#i do not need horde vs alliance discourse
wavebiders · 10 months
You mentioned something about fantasy politics and Dragon Age, could you explain what you mean by that? I'm not familiar with Dragon age, Mass effect, of their fandoms?
Basically, when you have a fictional universe that has any level of complexity, you're also going to have fictional politics. Depending on the nature of the conflicts and issues present in this world, there will also be an active discussion surrounding them in the fandom
These discussions can quickly become very heated. Often because of lack of sensitivity from the writers when it comes to where they drew inspiration from, from fans projecting to heavily onto one group, or from lack of nuance and the urge to view everything as a direct mirror for our world. Most commonly it's a mix of all three
Using bioware games, which have an especially fired up fandom about this, as an example: People get very angry at humans being "space racist" in Mass Effect, while overlooking the nuances of the political climate in-universe where humans are very much not the in power group at all. People overidentifying with mages in Dragon Age as an allegory for queer people, and getting personally offended when the story even tries exploring nuance there. Elves also in Dragon Age drawing a little too much inspiration from real-life hardships, which makes for a very unfortunate situation all around, and again can cause a very strong emotional response to story developments and plot twists as the line between real and fiction becomes blurred
World of Warcraft falls into the same icky area as a lot of fantasy at the time of its creation(and even now) in that it borrows from non-white cultures for its monster races. On top of that, so much of its premise comes from retroactively adding nuance to an 80's "evil invading orcs" game. That's not even to mention how, because of its mmorpg nature, so many story decisions are based around gameplay(keeping pvp relevant, giving players for both factions a reason to feel like heroes) rather than having a well thought-out narrative
I don't need to interact with the fandom to know it's a tirefire, and while there are certainly plenty of things worth debating, I'm never gonna have a good time doing that in a reactive fandom environment(I'm more likely to discuss it among friens), and ultimately I'm just here to enjoy a video game and prefer to engage with the story as it is, and focus on the elements of it that bring me joy
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fated-lab-partners · 4 years
The Beauty of Entrapdak: Lab Partners in Love!
“Imperfection is beautiful.”
Tumblr media
A masterpost full of links to Entrapdak-positive posts!
Cruelfeline's Hordak Bleatings Masterpost
Soranis-Sunshadow’s SPOP Masterpost
Catra and Hordak: The Parallels
A Special SPOP Announcement! 
A Loving Relationship
Season 3
S3 Gifs - Entrapdak Moments
They’re So Great Together 
So She Wants to Be There for Him 
S3 Gifs - What’s the Rush?
She’s Not Afraid of Him - He is Not Afraid of Her 
They Make Each Other Stronger and Happier 
Entrapta’s Neurodivergent Symptoms Are Not Repressed
S3 Gifs - Entrapta on Imperfection
Let’s Talk About: The Love/Friendship Entrapta and Hordak AKA Entrapdak/Hordapta Part 1
His Last 3 lines in the Season are ALL about Entrapta
But One (1) Person Implies Entrapta is Meh and He’s Down To Fite
Tldr Yeah It Was His Intention to Shield Her
She Put Thought and Emotion Into the Crystal
Entrapta Has Never Been Afraid of Him
Let’s Talk About: The Love/Friendship Entrapta and Hordak AKA Entrapdak/Hordapta Part 2
It’s Easier to See that She’s Trustworthy When Someone Trusts Her
And Then He Meets Entrapta
He Takes a Moment to Reflect on Entrapta Before Fleeing With Catra
He Does Need Her!
S3 Screenshots - Hair Touch
I Love Them So Much and I’m Not Even Sure Why
Things That Make Me Emotional
No Reason to Get in a Tizzy
S3 Screenshots - He Showed Her the Stars
S3 Screenshots - Look at Them. They Just Want to be Together 
Asking the Crew-Ra About Entrapta and Hordak at the Power Con She-Ra Panel
S3 Screenshots - Neither of Them Is Willing to Activate It Without the Other
I’mma Wrap You Into a Blanket, Make You Soup, Spoon Feed You Like a Baby and the Soup Is Served From Teeny-Weeny Cute Cups
It Hurts So Much
Season 4
S4 Screenshots - Blush!
