#i have an unreasonable amount of emotions about the purples and this will certainly make that clear. 1500 words oops?
purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
*rolls in on a segue with frog stickers and cookies*
The purple ones like to give gifts to show affection sometimes, right? How does that translate to each other? How do they bond are there hijinks are there Conversations™️? I assume they aren’t as affectionate as the blues but also I would love to be disproven via “unconventional affection” (gentle biting and the like) bc you showed that Tello at least does that to Leonardo (which was amazing and I keep going back to reread that specific post)
Farewell for now friend(?) enjoy the stickers and cookies ✨
you are not prepared for the amount of purple nonsense I have to talk about I promise
Purple ones do like to give gifts! They're like reverse raccoons, where they show up in the middle of the night to give you things instead of steal them. (Usually. There's been some theft when something looks particularly cool and science-able. There's also been a lot of apology pizzas.)
The complication to this is that Donnie likes giving sciencey gifts, and his brothers are not what you might call 'appreciative of the finer things in life'. Donnie's the only one excited about Splinter bringing home an anemometer, y'know? So it's not like he can gift weather instruments to the dum-dums he lives with. Sadly.
And then Tello shows up, after sixteen MORE years of being a huge damn nerd (affectionate). They remember their home laboratory very fondly, even if they also remember it as being pretty rudimentary. Donnie objects to this descriptor until he sees what Tello can do and then promptly shuts his mouth.
Despite being much more advanced in their scientific knowledge and mystic abilities, Tello wants to see everything in Donnie's lab. It's been a while since they've had a place so well-stocked, what with the end of the world and all. And it's not like the rest of the family is going to be nearly as interested in what's going on, so there's maaaybe a little bit of Tello that wants to give Donnie some more of that sweet, sweet validation from a parent-aged adult.
The rest of the turtles just find it weird that the purples are over here getting each other scientific instruments and printed-out doctorate theses for their birthdays, but whatever. The purples have always been weird to them and that's never gonna change.
There's also fun things like LEGO sets. They spend three days putting together the ISS set and watching various horror movies like Alien. Donnie is allowed to keep all the sets and has a display case in his lab that is better protected than most bank vaults. The purples are the only ones allowed in there even though Leo keeps trying to get in to see what they've been working on.
Also Tello takes Donnie to museums at night! It's not hard for them to fix things with the security systems so nobody sees the turtles running around. They have a great time and Tello will never tell anyone that Donnie gets emotional over that one display with the fossilised turtle eggs.
Donnie is also the only one allowed to handle Tello's prosthetics. I mean, the others can touch them, but nobody else is allowed to work on them. Tello teaches Donnie a lot and Donnie is very careful with everything he does. He's also the one who comes up with the pattern that Tello eventually has on their arm! And he builds a new pair of goggles for Tello cause theirs is kinda busted up.
And I'm in charge of canon now so SHELLDON LIVED DAMN IT. He was never rebuilt before the apocalypse started, in the bad timeline, but Donnie rebuilds him in the good timeline. This is the one thing that Tello doesn't help with because they're too nervous about messing up. But when Shelldon is put back together again, and he and Donnie have had their reunion, Donnie brings him to Tello immediately. There's a lot of crying.
There are SO many hijinks. They get up to so much trouble together, truly they make each other worse. Leo starts a prank war once and the purples fucking finish it. Nobody else gets involved, as Leo is left to his fate even by Leonardo. He remembers The Great War Of 2028. Nobody will say exactly what happened but accusations are made.
And if anyone bothers Donnie, Tello will be there with a ridiculously sized knife in .02 seconds. Don't mess with little purple cause the big one is unhinged. They've threatened everyone but Casey Jr at some point, Jr just gets removed, usually picked up by the ankle by one of Tello's metal battle shell arms, with him giggling all the way.
The purples being bonded does make missions much more dangerous for the bad guys. Or rather, it did. Tello is officially banned from going on any missions that aren't life-or-death, because the second the young twins or Jr are in danger, Tello will make it life-or-death. Donnie doesn't see this as a problem, but everyone else does.
Conversations, on the other hand, don't happen much. At least not ones about emotions or the future. Tello's had enough of that shit and there's a lot of memories that they'd rather not revisit. Even apart from all their own trauma, what with losing two legs and an arm and a chunk of their shell, Red's death in particular hit them very hard.
