#i hope eugene comes back for season 3 i think that would be super awesome
my-past-disgusts-me · 3 months
Dear god I love Drawtectives
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wrldbeyond · 3 years
twd season 11 spoilers for episodes 1-3 down below, just sharing my thoughts on the season so far and how i think it'll go
okay so
i liked the episodes so far, not really complaining about pace or anything because idk, im just hopeful it'll all work out in the end and they will get everything they need to get out before the show ends i hope.
The commonwealth!!! One of my favorite storylines so far, im really excited to see where it will go and how it will tie in with the CRM stuff in World Beyond and later in the Rick Grimes movies. I love Yumiko, Eugene, Ezekiel, and Princesses friendship and as of right now its wholesome and im thankful for that. Excited to see about Yumiko's brother and how well they live and what their systems are like, I hope we get to see that soon.
The reapers!! Super cool! They are fucking terrifying but its really getting into more horror genre again and its so fucking awesome dude. They are probaly as scary as the whispers since, again, they both sort of just sneak up on you and go wild. I hope Maggie gets that food and its worth it, I hope Alden is okay, GABE GOIN APE SHIT, Negan being Negan, and hgggdn Daryl :/
I don't like Leah, so I'm hoping he see's her being ruthless and batshit crazy so they stop going on with this. I dont like her. Maybe this upcoming episode will give us more Connie hints I hope?? pLEASE BRO I MISS HER SO MUCH
The kids, the sweet not-so-innocent kids- i love these little dudes I hope Hershal and Judith become good friends. Would've loved a sad scene between those two talking about their dads because that shit would break my heart.
Carol, Kelly, Magna (idk how to spell her name) and Rosita!!! Love to see those girlbosses winning. Carol and Kelly's friendship is sweet to see, haven't seen Rosita in ages and that Abraham line is def foreshadowing of some sort, glad they still mention him. I have a weird feeling that Magna will tell Kelly that 'connie isnt coming back' or something and it'll break her heart (gotta love angst) and then BOOM CONNIE IS BACK WITH MAGGIE AND THE REST OF THEM WITH FOOD OR SOMETHING IDK
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tangledaddict · 4 years
Favorite New Dream Season 3 Quotes
There is a LOT this season! :) E is for Eugene and R is for Rapunzel, I spell out the first names of everyone else. Enjoy! 
E: “Hey sunshine I couldn’t help but notice you’re kind of doing that thing” R: “The thing?” E: “You know, the thing where you act like everything’s peachy when clearly it’s..Sweetheart, what Cass did”
E: “I need a break from your faces. Except you of course Rapunzel.”
E: “Hey Blondie, how are you holding up?”
E: “Rapunzel, you can’t even say her name. There’s a difference between setting feelings aside and burying them so deep they change who you are”
E: “What I’m saying is that you’re not alone in this.”
E: “Come on Blondie, get out of there”
E: “That’s it Blondie, now come on”
E: “Just wait Lance. Just wait. She’ll be okay…See?”
E: “I knew you make it”
R: “Plans to make real”
R: “And Eugene, I think I’m ready to talk about Cass” E: “Well then, I am all ears Sunshine”
R: “Eugene taught me that one”
Edmund: “This woman is Amazing” E: “I know! And, she’s getting so much better at her landings”
Edmund: “I guess my son believes in second chances” E: “I learned that from the best”
E: “Uh, we were reminiscing not playing. Reminiscing like adults do with my old toys”
E: “Look, I know you love Cass. And I can totally understand why you want her back in your life. But, don’t forget that she betrayed you.” R: “She’s still a friend”  E: “I just don’t want to see you get hurt anymore. That’s all. It’s time to put yourself first and let her go.” R: “Eugene, friends don’t leave friends behind, okay? I need you to understand that”
E: “Rapunzel, she’s the one who hurt you”
R: “Just listen to me, I know you better than you think I do. You say it’s easier to walk away with the excuse ‘every man for himself.’ But, Lance, Lance is not just every man. He is a friend. He is your best friend. And friends don’t leave friends behind.”
E: “Haha, very funny. Oh wait, your serious. Sunshine, did you forget. I’m the one who told you Crowley was trying to toss all of Cassandra’s stuff.”
