of the picture for a literal decade without Revka knowing why he left and a son Zevran didn't get to meet until said years went by. I like the way I have things ending for them now much, much more.
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
Another tie between a Mad Max style post-apocalypse Undertale AU and a Solarpunk art deco / art nouveau style Dragon Age AU involving basically the entire cast from all three games. They were both ridiculous and I loved them.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Give me all the slow burns. I'm such a sucker for a long, drawn out romance with a bunch of near misses and tender moments building up slowly over time.
I also am an unabashed monster lover, so aus where one member of a ship is like - a mermaid, a werewolf *cough cough* a vampire *cough cough* or something like that are all going to have me making huge heart eye emojis.
Other big faves include arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, star crossed lovers, both people thinking their feelings are unrequited, and a massive helping of friends to friends with benefits to the benefits getting messy because "Oh no I caught FEELINGS".
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
Technically I've already written for them, but I don't think one drabble counts in the grand scheme. I would really love a chance to develop and write more of Imakai Adaar and Varric. I feel like they would start very firmly in the friends to friends with benefits territory, but I see a lot of delicious deep but carefully hidden pining from Kai, as well as some pining on Varric's end mixed up in some very complicated emotions around lingering feelings for Bianca and his reluctance to "betray" her / his devotion to her. Not to mention adding in the potential for Cole to accidentally reveal things they don't exactly feel ready for the other to know and it's just - *chef's kiss*.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Trying' : an new chapter for "The woman with an strange name" is out ! (Warning : NSFW +18)
"Trying" (NSFW +18)
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Chapter Summary : Talking with the sheriff & the priest about her doubts of her love for the women did make Bell an little bit confident but to fully know the truth, she may have to try that for real....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart , @smokeywhalee (If anyone want to be added, feel free to tell me, same thing for my main fic "Redemption of an Spirit in an Cold War')
This was now one of the main questions that Bell was asking herself : was she in fact loving womens after all ? In her life, she never got the chance to actually been with someone as she wasn't seeing herself as an wife of an husband and also because the guy that were trying to make their moves on her wasn't this polite and acting like jerks. That did caused her to stay alone for an large part but now, she grew up and she maybe wanted some company but....was she really thinking an future with someone else....another woman ?
She needed to know but now before trying to know, she decided to do the things she was thinking of : she came back to see the gunsmith Frank Woods to get her new Winchester 1886, some bullets with it and an special holstler for the rifle to put at her back and like she thought, she had to face the inevitable questions of him about who was the famous gunslingers that learned her to shoot but she always managed to keep the secret up when she left the shop.
After that, she was gone to see the doctor Sims for her horse and this time, she prefer to not ask him further questions about Adler and then, after that, she was going back to the sheriff where she could take her 'deputy star', unofficialy making her the newest & first female deputy in the city of Redemption before she returned to her hotel room to keep her new rifle in safety, only bringing it when she will be 'on duty', now waiting for the night.
The night came and it was sounding like an party in the saloon near by and of course, Bell was already looking interested so she left her hotel room and thinking to see the sheriff at his office, he wasn't. In fact, when she entered the saloon, she could see in the bar and he wasn't alone. There were also the doctor and the gunsmith and the sheriff was the only one to not drink.
"Seems that your deputy is here, Laz'" Sims signaled to him her arrival near the bar counter where she was already making an sign to the bartender that she wasn't going to order anything.
"That star is looking fine on you, miss." Woods complimented, pointing at the yellow star on Bell's white shirt while she was moving next to the sheriff.
"Thank you, Woods." She thanked him, putting her arms on the bar counter.
"So, how's things here ?" She asked to the three of them, looking at the saloon through the mirror behind the counter, seeing an lot of people here....also armed one...."Looking like the mayor is bringing another party." She thought to herself in an low voice.
"Like usual, trying to live normally when the situation isn't normal at all." Woods was the one to reply, taking another sip of his beer as Sims almost nudged him in an friendly way, warning him he was maybe speaking an bit up.
"Adler is making another party but don't put hopes up because it ain't for us." Azoulay explained to Bell, the only one that was also like Bell : not looking around, just blank stare in front of them through the mirror.
"I wasn't going to hope for that." She muttered, thinking about it because why Adler would celebrate the fact that he reinstated the sheriff here...something he is already controlling like this whole town now. "Is he here ?"
"Yeah and guess with who ?" The sheriff whispered, making an discreet sign with his head to show where Adler was and already knowing who was that 'who', Bell couldn't resist to peak her head discreetly and for one second to see Adler, his right arm holding Miss Park firmly on that couch....she was very lovely to look at but Bell might need to think of something else as she wouldn't want to reenact the events of three days ago. "I knew you couldn't resist."
