#i forgot to ask if he thought i could do a snug though 😭
gayestcowboy · 1 year
getting the STRONG urge to stretch my ear lobes and septum
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
“…he simply assumed you were his girlfriend and forgot to ask, but that's another story.”
BABE IMMA NEED THE STORY lol why do I feel like that is a true to reality thing that our lil Will would do😑😭
Okay, so I know you didn’t exactly ask for the WHOLE story, and only just the part where he didn’t ask her to be his girlfriend… but, what can I say - this is just one of my dearest Willy fantasies, so I felt like jotting it all down 🙈
A part of: I’m only one call away | William Nylander (& John Tavares)
Warnings; sexual activity (not explicit);
Word count; 3.8K
・✶ 。゚
I’m only one call away (the other story) | William Nylander 🖋️ (⚡️)
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The bar was boiling as you headed to the counter for another round of drinks. But getting there was tougher than it sounded. With your lack of height and broad shoulders, you attempted to squeeze through the crowd but didn't have much luck.
And just as you spotted an opening to slip through, a bigger guy accidentally knocked into you, making you lose your balance and stumble backwards.
But to your surprise, another large figure was right behind you and instinctively caught you in his arms.
"Oh shit, sorry about that," you shouted over the music, looking up at the tall guy who'd inadvertently become your cushion.
"No worries, lucky I was around, huh?" the man chuckled as you steadied yourself.
And you couldn't help but pause and stare.
Even though it was pretty dim inside the bar, you could still make out that he was a looker. His sleek, light-coloured hair and rugged beard complemented his blue eyes and wide, cocky grin. Clad in a snug, white tank top with a thick chain around his neck and what seemed like quite loose trousers.
Yep, his vibe definitely screamed trouble.
"Well, I'm still sorry," you flashed him a sweet smile, attempting to avert your gaze. Yet, his eyes remained fixed on you, making it quite challenging for you to look away.
"How about you buy me a drink as an apology?" he suggested with a confident grin.
"I suppose that'd only be fair," you replied, returning his expression before both of you made your way towards the bar counter. His large figure definitely helping you out. 
And before you knew it, you were deeply engrossed in a conversation with this stranger.
Well, as it turned out, the stranger happened to be none other than Toronto's star hockey player, William Nylander. He was out with his brother Alex, who had come over from Pittsburgh to spend time with him. But as Alex had found another group to chat with, William took the chance to strike up a conversation with you.
Your smile and laughter seemed to captivate him effortlessly. And moreover, you were intriguing, funny, and undeniably sexy.
And William felt compelled to make a move on you because, from his experience, girls like you weren't exactly easy to come by. If such a thing as 'girls like you' even existed. Typically, he was surrounded by eager girls seeking his attention all the time, but you didn't fit that mould.
You simply exuded calmness and confidence while also posing interesting questions about him, ones that people typically didn’t bother to ask, assuming they already knew the answers. But unlike many, you weren't swayed by third-party journalism, online theories, or eye-catching headlines.
So, after a couple of hours spent chatting, enjoying a few drinks, and sharing laughter over the most cheesy jokes, William escorted you out of the bar and a short distance down the street, planning to see you off as you’d take the underground home.
However, a part of him wasn't ready to bid you farewell just yet. So, before you were about to walk down the stairs, he gently pulled you back by your wrists, drawing you into his arms for a passionate kiss.
And as you both slowly parted, you looked up at the tall Swede.
"Why not just tell me what you really want, hockey star?" you smirked, well aware of the thoughts occupying his mind - thoughts that too had been on your mind all night.
"Let's head to my place," he flashed a mischievous grin and a wink.
"What about your brother?" you chuckled lightly.
"What about him? He can crash at one of the other guys' places or a hotel. He's probably found a girl too," he replied nonchalantly, the smirk still playing across his lips. And after a gentle nod from you, he then took your hand and led the way to his condo.
And the night turned out to be quite something.
William knew his way around not just on the hockey rink but also in the bedroom, showing a undeniable skills of how to please a woman. He made your needs a priority, aiming to ensure you experienced pleasure before he did, with his impressive oral skills, striving to bring you to at least one orgasm before engaging in passionate and long-lasting sex. He even managed to provide you with pleasure in different positions, creating a heated atmosphere filled with sweat and loud moans.
And following three intense orgasms (and William remembering to use protection – points for that), you found yourselves lying together, engaging in conversation once more.
Surprisingly, he let you to spend the night, which contrasted with his usual approach to casual hook-ups.
However, in the morning, he woke up to find you were no longer there. And it stung a little. Even though he knew it might have been a one-time thing, a small part of him wished it could have been more. But after a sigh and accepting the reality, he noticed a post-it note on his nightstand.