R: “Eugene’s preying again huh huh. Do you want to sing him with some sort of witty one-liner”
R: “Eugene, I spent 18 years of my life with someone who lied to my face”
E: “oh, oh , hey, hey blondie, it’s okay. Look, I know it’s hard what Cass did it’s a very big deal” 
E: “I know one couple who hasn’t committed their love to paper” R: “Aw, Eugene, Of course we’re going to sign the book together” E: “Good, good, I was just kind of worried with everything going on that we’d forget.” R: “Forget?” “Eugene, I love you too much to forget about something that important”
E: “So, have you thought about when you and I might sign the book”
R: “Garcon, your finest table please”
R: “The soft glow of lanterns, music. It’s a recipe for love.”  E: “I mean, it’s also kind of our thing” R: “Oh, come on, it’s still our thing” E: “Sure, yeah it’s just also their thing now too.”
E: “Does EVERYONE get to sign this book but me and you?”
R: “That’s not your page…it’s ours.”
R: “Beisides, you’re so cute when your screaming in terror!” E: “Well, that is true”
E: “Hey sunshine, how come you’re not affected by these rocks?”
E: “Don’t worry sunshine, we’ll think of something”
R: “Stay with me on this”
E: “You know Sunshine, next time you want me to move furniture. I’d appreciate if it were actual furniture.”
R: “Hey everyone there are free…” E:“pastries in the throne room”
E: “Don’t forget, we owe people some pastries”
R: “I know, no one’s making fun of your perfectly sculpted face”
E: “Blondie, I think the ship has sailed.”
R: “Okay, Eugene. You take the hundred on the left, I’ll take the hundred on the right.”
E: “Do you think now is the right time to propose?”
R: “Right before he blows out his candles, I am going to propose to Eugene. He will never see it coming”
R: “Soon as he wears this ring and swears that he’s mine”
R: “Once he’s my everything. Then, everything will be fineeeeeee”
R: “Cause today is your actual birthday!”
E: “Well, I can think of at least one wish I like to have come true in the very near future”
R: “Were not just going to sit by and let her ruin Eugene’s birthday or anything else...” *Looks at ring*
E: “And if you believe it. Then, so do I”
E: “You were going to ask me. I mean I was going to ask you. All this time and you still find ways to surprise me”
E: “I just gotta say that…was…awesome!”
E: “Well Blondie, one of these days, we’ll get this whole proposal thing right, huh?”
E: “I’ve been thinking. Getting old won’t be so bad. As long as I get to do it. With you”
E: “It’s just my luck to fall in love with the most compassionate person in the world”
E: “Of course, you painted a picture of that.”
E: “Why do you keep drawing me so scared in these?”
E: “Do we have a move called twirl attack?”
E: “Can’t she pay you a simple compliment?”
E: “Sorry. But, that’s not the way the princess works”
E: “Hey Blondie. Look, I know today didn’t pan out what we hoped it would. But, you did what you had to do and we will get Cass back.”
R: “Although, the ghosts of my boyfriends family weren’t as nice”
R: “That your the perfect choice!”
R: “You were Flynn Rider. Now, you’re Eugene.”
R: “Oh, sounds like the kind of thing the captain of the guard might handle. Huh? Hm?”
R: “Well then, I am going with you”
R: “Why do you always bring people here when you don’t even like it yourself?” E: “I bring people here because I know they will hate it!”
R: “Eugene, you really need to let your jealousy of this guy go. That’s not you anymore.”
E: “In Corona, I’m just Rapunzel’s incredibly attractive boyfriend. Or that super super good looking free loader living in the castle. I can’t let somebody tarnish my legacy.”
R: “That’s the Eugene I know.”
E: “Yeah, no, she usually does most of the saving”
R: “Eugene, we are not attacking Cassandra.” E: “Of course, we’re not going to attack her sunshine.”
E: “I don’t want my wedding here.” R: “Yeah, that would be even worse than getting married in Bardero’s.” R:“Unless, it’s you getting married to Stalyn in Bardero’s, then it’s bad.”
