#i havent mentioned rita yet but you probably guessed what im saving her for
lyerra · 1 month
Tales of Vesperia CCS AU headcanons - PART I
So the other day I was looking at a lot of niconico ToV videos, and I found a Cardcaptor Sakura opening parody with Estelle and other ToV characters, which prompted me to think about how such an AU could really work. I got to talk about it a little on discord, and since the more I talked about it, the more ideas I got, I thought, why not?
So, here's a list of stuff about the pre-canon setting of a CCS AU with ToV characters.
Estelle (Sakura) is the main character. Her name is Estellise Heurassein, and she’s 16 years old, in her first year of high school at St Vesperia High. Her father died in a plane accident when she was young but she lost her mother about a year ago. Her friends call her Estelle.
Yuri (Touya) is the son of Estelle’s parents’ friends. His parents also died in the same accident Estelle’s father did. He went to the orphanage, then often switched foster homes until Estelle’s mother decided to take him in about 4 years ago. He and Estelle grew even closer as siblings since Estelle’s mother’s death, and the two of them live alone in their family home. He’s 18, in his 3rd year of high school at St Vesperia High and has the reputation of a troublemaker. He spends most of his free time doing part time jobs, claiming he doesn’t want to live off Estelle’s charity.
Yuri has the ability to see ghosts, as well as some ability to feel magical and spiritual powers, though he doesn’t really understand the full extent of it. This ability caused him some trouble when he was a kid, as he would tell other people about what he saw, but no one would believe him. Estelle’s mother seemed to know, however.
Flynn (Yukito) is Yuri’s childhood friend. They went to school together as kids and Flynn somehow always ended up in the same school as Yuri, even when the latter switched schools when he changed foster homes. He’s the student council president at St Vesperia High, and he and Yuri always butt heads, but they’re also very close friends.
Yuri eventually questioned all this, as well as all the strange things about Flynn – the fact that his parents were never home, for example. Yuri was scared to ask at first, but upon realizing that Flynn himself probably didn’t realize he wasn’t human, and since he knew there were many strange things in this world, he decided that he didn’t care what Flynn was – he was his best friend, and that was enough.
Estelle met Flynn when Yuri got adopted by her mother, and she’s had a huge puppy crush ever since. Yuri acts as if he doesn’t notice, and Flynn is entirely oblivious to it.
Repede (Kero) is Yuri’s dog. Yuri and Flynn found him as a wounded puppy and saved him. Flynn couldn’t take him in, so Yuri asked Estelle’s mother, who was okay with keeping the dog. Yuri knows Repede’s not really a dog, and he guessed that the reason why he understood him so much – or that Repede was so smart – was that he was some sort of magic entity, but he feels a sense of kinship because of his powers. Repede doesn’t dislike Estelle, but she takes it very personally that he seems to like Yuri much more than herself. Having him around when Estelle’s mother passed was a great help for both Estelle and Yuri.
Ioder (Tomoyo) is Estelle’s cousin and best friend. It’s partly thanks to his parents that Estelle and Yuri are able to keep living in their house together. Ioder wants to be a fashion designer, and he always gets Estelle to try on the outfits he designed.
Raven (Terada-sensei) is Estelle and Ioder’s homeroom teacher. He’s a bit weird, but he can be reliable as well!
Judith (Mizuki-sensei) is Yuri’s ex-girlfriend. She’s actually a bit older than him in this AU. She has the power to see in the future, and the reason she and Yuri became close in the first place was because of their shared experience of having spiritual powers. She broke up with him before going to study abroad, but the both of them are still on relatively good terms.
Patty, Karol and Nan could be some of Estelle’s classmates. Not entirely sure about them yet but I’d like to have a short arc about Karol and Yuri!
ill link part two here when i make it!
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