S4 Gifs - Hordak’s Tears
S4 Screenshots - I Just Need to Point This Out
Please Fix This, S5
Both of These Very Intelligent People Are Fooled by Internal Fear, Insecurity, and, in Entrapta’s Case, Social Difficulties
S4 Screenshots - I Need Her Notes, Her Recordings 
S4 Screenshots - His Face
S4 Gifs - Hordak Misses Entrapta
Goth Bat Boyfriend Is Head-Over-Heels for His Gamer Girlfriend Whether He Realizes It or Not
He Definitely Thinks She’s Dead
S4 Screenshots - Hordak's Grief: The Finer Details
Season 5
S5 Screenshots - Hordak/Entrapta Moments!!
I’m So Fucking Proud of Him. Hordak Is Officially Free From Abuse and Cult
S5 Screenshots - Your Imperfections Are Beautiful! 
S5 Screenshots - She Loves Him So Much💜
This Is a Love Arc 
We Can Tell She’s So Happy to Finally Be With Him Again That She Won’t Let Him Go
A Bit of Thoughts About the Mind Control in She Ra…
S5 Gifs - Did You Not Hear Me Little Brother? Do It Now!
S5 Gifs - So, Are We All Just, Like, Okay With This?
S5 Screenshots - Entrapta?
Let Me Explain How Powerful the Writing for Entrapdak Is
Entrapta and Hordak Parallels: Then and Now Part Two
There Ain’t No “OWO I cAn SaVe HiM~~” Here Bitches, Just Good Old Respect
She Could Have Just Scurried Out of There
You Know Why I Love Entrapdak?
I Need Everyone to Realize That Hordak Actually Told a Successful Lie
They Love Each Other, Your Honor!
Hordak/Entrapta Parallels
Damn Straight He Wouldn't Do That!
Debunking Anti-Arguments
Entrapta’s Age 
More Age Discourse & Other Arguments
I’ve Seen the Age Discourse Floating About Again, Though It’s a Bit Different This Time
Entrapta is Not a Child!
Entrapta is an Adult
Entrapta's Autism: The Manipulation Argument (Again)
The Only People Who Think Hordak Has Any Kind of Actual Power Over Entrapta Are People Who Don’t Like Their Dynamic
Hordak Isn’t Using Entrapta 
Did Hordak Actually Manipulate Entrapta?
Assertive Entrapta
Screenshots - Entrapta the Innocent. Such Manipulation
“Entrapta Deserves Someone Better for Her Than Hordak”
No One Respected and Valued Entrapta the Way Hordak Did
More Respect
Really Makes Me Think, Again, About the Way the Alliance Only Seems Interested in Entrapta for Her Usefulness
Entrapta Doesn’t Hold Back Around Hordak
Entrapta Did Not Fix Hordak 
Entrapta Doesn’t Fear Hordak
"Daddy Issues"
Horde Prime Character Analysis (Heavy and Sensitive Topics Ahead) - Long Post
Hordak's Mental/Emotional Age
Antis: Hordak’s Abusive! He’s Done So Many Bad Things!!!!
Wrong Hordak and Hordak - Indoctrination & Support Systems
Can we stop forgetting that Wrong Hordak Wasn’t “Baby” Until Bow Fried Him?
People Don’t Want to See the Horde Clones as Slaves, Because That Makes Some People Uncomfortable
Just a Friendly Reminder That Hordak Did Not Commit Genocide
She-Ra Fandom…Words Have Meaning
Another Example of Genocide 
There Was No Scorpion Genocide - Irrefutable Proof
Hordak Is Not a Fascist 
Hordak Is Not a Fascist - More Details
SPOP’s Themes
Here’s an Unpopular Opinion!
