#i hope this is close to what you wanted. i haven't done in depth smut like this in a while
dp-marvel94 · 7 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me, @agentianlegend !
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
62! I can't believe I have that many fics posted.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Almost exclusively Danny Phantom. I have one Gravity Falls Crossover and one DPxDC crossover as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
Summoning: When Jack and Maddie Fenton tried to summon the King of All Ghosts, the last thing they expected was the sudden appearance of a very familiar, very human boy wearing spaceship pajamas and with a toothbrush halfway to his mouth.
Double Discovery: After accidentally shooting Phantom with an anti-possession gun, Maddie finds she has a lot to learn about both Danny Phantom and Danny Fenton. Eventual Revelation Story.
Borrower Danny: A teeny tiny Danny starts living in Wayne Manor
4. Fangs or No Fangs: For Phic Phight 2021. Jack and Maddie know that Danny is Phantom. They saw him transform and they knew they should talk about it with him. But…even after two weeks, that conversation feels impossible. And so Jack and Maddie have a plan: a trip to the planetarium to cheer Danny up, to finally see him smile again, and to pave the way for the truth.
5. Below the Greenhouse: For the Phic Phight. Prompt by Avearia: Maddie discovers the depths of Vlad's obsessions when she stumbles upon his secret lab. Despite the shock, part of her almost isn't surprised by the stolen Fenton Tech, the ripoff ghost portal, or the eerie Holo-Maddie—but the clone she finds floating in the pod at the back of the room? That's another matter entirely.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I generally try to! I love hearing what readers have to say and will happily answer questions, as long as I'm not giving out spoilers. XD
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, my second long fic, Hope Can Be a Heavy Thing to Hold, ends with the main character dying so....
Seriously though, I do have a sequel to this story planned as my next major project. Maybe we'll all find out things aren't what they seem. 😜
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I love angst with a happy ending so a lot of my fics end happily. I don't think I can pick which one is happiest. This one has a special place in my heart though.
Offspring of my ectoplasm. My child.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have before but not very often. I normally just delete mean comments without replying.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have written a two before. I think Borrower Danny is the craziest one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Luckily I haven't as far as I know.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Kinda? One of my fics, The Danny Program, was based on an au which @thesoulspulse came up with. Later, Soul wrote a longer version of that au which followed a lot of the same stories beats as my fic and I beta'd.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm not a huge shipper. Dark Gray (Dan Phantom and Valerie Gray) is something of a guilty pleasure though.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My series, Life and Death is all Perspective, has been a bit of a struggle. I get close to thinking it's done and it keeps growing. 😂
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm very good at writing emotions and dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fights scenes are definitely a struggle since I have trouble visualizing them in my head.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I only speak English fluently so I probably wouldn't write dialogue in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I feel like I've told this story before but the first fic I wrote was a Doctor Who fic for a school assignment in high school. It was for one of those warm-up exercises in English and my teacher loved it. XD
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Tagging @mymadmedleyw @five-rivers @assorted-candy @tathartiel @tachvintlogic and anyone else who wants to participate!
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disastardly · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @hereforanepilogue!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 16, with more on my mostly-abandoned FF.net account
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 163,682 (and about ~200k more unpublished in my WIP folder)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now the big one is Stranger Things but my forever fandom is Power Rangers/Sentai/Kamen Rider. I've also written for Psych, Doctor Who, and Supernatural. (Most of my SPN and DW stuff is sequestered to my FF account.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Or at Least Milwaukee) (1093)
To Find a King (869)
Dream On (112)
In the Mood (112)
Cold Hard Bitch (104)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I really try to, but sometimes it gets away from me and I worry it's been too long since they left the comment, and it turns into a whole thing (in my head ofc).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Descent, easily. The post kiss freakout being resolved in another fic? When the fic was originally going to end very differently? Yeaaaaaaah.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Toss up between TFaK (fully resolving's Descent's angsty ending) or California (literally a mini-fic about the OTP getting married).
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not so far?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have, mainly some pretty straightforward m/m stuff. A few funkier attempts swim around my WIP folder, almost certainly never to see the light of day.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've written a lot of subtle crossovers, but only two overt ones, and I think the craziest would be the Doctor Who/Office one I wrote back in high school. Dwight is a Dalek!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? If anyone has, they didn't ask or tell me (or it's been long enough that I forgot).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? At this point, feels safe to say Maddie/Nick, even if that's at least 75% my own interpretations and projections. Destiel, Shassie, and Steddie are pretty darn close, especially Destiel, even if I haven't been involved in that fandom in over a decade.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A few of my orphaned fics on FF.net will probably never see the light of day, as well as some of the half-formed works in my current WIP folder. Technically have the finished final chapter of Magical Mysteries but no motivation to edit, so still holding hope for that one.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, I think. I spend a lot of time trying to imagine the scenes I write and hear the dialogue how I think the actors would deliver it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Conciseness, clearly. Takes a lot of self-editing to wrangle a story to a manageable, clear narrative.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done bits and pieces of it here and there, mainly with the like five languages that I can double-check against my own thin linguistic knowledge.