"I was just curious." She defended herself, trying to stay cool and managing to keep her look on the boys.
"Everyone is curious here, miss Bell." Sims stated, his glass in his hands as he was knowing well that word....people are getting curious, that's something usual in this city. "If someone wasn't curious here, it wouldn't be normal." He added, laughting an little.
"He got that right." Woods exclaimed, finishing his beer before his eyes went on Bell. "Come on, miss Bell, tell me how did you learn to shoot ?" He demanded, still insistant on the subject and she rolled her eyes on it.
"Again ?" She mumbled in an funny way.*
"Just give me an clue of who could have teach all of this !" He suggested and it was an first as he was always demanding about the person that she has been teached the art of shooting with an gun and by the look of it, the sheriff & the doctor wanted to know too now.
"Fine, just one clue." She resigned herself to tell him one little thing about her skills. "You ever heard about the Gunfight at O.K. Corrall ?" She asked them with an smile on her face as eyes went wide on her, everyone was knowing well of that event because it happened in Arizona and the person who participated.
"No, you got to be shitting me, miss." Woods couldn't believe it and more when she shook her head to him. "Who is the one teaching you ?" He questioned her but she shook her head again as she had given an clue, not the whole response.
"An deal is an deal, Woods." She scoffed.
"She got that right." The sheriff repeated the same words Woods used before as he wasn't also believing this clue too but less curious than Woods. "Seriously, I can't believe that it was one of the participants of that gunfight." He added, speaking to Bell about this.
"It's the truth but I'm keeping the secret." She affirmed again, turning around to put her elbows on the bar, looking around. "You will maybe know if you stop been too curious." She claimed, precisely targeting Woods with her words.
"Fine." He groaned, putting his empty glass on the bar counter before he looked up at the first floor. "Seems that the girls are watching us." He stated, causing the three others to look with him to an group of prostitutes that were having their eyes on the group before they started to move to get down, Bell seeing one of the girls that was only focused on her....only her...
"Shit, don't blush !" She thought to herself as two of the ladies were walking down the stairs including the one who was looking at Bell.
"You looking fine, Sergeant Woods." One of the prostitutes started, already putting her hands on Woods left arm.
"Miss Petrov, you also feeling lovely." He stated, knowing her well....was it love in the air between the two ? By the look of it...yes ! "Are you free ?" He asked, sounding like an shy man.
"I'm always free for you, sergeant." She replied, putting her hands on his before she start to move away with him outside the saloon for fun maybe, now leaving the others at the bar counter.
"You seems an bit...blushing, miss Bell." The prostitute that were looking at Bell commented as Bell was really blushing here at the sight of the woman in front of her that was looking so lovely too.
"Miss Bell is an bit shy, Maxis." The sheriff responded at Bell's place, giving her name to the prostitute.
"Uhm...yeah....I'm....yeah, I'm blushing." Bell admited in an loss of words, speechless at looking at Maxis before suddenly, she could feel Maxis hands coming to grab hers..."Uhm..." She was looking an bit uncomfortable.
"I think that I can help you with that, where's your room ?" Maxis demanded to her, an smile on her face as Bell was like becoming red on her face, her blushing taking over.
"Come on, you can do this." The sheriff encouraged her positively since he learned about her doubts on her sexuality, giving some strenght for Bell to move and to react.
"Follow me." She ordered in an low & stunned voice, still holding Maxis hands as the two start to leave the saloon.
Oh...my... That was the first thought that Bell got in her mind when she saw that woman taking her hands in her own, feeling for the first time, the nice feeling of an woman skin along her hands and still, she was looking blushing all along the way by that. This night was maybe going to be her night where she will know if yes or no, she is in fact loving women and it was looking that this miss Maxis was willing to help without any hesitations in her head.
Also, she was feeling troubled about what the others could feel about this but she was mixed between thinking about it or mostly to not give an simple fuck to the opinions on the others about what she feels. Of course like she predicted, the hotel receptionist sighed at seeing her before getting an jaw drop when he saw her accompanied by another woman as the two were climbing up the stairs before they arrived in Bell's hotel room.
"Here we are." Bell spoke up when they were inside the hotel room, closing the door after letting Maxis getting inside her room.
"You're sounding very low, darling." Maxis notificed that by hearing Bell's voice. "What's wrong ?" She asked her as Bell decided to get sit on the end of the bed.
