#i do not want to be a Mobile Blogger tm
tartt9 · 11 months
shoutout the guy in this bagel shop wearing an arthur bryant shirt idk if you’re a richmond supporter or just from kansas city but either way ggs
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
What are some of the more quiet tragedies that happen in Auradon proper that we haven't heard about?
- birb
I don't know what really counts as a quiet tragedy, but
- There's a lot of prejudice and bigotry towards anyone who isn't a white cishethet able-bodied neurotypical human with "no" accent who's part of a Jesus religion who holds conservative beliefs. There's a reason almost no people who are in that very specific demographic get sent to the Isle.
- There is a major outdoor cat problem. They're killing all the small native wildlife and causing a million other issues.
- There's also a huge exotic pet problem. A lot of them end up released or euthanized because there are so few sanctuaries that can take a full-grown Silverback or tiger.
- Also, people keep getting and then discarding fish, bunnies, birds, snakes, small rodents, etc, because they're "cute" but the person quickly grows bored of them or finds out that they aren't toys and have food, space, or enrichment needs that aren't being met and they can't be bothered.
- Also, people keep taking things like coyotes, foxes, beavers, groundhogs, wild rabbits, and other medium-to-small native fauna and keeping them as "pets." This never ends well for the animal.
- People feed foxes and raccoons and stuff because they refuse to acknowledge the harm it causes. Then, when a habituated coyote tries to drag off a three-year-old because it lost its fear of humans, the animal gets killed because they're a danger.
- People keep endangering the megafauna. Stop petting the moose. That mountain lion does not want head scratches. This often results in injury or death that the animal will be killed for.
- There's a troubled teen industry to straighten out "troubled" (rebellious, curious, mentally ill, non-cishethet, or completely normal and maybe even healthy) teenagers "to stop their behavior before they get sent to the Isle." If you wants to know exactly how terrible it is in these places, check out breakingcodesilence on YouTube or on their official website.
- Kids and teenagers are not allowed to do normal kid and teenage things. Kids are expected to be perfect angel caricatures of what a child "should" be until they hit eleven or twelve, at which point they're expected to suddenly become mature adults with no room for being a tween or a teenager. There's no room for them to make mistakes without judgement. There's no real childhood.
- Mommy vloggers are a big thing
- Mommy bloggers with disabled children (like Autism Mommies (TM) or Fathering Autism) are even bigger.
- People keep trying to "cure" disabilities like autism, Down Syndrome, etc, which is usually just eugenics with a nicer name. While abortion is "illegal no exceptions," it's silently allowed if the fetus is disabled.
- Care for disabled people is terrible. Most facilities or training courses don't care about improving their quality of life, just on supporting them enough that they aren't a visible problem.
- The universal healthcare doesn't cover mobility aids or "elective" procedures such as surgery to lessen or end epileptic seizures. And that stuff is expensive as hell in Auradon.
- The "eradication of drugs" makes it hard for people to be prescribed class 1 drugs, stuff like Adderall or opium things for pain, harder for them to get refills, and they can't display any "drug-seeking" behavior (and the behavior of a person who has MS and desperately needs their pain relief or similar cases will be seen as drug-seeking.) Addicts and "addicts" will be sent to the Isle.
- A lot of disabled and mentally ill people get killed by caretakers. This is usually not reported on and the murderer gets off free due to some very ableist rhetoric.
- Rape and other sex crimes are usually not prosecuted unless the survivor is under 12 or if the case somehow already has media attention. There's a massive amount of victim-blaming in the courts and the media is not allowed to report on the trial at all unless they prosecute the perpetrator, creating an illusion of "it rarely happens but when it does, we act swiftly and harshly."
- The media rules are the same for child abuse, by the way. And elder abuse. And dependent abuse. And domestic abuse and IPV. And a lot of murder cases. And assaults. And discrimination lawsuits. And- basically any crime, really. It only happens if the court says it did but the court rarely says so.