Fortunately they always have Science! And Donnie's got a little bit of hero worship with how advanced Tello's stuff is. Sometimes they ask each other for advice on things. They're both unusually polite about it, in that they don't just jump in to fix the thing, and instead work together. Sometimes for 37 hours straight at a time.
Neither of the blues are very pleased with them for that. Neither of the purples care very much. Unfortunately Leo is too small to pick up either of them, and they all know from experience that Donnie will bitch him out if he tries while on crutches with a cracked shell. Tello does not yell. Tello is very quiet, while staring very intently, with a disappointed expression. Somehow that's much worse to the blues.
Tello scares Leonardo sometimes but that's not going to stop him from dropping by to kidnap Donnie to get him to sleep. Usually Tello is pretty good at realising when the two of them have been awake too long, and will get Donnie to bed. Sometimes the nerd things are just too important and Leonardo's gotta step in. Tello is nice enough to check what time it is before reacting, but if it hasn't been at least twelve hours, Leonardo is in danger. Nobody's helping him escape, he knew the risks.
Unconventional affection is so much a thing. There's been literally countless times where someone walks in on Donnie biting at Tello's arm cause Tello puts a wrap over their metal arm and Donnie can just. Chomp to his heart's content. They both think it's hilarious and they're right tbh I support them.
Headbutts are affection I said what I said. Usually it's like when a cat gently headbonks you to show affection, but also sometimes there's a lil bit of Violence in there. The others don't get involved in that, they've got enough bite marks from previous interferences in purple bonding.
Also, Tello reties Donnie's mask tails for him when one starts slipping loose. They don't let Donnie do that for them, something something shell trauma, something something if you surprise them from behind you're gonna have to go to the hospital. Donnie doesn't have all the details on that but he doesn't push them about it. He gets touchy enough about his brothers touching his uninjured shell.
Donnie is allowed to touch Tello's hair, however! They'll sit side by side and Donnie will braid it for them sometimes. Tello usually doesn't braid it themself because strands have a habit of getting wrapped in the joints of their metal fingers and that's just a hassle. But it's also calming for them to have someone working on their hair, so even though they never say they're stressed, Donnie knows the signs and always makes time for them when they need it.
This is something that originated in the bayrise fic and got carried over to wify cause I love it. When one or the both of them are having a no-touching day, they'll bow to each other in greeting! Only time they reliably use their manners, and the reds are lowkey tired of them not having manners any other time, but also the reds think it's adorable. They don't say that cause they don't wanna get hurt.
Hugs and cuddles are not so much a thing for them. Donnie is particular about when he lets people touch him, and Tello's ten times worse. They get a little better about it eventually, but it's not like they can synchronise the days when cuddling is okay. There's one thing that Tello always try to make an exception for, though.
When Donnie's stressed to the breaking point, Tello will haul him off to a remote blanket nest and curl completely around him so he can't see the outside world. Dark, quiet, alone, protected - they're the perfect conditions for Donnie to start coming down from the panic spiral. And if it's needed, Tello will hum the lullaby that Splinter used to calm them down when they were little.
Not even Jr or Leonardo will come near them when there's an emergency nest. He'd be better off throwing himself into the raptor pen at Jurassic Park and they all know it. They also all know where the emergency nest is, so they can make sure they avoid it. They call it the alligator nest because there's no doubt in anyone's mind that Tello would protect it with as much ferocity and nearly as many teeth as an angry mama alligator. They are quite correct.
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sinfulwonders · 4 years
👀 ~
Alrighty here’s another fic. This one is actually practically done, even though I thought it was a lot less finished. I may polish it up and post it on Ao3 soon, but here it is for now.
When Shuichi Saihara received a text from Kokichi Ouma one early Saturday morning, he suspected that his plans were ruined for the day…very possibly the entire weekend. As he opened the message, his suspicions were quickly confirmed.
I’m sick! Will you be my nurse? Bring soup…and grape panta.
Shuichi sighed, letting the warmth from his dorm room bed engulf him for just a moment longer before slowly rising to his feet. They both knew that he would say yes. Although Shuichi acted annoyed with Kokichi’s many crazy antics and schemes, it was fairly obvious that Shuichi had a soft spot for the supreme leader. A soft spot that the supreme leader was thrilled to exploit.
Fine. Be there in ten.