"It's just that...it's my first time." Bell responded honestly with her thoughts.
"There's always an first time for everything." Maxis reassured her, going in front of Bell still standing before she start to remove Bell's light brown hat off her head in an delicate way.
"Yeah but I never kissed anyone in my life and it's my first time with an woman, miss Maxis." Bell corrected as tonight is going to be an first time for an lot of things : kissing, be with an woman and now....seems that sex was also an part of it....
"Well, I'm glad to be your first experience." Maxis said before she put her hand on Bell's shoulder, gesturing to her to lie down on the bed, Bell complying to her orders and slowly crawling backwards ont he bed as Maxis was getting on top of her in an slowly & sexy way. "And...please, call me Sam, I'm your friend."
"Alright, Sam." Bell whispered as she was seeing Sam on top of her, both heads almost close each other and the two were looking at each other in the eyes until Sam...Maxis...decided to make the first move by pulling her lips on top of Bell's one, giving her first kiss in her life. Maxis was making sure that this kiss was going to be an good memory and it was working, Bell slowly moving the movement and getting her hands along Maxis's waist with her fingerless gloves....she was liking it. "That's...wonderful." Bell stated after the two broke the kiss after an minute.
"I like it too." Maxis affirmed as she was amazed by the taste of those lips before her hands start to slowly get on Bell's white shirt, touching her breasts before slowly unbutting her shirt. "I want to know more about you, miss Bell." She added, still doing her things.
"Yes, Sam." Bell breathed, feeling her shirt going off by Maxis, it was sure that she was slowly getting her emotions took over herself as she was really liking it.
"Don't worry, I did fucked with more women then man and honestly, women were always better." Maxis revealed to Bell in an normal voice after she finished to unbutton her shirt, seeing the little white bra covering Bell's breasts, putting her hands to feel them in it....god, those breasts were amazing to touch as Maxis thought. "In fact, I prefer to please women." She added, peaking her eyes to Bell's one, an smile on her face.
"Please me then." Bell's voice was cracking as she wanted to know, she was impatient...Maxis make her impatient and willing to try now..."Sam, just do it." She pleaded, starting to moan as Maxis were touching her nipples with her fingers.
"As you wish, Bell." Maxis smiled before she start to move her hands away to remove Bell's black pants away, thinking that it was in fact better to remove that type of clothes than the usual robes of the others women she had sex with. Of course, Bell moved an little to help Maxis to remove her pants, revealing the white underwear. "What an sight !" Maxis complimented Bell before she get her head near Bell's scrotch. "Don't panick, Bell, I'm here." She recomforted her as it was her first time, no need to go hard.
"Yes, Sam." Bell repeated again, breathless as she could feel Maxis head near her panties before feeling it get moved aside, now...her clit now been seeing by Maxis. "Oh..." She moaned when Maxis blow some air at her clit.
"Don't worry, I'm here." Maxis reassured her again before she start to move her lips on Bell's clit to make an little kiss and then, she start to slowly lick Bell's clit with her tongue and Bell was silently moaning, her hands grabbing the bed itself as she was getting excited to be able to discover the pleasure of another woman. She was loving it now more than ever. Feeling Maxis's tongue licking her clit was really new and so...nice to feel, even starting to put her left hand on her breast.
"Oh my god !" Bell groaned an bit louder as long as Maxis was continuing her business down there more faster than before and then, she was now feeling like an finger entering her clit, doubling the pleasure she's been given and excitation was getting higher until Maxis kept the finger she inserted and moved to get back on top of Bell, starting to kiss her right breast. "Sam !" She said, getting fingered and having her right nipple kissed by Maxis.
"Bell, you're wonderful." Maxis told her clearly, taking an second before continuing to kiss her nipples as she was still fingering her clit and like she was thinking about, more she was doing it, more Bell was getting close to squirt for the first time and that what she did. She removed her finger at the moment she saw Bell's face and the second after, Bell was squirting on her bed and an bit on the floor, her emotions finally taking over her. "Did I hurt you ?" Maxis asked, an bit worried.
"No...you were perfect." Bell replied in an low & lovely voice, bringing an smile on both faces. "I....I want to continue but..."
"It's okay if you don't want to continue." Maxis cut her gently, staying right on top of her but Bell shook her head.
"No, it's just that...it is possible to continue but not tonight ?" She demanded as she was looking exhausted after this long day and now, having been pleased by this lovely woman named Sam...Maxis..."I loved your passion & your style." Bell added, telling the truth.
