#i get the impression he would completely be forgotten by academic history if it wasnt for people beating him with a stick to take some cred
paragonrobits · 8 months
Princess Bubblegum, pouring over a dossier she's composed on Simon Petrikov: I must admit that, even with our previous conflicts, I find you a fascinating individual. Simon: Really? I always thought I was boringly normal. Bubblegum: Certainly not! There's so many things to consider. The question of how many of Ice King's personality characteristics were imposed on the crown, and what were exaggerated aspects of your own personality alone would make a very interesting investigation. Bubblegum: In fact, your fiance's work on the links between magic, sadness and madness have greatly suggested to me avenues on how magic works I never considered. As opposed to, y'know. It just working and no one thinks about it because its MAGIC. Bubblegum: I most sincerely want to put you under a microscope and dissect you. Simon: Oh, that's an interesting metaphor. I suppose I could stand to take an outside perspective at my mental state. Princess Bubblegum, in the middle of pulling out a ocmically oversized microscope: ... Bubblegum: Yes. Metaphor. That's what I meant. Simon: ...Hang on now, you don't need to put it away, I didn't say NO to the idea. Bubblegum: You DID hear me say 'dissect', yes? Simon: And I'm still saying I'm not entirely opposed to the idea provided there is anesthetic and I will of course survive the procedure? Bubblegum: Uh, YEAH! What kind of a hack do you take me for? Simon: 'Hack' on the context of being dissected is a bad choice of words but I apologize.
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