- True crime, documentary, commentary, and criticism ThouTubers are usually banned from the platform or sent to the Isle for "dissidence." Because talking about anything without pushing Auradon's "everything is perfect" narrative is considered dissidence.
I should probably stop now before people get angry at me.
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teenmomcentral · 7 years
if i wanted to make a teen mom blog, what kind of pointers could you give me?
-Make sure to follow all the awesome TM blogs that way you can reblog and add your own opinions on posts, get to know the other bloggers, etc. Here’s a few of those awesome, active TM blogs; @teenmomtruths @teenmomblast @teenmomgifs @teenmomanon @teen-a-momymous (I know I forgot a few, sorry, I’m on mobile guys!)-Keep as up to date on the show as you can, lots of my messages are usually about new episodes & things that happened in recent episodes-Always feel free to ask a fellow TM blogger if you have any questions about the show or blogging in general! They’re all super nice and supportive!-Interact with your followers, whether they are anon or not. Maybe do polls, contests, or just whenever you make a post ask “what do you guys think about this?” or something along those lines.-Try to update as much as possible. The more active you are on here, the more of a following you’ll get and the more your followers will keep checking your blog!-Message me once you make your blog so I can follow you back! Lol
Any other TM blogs wanna chip in??
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eternitas-archive · 6 years
Miis 2 cents on the discourse tm
Tumblr media
So I have seen a lot of points being thrown about the whole age discourse.
Bloggers have to be careful what they post!
Kids get influenced when they see this!
But people sometimes grow up with their F/O!
Y ou ARe a pEDOphILE if YOu shIP witH a MINor F/O!!!11!
So here is what I think:
Let’s agree to disagree.
It’s absolutely valid to say that minors can be influenced seeing selfshipping content, especially when they see Adults shipping with minors. Young adults/Minors/Teens whatever you want to call them are just usually not as expereinced to differenciate. That is just how it is.
But it’s also important to note that fictional characters do not age like we do. I for example have an F/O I basically grew up with, hell he even has a canon 10 years older self, but when his series ended his canon age was around 16. I fwll for him when I was idk 15 or so? It almost HAS BEEN 10 years for me, but since it’s fiction those characters do not age the way we do, so that’s valid too.
You all seem to forget a very important thing about the tumblr experience.
It is actually possible to coexist. We do not have to find a universal solution.
You all act as if people are holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to follow people that make you uncomfortable.
Look. If you feel uncomfortable with people aging up characters for ships or so, then there is a very easy thing you can do:
Unfollow, Block, Blacklist
My personal 3 steps of safety in this hellhole
The selfship community as I have experienced it in this short week I am here is very accepting, open, loving and chill. Wanna ship with a car? do it. Wanna ship with a fluffy monster? go for it. Wanna ship with a psychotic villain? follow your dreams! Usually people are just that. Loving and accepting that’s why it’s such a nice enviroment. We all are here to have fun, self induldge, spread love and feel validated.
So honestly, there is no need to start forcing in a universal rule of what is “acceptable” and “not acceptable”. You can always unfollow people. You can always block people. And you can always blacklist someones url to really make sure to never see ANYTHING of them on your dash (a thing you are never told how refreshing and freeing it can be!)
It’s as if people feel forced to be exposed to that kind of stuff. Like someone is pushing that content onto you. 
The thing is that if you don’t want to see it you don’t have to. 
The only thing I wanna say is: maybe think about adding stuff u are comfortable or uncomfortable with on a page in your blog. I come from the rp community so rules pages are a MUST. People state EVERYTHING on that page and it’s a common courtesy to read rules pages before following and once again before interacting! That’s why I made all my links available for mobile as well.
So honestly, maybe think about stating stuff like “hey I am a minor!” somewhere because I came across several blogs that didn’t have anything aside of their blog describtion. Not even an F/O list? 
Anyway: Let’s agree to disagree and all coexist. It’s possible if everyone just stops throwing hate around. I mean it’s a community for LOVE for crying out loud.
whatever. Those are my thoughts I guess
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