#i deleted the other submission hope thats alright
sengenweek · 4 years
SenGen Week: Day 04 (Correction)
Day 04: January 01
Soulmate au / first date/meeting
Title: Colorfools.
A/N: You can see every color, except for the color of your soulmate's eyes. Once you see the eyes of your soulmate, you can finally see the color that has never been available for your sight.
He was lonely, and had nothing better to do that day, so he'd gone to a nice coffee shop downtown just to kill some time outside his house. Being indoors all the time was getting to his nerves. The coffee shop was a nice place, decorated with whites and browns in a second floor, and a big window with view to the outside, but the view was plagued with people and cars; nothing interesting to see. He opened a notebook containing drafts for his next book, as his drink and snack arrived, he was already engrossed in his writing and thanked the waiter absently.
He wrote and scratched several lines, using at least three of his pages when he decided to leave his pencil aside to take a sip of his coffee, looking once more to the window as he munched on a donut. And he noticed something, someone who looked briefly upwards and Gen got a glimpse of their eyes. Their eyes. A color he'd never seen before, a beautiful and mesmerizing shade enlightened by the sunlight. And as soon as the person –a boy, a teen?– had glanced up, his eyes went back to the floor, leaving Gen to observe a very strange mop of hair that stuck up. He was with two other people, a tall young man, and a girl with long hair, but Gen barely paid them any mind, he was stuck on the other teen, the one with odd hairstyle, and such beautiful eyes. He was about to get up from his seat and run to him, run to catch him. But as soon as Gen had seen him, the crowd had engulfed him.
Red. He knew what the color he'd never been able to see was called. Red. Gen saw it, again, in the traffic lights, in the neon signs of Tokyo, in the package of his favorite drink, Cola. Red. In the cover of his notebook, in the ink of his pen, in the drawings of his deck of cards. Gen saw red, the color that was missing from his life; and he loved it. He loved the color that painted his soulmate's eyes. And he regretted the fact that he may never see this person again, may never even hear his voice.
The girls at school –as well as some boys– seemed to have gained an interest in someone named Asagiri Gen, a sort of magician. One day, one of his classmates read aloud a quiz from one of his 'psicology' books, and Senkuu quickly disregarded it's value, and decided it wasn't really worth the effort to read more from it, so he didn't even looked at it.
That afternoon when the rest of his classmates as well as Taiju and Yuzuriha had left the classroom, he noticed his classmate had left the aforementioned book in there, so he took it to put it away and return it the next day, he lifted the book and saw it's cover which portrayed Asagiri Gen himself in the front. Asagiri Gen. A magician. A 'writer'. The complete opposite of him. He saw the deep blue of his eyes. He saw it in the night sky, in his father's tie, in the sea, in the wallpaper of his computer, in his jeans. He saw the color he'd never seen before, and got excited –happy, even–. So he thanked Asagiri Gen for putting his face in his trashy book, and left it at that. There was no need for Senkuu to do anything else about this.
And that was a filthy lie, because he tamed his hair down, wore a hat and glasses to attend one of his shows, he sat on the back row, hidden. Asagiri Gen's magic show was no big thing, he used every old trick in the book with a little personal twist. His smile was big and false. Like his show, Asagiri Gen seemed to be an act. Senkuu wondered what he'd be like in reality. So every now and again, he would read one of his trashy books, aimed towards the public to produce sales, and once or twice, assisted to his shows. Never once did he make contact.
'AD 5738, April 1st'
Whoever carved that was totally insane. Whoever carved that, had kept track of time while being petrified. Whoever carved that, was awesome. And Shishio Tsukasa feared this person. This Ishigami Senkuu person had to be someone worth knowing. He was hopeful to find him alive, despite having heard Tsukasa say he'd killed him with his own hands. He was quickly despached to go find the village of primitive people and the smell of ramen invaded Gen's nostrils.
'Ishigami Senkuu must have lived, then' was his first thought.
He snuck around the people and snatched a bowl, being his usual confident self even as he got surrounded by three of them, aiming very sharp spears –and knives– at him.
"I thought I'd seen your face somewhere before, Asagiri Gen"
He turns to look at the one he can only asume, is Ishigami Senkuu, and his heart beats so wildly in his ribcage he'd swear it would burst it open. He only ever saw them once, he only ever saw him once, but Gen would recognize that shade of scarlet, that weird mop of hair, anywhere. It took all of his self-control to keep his façade. The young man didn't seem fazed at all, he put Gen to work and got information out of him, not that he was going to keep it a secret anyhow.