19. First fandom you wrote for? if you dig back far enough, pretty sure it was Pokemon on the Bulbagarden forums
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Descent, easily. Despite the angsty ending, it was fun to write a slice of life centered on two characters I love, going to an event I love even more.
no pressure tags for @eriquin @serpentinegraphite and whoever else sees this, go wild
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tllthesundies · 3 years
prompt idea...more of a guide rather than a specific moment though! stoic dom harry who completely melts for his cute boyfriend lou :)
tags: non au, mexico city hslot, dom/sub, daddy kink, degradation kink, feminization, spanking, coming untouched(?)
"Great show, Harry!" one of his crew says to him as he passes down the stadium hall.
Harry's sweating underneath his suit, red lightning bolts zapping through his veins and blood as he takes steady steps to his dressing room. He nods to each crew member he passes, thanking them and blessing them, continuing on. There's a ringing in his ears that's constant. Every loud step he takes, the clack of his heeled boots, feels important as they knock against the walls and echo through the hall; his hips are walking first, guiding him; and it takes him a good five minutes to find his dressing room, ignoring everyone that passes by him, and when he approaches his door and grabs the knob to push it open, he peeks his head in first.
Louis's sitting at his small vanity, playing with something red in his hands.
Harry stays still.
"I know you're there," Louis then says.
A corner of Harry's mouth twitches up. He walks into the room and closes the door behind himself, coming closer to Louis. "Yet you ignored my presence," he comments, and snatches the red tube out of Louis's hands. It almost looks like lipstick. "What is this?"
Louis stands from his chair and snatches it back.
He walks away from Harry to a settee, and Harry tilts his head. He doesn't like that.
"Are you being difficult, baby?"
Harry had the intentions of preparing himself as he walked to his dressing room, for when he entered it, of starting it. But Louis's energy is coming off a little too commanding for the position he knows he's supposed to be in; like he thinks he's going to successfully challenge Harry. So, Harry breaks his character a little, and he smiles at his own words; and he knows Louis hears his smile, because he turns around to look at Harry, a secretive glint in his blue eyes.
"No," he answers, plopping down on the green velvet settee. "I would never, daddy."
Daddy is code.
Harry eases the smile off his face, and, shrugging his fringed suit jacket off of himself, he throws it gently onto the other side of the settee, leaving him in his mostly unbuttoned white shirt and trousers. He picks up a leg and sets his foot on the right side of Louis, all while Louis stares at him, and he leans forward to pluck the lipstick out Louis's hand again.
Louis doesn't protest.
Harry uncaps it, twisting the button to reveal the cool-toned red colour. He assesses it, then uses his free hand to reach and grab one of Louis's and places the lipstick in his hand and looks directly into Louis's gaze, unblinking.
"I want you to put this on," he commands quietly.
Louis blinks.
He does as Harry says--slow and sensual with his movements; it's a little messy in the corners, but it's perfect.
"Now, give it back to me," Harry says, reaching out a hand. Louis complies, but Harry keeps it in his own hand. "Now"--he uses a hand to pull at his collar--"I want you to kiss me right here, darling." Louis gets on his knees to match the height of Harry's shoulders, and Harry points to a spot right before his collar. Louis leans in, carefully leaving a stained kiss, and pulls away. "Kiss me here." Harry uses his same fingers to point to his right jawline. Louis repeats the process. "And, now, kiss me here, princess." Harry trails both hands down to his belt, and undoes the zipper. He puts his foot back on the ground, pulling his trousers and underwear with it just enough to expose his hard prick and balls. His cock is standing tall, blood having rushed from his thrill of the stage and the anticipation of seeing Louis afterwards straight to his dick. He places a hand underneath his cock and moves it up to expose his balls; he uses his other fingers to tap it lightly.
Louis raises his eyebrows at him, but, slowly, lowers himself and angles his head to get close to his ballsack.
Harry feels him leave the imprint of his lipstick kiss, lips cooling against his warmth and musk; but as Louis's head starts to come back up, Harry grabs a handful of his hair.
"Not so fast."
Louis meets his gaze, eyes glistening as he keeps peeking at Harry's cock that's so close to his face.
