#i figured i'd keep with the old tagging system bc why not
theros · 2 years
44 34 24 14 and 4
44. Something you like about your OCs in general?
gods. This is a really hard one to answer because I don't really know like... what I like about them all overall, as a group? Man I'm just in a corner making my action figures kiss.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Yes actually! Nael and Kalvarian, my [redacted] ocs. (not a bad source, just a small fandom and I do not want them to descend on me if this post ends up in the search. I have very strong opinions about the author and the writing and about 99% of fans and would much rather hide in a corner with 4 friends whose opinions I do not hate.)
ANYWAY. They're fraternal twins, both binary trans, and unfortunately I will never finish the fic I have about them meeting the canon characters and causing confusion because canonically there's a sex-based caste system and the twins each match one of the castes of their actual gender. Every time I try to pick up the fic again I just can't seem to keep writing it, even though I had a whole outline for it and several scenes written from all across the timeline.
The sad thing is that as of the last time I checked the fandom tags on Ao3, it was the only fic touching the possibility of trans characters in this incredibly sex-based world and power system.
But anyway yeah, pretty much inseparable twins who would absolutely die to protect each other (and almost did twice) and who understand each other better than anyone else because they're apparently the only trans characters in multiple planes of existence.
... gods, one day I really should try to finish that fic. And maybe rewrite the published chapters since they're. Very very old and my writing has gotten a little better.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
That's honestly a really really hard question for me? Half my ocs would probably not actually like me or my own insecurities would act up because they're so much stronger and cooler than me and I am a Basic Earth Person. Hm... Maybe Savai or Kolasi, my FFXIV Warriors of Light? Preferably before the storyline breaks Kol and makes her go from incredibly friendly peppy sunshine child to bitter and hurt and kind of lashing out at everyone. I dunno, I just feel like I'd end up swept along with her lol, grabbed by the arm as she runs to find something fun to do while we hang out, or a neat skill she could teach me. Sav is incredibly awkward and shy and 100% would not talk to me, but he's very expressive nonverbally and I'd be able to talk and hang out with him, and maybe make him smile by panting and stumbling to a chair like "Is she always this energetic????"
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
To shorten that WAY the fuck down, local pacifist and protector of her youngest sibling is forced to stop being a pacifist in order to try to protect people better and find her missing sister, only to run into her other sister and be forced to kill her because she's become a homicidal vampire fuckhead.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
... *picks up several warrior cats ocs and dumps them on the floor in front of you*
Granted, most of those don't have any actual character building done beyond color, place in clan, basic personality. So if I have to say someone who's at least a little more built out... Derek (VH, the ex-vault hunter on vaulthuntersuggestions, whose name I probably misspelled again bc I can't bloody remember how I spell his name each time).
Borderlands kind of became a minor trigger for me back in late 2018, so I really started neglecting VH as a character and not giving him nearly as much attention as my other "main" OCs. Hence his pretty stagnant state on VHS, without much in the way of character development. I really shouldn't even try to lump him in with my main OCs; I do because he has his own blog but his muse is so weak he really doesn't qualify.
Still, he is my beloved old man trying desperately to pretend he isn't actually a giant softie and dork and is definitely a rough-around-the-edges merc.
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textsfromwawanakwa · 8 years
Probably The Last Post On This Blog
Oh man, hello. I think that after what must have been at least a year without activity on this blog, it might be a little obvious, but I thought I need to clear this up anyway considering I got a request for this blog earlier today (I didn’t even realise I’d kept the ask box open).
As much as I loved working on this blog, my interest in the Total Drama fandom has completely vanished quite a while ago, so I will not be continuing it by any means. I don’t want to hand the blog over to anyone because this was my own work, but the concept of Fake Texts is not mine by any means, so people are free to create other TD Fake Text blogs (pretty sure there must be several others out there that are still active!).
That being said, this is like my almost final goodbye to the TD Fandom (the final one will be a nearly identical post I’ll make on Badly Drawn Total Drama) and the people still following this blog. Thank you guys, you’re great, and I appreciate all the support, and I apologise for all the requests I didn’t get to do before I lost interest. 
I will not be deleting this blog unless I ever decide on a whim to deactivate my entire Tumblr account, which is unlikely, mostly because I feel like anyone who liked the content of this blog should still be able to view it even if it won’t be updated again. 
Once again, thank you for your support, for your likes, reblogs, kind words, and everything you’ve done that made me feel welcome and happy to be part of the fandom while it lasted. <3 Goodbye!
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