The Way Hordak Treated Others Doesn’t Ruin His Relationship With Entrapta, Period
Excusing vs. Explaining  
Debunking the Medium Article About Hordak
The People Antis Are Actually Attacking 
Identifying With Hordak
Why Hordak and All of His Brothers Are Cult Victims Suffering From Religious Trauma Syndrome
Hordak Never Left His Cult
Hordak Is Not Horde Prime
Hordak: The Power-Hungry Warmonger
Catra & Hordak
Why Not Both?
It's Not About Deserving Redemption
I Don’t Understand How People Can Wax Poetic About the Depth and Trauma of Catra’s Abuse, Only to Just Sort of… Brush Off Hordak’s
Catra and Hordak are Parallel Characters
Okay, Antis. If Hordak is Committing Genocide, Then Catra Was Committing 400% Times More Genocide
Hordak and Catra’s Crimes 
Entrapdak & Catradora
Catradora - Abuse
Screenshots: Catra’s Abusive Actions
Catra Abused Adora
Yes, Catra Was Abusive 
Entrapdak & Catradora - Important Differences
Entrapdak Did Not Overtake Catradora 
The Show is Still for You. That Hasn’t Changed
Entrapdak in General
It’s Not Problematic to Ship Entrapdak!
Don’t Take Your Anger out on an Entire Group of Fans Over Their Opinions Concerning Fictional Characters
But Isn't Entr@p/dak Like.... Not a Good Ship...
Noelle Confirmed Entrapdak
Noelle Doesn't Hate Entrapdak
Not All Conflict Is Abuse
Addressing the Same Anti-Arguments - Again 
Hordak and Entrapta Are More Than Just Friends
796 notes · View notes
cruelfeline · 4 years
The Hordak Bleatings Masterpost
The new and improved Masterpost! All of my ridiculous bleating in one place! Now with categories to allow you, dear friends and neighbors, to better marvel at the utter nonsense I get up to in my spare time. It shall be updated every so often/when I remember. 
some of these categories may overlap or perhaps not be perfect; I tried; there was... a lot
Biological/Medical Musings
A Fairly Comprehensive List of Hordak’s Clinical Signs
I Wrote Too Much About Hordak’s Arms
And Then Someone Asked About His Elbows So Voila
Someone Else Asked About His Eyes
Yes; I Did Measure Hordak’s Ears via Fuzzy Math; You’re Welcome
A Brief Word About Dentition
Some Sad Thoughts About Clone Lifespan
I Like to Headcanon that Clones Have Naturally Different Eye Colors
Counting Hordak’s Ports
Thinking About Terrible Ways Prime Could Institute Biological Control
Doing Very Fuzzy Math And Wondering Just How Young Hordak Could Be
Spending Way Too Much Time Figuring Out Whether Hordak is Left or Right Handed
Why Tiny Food is Probably Ideal for Hordak (a joke ask I essentially took Seriously)
Discussing Hordak’s Temper
Considering Whether Hordak Needs Oxygen
Discussing Whether Prime and his Clones are Genetically Identical
Hordak in Relation to Other Characters
Hordak Can Get Close to Entrapta Because He Needn’t Fear Her
Discussing Entrapdak Age Discourse
Bit More Regarding Hordak’s Maturity vs. Entrapta’s
Hordak Didn’t Manipulate Entrapta… But Catra Did
Assessing that Unfortunate Moment When Hordak Snapped at Entrapta
Further Assessing Hordak Snapping at Entrapta by Noting When He Doesn’t
On Hordak’s Wardrobe Change
Entrapta Shushing Hordak is One of My Favorite Interactions
The Entrapdak Scene Was Also One of Self-Love
I Really Like How Entrapta Talks to Hordak About Failure
Hordak Tells an Actual Lie and Succeeds
Entrapta’s and Hordak’s Social Differences Help Them Connect to One Another
I Would Have Appreciated A Scene Where Entrapta Learns About What Happened To Hordak
Hordak Takes Strength From Realizing That Entrapta Came For Him
Hordak and Entrapta Just Like One Another, and I Enjoy That
There is a Huge Difference in How The Alliance and Hordak React to Entrapta Being on Beast Island, and it’s Jarring
This is Mostly About Catradora But Kind of in the Sense of Why Entrapdak is Better, so Here it Goes
Entrapta Didn’t Teach Hordak How to Love; She Taught Him How to Be Loved
The Soup Scene is a Condensed View of Why Entrapdak Works in Light of the Rest of Hordak’s Arc
Hordak and Entrapta Search for One Another Alone, and it Makes Me Sad
I Love How Hordak Scooches Over for Entrapta to Join Him on his Throne
The How-Catra-Manipulated-Hordak Masterpost
Watching Catra and Hordak Switch Roles in Season Three is Fascinating
Hordak and Catra’s Low Points Indicate Their Core Problems
Did Hordak Abuse Catra? Did She Abuse Him? The World May Never Know
Comparing Hordak and Catra in Terms of Consequences and Agency
Hordak and Catra’s Apparent Ages Likely Affect How People Judge Them
Why Doesn’t Hordak Subdue Catra?
