#i do have p3 fes which i was wanting to play a game thru there bc i Still havent played The Answer
orcelito · 2 years
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Oh a whim, I loaded up my psp... just to see. p3p was already in the thing, so I looked at my save files, and... 🥺
Never did finish the minako game but I got further than I thought, considering I'd been suffering by missing minato So bad. Stopped playing I think bc I got into smt iv apocalypse late 2016, then tales of xillia (1 and 2), then fire emblem echoes, THEN persona 5 came out & consumed my life for several months.
God, it's so retro. I vaguely remember starting a ng+ in 2018, but since it's been so long I think I'm just gonna start a whole new one. Experience the game from the start again :')
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foolshoujo · 2 months
atlu/s posted this message from one of the producers of p3r, kazu/hisa w/ada & i have some thoughts !
as previously stated in many interviews p3fes was not included in the original development & wa/da confirms that, adding that without the global push for adding fes it seems the team wouldn't have gotten the greenlight to add it despite the team wanting to add in the answer. this sounds to me as if at/lus had zero plans to really push for much for this remake beyond vanilla p3.
i'm assuming this is because of a smaller development team & the push for everyone to focus on the upcoming game re:metaphor & the p5 mobile game so either not a lot of budget focus or manpower ? speculation city here
this worries me for the leaked p4 remake of course we don't know if thats a proper thing or if its just a title grab because if the case of atlu/s wanting the bare minimum, however as p3r sold a fucking milly in week one i think a/tlus knows the weight of the fanbase + money rules all + p4 is literally atl/us' golden goose, while i have worries i also don't doubt that any proper remake if at all will get the top bill treatment. as always lmao. tl;dr sounds like atl/us didn't rlly care about the p3remake project but because of it p4 fans will win if the remake leaked by m/idori bears fruit. lucky yall.
this is the final update or expansion for p3r its finished after the answer / episode aig/is drops which makes sense because with this its a proper p3fes remake vs vanilla p3 & there is nothing else to add
key emphasis was put on the fact that this is final, so we aren't getting anything from p3p which is, a demake of the vanilla game at the end of the day. even tho thru fanpower we got the answer, it seems clear that atl/us has zero plans to do anything else past this for persona 3 as a whole. its finished lmao.
all in all i think reload was a unexpected success for atlu/s. it's very clear as you play there is a love from the development team that really comes out. while it's not perfect, it's very good & a worth while remake properly recreating the per/sona 3 experience. i think this will ultimately show at/lus there is merit to remaking old ps2 titles or just games from the atlu/s library overall esp within shin me/gami te/nsei. i for one have a ton of games i'd love see either ported or remastered & i think reload being a success is going to help us see that going forward.
big win for p3 nation i think.
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