"Of course, we can continue tomorrow." Maxis responded, landing an little friendly kiss on Bell's lips before she moved aside to lie down next to Bell. "If you let me sleep here...." She smirked at Bell, getting her arm around Bell's chest.
"Yes, Sam, you can." Bell agreed, looking at Maxis installing herself comfortably on her bed, her arms still around her as she was feeling so new & changed now. Her doubts in head weren't longer doubts and it was real for her....
She was surely loving women...she can feel it now !
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audbooh-art · 6 years
Quiet Whispers In The Dark
I decided to try and do @two-halves-of-reylo ‘s reylo weekly challenge, so I accidentally wrote 2000 words! Please, enjoy this week’s prompt: betrayal. 
btw: this fic is rated T
also, this prompt comes with art! I drew this a couple of days ago, and it seems to fit. it’s on the bottom!
Kylo feels Rey's arms wrapped around him. The light of the city shines through the window. This backwater planet's city never sleeps, and so light illuminates the hotel room they're in.
It was a blur, how they got here. A Force bond that turned into a meetup. Flying to this planet. Rey's hands tangled in his hair as they kissed passionately. Laying next to each other, revelling in the feeling of Rey's naked body next to his. Another Force bond, another meetup. It became normal, their meetups. As she liked to call them. He never thought of them as quick sex. He was certain she did, though. After all, they never spoke to each other about Crait. About the throne room. She had said herself, this was just simple need. Just simple attraction. Never past that. Kylo knew why she said it was only attraction. It was the same reason why he would never admit to her that he loved her.
Because they were afraid.
Kylo pulls Rey's arms off of him, knowing that she liked him to be gone by the time she wakes up. He slides on his clothes, glancing back one more time to see her peaceful face. Her beautiful face.
He opens the door, locking it behind him. Dawn is just starting on the planet, yet there are people everywhere. He weaves through the foot traffic, walking towards the nondescript shuttle he took here. His TIE Silencer was on a planet nearby, with a farmer that he paid (or bribed) to keep quiet. Kylo observes the flashing lights around him, wondering whether the people shuffling around him knew of the turmoil swirling in his brain. He couldn't keep this up for long. Every time Rey's lips trailed down his skin, he had been bursting with the need to say "I love you". It would be a mistake, a betrayal of their unsaid contract. And yet, he did love her. He loved her so much. He loved her laugh and her smile and her will and her stubbornness. He loved every single part of her, and it hurt more than the lightsaber wound she had given him.
Her lips were a poison to him, making him think thoughts he never would've contemplated before her. As Kylo walks towards the shuttle, he remembers the feeling of her hands tracing his spine, her grip on his body, her lips on his. Kylo was being torn apart with a need. A need for her.
Rey had conquered the Jedi Killer, the Supreme Leader. She just didn't know it yet.
Kylo steps into the shuttle, glancing at the sleek black walls which seem to reflect the light around it. The shuttle's decoration is the opposite of the soft colours of the hotel room. Two different parts of Kylo's life, modelled by two rooms. He walks towards the cockpit, tracing his hand across the walls. He falls into the chair, wishing that he could just stay in the hotel room. Instead, he puts on his mask of indifference, burying the nights with Rey deep in his head.
Rey slams his back into the wall, and Kylo moans as she quickly begins to undo the clasps keeping his tunic together. He keeps his hands on her hips, letting his mind go blank as she quickly pulls off his tunic and undershirt. Her hands slide down his chest, and Kylo tries to reach towards her shirt. She paws his hands away, and he moves back to her hips.
Her lips kiss him, and he feels like he's being drained of all darkness. His lips tingle, and he cups the back of her head, pulling her towards him. She abandons his belt buckle and tangles her hands in his hair. They kiss passionately, without thought, and Kylo finally utters the words he's been wanting to ever since they started these illicit meetups.
"I love you," Kylo says, and Rey pauses. She pulls away from him, and he leans forward to catch her lips in his once again. She walks backwards, a mixture of horror and another emotion on her face.
"What?" she asks, and it's only then that Kylo realises he said those three words aloud. Usually, he would say it in his head as she entwined their bodies together. Kylo has made the biggest mistake of his life. But it's too late now.
"I..." Kylo starts, but the words fail to come to him. Rey stands, aghast, then she straightens her hair and clothes.
"I'm leaving," Rey says, and Kylo reaches out to her before dropping his hand.
He has betrayed Rey. And he knows it.
Kylo watches silently as Rey packs up her stuff. She furrows her brows as she gathers her things into her arms. Rey walks towards the door, looking back to see Kylo, still half-undressed.
