#i dreameeeed
patethenovice · 2 years
1) y’all ain’t got anything better to do? MAN you care about heads of state way more than heads of government.
2) y’all think countries don’t have national ceremonies? 😒 maybe it’s an american thing for all y’all who live somewhere that’s not washington dc. as i do live there, let me disabuse you of the notion that national ceremonies are a rarity. how about they take the money the royal family yields in tourism-related travel and trade to pay for the funeral and then use the millions leftover to send y’all a juicebox.
3) it’s not my place as someone who doesn’t live near the border of ireland and that...other place to hint at anything like encouraging a return of the Troubles.  and this does kill me. as someone from a whose grandfather’s parents were chased out of British-identity-obsessed (they don’t have one; no one but you considers you British except for yourselves) inferiority-complex-manifesting via reaffirming with KKK enthusiasm Catholic-hatred (K.A.T.????) -land into Scotland where my grandfather was born before emigrating to Trump country, thus cutting me out of Irish and EU citizenship by THREE YEARS. i am, personally, an irish nationalist. personally meaning not an activist, not chanting or posting shit on the shitstain that is ulster (another reason i die is because my mic name is a variant of ulsterman 🤬🤬🤬🤬) do y’all realize it’s not your place to encourage a repeat of the Troubles? that’s where y'all are some real fucks. seriously, fuck yourself before you speak. a how-to: take a nice vibrator, get off, and rethink whether its your place to want to stir up the Troubles if you live comfortably away from the bombzone.
4) i don’t even put a lot of blame on the monarchy for the famine. when visiting famine ruins, i got the impression it was English landlords (aka 1%ers) who were profiting by and therefor enforcing the famine. i might be wrong. you could say it was done in the name of the monarchy. that’s where being head of state gets to be a position with a lot of cons. but royalty are RICH! King George (Queen Elizabeth’s father) died early out of boredom, not stress! He should have died sooner aehrhrgjhgajrghrjagharjgh!!!!!!
5) my fav (ex)royals said it was Charles, not Elizabeth, who was being passive aggressive and racist. by all means, say their narrative shouldn’t be more valid than your own if you must.
6) i don’t know why y’all are so opposed to the idea of separating the head of state and head of government in the first place. if we had a presence like that here in the states, uninvolved in politics, neutral, a first lady sort of type but way bigger, big enough to solidify an identity, an identity closer to the founding fathers than any 2 party system--i might not have 100% forsaken my nationality. my grandfather’s country might have been fucked by English colonialism but my mother’s country was fucked by American colonialism. so I’ve never been actually proud of America. but living abroad, I came to at least accept it as irreparably part of who I am. after trump became the whole embodiment of the US though? state and government? an ugly picture of an ugly face (the country’s ugly face; it’s redundant to mention trump’s face and mention ugliness). i choose to be drifting and s*icidal rather than face that stain of my identity again. 
all in all?
keep calm and fuck y’all
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