"All I have to do is make a false report. 'It was only a primitive village.' 'Senkuu is dead.' With that, I can save you, Senkuu-chan"
'^I can save you^ I don't want you to die'
He hoped Senkuu had gotten the message, since he didn't show any reaction to seeing him. And Gen knew he'd never mistake his soulmate.
'But. Soulmate or not, you're amazing, and I want you to live.'
He didn't know if Gen was avoiding the subject on purpose, but he supposed it wasn't good to just dodge the situation forever. The matter of being soulmates had to be adressed eventually.
"Senkuu-chan~!" Ah, yes, speaking of the devil.
He turns to look at Gen, smiling brightly, the scar on his cheek making his grin far more devious than it should be.
"What are you doing up so late at night?" he questions.
"I could ask you the same, Gen"
"Insomnia~! Your turn~!"
"Stargazing" he grins.
"You like the stars?"
"Yeah, they're a good way to know your location, and the time at night. Although, after so many years, they shifted in their place. They're not where I remember them being"
"Everything has changed" he mumbles nostalgic.
"It's not so bad. With consistent and sustained effort we can bring it back to being more or less where everything was. It'll take years, perhaps even decades, though"
"Ah, yes. You'll work everyone to exhaustion"
"You damn right, I will" he beams.
Gen can only sigh, a tiny smile tugging on his lips.
An observatory. Gen really surprised him this time. 'He must've remembered when we spoke of the stars' he mused. He really should speak to him now, he knew jackshit about these kinda feelings, but he was sure this was more than just a gift for his birthday, the words the mentalist spoke were far too much of a hint.
As if being summoned by his thoughts –again– the mentalist burst throught the entrance on the floor elegance in his movements.
"Stargazing?" he asked.
"Yes and no. I'm trying to find where the stars are now"
There's a map on the floor, notes and constellations drawn into it. Gen takes a sit right next to him.
"And how is that going?"
"My hand hurts from scribbling so much" he sighes.
The mentalist takes his right hand gingerly, tracing circles and triangles and squares into his open palm, lips pursed –almost pouting–, inspecting it as if it were an antient text.
"Don't tell me you read palms too, mentalist" he jokes.
"Why, yes I do~!" Gen answers gaze never leaving his hand.
"Oh really? And what does my future say?"
"You have a tewible luck. As always"
Senkuu changes the position of their hands, now he's the one tracing figures on Gen's palm, making him chuckle.
"What does my future say, Senkuu-chan~?" he asks amused.
"It says... You will be kissed shortly"
"Eh? Kissed?"
Senkuu leaned –eyes open– and placed a chaste kiss on Gen's lips. And Gen looks cute when he gets paralized and blushing, his eyes three times larger than a moment ago.
"Thank you, for my birthday present. And for the color blue. It's beautiful"
Gen tries to speak a few times, but he only manages to look like a fish, so he gives up, and buries his face on his sleeved hands.
"Never seen you so flustered before. How cute" Senkuu chuckles.
"You're so mean~!" he pouts.
"Sorry. But it seemed like we avoided the subject for too long"
He spreads his fingers, letting only one bright iris to be discerned.
"I suppose you're right" he agrees. "You knew since the modern days who I was"
"I saw your face in one of your trashy books"
"Heh. I saw you once from inside a coffee shop"
"Yes. It was only a fleeting moment when you looked up" he explained sheepishly. "I wanted to go after you then, but you got lost in the crowd. I think you were with Taiju-chan and Yuzuriha-chan"
"Heh, I probably was"
"I like it. Red, I mean"
"I wonder if everyone just loves the color they'd never seen before"
"Probably most people do" he smiles, finally revealing his face.
And Senkuu takes the chance to steal another kiss. This time Gen responds, draping his arms on Senkuu's neck, the other pulls Gen closer by his waist.
Scarlet and cobalt meet, they suit each other quite beautifully.
A/N: So, I posted day one again for mistake. Kids, don't go operating heavy machinery when you're sleep deprived, just sayin', ya could get something wrong. Also on:
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feral-anarchy · 5 years
Hey guys, I'm not sure who will be able to see this and who won't be. I know its pretty sudden too and I am sorry for this.  This blog was originally for animals and food, for funny memes and just random stuff. I think I need to get back to that. I've lost nearly everyone I care about because of this huge mess- if you don't know then don't worry yourself over it, please. I just wanted to know the truth, to see everything from all angles, but that is harder to do than one would believe and I am tired. I don't want to fight anymore, I don't want to ask questions. I just want to be docile, submissive and let whatever happen, happen.  I will not say names or call anyone out, I’m not that kind of person. I actually do not like drama, I dont ever want to start anything, accidentally or otherwise and I fear I have and I cannot tolerate that within myself. Yes, I am a person, people tend to forget that there are living, breathing thinking and feeling people behind these blogs. This isn't meant to be a sob story or anything of the sort either, I am just starting over. 