"You broke your promise, Kylo," Rey says, and Kylo nods solemnly. Rey's expression relaxes, then she slams the door behind her.
As soon as she's gone, Kylo's mood shifts from apathetic to angry. He yells, then starts to punch the wall, not caring that his knuckles start to bleed. His stomach tightens, and he itches with the need to slice through machinery with his lightsaber. But one of the rules was that they leave their weapons in the shuttle.
He continues to punch, pain searing through his hands. He's torn off the skin by now, but he doesn't care. An unstoppable force rises in his throat, and he lets out a feral scream. Finally, he pauses, cradling his knuckles to his bare chest as he breathes heavily.
Kylo collapses to the floor, tears falling down his face. He shakes with the effort of his sobs, wishing he could travel back in time and fix his mistake. But he can't.
With effort, Kylo rises to his feet. He grabs his undershirt and tunic, pulling them over his head. His knuckles sting, but he revels in the pain. Pain is supposed to make one stronger.
Kylo doesn't feel very strong. No, he doesn't feel strong at all.
He's sitting in his room when the Force bond opens up. Usually, with their meetups, the bond is sedated. This time, the Force seems to strike upon his broken form.
Kylo drops his eyes to the floor, hearing Rey's breathing echo through the room. He dares to peek at her form.
She's tinkering with machinery, sitting criss-crossed with her back to Kylo. Rey's concentrating as she puts pieces back together. Kylo can't help but admire her. Her hair, tucked behind her ears. Her spine, and the memory of his finger trailing down it. Kylo has missed her touch. He's missed her.
Kylo steps forward, his feet hesitant, yet at the same time very certain. His body is craving her, reminding him that when they are together, they dance in between bodies, their souls entwined.
A small voice in the back of his head reminds Kylo that it's not just his body that wants to touch her. It's him, too.
Maybe he's stupid, or maybe he can't resist the voice in his head, but Kylo's mind is suddenly made up.
"Rey," Kylo says, and Rey's body tenses as she continues to work. Silence fills the room, and Kylo knows she isn't going to speak. So he says nothing, instead choosing to sit next to her.
Her body seems like it's fighting itself. She relaxes for a moment, then tenses up again. Kylo wonders what's chugging through her brain. What is she thinking? He could never guess. He didn't guess that she would promise that he wasn't alone by the fireside. That she would come to the Supremacy, fight alongside him. That she would refuse his offer, and run to her friends. Kylo could never predict what Rey would do. So he tried not to. Instead, he went along with her. He had stopped thinking with her. He had stopped thinking when she had first asked him to come to the hotel room. When she had slammed him against the wall, taking his innocence in her hands. He had never kissed a girl before her, never slept with a girl before her.
He had never been in love with a girl before her. Loving her was the worst mistake of his life. And yet, he couldn't stop. He dreamt about her, about her laugh and what their life could be like. If the war had never started if she had spotted him brooding on a street in Chandrila. If their relationship had been normal.
But it wasn't normal, it wasn't good, and Kylo would never be able to have what he wanted. So instead, he sits next to her, watching as she tried her hardest to ignore him. He stole little moments and locked them away, keeping them hidden from himself.
Rey's hands are dirty, stained with grease. She picks up a tool and starts to twist two parts together. It's only now that Kylo sees she's trying to piece the broken lightsaber back together. From how it looks, she had melted the hilt and created a new one, with a slot for the kyber crystal and two openings, one on either side. She had made a saberstaff. But the kyber crystal was nowhere to be found.
"Are you rebuilding the lightsaber?" Kylo asks. Rey says nothing, and Kylo accepts the silence.
The bond breaks apart, and Kylo can't tell whether he's relieved or sad. He's afraid that Rey will never speak to him again.
Kylo is afraid that his betrayal runs too deep.
He's on the battlefield, watching as blaster bolts are traded between the two different sides. Kylo scans the field, searching for something that needed his skills. That's when he sees the traitor, confidence oozing out of him as he brandishes his blaster, waving his comrades forward.
Not on my watch. Kylo rushes forward, dropping his cape behind him as his feet hit the ground. He's running towards the group of rebels surrounding the former Stormtrooper. Red clouds his vision as Kylo remembers all that the traitor had done. He lets out a scream, holding out his lightsaber as he runs. Suddenly, a bright light darts out, and Kylo's run is stopped by the force of something blocking his lightsaber.
Kylo glances up to see Rey, a fierce expression on her face, as she blocks him with a shining new double-sided lightsaber. Kylo stares in awe at the magnificent construction of the lightsaber. Rey truly has a gift.