Losing and Regaining the Will to Fight is Another Hordak/Catra Parallel
Sometimes I Wish The Show Would Focus Less on Catra and More on Hordak
Why Catra Besting Hordak Isn’t As Satisfying As Catra Besting Shadow Weaver
Hordak Exhibits Some Level of Trust in Catra Even in Season 2... and She Betrays It
The Difference in How Hordak and Catra Handle Relationships followed by Why They Are Like This 
Some Brief Words on the Differences Between How Hordak and Catra End Up Driven to Destruction in Season Four
Musing About What I Actually Would Accept as “Hordak Abusing Catra”
I Think It’s Kind of Funny that Some Expect Catra to be Suspicious of Hordak Post-Canon
Two Scenes That Look Distressing Side-by-Side
Discussing How Catra and Hordak Start Off as Parallels but Later Deviate Due to Character Differences
How Adora and Hordak End Season Four Differently
Hordak and Adora Parallels
I Wonder if Adora Recognizes Some of Herself in Hordak
This is Actually About Shadow Weaver, but Compared to Hordak, So…
Hordak Doesn’t Seem to have a “Rule the World!” Moment (compared to Shadow Weaver)
On Hordak’s Weird Interactions with DT
Watching DT Circle Hordak is Interesting
Let’s Compare the Circling Scenes, Shall We?
What Wrong Hordak’s Arc Teaches Us About Clones and Hordak
Wondering if Hordak Actually has Control Over the Etherian Horde (could he have stopped the war?)
There Is A Huge Difference In The Standards Prime And Hordak Hold Others Two Versus Themselves
Hordak and Horde Prime Handle Their Own Vulnerabilities Quite Differently
The Difference Between How Prime and Hordak Use Anger
The Moment Prime Touched Hordak’s Face is the Moment I Truly Knew That Something About Hordak’s Backstory was Very Wrong
Clone/Origin/Prime-Related Sadness
The Clone Thing
More Distressed Bleating about The Clone Thing
Hordak’s DMV Photo Disturbs Me
Hordak Isn’t Actually an Idiot About Disease Transmission
On Hordak’s Bodily Autonomy, or Lack Thereof
How Much of Hordak is “Hordak?”
I’m 99% Certain That Hordak Sucks at Lying Because he Literally Couldn’t
You’d Think Hordak would Think Things Through, But…
Hordak isn’t Really Proud of “Hordak” (with a bonus Adora mention)
Hordak Provides Excellent Fridge Horror
Hordak’s Behavioral Pathology Isn’t Actually Pathology
So! That Purification Ritual was Really Something
Despite Erasure, Hordak Remains Himself
The Clones Are Essentially Trapped By Prime And It Upsets Me
I Get Annoyed That The Clones Aren’t Discussed More By Our Heroes
Again, I Wish The Show Acknowledged The Clones A Bit More, Wrongie Edition
Wouldn’t It Be Swell If Prime Really Did Manage The Clones Like Livestock? 
