#i doubt girls5eva is going to survive another season
angieschiffahoi · 1 year
do i hate most contemporary television?
is it because of diversity like most crybabies who complain about tv shows being ruined?
heck no.
it’s because everything is make it or break it, female led shows are either niche, teenage focused and dropped (girls5eva, the wilds, motherland, santa clarita, warrior nun, first kill, dickinson, yellowjackets, the sex lives of college girls), bad because trying to be woke for the wrong audience and with the wrong writing teams but with INSANE budgets (…yeah, I don’t need to mention what right?) or objectively VERY GOOD but cancelled because crybabies mistake “female lead” for wokeness and rally for it to be cancelled (basically everything else)
i’m tired of having to defend great diversity from bigots when they bring up fake wokeness as an excuse and i’m tired of having niche but good shows cancelled because they are not trendy enough
it’s NOT ABOUT VIRAL OR CONTROVERSIAL it’s about content and content is not written by algorithms (i.e.: good but unoriginal cinematography, oneliners, nostalgia, nerdy things but made cool, grimdark vibes but Lite etc.) but BY GOOD INSPIRED WRITERS WITH AN ORIGINAL IDEA
if you just wanna keep making your viral shows save money and have an AI write them, maybe that way you’d save enough money to pay for another season of something worth saving
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