"Sorry hockey star, had to leave. Last night was fun, so if you ever feel for some company again, just drop me a text ;) [your phone number] – y/n"
A grin spread across his handsome face as he read your note, and it didn't take long before he couldn't hold back and decided to text you.
Willy: Hey, want to maybe do it again sometime? 😉
Y/n: Who's this? 😅
Willy: William?
Y/n: Ah, the hockey star! Sorry, didn't have your number, so wasn't sure who was texting 😉
William facepalmed himself. Of course, you didn't recognise who was texting. He was the only one with your number, not the other way around.
Willy: Of course not, sorry 🙈
Y/n: No worries 😉 But sure, I'd love to do it again sometime – just let me know when you're free
William pondered for a moment. He had just over a week left in Toronto before heading to Sweden with Alex for the summer, so he knew he had to act fast.
Willy: How about tomorrow night? 😉
Y/n: Wow, you do not waste any time, do you 😂
Willy: I'm off to Sweden soon, gotta be quick 😉
Y/n: Well, in that case, I guess we'll have to make the most of it before you leave 😉 See you tomorrow night.
And indeed, you did.
In fact, you got to see all of William in his true naked form for most of the night. It started on the sofa, with fervent kissing leading to swift undressing, before heading back to his bedroom, you shed the rest of your clothes, keeping each other warm during passionate sex. Followed by a steamy shower and your second climax of the night.
And then a third one the following morning.
This time, waking up next to the handsome man, a smile graced your lips as you admired his features. William was a heavy sleeper, his muscular, slightly hairy chest rising and falling rhythmically, accompanied by deep snoring. He looked rather beautiful in his slumber, well, as beautiful as anyone can look while asleep. And then your attention was drawn to his morning wood, standing proudly under the sheets, almost inviting you to touch. However, you resisted the temptation, opting to let William continue sleeping while you slipped into his t-shirt from the previous night and made your way to his kitchen.
But as William then gradually woke up, his initial thought was that you had once again left without a word. And not finding a note this time, he assumed it might be the end of your encounter.
Yet, he heard faint sounds coming from the kitchen, and upon investigating, he discovered you standing by the counter, engrossed in your phone while enjoying a cup of coffee.
His husky morning voice greeted you with a smile and a tender kiss, followed by an embrace with his naked body.
And this time, you couldn't ignore his persistent erection.
Swiftly, William lifted you onto the counter, your lips connecting again as morning breath mingled, and his cock found your eager entrance.
And less than 48 hours passed before you were once again entwined with the Swedish lad.
You couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of it all - that what was initially meant to be a casual one-night stand had now led to spending your evening together with William for the third time within a week.
And this time, you were at your place cooking dinner. William had texted you while you were on your way home from the grocery store, and instead of just heading back to cook for yourself, he insisted on picking you up. Consequently, you found yourself preparing a meal for both of you.
Surprisingly, dinner turned out to be quite delightful, as you both realised that your connection wasn't solely based on incredible sex; you could engage in conversations about a variety of topics. Joke about almost anything. It was simple and yet wonderful. And of course, the evening then culminated in some of the most passionate sexual experiences you'd ever had - on your dinner table, in your bedroom, and then in the shower the following morning.
Sex with William felt like pure heaven. He wasn't just good-looking and a good fuck; he also took the time to explore every avenue of pleasure. Moreover, you felt completely at ease in his presence.
You could walk around in the naked without worrying about whether he liked your body or not. At least his unwavering hard-on’s around you seemed like a positive sign in your book.
And now a little over a week had passed since your very first encounter, and you found yourself back at William's place. You even got the chance to meet his brother Alex before the Pittsburgh player bid the two of you adieu for some alone time.
But this night wasn't about casual dinners or deep conversations. Nope, William was determined to spend every single minute indulging in your breathtaking body, ensuring he left you with an unforgettable sexual experience.
And let's just say, he absolutely succeeded.
The morning after, you practically felt numb in your lower regions and legs, as William had ensured you wouldn't forget him while he was in Europe for the off-season. He'd even left some love bites on your inner thighs and collarbone as a colourful reminder of your incredible time together.
Not that you minded one bit.
It was hard to imagine being with anyone else anytime soon. How could you? William had made you feel absolutely amazing for the past ten days. No one else could match up to his level.
And for the next few months, the two of you texted and called each other almost every single day, despite the time difference. Sometimes it was sexual, other times just a good chat about random things.
But most notably, his family seemed to catch on. And Alex naturally couldn't keep it to himself, which only encouraged their sisters and Rasmus Sandin to join in on the teasing. 
"Ooh, who is she?" Danielle quipped as William seemed glued to his phone whenever he knew you'd be awake.