“Shumai! You came to say your goodbyes!”
Shuichi sighed as he entered the room, carrying a single shopping bag, as his eyes fell on the purple eyed menace. The exceedingly pale boy was smiling and waving enthusiastically, like the ghost of some excited child.
Kokichi nodded seriously, “Yep. Before my deadly illness takes me inevitably. The doctors said I only have hours to live!”
Shuichi groaned, “Are you even sick, Kokichi?” He wouldn’t be surprised if the supreme leader had dragged the detective down just because he wanted a fizzy beverage.
What a waste of time.
Kokichi beamed, “You got me. It was a lie! Supreme leaders don’t get sic-ACK-” Kokichi’s face fell as his speech devolved into a coughing fit, causing Shuichi to immediately kneel at his bedside.
The detective placed a worried hand on the boy’s pallid forehead, “Jeez, Kokichi. You’re buring up. Maybe you should go see Mikan…”
Kokichi whined, “Nooooo. I want Shumai to take care of meeee.”
“Why? My talent isn’t even medical related…”
With that, the supreme leader burst into a fit of almost certainly fake tears, “WAAAH! Shuichi doesn’t like me enough to even take care of me while I’m sick and dying!”
This elicited an eye roll from the detective, as he’d seen this trick so many times before, “Kokichi, you know it’s not that. I just don’t know if I’ll do a good job.”
Kokichi’s tears were suddenly dry, like they never existed at all, as he glanced blankly at the boy, “A good job?”
Shuichi nodded, “Yeah... If you’re really sick, I definitely don’t want you to get worse because of me.”
The detective was taken aback by a spiteful sound.
Kokichi hoarsely cackled at the boy, a malicious grin lining his face, “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! For a detective you really are dumb!” Shuichi frowned as the boy continued, his voice losing its edge slightly, “Shumai is great at taking care of people. That’s why I requested you, over allllll of my other minions! I only allow the best.”
Well that was unexpectedly sweet…
Trying to hide his elated surprise at the praise, Shuichi let out an exasperated sigh, “…Fine.”
The supreme leader squealed and pulled the detective into a quick hug.
“K-Kokichi! You’re g-gonna get me sick…” Shuichi stammered.
“Neeheehee! Perfect, then you’ll have to let me take care of you! Then it’ll just be an endless cycle…one of us sick and one of us well, forever and ever!” Kokichi smiled sweetly as he spoke, but those sweet smiles always were a little off. In this case, there was a mischievous twinkle in his violet eyes. The same eyes that observed Shuichi’s every reaction with a calculating coolness that both fascinated and terrified the detective.
“Kokichi, that honestly sounds horrible.”
The detective noticed that Kokichi’s lip quivered a little, but in a flash it was gone, as it seemed that he decided to go a different emotional direction with his lie.
The boy instead examined his fingernails, looking incredibly bored, “Well I think it sounds romantic. You’d be with each other, taking care of each other, forever…”
Hmm, well that’s an interesting point of view.
Kokichi never ceased to amaze the detective. Once he thought he had a pretty good grasp on how he thought Kokichi would react to something the supreme leader switched it up, flipping the situation on its head. It’s why the detective was absorbed with thoughts of figuring out the enigma that was Kokichi Ouma.
Kokichi snickered, “Of course that could be a lie…Maybe I just want you to be my cute little nurse!”
Shuichi sighed, rolling his eyes at the last comment, “I don’t want you to call me your ‘nurse’, Kokichi. I feel like you’re taking it to a weird place.”
Kokichi smiled devilishly.
Shuichi continued, giving the boy a stern look, “Look, if you want me to take care of you, that’s fine, I’ll take care of you. But I am not gonna let you make this weird, and I am going to try to do a decent job. So rest. I have some over the counter medicine in my bag, so I’ll give you something that should help with the fever. Lay down and I’ll grab you a glass of water.”
Kokichi’s eyes widened, “Wow, you’re so good at this! And so brave, to give a supreme leader commands,” his face darkened, “You may end up regretting it…”
Shuichi ignored Kokichi’s attempt to agitate him and instead pressed a lanky finger on the supreme leader’s forehead, and gently pushed him back to the pillow, “Lay. Down. You’re going to regret if you overdo it just to taunt me.”