E: “Get the princess far away as you can, NOW!”
E: “No one can rally the troops like you. Thanks sunshine.”
R: “You know, after all this time. I never can come up with a cute little nickname for you.”
R: “Sorry, I was trying out a pet name.” E: “Maybe, try harder.”
“No. Please. Don’t. G-bug is a keeper.”-Lance
“She will certainly make an excellent daughter in law one day.”- Edmund
R: “Aren’t we about due for one of us to stumble through an awkward proposal?”
E: “Look, I know everything is going to work out. But, in case it doesn’t..”   R:”…It will and no matter what happens today. You are still and will always be my dream, Eugene.” E: “And your mine, Rapunzel”
E: “Sunshine, good luck.” R: “You too.”
E: “I’m not the one to walk away from a fight when my friends are in danger. No matter what the odds. Just something I learned from Rapunzel.”
E: “I’m going after Rapunzel”
E: “For Rapunzel!”
E: “You did it sunshine” R: “We did it”
E: “Well, your the boss, Sunshine.” R: “That’s right, Eugital’s.” (I probably spelled that wrong lol Sorry!)
E: “Well, I can think of one thing that hasn’t. I love you just as much now as the first time I laid eyes on you.” R: “Hmm, I feel the same way Eugene.” E: “Oh, and that reminds me, I brought you a celebratory cupcake.” R: “Eugene, you read my mind.”
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWD 10x14: Look at the Flowers - Character Journeys
All right, so after watching this episode like three times, I started to notice patterns in the different character arcs. Each of them is on a similar journey in this episode, and while they’re all different, they all parallel one another.
The characters are Carol, Beta, Ezekiel, Daryl, Negan, and then Eugene/Yumiko/Ezekiel. The reason I put those last three together is that their “journey” is physical. It’s them journeying to meet Stephanie. For the other characters, the journey is internal.
So I’ll try to go through this quickly. I just want you to notice the pattern here. This is the journey of these characters to make a decision that will affect things moving forward. And it’s important to understand what that journey is so we know where their arcs are going and how they will react to things. By the end of the episode, they’ve made their decisions and are ready for action.
***As always, spoilers abound below for 10x14. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
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Phase 1: each journey starts out with a negative, destructive mindset.
Carol – listening to Alpha (herself) who is telling her how terrible she is, how it’s her fault each of the kids died, etc. Very negative mindset.
Ezekiel – he’s down on himself for not saving the kids and is being more negative than positive about his future. Probably because he believes he doesn’t have one.
Beta – we see him find that Alpha is dead, kill one of the Whisperers, and then destroy his room in the western saloon.
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Daryl – For Daryl, it’s about him not believing Negan. He’s mad at Carol, but he also doesn’t trust Negan or believe they’re on the same side, now. It’s understandable, but he’s just not having much “faith in people.”
Negan – His is more subtle but he’s trying to convince Daryl he’s a friend and is obviously terrified that Daryl is going to kill him at any moment. Which he’s probably right about.
Phase 2: The negativity culminates in some sort of disaster or major event that forces them to make a decision about their future.
Carol – the boat falls on her, and she’s faced with whether she’ll fight to live or just let the walker bite her.
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Ezekiel – his horse dies, and he wants to turn back because he’s afraid his lack of stamina might put Yumiko and Eugene in danger.
Beta – I’m convinced he contemplates suicide by walker a few times. The big event is when all the walkers come toward him and he has to decide what he wants to do next.
Daryl – Taken captive by the Whisperers, when they bow to Negan.
Negan – Same thing. Not a disaster for him, but he’s given the opportunity to go back to his old, Negan-ish ways, and he has to decide whether to do that or continue to ally himself with Daryl and the Alexandrians.
Phase 3 – They make a decisions to either slide back into old, negative patterns, or move forward with faith and hope.
Carol – kills the walker, decides to live and return to Alexandria, rather than running away.
Ezekiel – convinced by Yumiko to continue on toward the city. And that’s super important because him going there will probably ultimately save his life. So, deciding to move forward with faith and hope will allow him to live.
