#i don't really have anything figured out so the easiest answer feels like a bullet so I don't have to deal with any more of it ya know
thunderousnipples · 2 years
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tawus · 11 months
Hey Tawus :) I hope you're doing okay and staying safe <3 I have a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind
What are your thoughts on unsealed Gojo? A lot of people have pointed out that he is dressed exactly like Toji and even has the same dead look in his eyes in that one panel but nobody seems to think too much of it. Do you think it has any significance?
Do you ship anyone from JJK? Or not necessarily ship in a romantic way, just really like the dynamic between two characters?
Would you write fics about other JJK characters Toji? Maybe when season 2 drops?
Would you consider making a short post here on Tumblr about your Gojo headcanons? You know, just listing them with bullet points, collecting them in one place. I really like your interpretation of Gojo's character and it genuinely feels like you have him & his quirks figured out. (Tbh if you said you knew this man personally, I would fully believe you lol) So yeah, I think many of us would enjoy reading your headcanons
Hello my dear! Thank you for sending this, it’s been ages since you did 😔 I’m going through some shit these days hence the delay (and hence also no new written content from me for about 2 months now, yikes). But asks like these are a good pick-me-up, so thank you again 🥰
⚠️ JJK manga spoilers below the cut ⚠️
1. Tbh I’ve been annoyed by Gojo’s apparent “Tojification”. It seemed to me like Gege picked the easiest outfit to draw and went with it. Since the beginning I’ve viewed Toji as one of the underdog characters of JJK which are used more like props for the plot, rather than given sufficient spotlight and respect. Not to mention, those who read the manga will know how things ended with Toji, so excuse me if I feel extra protective of him. Which is why Gojo’s Tojification – especially when he still has a huge and serious reckoning to do with Megumi in regards to what he did to his father, deserved or undeserved – has been irking me. The tiny panel in ch 224 where annoyed Toji goes “What a copycat” indicates that Gege is doing this stuff intentionally, but I still don’t think it’s anything more than a gag. If it is, I’m curious to see what it is.
2. Now that you mentioned it, I actually don’t have any ships in JJK wow! But what Yuuji and Megumi have is special. Reminds me a bit of Luffy and Zoro: that same absolute unspoken trust and having each other’s back at all times. Plus, Zoro also has a harder, inaccessible personality, whereas Luffy is goofy and optimistic – for sure reminds of the two JJK boys.
3. Omg you a Toji fan too, HELL YEAH! I have 2 Toji fic ideas: one is a one-shot, another is a longfic. I really want to see Toji animated first, as you suggested, since I want to capture his mannerisms, his voice, his cadence, his emotions, everything about him as perfectly as possible! I can’t wait to see him on-screen 🤩
Other characters I’m captivated by are Yuuta (tho not a huge fan of his cursed technique being Copy...), Sukuna and Kashimo (oh btw, I'm 99.9% sure Kashimo is inspired by OPM's Garou...).
4. This is a super anticlimactic answer but could you please narrow it down for me, i.e. you would like Gojo headcanons regarding what sphere? I only ask because I work well with specification, if I know which direction I’m going I’ll produce my best work. And also thank you very much!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Insanely happy to hear my rendition of Gojo sounds right to you! No higher praise for fanfiction 😘
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
Any or all of the questions you can answer on “taken by the tide of the morning light”
It feels like it's been so long since I wrote this one (turns out it's been almost exactly a year, who knew), but I will give all the questions a try.
taken by the tide of morning light
How long did it take you to write this fic?
I don't think it took me all that long once I had an idea, but it was for a bthb square and getting an idea to fill the square/request took a lot longer than writing the fic did
What program did you use to write this fic (Word, Google Docs, etc)? Is that the program you use for all your fics?
Google Docs, and yes. I can't believe I ever functioned without it.
Where did you write this fic? Is that your favorite spot to write?
I vaguely recall writing a good chunk of this one on the patio of the coffee shop by my apartment because the weather was too nice to stay inside. But I do enjoy writing there, so sure!
What do you need to write? Is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?
Silence. It's unfortunate but I cannot focus with any TV or too many other distractions. Music sometimes is okay, it really depends. Mostly silence and solitude help the most.
What inspired the idea for the plot?
@morganaspendragonss requested this bthb square and I know she asked for TK whump, but beyond that probably just talking to friends and a desire to see Carlos and Gabriel working together.
What inspired the title for this fic? Is that usually how you choose titles?
It's a lyric from "Solitary Sparks" by Fortunate Ones and yes, I'd say 98% of my fic titles come from lyrics. I have a doc that is a running list of lines from songs I think would make good titles and when I can't think of a title (aka every fic) I scroll through it to pick one. Best thing I have ever done as a writer honestly.
