#i have a lot of thoughts about laishuro and farcille actually
senseearly · 26 days
Thinking about laios and marcille are nervous whenever they go in their laishuro and farcille dates, and frequently ask kabru for advice because to them hes like this casanova or something like that, but in reality hes a nervous wreck as they are but in kabumisu dates
(Like yeah generally kabru is at ease when with mithrun, and is more honest/relaxed, but i think when they do label themselves as something romantic -- and potentially leading to marriage -- while Mithrun works on slowly but surely getting back his desires, which includes specific desires for a romantic partner, the tension and overthinking would set in. Does he like the food? Does he like this gift? Am I doing enough??? Not to mention that there are cultural differences between them, which Kabru knows very well, so I can see him worrying a lot about the future of their relationship, which is something that he wants to sustain, until he is old and dying, because he wants Mithrun, he is selfish about Mithrun. And Mithrun also has his own worries, perhaps more down the line, but in a very early courtship Kabumisu he'll be figuring out what he wants to do and if he likes doing this and comparing them to what his old self used to do -- then realizes that the intricacies of elven social rituals and cues are a nuisance to him now)
(As for laishuro and farcille: i think laios will be nervous once he starts courting toshiro, because while they may have settled their differences and talked honestly about their feelings, its the awareness that he might be frustrating someone or not understanding what the other wants/needs making him nervous about all of this. Especially since shuro is special to him, and i would say laios' past attempts at courtships/relationships are not that successful, especially since the thing about his first fiance broke off. One thing id like to note is that toshiro is equally nervous about it, one because there is more pressure to 'keep the best appearances' in the early stage of courtship, two i think the culture that shuro grew up w emphasizes a lot on class differences, and he might get intimated with laios new status as king or feel that as of this time he has not yet achieved things that makes him deserving of laios. If his own father wont acknowledge him until he proves himself, how he can be someone important to laios? Then i thimk these conflicts resolves by the same resolution in their first conflict: honesty and open communication. Of course there will be hiccups, but them -- especially shuro -- being direct while also understanding how the other feels is important for their relationship to flourish.
Farcille on the other hand i think marcille's nervousness comes from the fact that she has never been in a relationship before. Her view of romance comes from her parents -- which i think for her she views as something precious but a small but loud part of her thinks its inevitably tragic -- and her novels -- which is just full of melodrama, falin certainly wont be involved in a love triangle, right? RIGHT??? -- and so really she has no experience. While she thinks that falin has boys and girls down on her knees begging for her attention until falin confesses that she thinks that she is too weird for marcille. That in the past shes viewed as weird and creepy for her magical abilities, and picked on probably by people in her village. That its only marcille and their companions that treated her like a person. Obv marcille is horrified to hear that, because how could they think of you like that, *mentions how great and kind falin is x10* and falin laughs and says how she thinks marcille is great too. And that smooths out their nerves for the rest of their date)
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