Beta – he’s the only one that doesn’t exactly move forward with positivity. You could argue that he doesn’t go the route of death by walker, so he chooses to live. But he also wears Alpha’s face and leads the horde to make war on Alexandria, so…
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Daryl – For him, I believe it’s deciding to believe Negan. At first, he didn’t believe him. Then he had to trust Negan to kill the Whisperers and be on his side. And he makes a point of saying he still doesn’t like Negan, but I don’t think Daryl will go out of his way to kill Negan moving forward either. And his acceptance will go a long way toward others in the community accepting Negan as well. Probably far more than Carol’s acceptance of him would.
Negan – He chooses not to return to his negative, dictator-like ways, which earns Daryl’s trust and gets him back to Alexandria, which is what he wants.
So none of these are super TD or Beth-ish in nature, though we certainly see plenty of signs and symbols of her along the way. But I think the point is that all of them moving forward with positivity will affect their arcs moving forward.
And it also mirrors Eugene’s journey to find Stephanie. We certainly didn’t reach the end of that journey, but I noticed that right after Carol says, “It’s never too late,” the next shot we see is of them arriving at the city with triumphant music. So that’s purposeful.
Eugene says their on a journey to the hope and future of mankind. Makes us think we’ll see a cure arc here and this journey of Eugene’s is going to change everything. So, it mirrors what these individual characters are going through, because their choices here will change everything moving forward.
How do I think they’ll change things? 
As I’ve already said, I think Ezekiel will live, rather than die of his cancer. For Carol, though I think Zeke’s death fake out will send her into a tailspin, I also think that, like Daryl, Maggie, and Michonne, she’ll have to choose to be positive and move forward before she’s “worthy” to get Ezekiel back and find happiness. She basically chose that here. 
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So while obviously thinking he’s dead will greatly affect her, I think her choice here will help her keep from sliding into hermetic, homicidal existence when it does happen.
Beta? Yeah, I don’t have much in the way of details to offer, but he’ll probably die eventually. But then, he didn’t exactly choose the most positive path. Many of us got Phantom of the Opera vibes with his “new” mask. 
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You know, the story of a monster with a mask who kidnaps a beautiful, young, singer? And the phantom has an amazing singing voice as well? Now, I don’t know if that’s what they’re going for. But I gotta say, Ryan did talk on TTD about how Alpha’s ghost will very much remain with Beta moving forward. The opera ghost is a big part of the Phantom tale.
And yes, I totally have a head canon about Beta kidnapping Beth and Beth choosing Daryl instead. But we’ll leave that in head canon land for now. ;D
For Negan, the obvious thing is that maybe he’ll get to live at Alexandria and be one of the good guys, now. But I really like this Negan thing in terms of Daryl. I still think Negan will figure in Beth’s return in some way, and maybe he needs to be part of Alexandria (not just as a prisoner) to make that happen. So I like to think that, much as with Dwight, Daryl’s mercy will aid in bringing Beth back to him. But I’m not exactly objective on that count. ;D
So yeah, just wanted you guys to see this so we can refer back to it as we get farther on in the story.  
Another thing? I was originally going to discuss the lyrics of the songs we her in tomorrow’s Details post. But then I realized I need to put them here.
So here’s the thing. We saw three different scenes in which Beta is playing music. In the first scene, he’s playing Emily’s The Turtle and the Monkey song. In the second one, a different song is playing that I haven’t identified yet. And then in the third one, her song is playing again. I’ve typed out the lyrics below.
Even before I realized that the song in 2 out of 3 scenes was Emily’s, I looked at the lyrics and realized they represented the three phases. 1 – Negativity, 2 – Imprisonment 3 – Staying the course and, kind of, being in love? The first set of lyrics sounds really self-deprecating. The second set of lyrics starts out, “Cuz if I knew they’d lock me up…” Yeah. Imprisonment. And in the third we get sticking to the path (i.e. making the right choice), talk of love, and staring into one another’s eyes.
Check them out for yourself:
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First Scene:
“I’m a miser when I’m rich
But a gambler if I’m broke
And if we’re gonna be laughin’
I would wanna be in on the joke.
Sometimes I think You show me the scabs
Just to temp me to tear ‘em away
Makin’ me draw blood
Will never make me want to stay.