She leaves him no time to marvel. Rey starts on the offensive, swinging her saberstaff at Kylo aggressively. He jumps back, bringing his lightsaber up to block her attacks. It continues for a bit, with Rey swinging, almost wildly, at Kylo as he steps backwards. But Rey is careless, and Kylo soon finds the pattern in her swings. He steps to the side as she lunges, and Rey's caught off guard. She trips, but quickly gets back up again, yelling as she moves to attack him again.
Kylo had an opportunity to counter-attack, but he hadn't taken it. As he begins to block again, he inwardly wonders why. Then, as Rey brings down her saberstaff, Kylo comes to a realisation.
He doesn't want to attack her. He doesn't want the war to continue. All he wants is to lay in Rey's arms.
So, as Rey brings back her saberstaff to attack again, he shuts off his lightsaber. The crackling red blade retreats back into the hilt, and he holds it in his hands like it's made of glass. The entire battlefield goes quiet as Kylo gets to one knee, holding the lightsaber in front of him. He bows his head, not daring to say a word. His words had never helped him before, not when he first made the offer aboard the Supremacy, not when he was in the hotel room, whispering his darkest secret. So he keeps silent, hoping his actions were enough.
His blood is rushing in his ears, and Kylo can barely breathe. He keeps his eyes trained on the grass, watching it wave in the wind. He starts to think that he's going to pass out.
A finger brushes underneath his chin, lifting it up. Kylo is forced to look into Rey's eyes. She had shut off her saberstaff, and it's hooked to her belt. There's a vulnerability in her eyes he had only seen in the throne room on the Supremacy. He holds his breath, his mind blank.
Rey's other hand grips his lightsaber, and she takes it from his hands. He drops his hands, acceptance flowing through him. If she decides to kill him, he would know it was because she thought it was right. Kylo only knew that he would die looking into Rey's eyes. He would die happily for that.
Rey points the lightsaber at his chest, pushing the metal into his tunic. Kylo doesn't dare close his eyes, but his breath comes out rapidly. And yet, there still was no fear.
Rey drops the lightsaber, catching Kylo's lips with her own. Kylo laughs inwardly, then wraps his arms around her. He lifts her into the air, smiling as she kisses him.
Everything seems okay, with her in his arms.
Kylo gently puts Rey down, arms still wrapped. She pulls away slightly, cupping his face in her hands. Rey leans forward, gently placing kisses down his scar. Kylo grins, rubbing circles on Rey's back with his thumbs.
"I love you, too," Rey says, and Kylo's not sure if his laugh is out of relief or happiness. He leans forward, touching his forehead to hers.
"I love you," Kylo repeats, and Rey's laugh is heaven to his ears.
Her smile is all he needs in life. She's all he needs.
(make sure to click on the image for higher quality)
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When is the first time Alex gets to actively help Kara (and/or Clark) in some kind of superhero crisis? (I presume she doesn't actually wait until she's 49, unlike what Kara's suggestion was in the babysitting fic, haha.)
You presume correctly:
OnMay 4th, 2004, Alex Danvers saves the world.
Shedoesn't set out tosave the world, necessarily. If anything, she's more preoccupied withconvincing her mom to let her stay an extra day in Metropolis.
“School,”Eliza says firmly, over the phone.
“Mom,I'm like...five chapters ahead in bio,” Alex counters. Eliza hums.
“How'sthat history project coming along?”
“Mmmm-hmm.That's what I thought.” Alex groans, knowing she'll never win thisargument. Not if historyis involved. “Kara's flying you back tonightlike we planned. Got it?”
“Oh!That reminds me...is Kara there? Could you put her on? There's aresearch facility out in Nebraska, and if she could make a quickstop—”
“She'sbusy with a mugging downtown,” Alex interrupts, “but I can tellher. Just—” Alex scours the desk for a spare post-it note and apen. “Gimme a sec—”
Hersearch is interrupted by the sound of a muffled explosion. The DailyPlanet building trembles, andthe handful of people in the office stop what they're doing to lookout the windows.
Alex'shand freezes over the desk drawer.
“I'll...callyou back.”
Alexhangs up without further explanation, and knows she'll be in for itlater.
But,as it is, there's a freaking spaceshiptearing up the financial district, so she's hoping her mom willunderstand.
“Go,go!” Perry yells, ushering everyone towards the stairs. Theexplosions continue, stronger this time around. A few people losetheir balance, tripping as the city shakes.