It’s More Emotionally Poignant That The Clones Are Individuals Rather Than Drones
Prime’s Doctrine Ensures Hordak Blames Himself, and it’s an Awful Control Measure
Hordak Probably Isn’t Dumb for Using Uninsulated Cables; Rather, Clone Sadness is in Play
Why I Can’t See Hordak and the Other Clones As Colonizers (unlike Prime) (also a whole convo thread)
Thinking About Clones and Self-Care
Each Clone Will Have to Realize That They Were Victimized
Wondering if Horde Clones Might Feel Anxious Sleeping Alone
Why Prime Might Encourage Some Autonomy in His Clones (spoilers: for cruelty)
Completely Arbitrary Classification of Clones Post-Prime!
Prime is an Actual God to the Clones and it is Terrifying
Canon Plausibility of Blanket Burritoing Horde Clones!
I Appreciate That, Despite Their Devotion, the Clones are Portrayed as Legitimately Suffering due to Prime
Catra and Adora have Happy Memories; do the Clones?; does Hordak?
Morality/Punishment/Redemption Related
Morality is (sadly) not a Universal Thing
Don’t Talk to me About the Reset as “Proper Punishment”
Why Hordak Doesn’t Just Become a Good Citizen
I Think About Hordak’s Choices a Lot
Hordak as an Abuse Mimic Rather Than Pure Evil
Looking at the Horde Child Soldier Thing From a Certain POV
Emotional Support is a Necessary Part of Healing
Hordak Was Forgiven Without Redemption, And I’m OK With That
Hordak’s Arc Speaks Directly to People who were “Raised Wrong”
I Wonder if Hordak Would See anti-Princess Propaganda as Propaganda
Semi-Intelligent Plot/Story Observations
Hordak’s Portrayal is a Function of Character Lens
Hordak Gets Very Legit Development in Season Four
She-Ra Isn’t a War Drama and Here’s Why
Hordak Suffers From a Distressing Lack of Agency
Hordak is a Weirdly Unenthusiastic Lord
The Season 4 Finale Reframes Hordak’s Vulnerability 
Untangling Hordak’s Backstory in Light of What We Now Know
Why Hordak Getting Possessed is Narratively Good
Hordak’s Rebellion and Subsequent Possession Essentially Summarize His Story
There Are Big Differences Between Hordak and Prime’s Etherian Wars
It Is Pretty Unlikely That Hordak Would Have Pulled The Portal Lever
It Occurred To Me That Hordak May Initially Ignore FO’s Tech Because It’s Just Really Old
An Assessment Of The Villain Intro Cards, Focusing On Hordak
I Think It’s Silly To Blame Hordak For Everything - Especially When Considering Prime
Literally Just a Thread Explaining Why Hordak is Sympathetic
Some Words On Exactly How Terrible DT’s Reveal Was For Hordak
The Escalation of Hordak’s Situation is Really Something
An Anon Asks a Normal Question and I go on a Tangent About Hordak Compensating for his Inability to Innovate via Entrapta and Catra
There are Monumental Differences Between the Galactic and Etherian Hordes in Terms of Brainwashing and Agency
Thinking About Why Chipped Etherians May Not be That Sympathetic To Clones After All
Random Bit of Logicking About Why Hordak Calls the Princesses a Rebellion
Figuring Out Why I Find Hordak So Much More Sympathetic Than The Princesses
Brief Musing on How Hordak Might Face Antagonism From Both Sides Post-Canon
Hordak’s Story Touches on the Concept of the Imperfection of Authority
Someone Asked Me if I Found Hordak’s S5 Arc Satisfying
Discussing Whether Or Not Hordak Planned on Leading Anything After Conquering Etheria
Taking Apart an Abysmal Twitter Take Because It’s Fun
Talking About Prime’s Clone Troops v. Robot Troops
Talking About Hordak’s Emotional Age
Hordak’s S3 Backtory Being Part-Delusion Helps Emphasize the Inequality in Attachment Between the Clones and Prime