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Second Scene:
‘Cause if I knew they’d lock me up
Then I would surely run
Killed so many in your name, girl
That I’d never see the sun
Was invited down to hell
Drank from the glass, it felt just fine
I asked him, “Where’s that girl of mine?”
The Devil just smiled and left me behind
I smiled back and finished my bear
and said adios. I didn’t shed a tear
Joy descended with the flames all around
‘Cause the Devil, he sure likes to gamble
I tried to stand tall
And knock down that big old wall
I tried to stand strong
But suppose I guessed all wrong.
I tried to stand tall
And knock down that big old wall
I tried to stand strong
But supposed I guessed all wrong.
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Third Scene:
Just sticking to the path
Your like a monkey in the trees
Jumpin from branch to branch
I love the way you move
You love the way I rock ‘n’ roll
But if our worlds collide it’s bound to take its toll
Oh, oh it’s sad but true
Love is never enough
And after just a few months, we’re not immune
Oh, we used to stay up late
Starin’ in each other’s eyes
So, I didn’t realize it was Emily’s song because I’ve only listened to her Turtle and the Monkey song a few times and am not that familiar with the tune. In my defense, I did google and figured if it was one of her songs it would come up. It totally didn’t. But I think I know why. The first few lines in Beta’s song are different than in Emily’s song. And those are the only ones I Googled (eye roll). So that’s why it didn’t pop up for me.
But I gotta say, it being her song, and especially the fact that she’s in the first and third scenes, is awesome! Think about what I said last week about the 15 season arc. Beth was in the first 5 season (S2-S5), but not in the middle 5 (6-10) but we’re thinking she’ll return for 11-whenever. The songs…kind of reflect that.
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dingoes8myrp · 6 years
We Take, We Don’t Bother - TWD
I have some theories on The Walking Dead. There will be some loose recapping of this week’s episode, but it’s mostly me babbling about theories and things. Spoilers ahead, probably.
“The King, the Widow, and Rick” made me angry, furious, frustrated - lots of not so nice feelings. This was mostly because I didn’t understand why anyone was doing anything, and I don’t like that. It feels a little like I’m on the outs with the Saviors, and I don’t want to be anywhere near the Saviors (except Dwight. He’s alright).
I have a list of things making me squirm right now, in order of intensity.
:1: Rick going to Jadis the Trash Godess... alone.
I don’t understand why he would even think to do this. He’d be better off going to Oceanside. That’s still around, right? I found this very out of character for him, so I didn’t get it at all. I’ve seen a theory floating around that this is part of a plan of some kind - a long con on Rick’s and possibly Jadis’s end - but since this situation ended with Rick naked in a box, I don’t see how this plan would have benefited him and his group at all. Is he forming a second front with the Trashies in case the Saviors take the Hilltop? If that’s the case, I could see the point of hiding Rick as a sort of ace in the hole... but that doesn’t explain why Jadis took all his stuff (including his clothes). While the long con theory would be a relief, I don’t see it, nor do I understand the point.
:2: Carl going off alone to find a rando he decided to recruit.
Okay, going off alone is just a bad idea, and people shouldn’t be doing it. But, this isn’t anything new for Carl, so I suppose he’s one of the few characters who can wander off alone and be fine (along with Carol, Michonne, and Daryl). I understand the spirit behind Carl’s decision to go find Sidiq. However, considering the situation Alexandria is in right now, it’s the worst time to be bringing in a newcomer (particularly one Rick is wary of). This goes along the same lines as Jesus bringing the Savior prisoners back to the Hilltop to build a community with them in the future. Sure, it’s a good idea in theory, but the timing is just idiotically horrific, and if these two don’t know that they shouldn’t have survived this long in the first place. Read a room, gentlemen. Or, you know, a post-apocalyptic survival compound/safehouse. Even if these people are cool YOUR people are not cool with them right now.
:3: Michonne and Rosita hobbling off out of boredom.