Alexhelps those closest to her, slowing to offer a hand, to make surethey reach the stairwell safely.
Oneof the art interns spots her and rushes over.
“Yougo,” he says, and takes over assisting so that Alex can leave.“I'll make sure they get out safe.”
“But—”Alex starts to protest.
“I'ma friend of Clark's,” the intern explains with a grin. “And Idon't think either Kent would forgive me, if I let Alex Danvers playhero while Brainiac blows up Forty-First Street.”
Thathe seems to know Alex, but that Alex doesn't know him,is enough to stun her into momentary compliance. When Perry corralsher down the stairs, along with the rest of the DailyPlanet staff, she doesn'tresist.
Theminute they're out on the street, though, and the shape of thesituation changes, Alex feels herself tense, and pull away fromPerry's side.
“You'rewith me, kid,” Perry says firmly, “until we can find yourcousin.” Kara never did get around to telling Perry the truth; he'sstill under the impression that Alex is somehow related to Clark andKara.
Alexwatches streams of people run through the streets, and glancesskyward. It's hard to tell through all the smoke, but she thinks shespots a red cape in the distance.
“...Okay...”Alex agrees, trotting after him. She's not scared. A little...ampedup, maybe. But not scared.
Kara'staking care of things.
Oncethey're several blocks away, Perry barks for the entire DailyPlanet brood to duck into a nearby sports bar, with the intentionof hunting down a TV.
“Seeif we can't get a better idea of what's going on,” he explains toAlex, even though Alex is perfectly capable of determining the reasonfor the quick detour.
Thereis a TV, mounted in the far corner, the screen fuzzy with static, butstill more or less functioning.
“Turnit to channel four,” Perry barks at the jumpy bartender, and then,under his breath, “hate bowing to the competition but Cat's gonnabe right in the middle of this.”
Sureenough, there's a live report, Cat Grant's face in the middle of thescreen.
“—pergirlappears to have the threat contained, but we'll keep monitoring the—”
There'sanother explosion. The camera shudders and tilts. Cat Grant swears onnational TV and people behind her are screaming.
“Notme you insufferable—look!” Perry and Alex watch as Catbasically wrestles the steady-cam from the operator and pointsit at the battle overhead. A swarm of—drones? Continue theirassault on the lone figure dressed in primary colors.
Theyaren't winning.
Untilthe large, looming spacecraft fires some sort of projectile pointblank at Supergirl.
Theaudio cuts out as the hero slams through two buildings. It's eerie,because they can all hear the far off echo of the destruction.
“—ackon—” the crew is trying to fix the audio as people on screenshout.
“Comeon, come on,” Perry mutters.
“—MonumentAvenue, in the middle of a crater—” now the crew is runningin the direction Supergirl was thrown, the audio only partiallyrestored. It cuts out, comes back on, fizzles and pops.
Blocksahead of the crew, a crowd is gathered.
Itfeels like it takes an eternity for Cat and her crew to get closeenough for the woman to grab someone by the arm and ask what's goingon.
“Supergirl'snot breathing.”
“...Thehell?” Perry yells at the TV. “Not breathing?” he turnsto look at Alex. “But that's not poss—kid?”
Alexisn't there.
Alexis currently sprinting as fast as she can toward Monument (she hopesshe is, anyway, it's not like she's committed a map of Metropolis tomemory or anything)  because if Supergirl's not breathing...
She'llneed CPR.
She'llneed CPR and then she'll need that Martian guy to show up with hisblack ops team because apparently they've got medicalequipment that can treat Kryptonians.
(Alexis not supposed to know this. Her parents are not supposed toknow this. But Kara knows the Martian guy and he knows they'renot supposed to know so he makes sure...no one knows that they know.)
Humansaren't strong enough to administer CPR to a Kryptonian. And even ifthey could, they'd do it wrong.
“KAL!”She yells, hoping that Clark is listening, all the way out in Kansas.“KAL YOU COLOSSAL DORK, GET YOUR A—”
“Golimp!” Alex has exactly three seconds of warning beforeshe's being rocketed up, up, and away. “I didn't break anything,did I?”
Anyother day, Alex would tell Clark that he's the one with X-Rayvision, but there's no time for joking.
“I'mfine. We need to get to Monument.”
Clarknods, though he does hesitate a little as Brainiac drones buzz intohis peripheral vision.
Buthe trusts Alex, and he knows something is wrong. He thought Kara washandling the whole Brainiac problem, but apparently she needs anassist.
Clarkdoesn't slow his decent when they arrive. He just slams into theground beside Kara, who remains prone and unmoving at the bottom ofthe crater.