A Few Not-So-Nice Acts Hordak Commits That I Find Justifiable
Random Headcanons of All Sorts
Stupidly Cute, Pointless Headcanon #3825 (ears covered)
Stupid Pointlessly Cute Headcanon #4853 (yawning, with appropriate artwork)
Stupid Pointlessly Cute Headcanon #2938 (snoring)
Stupid Pointlessly Cute Headcanon #1423 (REM sleep)
Stupidly Cute, Pointless Headcanon #7845 (blushing)
Random Hordak-Related Thought #2935 (forearms)
I Like to Think That Hordak Does Cute Things in his Sleep
I Like to Think That Hordak’s Eyes Dim While He Sleeps
Literally Me Just Having Emotions
Thinking About the Stress of Maintaining His Image in the Horde
Why Hordak’s Trauma is Particularly Disturbing To Me (compared to Catra/Adora)
Catra Overcomes her Fear of her Abuser; Hordak Does Not
All of my Emotions over the S4 Finale
Hordak’s Goddamned Smirk Lied to Me
I Have Feelings about Hordak’s Enforced Self-Care
I Need Hordak to Know that He is Loved
Hordak Goes Pew Pew and It’s Cute
Watching Hordak Lift Things Makes Me Smile
Hordak’s Unreasonable Expectations Make Me Sad
Please Just Let Hordak Rest
A Sassy Post About People Complaining the Hordak and Catra are Forgiven
All My Words About That Hordak/Adora Scene
Hordak Taps the Asphyxiation Lever With Two Fingers And It Makes Me Happy
I Wonder If Individuality Felt Blasphemous To Hordak
Please Don’t Stab Clones In Their Ports, Thank You
Hordak Clasps His Hands And It Makes Me Anxious
Hordak Shaming Catra Mimics the Purification Room And It’s Disturbing
Watching Hordak Give Up Is Heartbreaking
I Worry About Hordak Handling Anxiety
People Being Considerate of Hordak Makes My Heart Smile
I Wonder If Magic Was Frightening to Hordak at First
Thinking About Hordak Progressing in Terms of Self-Care
Prime Never Calls Hordak by Name, not Even Once
Just Being Sad While Realizing the Sort of Life Hordak had to Look Forward To
Strange Fic-Like Things No One Should Read
Please Consider: A Concept Masterpost
Hordak Practices Eyerolling
Imp Hacks Up The Worst Color of Hairball
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soranis-sunshadow · 4 years
A SPOP Masterpost
A list of links to all of my own ramblings in the SPOP fandom for the sake of being organized.. well sort of..ish... I guess.
click it!
My own Fanfiction - I’m on AO3 too
Through a mirror, Darkly  - ongoing fic about horde clones dealing with the aftermath of Horde Prime’s death seen through the eyes of Yudi - the disaster clone from episode Launch. The road to healing is long and not always straight and Yudi is terrible at following the straight and narrow.
Catra and Hordak - on redemption
Looking back - Glimmer and Hordak talk after the war
With you I am complete - Hordak and Entrapta are having a very bad, no good day.
One out of five isn’t that bad - The four times Entrapta couldn't share her enthusiasm and the one time she could.
Coming home - Baker, Crypto Castle's grandmotherly castellan has a lot of cleaning to do because of the new inhabitants into her home, this ends up bothering her a lot less than she thought it would. (post s5 tooth rotting fluff where Imp makes sure Hordak makes a friend.)
Spop Discourse and headcanons
Why free will isn’t synonymous with the ability to make a choice free of influence or bias. 
12 unpopular headcanons on Horde Prime
On Hordak’s “redemption”, or rather lack thereof. 
SPOP Chronology
My Headcanon on how The Etherian Horde thing started
Hordak the ‘top general’
The Catra vs Hordak thing... again? ... :sighs: 
Why Entrapdak is canon even in the early seasons
The one time these two dorks were unenthusiastic about science. 
 Horde Prime’s large shadow.