Was there anything from canon that you pulled for this fic?
Probably? I can't think of anything specific but I'm sure there is.
Share a screenshot of the original outline (if you dareee😈)
I don't have it or I would! I start my outlines in the docs I end up writing in and then delete bullet points as I complete them, so my outlines are self-destructing.
Was there a scene that you hadn’t originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
I can't remember exactly, but I am pretty sure I added one more TK in captivity scene than I meant to because I needed it to be balanced when I split one of Carlos's scenes into two. But a fic like this with alternating povs, I tend to stick pretty close to my original outline.
Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn’t it fit in?
I would have liked to do some firefam scenes when we find out TK is missing and after he's found, but it just didn't fit with the story I wanted to tell.
Was there anything you had to research for this fic? Do you usually do a lot of research?
I always research for fics (my google search history is interesting, to say the least), but for this one I think I was researching arteries to figure out where it would be bad for TK to be stabbed but would also make sense for his situation.
What was the easiest scene to write?
The scene with Nancy and Carlos where they discover TK is missing. I do not know why but I do remember it being the first one.
What was the hardest scene to write?
Probably the last scene because I always struggle with endings.
Is this one of your personal favorite fics? Why or why not?
I don't dislike it, but it's definitely not in my top 10. But that's the problem when you've written 121 fics for a fandom, not all of them can be your favorites.
What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
How meticulously planned out it all was. And by that, I mean the kidnapping and resulting rescue. I put a ton of thought into it.
What is something you didn’t expect people to notice or gravitate towards in this fic?
Maybe how much everyone seemed to enjoy the way I wrote Gabriel? I think it was my first time writing him and I was really pleased by the reception of that, but surprised too.
Does personal experience ever inspire your fics? What about this particular fic?
It does, often (not just with the teacher au but definitely with the teacher AU), but I can't think of a way in which it applies here. Thankfully I have little experience with being kidnapped and/or tortured.
Did you have a beta reader(s) for this fic? How did they help you during the writing process?
Again it was a year ago, but according to the tumblr post Jamie beta'd it and chances are I talked through a lot of the plot points with them too, because that's how just about every fic I used to write went.
Did you write every scene in order? What was the first scene you wrote, and what was the last?
I never write in order. I think I've written from start to finish maybe twice.
I know the Carlos and Nancy scene was the first scene I wrote, but I think for this one the end may have actually been what I wrote last.
Is there anything you would change now about this fic? Why or why not?
I think it is solid and it tells a good story, but if I tried it again I might expand on some parts a little more. But that's how I keep ending up with massive fics, so maybe not.
(I skipped a few questions, but that is most of them Anon!)
behind the scenes fic asks
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burningember0802 · 3 years
Someone Like Me
summary : first, once again, i suck at summaries. Kaz meets a friend of Nina’s that he didn’t know about who is more like him than anyone else he’s ever met and that scares him more than he’d like.
It's a relaxing evening at the slat, or at least as much as it can be in Ketterdam. All the crows were sitting around a table talking and having a great night, even Kaz. He won't show it but he enjoys nights like this more than he'd like to admit. Nina and Jesper were laughing and talking about who knows what while Matthais sat with a loving smile on his face, Wylan and Inej sat talking about his newest tests, and Kaz sat just listening and watching, enjoying the time with his friends; his family. "Oh, Kaz! My friend is supposed to stop by tonight and drop off some things I asked her for so don't be surprised if we get a knock soon." Nina mentions. "You have friends?" He sarcastically said. "For a matter of fact, I do. She's amazing, I think you should meet her. She'd be a great addition to the crows. She's a fabrickator, both a Durast and an Alkemi. She is also the smartest person I've ever met, and the best fighter too. I've watched her and Matthais spar and she took him down in seconds easily. She's insanely good, Kaz. She'd be a great asset to the team. I think you'd like her too, she has similar interests among other stuff." She explains. Kaz thought for a moment before responding. "We'll see if I agree with you once I meet her." Nina thanks him with a smile and goes back to her conversation.
Kaz wasn't sure how he felt about the thought of bringing someone else onto the team. It was another person who could betray him, another person he could get attached to, another weakness. Not just anyone can join the crows, they had to earn it.
About half an hour later there was a knock at the slat door. Nina excitedly hopped up to get it. "It's her!" The heartrender almost squealed. The door opened to a girl, probably about 5'6 who has (H/L), (H/C) hair. She was gorgeous with a button nose that supported her thin-rimmed glasses, full lips, striking (E/C) eyes, and a curvy figure. She was wearing a tight green turtle neck, black pants, boots, and carrying a satchel on her shoulder. Kaz swears he almost felt himself stop breathing. The feeling he got when he saw her, despite not knowing her, scared him in a way he didn't like. He decided to push it down and continue on with the night.