"What, daddy?" he asks--and his voice is so shy and soft, it almost makes Harry's cock twitch.
Harry tilts his head.
"You know what to do."
He roughly lets go of Louis's hair to see what he'll do.
Louis straightens his posture as Harry lets go of his cock; it bounces right in front of Louis's face, and Louis's caught in a sudden daze at the thickness; at the length; at the girth that he's choked on so many times before.
Harry's hoping he'll choke on it right now.
Louis's lips ghost over the tip of Harry's cock, his gaze flickering up at Harry and what's in front of him. Slowly, he opens his mouth to suck the tip in only. His cheeks hollowing out, he makes sure to treat it like an actual lollipop; Harry's head tilts back slightly at the sensation of Louis's tongue digging and swiping between the slit, then looks down with hands coming to grip his own hips to stare directly into Louis's eyes. He's going to watch him take Harry all the way; and Louis proceeds to: he slowly slides down Harry's cock halfway before re-emerging to his tip, his red lipstick smearing all over Harry's cock; then he slides forward more than he did; and it's a game of taking Harry further down his throat, easing himself on it. And Harry just watches. He doesn't give Louis the satisfaction of moaning and groaning; he holds it in.
Harry grabs a handful of Louis's hair once again as he starts to fasten his pace--he becomes so fast he chokes in between, but that's exactly what Harry wants.
"Stop," he commands, voice stern.
Louis instantly stills.
Harry pulls him off his red-stained dick, shoving him backwards on the settee. Louis doesn't bat an eye as Harry uses one to grip himself and wipe all the lipstick remnants off onto his hand, then he leans forward and, with rough pressure and slow movements, Harry smears the remnants over Louis's face. He starts at Louis's jaw, going anticlockwise, fingers and pad of his hand rubbing over his cheeks, mouth, and nose.
He's smearing Louis's actual lipstick simultaneously.
When he lifts his hand, Louis's looks like a tragedy: smeared, pink and red swollen lips, with smears of lipstick over his nose and cheeks, eyes bright and a deeper blue.
He sneaks a hand behind Louis's head, at his nape, and lowers his head to connect their lips.
It tastes like cosmetics, like dick, but there's still the taste of Louis in there; a little minty, a little sweet; and Harry tears apart his lips. He gnaws at his bottom lip, biting into it, then he slides his tongue in--and Louis's doing his best, trying to match harry, but they're both aware Louis can't keep up with Harry's movements; Harry's too unpredictable and disastrous: the opposite of Louis.
Louis loves feeling helpless under the hands of Harry.
He pulls back.
"Take off your pants and get on your knees facing the back cushions," Harry demands.
"Yes, daddy," Louis says, soft and quiet.
Louis takes his trousers and underwear off together, kicking his shoes off, as well. His small cock is hard and a little red, and Harry feels slight pity for it, but he displays no emotions externally. That's not his part of his job as Louis' dom. Louis gets on his knees and faces the back cushions, arse on display, and Harry bites his bottom lip at the sight.
He gets close to run his fingers over the plumpness of his cheeks, then whips his hand back to strike a hard smack against them.
Louis whimpers.
"Shut up, whore," Harry commands. He lands another smack that echos in the room, and a red spot begins to blossom on the exact spot. Louis hangs his head, whimpering again, and Harry scoffs at him. "Look at you. Crying over a spanking. How pathetic." He uses his other hand to pull Louis's hair, yanking his head back, and keeps smacking him with the other, eliciting groans and soft cries from him. He uses the back of his hand a few times, so, that his rings cause a bigger reaction from Louis's skin. "You're so easy, baby--is this all it takes? A little spanking, a little sucking cock? You choke on my cock and then expect to be rewarded. Whores don't get rewarded. They get punished."
This specific smack is with his fingers, and it's so hard that it elicits a cry from Louis he only releases when he's coming.
Harry lets go of his hair, Louis's head falling forward, and Harry kneels onto the settee beside him to see come oozing from his dick, covering some of the cushions and Louis's hands. It's a bunch of white goopiness.
"Harry," softly, weakly exhales Louis.
That's cue to break character.
"Oh, baby," instantly coos Harry, brushing gentle fingers against Louis's hot cheek. He quickly grabs his own underwear from the floor, the closest thing to a flannel in this dressing room, and starts wiping Louis and the settee off. "I love you so much; you did incredible, my love." Louis's so pliant, it's incredibly easy to bring Louis down into his arms and embrace him, bringing comfort and peace to him. "I could do everything and anything for you, Louis, and it still wouldn't be enough. You deserve the sea, the sunsets, the lakes, the gems found under rocks, and all its bliss trapped within, yet you're too bright for it all. You're an angel sent from above."
