#i forgot i was lamenting ant prsk cards
cinnabeat · 7 months
the solution obviously is going to be to make high quality prints of all the cards so i can physically have them in my hands and soothe the itch
#is that legal am i allowed to do that#deadass tho having them physically in hand would absolutely scratch the need to pull for them cuz then i can see them whenever with my own t#two god damn eyes instead of the shaky notion that theyre In My Photo Livrary#what i really need is sleep but clearly thats not happening#i didnt do my lit hw again#please imagine the biggest longest loudest most annoying sigh in the fucking world rn#im blaming my cat#every since he got sick i have been Thrown Off#michi tag#concrete fulgencio floripondio my beloved (derogatory)#rest assured his legal name is concrete but my mom added the last two#ive been told it was the spanish names for some of the seven dwarves in snow white#but when i googled the last one to make sure i spelled it right it autofilled with such lovely choices as flowers poison and drugs#so :)#my mom likes giving long names#im different i just call him a bitch#i forgot i was lamenting ant prsk cards#actually on second thought i dont think anyone had every been reassured that my cats name is concrete#they always give me an odd look and its like wow rude#yes thats my sons name no i dont know how i came up with it#genuienly i think i was just staring at the very smooth concrete floor while trying to come up with a name#at the shelter and absentmindedly doing word association with my eyeballs#and did have a great many predetermined names to choose from bht nome of them matched#i very nearly named him dirt btw bc im very uncreative but even then i was like if i had to shout DIRT NO in public id lose my will to live#so clearly mercy exists somewhere in me#but not FOR me since evidentally im still awake and talking
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