Kokichi stayed quiet, his expression now blank, and watched as Shuichi turned to fill a cup with water from the bathroom sink. At least he stayed quiet until a large sneeze erupted from him.
Shuichi quickly returned with water and a couple pills.
Kokichi spoke after releasing a couple hoarse coughs, “Sure hope you aren’t trying to poison me…actually that’s a lie. Put me out of my misery, detective!”
“Shh. I’m not trying to poison you,” Shuichi dropped the pills into the supreme leader’s hand and then watched as he swallowed them, quickly washing them down with water.
Shuichi then handed Kokichi a tissue for his nose, and as the boy wiped his sick face, made his way to the bathroom one more, quietly returning with a damp washcloth.
He placed it gently on the boy’s head, careful to move a few strands of purple tipped hair out of the way first.
“Sleep,” he smiled gently at the boy and then sat down in the supreme leader’s desk chair. He rummaged through the shopping bag and pulled out a small book, beginning to read. The boys sat in silence for a while, with Shuichi glancing up to check on Kokichi every few minutes to make sure he was at least attempting to sleep. He began ignoring the book more and more, eventually just staring at the supreme leader in cautious wonder. That is, until he caught Shuichi staring.
Kokichi gave the boy a mischievous smirk, “Wow you’re super doting Shumai. You are definitely my most eager slave yet!”
Shuichi brushed him off and lazily retorted, “Whatever Kokichi. Anyway I’m definitely not your slave, I’m your nurse-”
As soon as the word accidently slipped out, Shuichi blushed deeply. His heart fluttered in a way that he was not expecting at the thought of being Kokichi’s personal nurse for the day.
What? Don’t think that!
“Hahahaha, man that was easier than I thought-ACHOO!”
Shuichi’s blush faded as he grabbed the box of tissues, and rushed to hand a few to Kokichi.
Shuichi looked down at Kokichi, who was an unusually small boy anyway, but he was surprised how weak he looked. His frail form was shaking slightly, and beads of sweat lined the boy’s head.
“Kokichi, you’re really sick. You need to stop talking and sleep.”
“Aww you’re no fun Shumai…” Kokichi shot him a weak smile.
Shuichi stood to return to his chair when he felt small fingers wrap around his own. He felt blood rush to his face.
“Will you just talk to me? Read me something until I fall asleep?” Kokichi’s wide eyes were devoid of mischief, just filled with innocence.
Shuichi picked up his book that he had just started, and flipped back to the beginning, gently sitting on the bed next to Kokichi as he did so. He opened his mouth and began to quietly read the words aloud. Before Shuichi had finished reading the first chapter Kokichi had fallen asleep, quietly snoring next to the detective. Shuichi let out a satisfied sigh.
He turned to look at the sick boy, noticing how strangely angelic and innocent he looked while he slept. It was strange to Shuichi how absolutely beautiful Kokichi was when he wasn’t trying to make the most grotesque faces humanly possible.
Wait, beautiful? Don’t think that Shuichi!
But it was true, and Shuichi could no longer deny it. Kokichi Ouma was beautiful.
Although no one has any right to be this beautiful while they’re sleeping and sick. It’s just not fair.
“Nngh,” Ouma let out a soft groan as he shifted, his tiny arms wrapping around Shuichi’s waist.
Kokichi had an unreasonable amount of strength for a sick person, at least in Shuichi’s eyes, because quickly the detective was helplessly tugged into bed with the supreme leader. Kokichi snuggled into him like he was holding a childhood stuffed animal, and other than the underlying dread that Shuichi felt at the fact that he was almost certainly going to get sick, the detective couldn’t help but melt into the warmth of Kokichi’s arms.
“Shumai…” Kokichi mumbled in his sleep.
Shuichi brushed the hair gently away from Kokichi’s sweaty forward, “Don’t worry. I’m here.”
 “Nghhh,” Shuichi groaned as he laid in his bed, wet washcloth resting on his forehead. It seems he had caught the supreme leader’s ‘deadly illness’ after all.
“Don’t worry Shumai! Nurse Kokichi is here to save the day!” Kokichi practically squealed as he plopped on the bed next to Shuichi.
It seems Kokichi had taken what he said about being Shuichi’s personal nurse very seriously. When Shuichi had called out sick from school, Kokichi had taken it upon himself to gather supplies and break into his dorm room wearing a full on nurse outfit.
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