So here it is:
Hi, my name is Feral, but you can call me anything that you want.  I like food and animals. I have 7 dogs, a cat, a ball python, a leopard gecko, a mealworm farm and I feed the stray cats outside. I love animals and I just cannot stop rescuing them- especially here in the Phoenix Arizona heat, which is where I live. 
I live in a two-story house that I own with my boyfriend of 6 years. We are both polyamorous to a point. I myself more emotionally, he, of course, is more physical. We have one play partner that we have known for years.  I work as a barista at a small non-profit cafe at my local library part-time and I enjoy it for the most part. Though being around people is difficult.  I take medication, 300 mg XL bupropion because I have severe depression. Not the crying all day type, but the dead-inside type. the kind where you feel like a soul stuck in an inanimate object. I also have pretty bad anxiety but I'm learning to cope with it. The meds help.  My play partner is my only friend IRL as I don't get out much. I wouldn't consider my BF a best friend, but he is kind and patient with me, which is more than I could ever hope for. I don’t do well with people IRL, but I'm getting better every day. This is most likely due to my mother having me young, and I was a difficult child, a real demon. I didn't have much human interaction for the first 15 years of my life. I only had a dog, so a lot of my behavior seems kind of ‘off’ because of this and I apologize. 
I've died once, not legally but I was fine one moment, gone the next. A pressure in my head happened, I felt static-y all over, then I was gone to a soft, comfortable, nothingness and I have been struggling ever since and living in fear of it happening again. Frankly, if it ever happens, I hope it kills me. I've come to terms with this and its okay. I've spent thousands of dollars, been so a bunch of doctors over the year since it happened and still no one knows what going on, no matter the test I get, it comes back clean. I've given up at this point.  I've got this weird feeling that I've only got roughly 4/5 years left to live, I am 26 and I think I will be alive until 30, so maybe that's just my body’s way of starting the count down. It's alright though, it really is. If you know me, please don't be sad about that, it truly is alright. 
There have been terrible things that happened to me, I've had a gun shoved in my face, I have been raped, I have lost my home, watched my dog die, lost my best friend of over 15 years, grew up in an abusive home after I turned 15 (mom married a dick, but he too has gotten better now that I am gone and I respect and understand it.) - but this isn't a sob story. Everyone has gone through their own difficulties and each story is valid, every life is valid.
There have been good times too! I love to create things, write and I love to draw and cook and eat, I am roughly 120LBs and I have this stubborn pooch on my belly that's showing up because of age and laziness. I enjoy being alone too, I feel the safest when I am alone and thankfully I get to be alone most of the time. I drive an old Volkswagon beetle bug that I've drawn all over, though it needs to be washed and redrawn on- I drew The Dragon Prince stuff on it. 
I am not really in any fandoms, not anymore but I enjoy a lot of things, I used to known almost every anime at conventions if someone was wearing a costume!  Ahh, I could keep rambling on about my life, but you guys don't want to hear it. People love to talk, but not really listen and I understand that. I try to be respectful of other people’s boundaries, triggers, and general requests. Though I admit that I am far from perfect, or even decent and I make plenty of mistakes. 
I am a super open book and have zero reasons to lie about anything ever. Why would I? You want my life, you can have it. I won't tell you my address or social security number of course, but anything else is pretty much free game. 
Anywho, I'm just posting because I want to start over. I'm going to keep quiet, post food posts and animals and funny things. Reblogs for me for the most part. I wish it had gone another way, but I can't side with anyone, I don't want to choose wrong and I don't want to be manipulated. so I'm just leaving in a way, emotionally. Besides, no matter what side I go on, people will hate me. People have always hated me and thats okay, not everyone needs to like me. Heck, I don't even like me lol, so I get it. 
It's better to leave completely than to side with the wrong side. But I can't bring myself to delete this blog, its been here and with me through so much. 
So consider Feral docile, lobotomized, and just quietly here. 
My blog will always be open to you, whoever you are. I will be here, but not here. 
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