Louis lowers his head onto Harry's chest, and Harry can feel him smile.
"I love you, too," he giggles. "Now, wipe this fucking lipstick off my face that you caused."
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Into The Mystic
(Leon x Honey one shot)
Warnings: smut and fluff
A/N: Honey and Leon get what some people don't, another chance at their first time. It's my birthday, and I'll continue getting my faves laid if I want to!!
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Leon felt uneasy about their move to Manhattan. Honey had spent several years on the run from the FBI. But she slipped her old neighborhood on like the coat he bought her their first Christmas. It was warm and familiar to her.
Leon, on the other hand, was anxious. He still looked over his shoulder the last few weeks. He was unable to let go of the idea that they were squared up with both organizations. Honey and Kidman got them to out bet one another based on all the documents Leon had hidden in his belongings when they left London after.. Not only were they clear, they got to keep the money. But not without an ominous warning that the couple might owe them a favor in the future.
In The Village, Honey and Leon's flat was spacious. They had a massive kitchen and living area. A clawfoot bathtub and shower and both of them could spend time together without banging elbows. There were two bedrooms and a walk-in closet. A room too large for an only child like Selina, but there was hope more kids may one day follow. There was a fire escape for plants and smoking weed late after the little one went down. Most importantly, they had a king sized bed and a master room they never had to split with anyone.
Leon sat on the edge of their giant bed and waited for Honey. Whatever it was she was doing in the closet. He waited for her with patience for the last year, the last few weeks, these last hours until Selina went for her nap.
Despite being together again, he hadn’t actually been WITH Honey. He forgot how much he loved sex with her. He was always too high since she and her pregnancy left London for India. He stayed faithful and wanked to the photos she left behind. Or the erotic letters she wrote. So much had happened, he settled for her kisses and held her while she slept.
“Fuck yeah! I found them! Ok just a few more minutes, alright. Sugar did a number on my body, not sure if they’ll fit.” Honey shouted out at Leon from the depths of the closet.
“Your body is quite lovely,” Leon claimed. “All soft curves ‘n’ such. You haven't given me a go at seeing you proper naked since everything. I miss it. Bring it out here, lemme get a toss in?”
“That's what I'm trying to do, you knob!” Honey waved a hand from inside the closet. Her arm covered in leopard print. “I'm just nervous is all.”
Leon's eyebrows raised, “You taking the piss? Honey Comb, nervous about sex. With me? I reckon you're the sexy one between the two of us, yeah? Those hips and tits, like a sculpture. Bloody hell I'm built like a baby deer. You made me shave, and I look like a mental teenager.”
“Fuck’s sake, Leon! You look exactly like you did the day we met. That's what is doing me in. Of course I've got nerves, we haven't had sex in over a year. It's like, our second first time or something.”
He never thought of it like that, but she was right. They were getting reacquainted. Having to adjust to new roles as parents and partners. Leon had to adjust, Honey had six months on him with the baby. It was gobsmacking how quickly she settled in as his number one thought. How his brain now switched automatically from having sex with missus to his daughter.
Selina with her big, dark eyes like Mummy, but Leon's wild curls. The way she hardly fussed and loved being bound up to his chest as they walked the city. She would stare at him and tilt her head around to make sure Honey was still there too. Then she would smile around her pacifier, and that was Leon's too. A much better picture to fill his head at night than the agent with an axe protruding from his back and dead bodies he stepped over as they hurried away.
Leon clenched his eyes shut from the memory. He inhaled deep and exhaled slow, but his hand trembled with a craving for opium or or anything. Except he went cold turkey the moment they got in the back seat of that Mustang Kidman stole. He was clean, except the odd joint. Honey said that wasn't the same, it calmed his nerves. Healthier than a head shrinker.
“Close your eyes, alright?! I had to set up the record player. God I hope watching my godmother paid off.”
Leon obliged, “Done!”
He could sense Honey in front of the bed as the music started. A giant, dopey grin spread across Leon's face when he opened his eyes, “Alright, doll.” He leaned back to watch.
Honey started to twist her body to the ground with her back to him. She held the leopard coat tight around herself as her hips started to sway to and fro hidden by the giant jacket. She opened one side to reveal a bare shoulder that she rolled to the music. Then repeated again with her other shoulder before she dropped the coat enough to show her bare back right above where a bra strap would be. Leon bit down hard on his lip.
Honey covered herself and spun to face her partner. She opened the jacket to reveal a strapless bra, high waisted black panties and thigh highs held up by a garter belt. Leon squirmed in his spot when she placed a foot beside him on the edge of their bed.
