#i have been writing so much parents gewis but it’s okay
autumn816 · 24 days
Those George pictures did something so of course I had to write. Enjoy 1.3k of uncles/dads gewis. I guess a little sequel to this.
“Do you really have a baby in your tummy?”
George lets Leo poke him in the stomach a few more times before intercepting his hands and keeping them between his own hands. His baby bump isn’t too big yet. It’s still showing a little but he can easily cover it up with loose clothes. He is only 17 weeks in.
“Yeah. I do.”
“So, I’m getting a cousin?”
“You are.”
“This is your fault.” Leo crosses his arms, looking at Lewis with accusing eyes.
“My fault?” The corners of Lewis’ lips twitch in amusement. “How?”
“I don’t know. You must have done something to Uncle George. You can’t come near him anymore. I won’t let you.”
Oh, Lewis has done something to him, alright.
“Yeah, I did do something to Uncle George. We—”
“Finish the sentence and you and the sofa will be best mates for the next few months.”
Lewis has practically shifted into his home. He wasn’t lying to George when he said that whatever they do, they do it together. That George won’t be alone. He just didn’t expect it to this extent, in a whole literal sense where sometimes George can’t even go to the toilet without as much as telling Lewis where he is going. George gets it. The anxiety of a first child but George can do with some freedom.
It’s also confusing. He doesn’t know where he stands with Lewis. If they are still doing the whole fake dating thing since they didn’t actually go with their fake break-up or are they actually together now. The things they have done in the past few months are messing with George’s brain about what the status of their relationship is.
“I wasn’t actually gonna tell him. Who do you think I am?”
“I can tell him.” Milly lifts her head from George’s shoulder. A grin on her face. “So what happens is—”
Her grin widens. “It’s an educational lesson.”
“Tell me.”
“No,” George denies. “You need to go take a bath.”
“Tell me first.”
“Bath or we aren’t going out for ice cream.” George gives his nephew an ultimatum. Or threatens with an ultimatum, more like.
“That’s not nice, Uncle G.” Leo huffs. “At least tell me if it’s a boy or a girl.”
“I don’t know yet,” George says. His ultrasound is next week. They’ll find out then.
“I hope it’s a boy,” Milly says.
“No,” Leo argues. “A girl. So I can be the only boy. Three girls and one boy.”
“It’s gonna be a boy.”
Leo doesn’t take the bait. “Fine. As long as we get another playing buddy.”
“You will but right now, go shower,” George repeats.
“I don’t want to.” Leo turns to Lewis, looking at him with puppy eyes. “Can you tell Uncle G that I don’t need to take a bath?”
Lewis’ eyes land on him. George only raises an eyebrow, daring Lewis to say something other than no.
Lewis ruffles Leo’s hair. “Sorry, kiddo. You gotta take your bath.”
“Wow. One look from Uncle George is all it took,” Milly teases. “I expected better from you.”
“What can I say? I’m smart enough to pick my battles.” Lewis jumps in on the joke.
“He can be scary.” Leo joins in as well.
George rolls his eyes. “Alright, give it a rest.”
The three burst out laughing and high-fived each other.
Watching Lewis get along with his niece and nephew fills him with warmth. Yeah, it’s certainly confirmed and undeniable now.
George is in love with Lewis.
4 years later.
“There’s a baby in there?”
Hayden pats and rubs his tiny hands on George’s stomach, his eyes widening with curiosity. George is filled with deja vu from the time Leo asked the same question.
“Yeah, there’s a baby in here.”
George glances at Lewis but his boyfriend is too busy picking up things scattered in the room or pretending to. He is 90% sure Lewis is listening to them. For as brave and as courageous Lewis is, he always leaves George to explain the hard parts.
“It’s just how it happens.” George tries to be as vague as possible.
“It’s what it is. So you’re going to have either two sisters or two brothers or one sister and one brother.”
George just had his ultrasound yesterday and they found out he is having twins this time.
Hayden is at the stage where “why” is his favourite word. Nothing can be answered without a “why” accompanying it right after.
“That’s just how it is, baby.” George runs his hand through Hayden’s hair. He needs to get him a haircut.
“I’m guessing two girls,” Willow chimes in. She is sitting on the floor with Milly, both of them taking turns to put nail polish on each other. Milly is currently putting Rosy Future on Willow’s fingernails. Yes, Rosy Future. He made the mistake of calling it pink earlier. Never again.
“I say two girls too,” Milly agrees.
“What about you, Sir Uncle?” Willow asks Lewis.
Lewis shrugs his shoulders. George was right. Lewis was listening in. “It could be anything.”
“Oh, come on, Uncle Lew,” Milly groans. “Just pick something.”
George doesn’t really remember when Milly and Leo took up to call Lewis Uncle Lewis or Uncle Lew but somewhere along the four years they had.
“I’ll go with a girl and a boy.”
“What about you, Hay?”
Hayden doesn’t pay attention. He is too busy rubbing his hand over George’s stomach. Too fascinated with the concept of having babies in his dad’s stomach.
George catches Lewis’ eyes from across the room, both of them smiling before looking fondly at their son. Everyone had wondered who Hayden would take more after: George or Lewis. He is a perfect combination of both. Looks and personality wise.
“Kai, Leo, did you get ready?” Lewis shouts so he can be heard in the next room.
“Two minutes,” Kai says. “The episode is almost about to finish.”
Lewis walks to the doorway that connects their room to Hayden’s room, popping his face over the frame. Kaiden and Leo are on their stomachs, the iPad supported by the bed’s headboard. “You said that ten minutes ago. Did you start a new episode?”
“No!” Both Kaiden and Leo exclaim at the same time. Lewis knows a lie when he hears one.
“Benjy is gonna be here in 15 minutes,” Lewis says. “Let’s go. Start getting ready.”
“Dad’s always late,” Leo argues. “It’s fine. We’ll be ready on time.”
George presses his lips in a thin line when he hears it. “Two minutes and I should have the iPad in my hands.”
The next ten minutes are filled with chaos. Leo and Kaiden rush to get ready while Milly and Willow do a final check to see if they have everything they want.
The whole time Hayden doesn’t move from where he is sitting on George’s thighs, his head laying on the baby bump when he suddenly gasps. “Papa, was I in there?”
George thought the conversation had ended. “You were.”
“How did I come out?”
Yeah, he wants the conversation to end. He doesn’t want to explain the logistics of childbirth to his three year-old.
“Okay.” Lewis walks in the room again at the right time. He scoops Hayden into his arms, causing their son to giggle. “Let’s get you to wear your shoes and your jacket. We don’t want to make Uncle Benjy wait when he’s here. Say bye to Papa.”
Lewis bends down so Hayden can hug and kiss George on the cheek. “Buh-bye, Papa. I love you.”
George kisses Hayden on the cheek back. “I love you, too. Don’t have too much fun without me.”
It’s only for a few hours. Hayden will be back soon enough. But since he has become a dad, even a minute away from his son seems like too much sometimes. It’s fine. Just a few hours, George reminds himself.
“I’ll be right back.” Lewis steals a kiss from George before walking out of the room.
Hayden waves over Lewis’ shoulder. George waves back.
A smile dances on George’s lips. This is the happiest he has ever been.
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