This was another one that struck me as very out of character, at least for Michonne. She’s injured. She’s BADLY injured. I mean, this isn’t a papercut we’re talking about here. She’s also one of the few capable strong combatants at Alexandria, because they are at war and there is a chance things could go sour. Still, she decides to take off alone just to see what’s going on over at the Sanctuary. She’s going to unnecessarily risk her life when she knows she’s needed to go check out the Sanctuary. Maybe she plans to fight, but, again, she’s not really in fighting shape, and even if she was, she’s needed as back-up in Alexandria. Rosita, also badly injured, goes along with Michonne. Now, this doesn’t strike me at all as out of character for her, mind you. Of course, they stumble upon some Saviors up to no good, clumsily get caught (unlike either of them to do at this point in the game), and have to fight. They still manage to be badass, but the fact that they’re out there in the first place was odd and clunky. They didn’t even try to make it feel organic. It’s just shoehorned into the story.
:4: Tara and Daryl going rogue because… stupidity?
These two are just… dumb right now. I know that’s mean, but neither of them are using their heads. This is very in character for Daryl. We’ve seen him go all Wild West, guns-blazing before when he’s lost people. The tough asshole shooting or swinging at anything he can is his coping mechanism... which is ANNOYING as hell in the middle of a very delicate mission that requires all the people involved to work together. As far as Tara goes, unfortunately, I don’t know her well enough to understand where her stupidity is coming from. I relate her actions more to Andrea’s way back after she lost Amy. She was kind of lost, depressed in a reckless, self-destructive way, but also felt the need to DO… anything, always. We never really got to understand Andrea either, and she wound up unceremoniously written out. I’m seeing a similar thing happening with Tara, where they’re just not spending enough time on her character storyline to make her worth watching. We don’t understand her, so when she acts out it just seems like a lazy way to throw a wrench in the works. She’s just not coming together for me, and I’ve given her a lot of time before deciding she’s just not somebody I’m rooting for. Anyway, her and Daryl as a team are just barreling forward focused on selfish, stupid revenge. They’re not thinking of anyone else, or how their actions are going to affect anything. All they care about is what they want right now, and it’s super irritating. I honestly wouldn’t mind if they both got taken out this season. I’ve hade enough of the repetitive Daryl storylines, and I could do without Tara altogether at this point.
:5: Enid and Aaron doing I don’t even know what.
I don’t even know Enid exists 90% of the time, to be honest. She’s pretty much set décor at this point. Here we have Aaron taking off sort of like Michonne did, but the why is less clear, other than maybe he feels the need to DO. Enid, inexplicably, decides to go with him. No idea what’s going on here other than “Let’s see, who else is left in Alexandria who could defend it? Ah! Aaron and Enid. Let’s get them out of there so we can do some awful shit to a defenseless Alexandria.”
This leads me to my first theory: we’re about to lose Alexandria. Here’s why I came to this conclusion.
:1: The seasonal formula.
Generally speaking, we get about one season in each major location we settle in (give or take). We’ve had Alexandria for a WHILE, so it’s about time for it to go away to unsettle our characters.
:2: The helicopter.
Rick saw a helicopter flying overhead. Meanwhile, we saw the Saviors discussing sending in a flyer to either the Hilltop or Alexandria (I forget the exact quote, so if someone remembers and wants to enlighten me, go for it). Point: the Saviors probably have fucking helicopters, who are probably about to swoop into Alexandria.
:3: No one’s there.
The show just literally went to bizarre, ridiculous lengths to get EVERYONE useful out of Alexandria. Rick’s in Jadis’s box. Daryl, Tara, Michonne, and Rosita are staking out the Sanctuary. Gabriel’s in Negan jail (and also very sick). Aaron and Enid just left. Carl’s off bonding with strange men in the woods. Carol, Jerry, and Ezekiel are at the Kingdom. Maggie and Jesus are at the Hilltop. There is NOBODY minding Alexandria. Like, it’s Judith and some redshirts. The only wildcard is Morgan because I don’t know where he ended up.
