#i hate walking home alone cuz ik how boring and slow it is
darkclouud9 · 1 year
Last night I had a dream that I was with a bunch of people I sort of recognized (like i felt like I know them I don't know who they were) and one of the people I do remember knowing was Etho! And were were at a ski hill, going every day for a few days from our large cabin we were all staying at. And I don't like skiing or snowboarding (even in my dreams too i guess) a whole lot so I was staying in the lodge drawing, hanging out with the others who are resting or just hanging out inside. One of the people who was inside was Etho. I remember asking Etho the third day to tell me when he was going home because I'd go with him (i didn't want to walk all the way back alone). And then that fucker left without me and I had to stay another three hours because I didn't want to walk home alone.
Even your dream knows what Etho would do in that situation. That fucker would do that :]
He definitely did that on purpose, I hope your dream self knew that. He would want you to feel pain >:)
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