“Ohno,” he mutters. Alex doesn't let him freak out, though. They canfreak out later.
“Youhave to do chest compressions,” Alex says, pulling up the hood ofher sweatshirt as the crowd presses as close as the ruined pavementwill allow. Clark nods.
“To'Stayin' Alive,' right?”
“That'sfor humans.”
Alextries to remember what her parents said—what they'd been talkingabout, as they compiled information on the Kryptonian circulatorysystem.
“It's—faster.More like...” Alex taps a rhythm with her foot. Clark nods hastilyand begins. “Yeah, just—keep doing that.”
Andthen Alex pulls out her phone and dials her dad's number—theemergency number. The number that was never necessary beforealiens.
BeforeKara and Clark.
Hepicks up almost immediately.
“Youneed to call the Martian guy,” Alex says, trying to keep her voiceeven. She tells herself everything's okay now, because Clark is hereand he's going to keep Kara's heart beating.
Butthat doesn't mean there aren't still robot drones and a freakingspaceship attempting to tear apart the city.
“Dad,he's gotta get here fast.”
“Okay,Alex, okay. Are you somewhere safe?”
“Um.”Alex scratches her head. “I'm with Clark and Kara.” It's not alie.
“Okayjust...hang tight, kiddo.”
AndAlex would, she really, really would.
But,again. Drones and spaceship.
“Keepdoing the compressions,” she tells Clark, clambering out of thecrater. Clark yelps.
“What?!Al—uh. Ah. Youth I've never met before! You can't—”
“Help'son the way! You'll know it when you see it!” Alex calls, just as asquadron of drones swoops down, presumably to finish the job. “Hey!You—uh. Coluans?!” Alex thinks that's the right name.
Thedrones swivel around.
“Uh.”Alex fumbles with her phone. Coluans...they like technology. Theylike...possess it, or whatever. “Uh, uuuhhhh...you guys want this?Huh?!”
Shesuspects they probably don't, judging by the way they turn anddescend on the two Kryptonians.
SoAlex is forced to grab a bit of rubble and chuck it at them.
Someof the rocks hit their mark, some don't. Either way...
Thedrones are mad.
Theyturn and charge. Alex turns and charges as well—charges down thestreet, shoving people aside, vaulting over debris.
Herparents are going to kill her.
(Ifthe drones don't kill her first, that is.)
Andshe realizes, in retrospect, that this is a very dumb plan. Becausethe drones can fly. And outpace her. One zooms ahead and clipsher shoulder. Another aims to take her out by ramming her legs, andit's only because she had to clear a downed street sign that sheavoided having her knees busted.
She'svery nearly out of breath, and another drone slams into her frombehind. She tumbles forward. It's all over.
“Ithought we agreed on forty-nine.”
Alexstops picking at the bandage on her arm and glances over at Kara.
“Forty-nine,”she repeats, shifting on the couch and wincing as her broken ribsprotest. “We agreed you'd start saving the world at forty-nine.”
“Idon't—” Alex tilts her head to the side.
“Right,yeah, I distinctly recall settling on that number,” Clark pipes up.He brings over a few mugs of hot chocolate—he feels a little guiltyfor breaking Kara's ribs. And letting a kid serve asdistraction for the bad guys.
“Youprobably don't remember,” Kara laughs at Alex's confusion. “Youwere pretty small.”
“Andtraumatized,” Clark says. Kara raises a skeptical eyebrow. “Okay.I was traumatized.”
“Wasthis the 'Sharon' incident?” Alex hedges a guess. Both Kryptoniansnod. “Yeah I don't...that was a while ago.”
“Verbalcontract's still binding,” Kara insists, reaching forward andinstantly regretting it. Clark helps her, meeting halfway with themug. “I'll let it slide this time. Since, you know. You didsave the world,” Kara doesn't bother to hide how proud she is.
“Ididn't,” Alex says, ducking her head. After the Martian guy swoopedin and helped revive Kara, the two cousins more or less sent Brainiacpacking. “Not really.”
“Yes,really!” Kara argues.
“And,and!” Clark interjects. “You saved it in a patently 'AlexDanvers' way; by throwing stuff at the bad guys.”
Clarkand Kara laugh, and Alex does too, though she doesn't reallyunderstand what's so funny.
Whatshe does understand, however, is that she's in for anear-full, because her phone rings loudly in her pocket. The tendigits scroll across the screen.
“It's Mom,” she cringes. Clark and Kara stop laughing and share a look.
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