Now, let’s talk about the Trashies. I’ve seen a few theories floating around about these weirdos. I have my own that’s kind of underwhelming by comparison, but remember back in the early days of Alexandria when Deanna explained there were some people they had to put outside the walls because they weren’t working out? I remember because they never mentioned that again. What happened to those people? Are some of them Trashies? I wonder. My working theory is that the Trashies have beef with Alexandria because they used to live there, sheltered like the rest of them. And then they were exiled, so now they scavenge and they don’t trust outsiders. It would also explain why they flipped so hard on the Alexandria group after making a shaky alliance with them: because fuck Alexandria, that’s why. I don’t have much evidence to base this on, so if you have theories please share. I’m not familiar with the comics, so I’d love some insight there (I don’t mind spoilers). I also feel like all the Trashies are using aliases. Jadis was a character in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Tamiel is the name of an angel. Other names we’ve heard are Brion, Farron, and Winslow. None of these are run-of-the-mill names. I’m wondering if these guys took on new names at some point.
All that being said, here’s the stuff I love.
:1: Maggie.
I love, love, love everything about Maggie this season. She’s proving to be a strong leader, and she’s having a hard time making the tough decisions. It’s doing wonderful things for both the story and her arc.
:2: Jesus.
He did another annoying thing in bringing the Savior prisoners to the Hilltop. However, I understand why he did it and I don’t think it was a rash decision on his part. I think he always assumed their group would absorb the Saviors after the battle. He’s genuinely shocked at the idea of mowing all of them down - even horrified. He’s trying to bring reason to a lot of grief and pain everyone else is working off of, and people aren’t digging it. Well, I am. I may not agree, but I like this story and it makes total sense.
:3: Awkward team-ups.
While I may not like some of the clunky, plot-device-ish actions of some of these teams, I’m always a fan of an awkward team-up between characters who don’t normally interact. And that’s been a staple of the show since it started. We had Negan and Gabriel last week. We have Dwight and Eugene with this shaky alliance in the belly of the beast. Michonne and Rosita are such a badass team. I hope we get to see them fight together when they’re not beat to hell. That would be awesome. I like that Daryl and Rick are at odds, but still respect one another. The same goes for Maggie and Jesus.
:4: Carol.
I always love Carol, and her time with the Kingdom and Ezekiel is bringing out some great emotional stuff we haven’t seen in a while.
:5: Ezekiel.
I love what’s happening with Ezekiel right now. He’s been faking it for so long, it’s nice to see what was under there the whole time.
That’s all I got for now. Just a brain dump before bed.
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katriel-tumbles · 7 years
Friday, May 12, 2017
I am not often critical of Supernatural. There, I said it. I’ve invested too much time and energy into the Winchesters to be incredibly critical of the show. But, after last night’s episode (12×21), I am going to be critical. Whether it was the fault of the writers or the showrunners doesn’t really matter much to me, but I still have an opinion.
Lauren Cohan, as Bela Talbot.
Since the very beginning of Supernatural, I think everyone knew that this was a story about men. A story about the relationships men have with each other, with themselves, and with the people they surround themselves with. But, one thing Supernatural has dropped the ball on is their female characters. Beginning in Season 3 with Ruby and Bela, both of those chracters were added as antagonists to the Winchesters, but also love interests, but by the end of the season, they were both dead.
Both incarnations of Ruby. L is Katie Cassidy, and R is Genevieve Cortese (now Padalecki).
Conveniently, in Season 4, Ruby was brought back, and she served only one purpose; to turn Sam to the dark side and get him to kill Lillith. She succeeded, but she was killed off and we’ve never seen her again… well, unless you count the actress who played her coming back for an episode because she and Jared ended up getting married.
Since then, we’ve seen some incredible female characters in Sherriff Jody Mills, Sherriff Donna Handscum, Claire Novak, Alex Jones, Charlie Bradburry, and even this season, Mary Winchester.
From L to R, top to bottom: Jo Harvelle, Bela Talbot, Ruby (Ver. 2), Meg, Charlie, Sherriff Mills, Rowena, Claire Novak, and Ellen Harvelle.
