#i got two fungal infections and now the consortium of phyta hates me so much
psychiclounge · 1 year
playing on wander mode does have the like horrible little elitist devil on my shoulder going "you're not getting the REAL experience" but like. i just don't like hardcore/permadeath roguelikes. i find them very frustrating and unfun & if i were playing classic or even roleplay i probably would've dropped the game already. as is ive dumped 20 hours into one character so far and im having a fucking blast i adore it, it's absolutely easier but it's not like a straight godmode sort of deal where it makes it so trivial as to be uninteresting. there's still potential major losses, there's still places where i get my shit pushed in, etc etc its like the perfect amount of challenge for me when combat does happen & i get to do a shitload of exploring id be scared off of otherwise
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