#i didn't rb that post because i don't want gross shit on my blog >.>
lgbstims · 1 year
PSA for lesbians and bi women who use dating apps - be wary of the app Her!
The official social media account has told women who don’t date males to “reflect on why your attraction isn’t inclusive”. They also make deranged comments towards anyone they deem a TERF - receipts here 
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dazzling-dollyz · 2 years
Ugh, great. Tumblr is making me sad now too lol.
I knew there were terfs and radfems, but I didn't expect there to be SO MANY. You just see transmeds, radfems and terfs literally on NEARLY EVERY POST trans women will talk about their experiences, even if it has NOTHING TO DO with them, even if they're asked to not interact.
I straight up saw and had to block a bunch of radfems and terfs on here calling a nonbinary person a NARCISSIST just for talking about their experience exploring their gender identity over the years, and saying they just "wanted to be special". ????
Then I saw them dunking on another trans woman who was talking about this phenomenon transphobes often do where they project their feelings of cis men onto trans women (which I think was worded very well and it helped me really understand why a lot of transphobia occurs, and I'm super thankful she could explain it in a way that made sense), and all the comments were misgendering her and calling her crazy and delusional, and acting like she was forcing them to be into her when literally all she was saying was just "don't lump us in with how you feel about cis men cuz we're not the same and not even all trans women experience sex the same way". She never, at any point, demanded you be into her, she just asked to not be treated with disrespect. And I don't understand how all these radfems act like they get to tell her she's wrong when, hello, you're not trans? She is?? She knows the trans experience and other trans people? Who are you to act like you get to police that?
It just makes me really fuckin depressed and anxious, especially thinking about all my trans friends and my partner who probably have to deal with disgusting people like this, whether they're transfem, transmasc, non binary, etc. Radfems don't care - they just want a reason to hate on someone and use them as scapegoats and it sucks. It fucking sucks.
They even tried to speak for bi women when it's like? No?? I'm a bi woman and I'm not a transphobic jerk?? As someone who's a bi girl and is also afraid of most men to an extent, I'm not going to use my past trauma in order to be hateful because 1.) That's a shitty thing to do, 2.) Even if my nb partner had a dick i would still love them all the same bscause they are kind, caring, and listen so much better than anyone else I've been with, 3.) You're not going to solve misogyny with even more misogyny and bigotry.It makes me so fucking afraid even if I'm a cis woman because, damnit, I just want my fucking friends to be happy without hateful people like this.
Hell, I even saw them accusing CIS WOMEN of "not being real women" when they didn't approve of them. I saw some blogs rb some shit like " 'some women don't produce eggs--' are you sure they're real women?" And that just made my fucking blood boil. Because it just fucking PROVES they don't care about women. If they did they would understand plenty of cis women want kids, plenty of them want families but can't have them, plenty of disabled women aren't able to produce eggs due to their illnesses, plenty of women from other ethnicities like Hispanic women might have features they consider masculine like more visible body hair (something that, as a Hispanic woman, made me feel very icky and gross until I accepted body hair was not a gendered thing, no matter how much society pushed it to me as one.)
And I will never, ever understand how you would push these stupid expectations on women everyone, trans and cis alike, when you know damn well how fuckin hard and painful it is to constantly be forced to meet society's standards. If you REALLY want "liberation", why are you oppressing people even further? If you really want equality, why are you beating people down? Why are you forcing us all to fit in boxes?
They act like they're so woke and big brained to hate on trans people like this but really, they're just hateful and contributing to the hate non-men everywhere have had to endure for ages just for not being men. And I will never, ever accept someone that does things like that as a feminist.
You are NOT a feminist if your activism is limited only to women you personally like and approve of.
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