"Is she your lover?" Stephanie added playfully.
"Or maybe a girlfriend even?"
"Or boyfriend?"
But William simply chuckled at their teasing, brushing it off as sibling love. He knew deep down they only wished for his happiness.
It was the first time William felt a genuine longing to return to Toronto that wasn't solely because of hockey. Usually, his time in Europe with family was so enjoyable that only hockey and his teammates made him miss life back in the Canadian city. But this time, he found himself looking forward to seeing you again.
And within just two days after he returned, he invited you back to his condo. He had missed you more than he had anticipated, and since you were now in the same time zone, he wanted to spend some non-virtual time with you. 
Especially because he knew the hockey season would kick off soon with camp, training, media commitments, workouts, and then the pre-season games. His hectic schedule would soon engulf him again, so he aimed to spend the little free time he had left by being with you.
And as the season began, William knew it was time to refocus his attention, as this season was pivotal, considering his contract extended to its end, and negotiations with the Toronto Maple Leafs’ manager loomed.
So, he brought his A-game, giving his all to ensure this would be his best season yet. But amidst the hard work, there was someone else on his mind: you.
He simply didn't want to let you slip away. Even with his demanding schedule making it tougher for you both to spend time together, he couldn't shake the desire to have you around.
And to his relief, you stuck by him.
Even if it meant coming over late at night, having quick sex, and bidding him goodbye in the morning as he had to rush for early training sessions.
However, a small part of you did feel a bit uncertain about it all. You wondered if you were investing too much of your time and emotions into a man, you weren't officially dating; someone with whom you only shared incredible sex with and spent countless hours talking. The few girlfriends you confided in warned you that you might be wasting your time on someone not serious about being with you. They cautioned that you might just be a pastime for him, similar to what frat boys would typically do.
"Don't fall for him! He'll just use you and then discard you like men always do with good-hearted girls," they warned out of care.
But despite the warnings from your friends, their words had no sway over your feelings towards William. Every moment spent with him felt incredibly worthwhile, regardless of the undefined status of your relationship.
However, then, a shift occurred in your situationship.
William extended an invitation for you to attend the home games at the Scotiabank Arena, offering you tickets you simply couldn't resist. So, naturally, you went on a Saturday night, followed by another visit on Monday, and then again on Friday.
And it was on that Friday that William decided to introduce you to his teammates, merely as a "friend" he was seeing. However, his teammates weren't easily fooled, and they quickly noticed how he looked at you, how his gaze never strayed from you, or his hands from your waist as you stood among the team and their partners.
Which naturally they all teased him with following that evening.
' Lover boy,' 'Romeo,' and various other playful jibes filled the locker room as William couldn't contain his smiles whenever your name came up or thoughts of you crossed his mind.
From that night, it was like something shifted within William. Strange emotions that had been lingering since that very first encounter in the bar. A blend of pleasure when thinking about everything concerning you and a hint of jealousy at the prospect of you spending time with someone other than him.
And casual sex was no longer going to suffice to cover these new, deeper feelings.
But like many other twenty-seven-year-old men, William found it challenging to articulate his deep feelings. It wasn't until the team's Captain took notice and decided to have a conversation with him about it, where he encouraged William to open up and simply tell you how he truly felt.
"So, have you told her how you feel?" John Tavares asked out of the blue during a training session while lacing up his skates next to William.
"No... I'm not sure what to say. I mean, I know I really like her... but I don't even know what we are…"
Despite feeling like you, both could discuss anything, the exact definition of your situationship was never explicitly mentioned.
"Just tell her that - that you like her a lot," John chuckled with a friendly shrug. "What else is there to it?"
So, on the following night, William invited you over to his condo, just like many times before. However, this time, you sensed a shift in his demeanour.
He arranged for take-out from his beloved sushi place, selected a movie, and set up the couch to create a cosy atmosphere for the two of you to snuggle up.
"Are you alright, Willy?" you chuckled lightly, surprised by his sudden change in behaviour. 
Well, truth be told, he still maintained his signature confident and smug expression, and initiating sexual gestures under the blanket. But it was after your passionate round of sex that his words altered everything between you.
Lying on your sides, facing each other with content smiles, sharing laughter and conversation as you often did, his gaze locked onto yours. 
"Y/n..." he began, taking a deep breath, gathering his thoughts and emotions. "I... think I like you. Like, a lot."
His voice was gentle and hesitant, his eyes searching for any signs of your reaction to his confession.
"Wait, the great hockey star of the Toronto Maple Leafs likes me?" you chuckled lightly, rising gently with a stretched arm to peer down at the man beside you.
"Yeah, I guess I do," he smiled up at you in his typically nonchalant manner.