Her hips never stopped their movement as she unsnapped one stocking and started to roll it over her leg and over her knee. She stepped out of it and hung it over Leon's shoulder. She switched to the other side and placed that foot beside Leon now. He grabbed her ankle, but she slapped at him playfully and shook her head. Her finger wagged back and forth.
Now Honey leaned her body forward like she was going to sit in Leon's lap. It was so quick, he almost lost balance. She did this rhythmically a few times before presenting her garter belt to him and gestured he undo this one. He was all too happy.
Leon started to pull the nylon forward once it was freed. He palmed the soft skin of Honey's inner thigh and the back of her calf as she let him take this side off. He couldn't help bending to kiss the same spot on her body where his hand had been. She didn't stop him as his lips trailed her knee and calf. In fact she forgot herself when he looked up at her with his bright, verdant eyes.
“Stop!” Honey’s cheeks were pink and hot with embarrassment. “You're making me forget what I'm doing! I'm trying to make this special for you.”
Leon’s hands traveled up Honey’s hips and waist and splayed out along her back under the fur coat. He buried his face between her breasts and showered them with kisses that moved down. His fingers alternated between massaging her back and backside all while his tongue traced the line in the center of her stomach and dipped teasingly into her navel.
“We have a daughter together. I'm your husband, and you’re my wife. Blimey, you chose me for some reason. That's the biggest mystery of this bloody universe.”
Honey’s fingers tangled and untangled and tangled again throughout Leon's hair. She melted her body into his as he spoke. She held his head to her chest. “What's a mystery?”
Leon unhooked her bra with little effort. It fell to the floor so he could lose himself one more time in her cleavage. This time his hot mouthsucked on her hardened nipple. He switched to the other and teased it with his tongue. Honey's grip tighter on the back of his head as she urged him back towards her stomach.
“That you love me,” Leon’s response muffled. He bit at the waistband of her panties and tugged it down and off with her help.
Honey was naked under the big coat and stood exposed to her husband. A body she wouldn't show him the last few weeks. Leon drew her foot back up to the bed. His eyes gawked at her breasts and her stomach and her pubic hair. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, but all of her own thoughts rushed out of her head when he suddenly slid two fingers inside her.
“Fuck!” Honey cried out and dug her nails into Leon's shoulder.
He dove them in and out of her body. Hooked them just a bit and kept pumping at the wetness and her slit. His eyes on her sex as he did it almost fascinated by how deep they went. His middle finger found her clit which he fondled momentarily before he replaced his fingers with his mouth and tongue.
Leon flicked his tongue back and forth like a snake. He held Honey's backside and pulled her onto his face. His mouth and tongue worked together to elicit cries of pleasure from the woman in his arms. It goaded him into going faster until he knew she couldn't take anymore. He withdrew his tongue and sat back to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand. A satisfactory grin dimpled his cheek.
Honey got her hands on Leon's boxers and yanked them down and off. She went to take the coat off but he shook his head. His eyes begged her to leave it on. So she did as she straddled his willowy body and took his cock in her hand. She positioned it just outside her entrance and teased the head with it. She ran it just outside and Leon agonized in her grip.
“Honey,” that familiar drawn out whine like music to her ears before she sank down onto him.
Leon's hands splayed out across Honey's back once more as she started to ride him. Her hips undulated back in time with the rhythm of the record that had started over in the background. Arms draped in a lackadaisical fashion over his shoulders.
Leon raised his hips to just immerse himself inside her walls as she bucked on his lap. His hands on Honey's waist to aid in the powerful back and forth motion.
Neither was sure if it was the build up or how long it had been since their last time, but Leon didn't last. That was ok Honey kept reassuring him as he let go of everything and came. A tremble coursed through Leon as she hugged him tightly, both their hearts beat wildly and out of control. Honey didn’t cum, and that was alright too.
Then Selina began crying from the other room, and Honey's breasts started to leak milk on instinct. Leon's chest was wet, and he held his wife back to stare at them as they did the other function boobs were meant to perform.
“Right on,” he said simply with a nod of his head.
Honey stopped being mortified right then of the way it looked, or the things her body was doing because of the baby. Their baby.
This sweet, intelligent, passive, lithe, sexy man beneath her with the eyes like moss and angled jaw and fuzzy eyebrows and messy hair wanted her. Leon would always want Honey. At 23. At 25. At 36 and 43 and 57. For now they were just getting re-started.
Tag list: @robertsheehanownsmyass @elliethesuperfruitlover @frogs--are--bitches @super-unpredictable98 @slutforrobbiebro @badsext @nightmonsters @bisexualnathanyoung @rob-private
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