Nina invited the girl inside with a smile that was returned by her. The girls walked back to the table where the rest of the group sat. "Y/N, the crows, the crows, Y/N." She introduced them all. Multiple greetings were heard around the table from everyone except Kaz of course. Y/N shyly waved with a soft smile. "I brought those things you asked about," Y/N said quickly changing the subject. She opened her bag and pulled out 3 boxes and set them on the table. She opened the first one which held a seemingly normal knife. "Here's the knife you asked about with the poison injection abilities. There are three vials in the box and there's one in the handle already. It injects a few drops upon impact, it’s potent so it will kill someone with just a few drops." Y/N said showing how to open the handle and where the vial was. She proceeded to open the next box that was full of bullets. "These are the bullets that explode upon impact you asked about." She said before setting them back down. You could see Inej eyeing up the knife and Jesper doing the same to the bullets. She finally opened the last box which revealed 7 sets of earpieces. "These are the earpieces, they have microphones in them to communicate from long distances." She almost mumbled, obviously nervous around all the people. Kaz had been watching the girl in shock the whole time she spoke. Nina didn't lie, she was insanely talented and would be a good asset.
"You're the best Y/N!" Nina exclaimed, making a quick movement to go to hug the girl. She quickly stopped when Y/N flinched slightly. No one else besides Y/N, Nina, and Kaz had realized it with everyone else too busy looking at the new gear. "Shit, fuck I'm sorry Y/N it was a mistake." Nina started apologizing profusely. "Nina, it's fine. Mistakes happen. I'm just a freak anyway." She said quietly. Kaz felt his heart clench at that. She was like him, she was anything but a freak though. "Anyway, I should probably get going." She said, staring at her feet. "You should stay for a while, meet everyone." Nina tried to convince her. Y/N was obviously apprehensive. "You should stay," Kaz said before he could stop himself. Both Nina and Y/N turned towards him quickly. Nina had a shocked look on her face, surprised that Dirtyhands would ever suggest that he wanted someone to stay. She thought for a second and smiled slightly and nodded.
The girl sat down at the last empty chair at the table, which happened to be next to Kaz. She immediately pulled into herself out of habit, bringing on her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around it, making herself as small as possible. Jesper and Inej immediately started asking questions about their new tools to which Y/N answered gladly. Kaz watched them contently, especially Y/N. She looked really happy talking about what she loved. Soon the conversations turned away from solely her after the crows had their fill of integrating. "Kaz, Y/N is the most knowledgeable person I've met about books, you guys have that in common," Nina mentions. Y/N glances at him with a soft smile. Everything about her made Kaz's fight or flight kick in. She was weirdly comforting but at the same time kicked on every instinct he had. He felt the need to run but also never move again. "What's your favorite genre of books?" Y/N asked the boy. Kaz missed having someone to talk to about interests like this, the rest of the crows weren't into things like this. Trying to make him comfortable she answers first. "I tend to read realistic fiction or fantasy." Kaz studied her face constantly looking for any signs that she wasn't genuine. "I like fantasy or mystery books." He answers. She gets a huge smile. He liked that, she had a genuine smile, that's rare in the barrel. Her smile was slightly lopsided and full of joy. "Mysteries are the best, I'm always on the edge of my seat. Sometimes I feel like I can't put the book down even when I have stuff to get done." She laughs. Kaz almost felt himself smirk. "Those are the best ones." He answers genuinely. "I just finished this amazing book, it's about the story of Achilles but from the point of view of Patroclus. It's called the song of Achilles and it's amazing." She says with a smile. "I'll have to borrow it sometime." He says. At that moment the two of them weren't even paying attention to the crows around them anymore, so they didn't see the knowing look from Nina.
The group all continued to talk and have a good time. Everyone liked Y/N a lot. Nina was accurate in her description of her. She was super smart and sweet. At one point they were talking about combat strategies and she was asked "What's the quickest way to win a fight?" by Jesper. Matthias let out a loud snort at that question, knowing the brunette's skills. "Are we talking immobilizing or killing? Those are two different answers." She says with a smirk. The girl had come out of her shell within the past hour and had grown more comfortable around the group. "Both?" Jesper said, confused. "For immobilization, the quickest way is to slice their Achilles tendon on the back of their ankle, if you do that they're not moving. Also, you always go for the eyes, nose, and groin, and if you use the bottom of the palm of your hand you can shatter someone's nose since that's the strongest part of your hand. Besides the Achilles tendon, the other easiest way if you know how to do it is there's a nerve on the side of your neck that if you squeeze right, knocks them out. Then if the purpose is killing you go for the neck, wrist, or thigh because that's where your main arteries are." She said matter of factly. Kaz almost laughed at how the girl said it.
