#i gave clove robes because i was thinking about perrin from andor and the whole jedi robe inspired coruscanti fashion
the-ipre · 24 days
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[id: a digital drawing of Clove and Gia from the waists up. Clove is a pink Zeltron with purple vitiligo and shoulder length brown hair, wearing red and cream robes with gold details. Standing beside vem is Gia, a brown skinned human with shoulder length purple hair and a vest, a security earpiece in her ear and a cane in her left hand. Clove has a hand out from blowing a kiss and winks at the camera, while Gia looks over at them, unimpressed. A gold halo sits behind Clove's head, overlapping with the silver halo behind Gia /end id]
@stonehenge-asexual's guys clove and gia in star wars :D clove is space beyonce whose music definitely isnt rebellion aligned but its So sweet that you think that <3 and gia is his security guard who can't wait to get out of the public eye so the persona drops alskdf
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