It’s called “religious trauma”, not “daddy issues”
Is Horde Prime ableist - a philosophical discussion
Idea for a Galactic horde AMV - The sound of silence
Not sameface syndrome
Hordak is anorexic.
Solitary Confinement on Etheria
The power of friendship - is only for cool friends
Why his stans relate to Hordak
Hordak: The “power-hungry” warmonger
Entrapta needs better friends 
How Entrapta is treated within the show by both her friends and Hordak
About Entrapta’s amorality and “weirdness”
Entrapta and Catra - a complicated relationship
Horde Clones are  Schrödinger’s individuals: both adults and children at the same time. 
Debunking the Hordak = fascist colonizer thing again... bleh
An observation on Hordak’s choice of clothing
Horde Prime’s pupils
Why it’s not ok to compare Wrong Hordak to his defective brother.
A link to the extended scene with Hordak and Entapta
I don’t think Hordak is that old
Why Hordak didn’t become a good law abiding citizen once he got stranded on Etheria
Someone else’s words on the whole clone slave thing
The Evil Horde vs The Rebel Alliance: A question of morality.
An argument about the Hordak is cis het thing...
more on alien sexuality
shitpost about alien sexuality
Hordak’s skin discoloration - an extensive analysis,  an addendum
How indoctrination works
Spacebats need anger management part 1
Spacebats need anger management part 2
HC about horde clone maturation and aging processes.
Horde clones’ eye anatomy
Horde Clones are immune to Etherian Pathogens
Yet more disturbing horde clone headcanon
The clones are Horde Prime’s foremost victims
Arguments against the Entrapdak abuse thing
shitpost about the colonization, genocide and child soldiers thing
Horde clones biology - they have glowing blood (a headcanon)
Light Spinner said the Horde was a big threat...
Shadow Weaver vs Hordak - on the nature of personal agency
Imp doesn’t have a neck-port... huh
I love Catra but S5 did her dirty  
Why Prime kept Hordak around in S5
Shadow Weaver tells us a story.
Hordak’s nose  and lips - a reference 
On why this fandom can’t have nice things
The length of Hordak’s thigh (and width of his hips) for .. uh ..science.
Why Hordak’s a dictator, but not a fascist one. 
Hordak’s Eyeliner
Fandom favoritism and double standards
Hordak didn’t kidnap Catra, he didn’t abuse her as a child but he was gaslit by her (aka - augmenting with the antis) 
What’s the deal with all of the SPOP fandom drama?
Fun speculation about how The Etherian Horde came to be
SPOP is not a war drama
Stupid memes (of which there are MANY) masterpost link. Give it a go, lots of lovely shitposts!
NonSpop shitpost
Other shitposts and “art”
Imp is an evil little toddler
Photorealistic Hordak painting
E& H Lazy morning snuggle 
Yudi (Horde Clone OC)
Glum (Horde Clone OC)
Joy (Horde Clone OC)
Welcome to Crypto Castle
Portal of Desire
A Whole New Light
The version of She-Ra the virulent antis are watching
Perfect Pretty Princess Hordak
C & A Peaceful 
Interesting Meta from other people
Horde Prime is a sexy bastard and that’s the point
On Hordak and worthiness 
“top” “general”
Ableism towards Entrapta
Entrapta’s ‘friendship’ with the Rebel Alliance
The horde clones are slaves
The sound of Silence by  @solcaeruleus
What that scene at the end meant- the one with baby Adora. 
“very serious war drama” 
On why we like Entrapdak this much
On worthiness
There’s plenty of things to hate Hordak for, you don’t need to HC more of them.
Horde clone reactions post Prime
The Galactic Horde and The Etherian Horde are not comparable
More on Entrapta and her relationship with the Alliance
Horde Prime vs Hordak and the topic of anger management 
How much control does Hordak have over The Etherian Horde
On judgment and punishment
Why Adora forgave Hordak in the end
On Hordak missing Entrapta in S4
Shadow Weaver’s “redemption” arc
Hordak and Catra similarities 
The Horde Soldiers are are Etherians after all...  
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