"So, what does that mean - Are we dating? Like, tonight was a date?" your eyes sparkled with excitement as you awaited William's response, which prompted a nod from him.
"I'm not really good with words, you know... so I thought this was a way to let you know that I don't just want us to be friends with benefits."
And to put it mildly, the thrill of actually dating William Nylander led to another round of intimate bedsheet activity between you. 
However, dating with William wasn't exactly easy. It required flexibility, patience, honesty, and open communication - qualities that weren't always his forte. Yet, because you were both rather mad for each other, navigating his demanding schedule and his communication style seemed to work out reasonably well.
But despite the positive strides in your situationship, a part of you couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the mind of the Swede. Everything felt so right between you two. He introduced you to his team, took you out for dinner, and even entrusted you with a spare key to his condo. But neither of you had broached the serious question: what exactly were you to each other?
You found yourself grappling with the question: were you still just dating, or was it possibly something more? 
The uncertainty lingered, but you hesitated to ask William directly. You were afraid of potentially ruining the wonderful connection you shared, worried it might scare him off. Perhaps he wasn't ready for a serious relationship just yet, unwilling to commit fully or publicly declare himself as taken and no longer free to flirt with other girls.
So, you decided to let the issue rest and focused on enjoying the time you spent together.
That was until about two weeks later, after a Leafs game against the Penguins, where you were with William, meeting up with Alex and some of his teammates.
"Hey y/n, good to see you again," William's younger brother greeted you warmly with a gentle hug as you met him post-game.
"Good to see you too, Alex," you smiled back at him, and soon, some of his closest friends joined you in the arena's hall.
Naturally, William exchanged boyish handshakes with his friends. And then, to your surprise, they all turned to you with curious smiles.
"So, this is my girlfriend, y/n," William casually introduced you to the lads, and you had to control yourself, nearly choking on your own saliva at his words. Girlfriend?
The Pittsburgh players greeted you warmly, and you tried your best to casually return their friendly smiles, but inside, you were on the brink of losing it.
And after spending a little over an hour with the opposing team, as they eventually had to call it a night, you found yourself seated in William's car on the way back to his place. Throughout the ride, your mind raced with thoughts on how to bring up the topic but remained silent as you struggled to find the right words.
However, upon arriving at his condo, your face betrayed your curiosity more clearly than you intended.
"What?" William asked, puzzled by your intense expression.
"Girlfriend?" you pointed out, seeking clarification.
"What do you mean?" William responded, his brows furrowing in confusion, not quite grasping why you were so taken aback.
"Willy, you introduced me as your girlfriend to Alex and his friends…" you softly pointed out.
"Yeah, because you are my girlfriend..." William smiled, casually grabbing a few snacks from the cupboard.
"Wait, I'm your girlfriend?" you replied in surprise.
"Of course," he simply chuckled, leaning against the kitchen counter as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What do you mean 'of course', Willy?" you were genuinely puzzled. "I didn't know we were... I mean, serious."
"Wait, so I'm not your boyfriend?" William asked with a soft laugh, while enjoying his Gifflar.
"Well, I don't know... I mean, we haven't really talked about it, since no one’s asked," you tried to explain your perspective.
But William just chuckled again. "Nobody asks anymore... do they?"
"Well, it might be a good idea to ask, considering I didn't know you thought that we were... together like that," you stood before him, expressing a hint of uncertainty with a soft smile.
"I mean… I just thought we were serious, you know, since we both like each other and we spend so much time together – like, you’re always here, and neither of us is seeing anyone else... right?" he explained, trying to clarify.
And William's smirk faded slightly as he started to realise that perhaps you weren't ready for exclusivity yet and might have considered seeing other people.
"Of course, Willy," you chuckled lightly, moving a step closer to him. "I'm just a little surprised that you thought we were, I don't know, in an actual relationship?"
His smile returned as he set aside his snacks, gently placing his hands on your hips.
"I'm sorry, y/n/n… I guess I was just so excited about it that I forgot to ask you... but yeah, I definitely think we’re in a relationship," he said warmly, locking eyes with you in a tender moment.
"Alright then… I guess I'm just a little clueless about these things and maybe a bit old-fashioned," you smiled up at him, running your hands up his chest and around his neck, drawing yourself nearer to him.
"Well, in that case… y/n y/l/n, will you be my girlfriend?" William gazed into your eyes intensely as he asked the question.
Pretending to consider it for a moment, you let out a light chuckle. 
"Yes, William Andrew Michael Junior Nylander Altelius, I'd like to be your girlfriend."
With wide smiles, you then sealed your commitment to each other with a deep, heartfelt kiss, solidifying your love and newfound official relationship status.
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