#i felt bad for dani when she said she didnt wanna talk about her shios anymore but it was a good call
wavebiders · 2 years
I've been seeing some posts about how they haven't brought up ships much at all in 4sd and I thought I'd offer my my 2 cents
I don't think it's really an indicator of what the cast ships or if there's already romantic feelings present between some of the characters, so much as them wanting to let that play out organically at the table.
Talks didn't start until quite a ways into cr1 and at that point the major ships had pretty much been established, so it was natural to talk about them. This wasnt the case for cr2, and there were plenty of times where they actually said they didn't wanna do ship-talk at all
Now, if you were there for cr2 you know they did not manage to stick to that. Shipping came up *a lot* and it absolutely did not help the toxic hellhole that was the campaign 2 ship wars, which sucked a lot of fun out of the whole thing for both cast and fans alike
The lack of ship-talk on 4sd doesn't mean they don't care about any ships or aren't curious(I think the behavior at the table makes pretty clear at least some players like a certain fan-favorite ship), it just means they've taken notes from the previous mess and are navigating things differently this time around
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