#i had this idea/imagery in my head for the nights where i couldnt sleep
mienar · 3 years
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"oh how the stars have become companions for the sleepless,”
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bmpmp3 · 5 years
i slept real bad last night and watched too many horror movies this week (oddly enough theyre actually pretty unrelated, my sleeping problems are more so ‘cause i wasn’t feeling super well qwq) so im gonna talk about all the horror movies i watched jsdsklfd;sa
so yesterday i watched two back to back yesterday? that was probably a bad idea fhdksa i watched The VVitch (i know its the witch....but its the vvitch) and then i watched heriditary and i was like fine with the vvitch? i thought it was a good movie, some cool imagery and visually i think it looked cool, although im pretty sure the movie was tryna frame it to be like a scary ending? but honestly that girl had such a rough time that by the end i was like PLEASE GIRL gO LIVE DELICIOUSLY live ur life girl u derserve it babe ily i dunno man it was good i think, although i hated the sound deisgn hdsajkas everyone....spoke so quiet qwq i mean i watch everything with subtitles ‘cause ive got a bad brain that cant process things fast but STILL.... I COULDNT HEAR SHIT jdssfda  yeah it was fine i think
then i watched Hereditary which was a fantastic movie with great sound and really good acting and strong imagery and I never want to see it ever again AHDKAsa  everyones got things that they really cant handle in horror, even when theyre horror fans, like i get jumped by jump scares like everyone else, and im super uncomfortable about ankle gore and teeth stuff makes me wanna wash my face constantly so im not great with that stuff, but heriditary.....made me find new things that i cant handle in horror hjfkdwserfds so i learned im really bad with 1) severe allergic reactions in movies (even non horror movies) and 2) accidental deaths (which allergic reactions kinda ties into) so if youve seen heriditary you can probably figure out that i had a real bad time 40 minutes in qwq and all the characters felt way too real? too real, i kept watching ‘cause i knew i wouldnt be able to stop thinking about it if i didnt finish but it was Upsetting orz i’ve only had this feeling with two other pieces of fiction: the webseries Alantutorial, and the movie adaptation of Where the Wild Things Are of all things bdsssdj, both of those things had like emotional moments in the acting and character types that felt far too real for me to the point where i had to mentally rewrite it in my head to make things better and all the problems resolved and everythings fine sdhgajKSDHJ i had to do that with hereditary too orz does that sound crazy? me and my older brother both always had problems where we have like... hyper empathy? i dunno if thats a real thing i just know me and my brother would be able to feel the stress in the air and all that stuff? you can feel the feelings in your bones? am i making sense? i was able to suppress my reactions a little more than my brother could, he would have to leave the room when watching a comedy that relies too much on embarassment type humour, that kinda thing were both pretty good at keeping it in check now but GOD we feel things others are feeling Very Strongly qwq so yeah yesterday i learned i have a lot of trouble watching movies that feel too emotionally real (manifestations of emotions in child-like ways like in where the wild things are really fuck me up qwq) or have character types that remind me too much of people i was or am close with (had a lot of friends with severe food allergies as a kid so hereditary was roooough and neurodivergence is just kinda something thats been a strong presence in my life since i was born which made alantutorial and all its coding.....Very Rough) in upsetting situations fdjds (edit: and like not just upsetting situations, like thematically relevant situations? like it’s less infantilization of these characters and more so it brings me right back to being an 8 year old with behavioural issues realizing ableism is a thing in the world and getting extremely upset ‘cause i desperately want to help my friends and family and even myself but ive got little 8 year old hands and i cant do SHIT.....that kinda thing?) am i making sense? ‘cause you know it starts feeling less like bad stuff is happening to characters and more like bad stuff is happening directly to you, your friends, and your family?  anyway in other words Hereditary, fantastic movie, would not recommend, never gonna watch it again qwq
i also watched VHS on sunday and i really liked it! i love anthology movies, especially anthology horror (i think horror works great for short form stuff qwq) and it was also found footage which ive mentioned before is like...me favourite gimmick I LOVE IT ALL i cant helpt it even if its bad if its found footage i’ll probably like it~ there were stuff i had problems with tho, like the framing device of the guys breaking into the house? wasn’t a fan, I dunno i immediately hated the characters so much that i didnt care about their endeavours also it was way too horny well i mean theres nothing wrong with horny but horny and horror is a tricky combination to keep balanced and i think....it had trouble with that the titty ratio was really weird? is that a weird thing to say OKAY like the first story was about a succubus right? so titties and horniness in that? thats cool, fits fine, sure, but like, compared to the other stories it was way less horny? which felt tonally weird..... am i making sense? like there were two (2) titties in the succubus story and 4 in the alien story....i feel like thats not right? im talking nonsense im sorry anyway the succubus story was good, wasnt my favourite but i thought it was well done enough and the actress playing the succubus was really good! and the effects were neat with the line you see on her face in some lightings, fun foreshadowing i thought the second story i think was the one about the girl and her bf going on a trip? but its like a plot for her and her secret partner in crime gf to kill him? felt kinda out of place since the rest of the stories have strong supernaturals aspects and this was just a pretty simple crime thriller type story lol also lowkey i kinda assumed the dude was supposed to be hateable ‘cause i didnt like how pushy he was about wanted to film her in her underwear in the beginning so like when he was killed and she ran away with her gf i was just kinda like....good for her i dunno wasn’t a big fan of this one? felt like it didn’t fit among all the supernatural stuff in the otehr stories, plus I could do without wlw in horror always being evil? is that a trend anyone else has noticed or am i just too sensitive? i wanna see lesbians in horror as the good guys blease qwq the next story with the glitchy killer in the woods was great! weirdly horny again and the main character girl’s acting felt odd but if you ignore that there was some really neat concepts! i feel like it woulda made a good video game? jfdsa then there was the alien one! adored that one, again too horny, why are there so many titties, please calm down for one minute directors, but i thought it was great! like at first yer like why does this guy act so weird and then you start getting suspicious ‘cause of how calm he is and THEN THE TWIST AND YER LIKE OHHH SHIT i dunno i thought it was great i liked it a lot the last one was pretty simple but i also really liked it! it was the least horny which was kinda a breath of fresh air, plus lowkey i loved how the frat boys, once they realize that all this shit is real and Bad News theyre like WE GOTTA HELP THE GIRL BEING SACRIFICED i thought that was sweet, chad and his pals drink respecting women juice i love them, shame she was like a ghost? or something? and then they got all killed loved u chad and pals (i only remember one was named chad im sorry orz) but yeah it was simple but the effects looked great and i thought it was good! and again the framing device came in but i forgot how it wrapped up ‘cause i just....didnt care for it? like the characters in the framing device were supposed to be bad dudes but i genuinely could not care about whateever happened with them ‘cause i hated them so muchdsfejddssds overall it was good! weirdly horny tho
so yeah watched too many horror movies now i gotta watch something nice and funny and pleasant, maybe ill watch some disney movies or something qwq
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