#i didn’t walk into st Coleman’s cathedral and burst into tears for half an hour for no reason
paintedvanilla · 10 months
1, 3, and 7 ❤️
1- You get to marry one fictional character – who is it? Well I already answered this BUT if you INSIST I have to pick a different character I would probably pick spencer reid from criminal minds or raymond wadsworth from suburban gothic (a movie 2.5 people have seen and I’m 2 of them) orrrrr scout master randy ward from moonrise kingdom. teehee.
3- What was the last book that you got so absorbed in that you couldn’t put it down? Veronica we already know the answer is fight club 😔
7- Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? How about religious? I do actually consider myself relatively religious I definitely believe in A God but I’m not sure by which belief system I completely subscribe to I was raised Catholic and still kinda vibe with a decent chunk of some of it. Obviously not with all of it. But I will continue to dunk on Protestants until the day I die. I have a weird eugh bleh relationship with organized religion bc like. Obvious reasons but I’m also a religious studies major so I hesitate very strongly to sign off on a statement like All Organized Religion Is Terrible or similar sentiments. It’s a very complex issue. Anyway yeah I do consider myself religious.
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