That was the start of it all. Shortly after this first meeting Y/N started coming around more and more and everyone loved her, including Kaz. Kaz had started having more than friendly feelings towards her a couple months after meeting. The crows were eventually able to convince her to join so she was now living at the slat, making Kaz’s life a living hell. He felt like his heart was beating out of his chest constantly, and he knew that Nina knew this too with her heartrender skills. Nina was constantly giving him knowing looks and all he did was glare back at her. Kaz was drawn to her like no one else.
The two of them had become close over the last year, closer than most. They would often sit and talk for hours, a lot of times about books or anything else that came to their minds. Y/N was often like lightning in a bottle, constantly moving and going a million miles an hour. She seemed hyper and impulsive on the outside but Kaz knew she was very strategic and methodical. She was insanely smart, which she often used to her advantage to beat Kaz in chess to his dismay. Both parties had developed feelings for each other but both were too scared to tell the other because they’re idiots but the universe was going to find a way to get them together.
The heist the crows had tonight was insanely important. The group was supposed to go to a merchant party because while the merchant and everyone else was distracted they were going to steal a necklace that was held in the wife’s vanity room. The necklace was worth an insane amount of money so the crows took the task right away.
The only problem with the heist was that Y/N and Kaz had to be the two who had to fake being a couple at the party to keep the merchant distracted so the others could get the necklace. “We have to do what?” Y/N exclaimed when she found out her role. She felt her chest clench at the thought of being around that many people. “I need Inej on the roofs, Jesper on the ground as backup, Wylan as a waiter ready to cause a distraction if need be, and Nina and Mattaius getting the necklace so we’re the only two left.” Kaz grumbles, obviously not happy about the situation either. Both of them sucked it up for the money.
The night of the heist Y/N was the last to be ready since she had to wear a dress and makeup. She stepped down the stairs to where the crows were waiting. As soon as she stepped into the room there were joking whistles and screams from all the crows except Kaz. Kaz stood there in shock, his breath taken away. Emma was wearing a black dress with stars on it, a simple pair of black heels, several pieces of silver moon and star jewelry and finally topping it off with a few moon and star hair pins pinning back some of her hair. She looked gorgeous.
As they got closer and closer to the party both Y/N and Kaz became increasingly more nervous. “We don’t have to touch.” She says breaking the silence between them as they were dragging behind the group. “We have to and we both know it. If we don’t touch like a couple they’ll become suspicious. I know neither of us like touch but we’ll have to deal with it.” Kaz quickly responds, his voice rigid. She just nodded, not wanting to make this night worse.
Everyone got in their positions as soon as they made it to the house, leaving Kaz and Y/N near the entrance. Kaz hesitantly grabs her hand; he was shocked when he did. He didn’t panic as much as he thought. Kaz’s aversion was worse than Y/N’s for sure since hers was mainly quick movements and things related to abuse but Kaz’s was any kind of touch. All he felt was Jordie when he touched anyone, the stench of the air, the cold water around him, the stiff body he was clenching on to. He didn’t immediately drown touching her though, he felt the waters come up but they stopped, going no further.
As the two of them continued through the night the touches became easier and more frequent, it almost felt...real. Both of them deep inside wished it was. They wished the other loved them back. The two of them got many compliments throughout the night on how cute they were and questions about how they met among other things. The way Kaz would wrap his arm around her waist made her heart stop, the way Y/N put her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him did the same to Kaz.
Once Nina and Mattaius got the necklace everyone made their way back to the slat. Everyone was happy and ready to celebrate a successful heist except for Kaz and Y/N. They had a tension that wouldn’t go away. Both knew they’d have to talk about it or it’d ruin further heists but neither wanted to make the first move. So once they got to the slat both of them lingered at the door after everyone else. “Can-” “We should-” they both went to say at the same time. They couldn’t help but laugh at how in tune they were. “We need to talk about things.” Y/N says. “I know.” Kaz says, anxiety in his voice. “I like you Kaz.” the girl states plainly, shocking the bastard of the barrel. He couldn’t say the words he wanted to but he had to say something. “Yes.” was all he could manage out. It would sound stupid to anyone else but to Y/N and Kaz they both knew what that meant. “I can never touch you like you might want though.” He says anxiously. “Kaz, I have just as much of an issue with touch as you. Physical affection isn’t something I need in a relationship. If we really want to, we can work on our aversions together.” She answers with a comforting smile. Kaz nods,knowing she's right. “So together?” Kaz questions, trying to confirm that she is his and he is hers. She nods with a smile.
That was the start of it all. The start of the King and Queen of Ketterdam, taking it over together.
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