#i don't consider egos part of my thingy until i start working out details about them and their relationships to others
crowned-ladybug · 6 years
Shawn Flynn headcanons
(Bc I said I’d tell @asrisartarena about my ones)
I thought this was gonna be like...three things and no need for a read more. It’s a little more than three things.
toymaker, works using traditional methods
"out of his time" just like Jameson is, which leaves him kind of confused/frustrated with this world sometimes
which is one of the reasons he barely leaves his workshop
another is that it's his home and he loves working on his toys maybe a lil too much
after some incidents of him not going outside for weeks and failing to take care of himself Marvin now checks in on him every week
which is kind of ironical considering Marvin is also horrible at taking care of himself when he’s really immersed in working on something, but i digress
due to the whole world being strange to him now he sometimes gets really bad anxiety about just going outside at all so those times Marvin will go grocery shopping for him
Shawn is very grateful and also didn't expect anyone to be caring for him like that at all
he's really good friends with Jameson who often hangs out with him in his workshop
them both being in the wrong time and not exactly knowing what to do about this world connects them, but also they just get along p well
he used to be a very irritable person but Jameson's sweet and easy-going personality seems to be rubbing off on him
he'll never become an extrovert but he's much less snarky and snappy than he used to be
he wears a newsboy cap and suspenders and ocassionally a bowtie when he's feeling especially dapper (Jameson's influence)
despite being usually up to his elbows in his work, not afraid to get his hands dirty and not caring much for his looks, he gets along surprisingly well with Dark
Anti sometimes jokes that Shawn better not make Dark some creepy doll
he despises the smell of ink (if you haven't worked with ink that isn't just in a pen before: it has a p distinct smell)
none of the egos actually call him Shawn bc it sounds the same as Seán and gets confusing easily, they usually call him Flynn and he doesn't mind
he loves making other trinkets aside from toys sometimes
he can also fix Bing's skateboard or Chase's Nerf guns for example if they were to ever be damaged
he pretends to mind all the extra work it gives him, but he always gives hand-made gifts
if he's pretending to be grumpy about it when handing over the gift, Jameson is usually behind him signing that he doesn't actually mind btw, don't believe him
by now p much every ego owns something made by Shawn
coffee is his lifeblood and he considers anything aside from actual brewed coffee a blasphemy
he isn't exactly an elitist when it comes to coffee he just can't stand the taste of instant coffee
Jameson or Marvin make him tea sometimes to drink instead of coffee bc they worry about his health
tends to forget to eat/sleep/go outside when he gets really immersed in his work
Jameson got him a lil alarm clock to tell him when he should take a break, but Shawn just kept snoozing it
up until Marvin enchanted it to run around evading his hand until he actually gets up
Shawn now keeps the clock locked away
he's pretty good at calligraphy with brushes, not so much with pens (bc once again, ink. also he's just not used to it)
but goddamn his regular handwriting is awful, no one can really read it aside from him
his hands are constantly covered in band-aids and dirty from paint/wax/anything else he works with
since Marvin is usually the one getting him said band-aids (either bc he's the one doing the shopping for him or bc Shawn keeps forgetting they exist*) they all have colourful patterns and stuff on them
(*band-aids were invented in 1920 and I think Shawn is from the 20s, so they still count as a recent invention to him, and he’d never seen colourful ones before Marvin first got him some)
will instinctively throw a punch if startled. Jameson learned that the hard way
he lives in the flat right above his workshop
actually, he lives in his workshop. There just happens to be a flat above it where he sometimes sleeps and cooks
he can only cook like three meals btw (he's not exactly a horrible cook, he's just never learned or felt the need to learn)
once he saw Seán's Sam plushies, he immediately tried to make one of his own. Now there's at least ten of them of different shapes and sizes keeping him company in his workshop and flat
eventually Seán and most of the septic egos also got one
Robbie is not allowed to enter the workshop anymore after knocking stuff over and wanting to take every toy he saw home
so Shawn makes sure to visit him sometimes to make up for that bc he doesn't want Robbie to feel bad. He always brings him some sort of toy too, usually some kind of puzzle or fidget toy
he also made Robbie a weighted teddy bear and Robbie adores it
sometimes he tries to teach Jameson how to make certain toy-related things or toys, or to explain to him what he's doing at the moment. Jameson isn't super interested but he listens anyway
he once made Jameson a marionette puppet that looks like him
don't tell anyone but he loves Broadway musicals
once Marvin told him that "you look like the Newsies, all at once" and it took Shawn a bit to get it but then he couldn't stop laughing for minutes
he's probably the most sarcastic person you'll ever meet tbh
technically he needs glasses but he keeps forgetting to wear them, or accidentally breaking them, or getting them so dirty he can't see through them anyway, so you'll barely ever see him with glasses on
he thinks he knows how to be a proper smooth gentleman bc he's old-timey and bc he's friends with Jameson, but the truth is he just completely forgot how to speak when he first met Signe
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