All of them are strong, independent, women, who feel, but also can be amazing and kill monsters. One of the times that the fandom was most upset was when Charlie was killed off in Season 10. Her first appearance was supposed to be her last, in Season 7, but the fandom liked her so much, that she was brought back multiple times through the seasons. She was killed at the end of Season 10 and left in a motel room bathtub. The fandom was in a rage, because 1) Charlie was a lesbian and a geek, but that didn’t make up her whole character, 2) She deserved better than that, and 3) We all loved Felicia Day, the actress who played her. The writers of the episode where she died, Brad Buckner and Eugene Ross-Lemming, known as Bucklemming, got a ton of backlash, and the showrunner at the time was under fire from the fandom.
Eileen Leahy
Fast forward to Season 11, we meet Eileen Leahy for the first time. She is presented as a hunter who is searching for the banshee that killed her family. While she is a strong, wonderful woman, she is also deaf. She was played by Shoshanna Stern, who is actually deaf, and I can’t explain how happy I was to see someone with disabilities be presented on a show about people who need all of their wits about them in order to succeed. In addition, it appeared that she and Sam had a bond, and I always want to see my Sam happy. She was brought back for an episode in Season 12, and it was made clear that the British Men of Letters were after her for ACCIDENTALLY killing one of their men. Again, the writers of last night’s episode, Bucklemming, have a history of bad writing/story telling, and treating women badly. Within the first three minutes of the episode, Eileen is killed by a hell hound, and the only other thing we hear from her is that she wrote the Winchesters a letter asking if she could come bunk with them because she was being followed.
I mean, REALLY. REALLY. Eileen didn’t deserve this, and if anything, I would have been more okay with it if we got to see her actually do something in the episode, rather than be killed off by a hellhound and not say a single word in the time she was onscreen. The fandom has blown up over her death, and last night #FireBucklemming was trending on Twitter. If it wasn’t enough that they killed her, they seem to not know the characters. They always dumb down Crowley, who has proven himself to be a smart, cunning demon more than once, and there were so many obvious plot holes that I wanted to scream. For example, at the end of the episode, Mr. Ketch, who works for the BMOL, leaves Sam, Dean, and Lady Bevell (we’ll talk about her another time) in the bunker. Through his obviously expository dialogue, we find out that when he and a brainwashed Mary (another issue) leave, they will have two days before they die. Come on. Anyone who has ever left the Winchesters alone has always ended up in a really bad spot. Sam and Dean have always been able to get themselves out of a tight spot, and to assume that this would be the thing that kills them is completely ludicrous and unfair. I mean they escaped a maximum security prison and avoided getting caught. With all of the resources of the Men of Letters, I doubt Sam and Dean would have a problem (and after having seen the episode the following week, they didn’t. Dean + grenade launcher = FREEDOM!).
Claire Novak, Sherriff Mills, and Alex Jones.
I’ve been so hopeful because Season 11 was decent and Season 12, for the most part, has been great, and then to have an episode like this a week before the last two episode’s air is really dissapointing. I am on the #FireBucklemming bandwagon, because I watch Supernatural to see people I relate to. While Sam and Dean are the clear protagonists, and I relate to them, I love relating to the women in Supernatural, because I may never be as awesome as them, but I relate to their struggles. I don’t like seeing people killed off in service of the story, and/or for shock value. If you’re going to kill someone, make it mean something.
Monday, August 14, 2017
The logo for the Wayward Daughters campaign, also known as Wayward AF.
After several months, I am so happy because we are getting a spin off, starring Sherriffs Mills and Handscum. Titled Wayward Sisters (or Daughters, I can’t remember), this series will focus on Jody and her wayward band of misfits. I’m super excited because we get to see the hunting world through their eyes, rather than through the eyes of Sam and Dean. Jody, Donna, Alex, and Claire all have rich histories in the hunting world, and I’m excited to see how they deal with the world that they were unintentionally shown. It gives me hope that we can see some amazing development in this series.
So, that’s all for now, but I’ll be back next week. Also sorry about last week. High Holidays are a thing. 🙂 xoxo: Kate
    Kim Rhodes (Sherriff Mills). If she looks familiar, think Disney Channel.
Brianna Buckmaster (Sherriff Donna Handscum).
I'm late! Sorry. A blog all about the huntresses on Supernatural. Written months ago. Friday, May 12, 2017 I am not often critical of Supernatural. There, I said it. I've invested too much time and energy into the Winchesters to be incredibly critical of the show.
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