#i can't keep up writing seal perspective so you guys will get basically normal human whump
Llyr and the Pirates - Day 1
Day One: Anchor
This is for the first day of @amonthofwhump‘s Water Whump May challenge, and I’ll be posting a bit of the fic (hopefully) every day this month! This takes place with characters and the universe of my ongoing story Persistence, but it’s a few years before then and doesn’t have to be read for understanding.
@galaxywhump, you asked earlier to be tagged in this, and @spiffythespook you asked to be tagged in all my writing, but considering this will be every day this month I won’t tag you more unless you specifically ask me to. Content Warnings: mythical creature whump (selkie), drowning, blood/mild gore, brief emeto mention (Llyr (pronounced Leer) is a selkie, so just a note for anyone who doesn’t know what that is: it’s a mer-creature that is most often in the form of a seal, but can shed its seal skin to take on a human form. In order to turn back to a seal, though, it needs to keep its skin in its possession and--in my personal rules and universe--intact)
Llyr had just fallen asleep when he felt the impact.
He had found a small pocket along the coastline, not far out from town, to finally get some sleep in. It fit his seal form fairly well, and it should have stopped him from floating back out to sea. He laid on his back, head poking out above the surface to breathe, and he’d drifted off in the warm water.
He barely felt the ripples coming in from the boat’s arrival, but as soon as the anchor slammed into his body, it forced the breath from his lungs and he choked as it pulled him down. Water enveloped his slippery skin as the hooked anchor sunk into his side, sinking and dragging him with it.
He gasped instinctively for air and only felt water rushing into his lungs, filling them to the brim before he could think to stop. The immense weight of the metal sent him tumbling down. The seafloor came up to meet him, crashing into his back and pushing out the water already filling him. The instinctive gasp his body took forced it all back in, and he was choking all over again.
Llyr’s vision clouded with dark spots as he writhed and fought under the immense weight, and blood clouded the water around him where it spilled from his side. He only struggled harder as the pain flashed acutely, the saltwater rushing into his wound as he loosened the anchor’s hold.
Frantic thoughts flashed through his head. He couldn’t die like this, because of some idiotic human sailors that couldn’t manage to lower their anchor down properly, and because he’d been slow enough to get caught up in it. He struggled again, harder, and he was nearly free when the anchor suddenly moved.
It pulled sharply backwards, digging its prongs deeper into the sand and nearly burying Llyr as well. Pain flashed nauseatingly when the anchor tore further through his side, gritty sand rubbing up against the wound and he convulsed with a sob that couldn’t escape his waterlogged throat.
The anchor pulled again and his mouth pulled open in a silent scream, the sensation of his body being torn apart nearly unbearable. In a last ditch effort to escape, he bucked up and freed part of his tail from the anchor, swimming and pulling on the skin still stuck on there. He wasn’t going anywhere. The bleary surface of the water was so far out of reach for his rapidly tiring body.
He was so damn tired and all he could think about was passing out right then and there, but then he shot forward and he didn’t care anymore. He couldn’t breathe and he was suffocating and drowning and dying but his body refused to give out. Llyr broke the surface and he heaved, gasping for breath with lungs full of water he didn’t have the strength to expel.
Tiny hitching breaths came between coughs as water and bile spilled out to the floor, but as he emptied his lungs, each breath came bigger and more sustained. He was breathing and sobbing but he was alive, a gash on his side still leaking on to the sand.
A gash he realized, as his eyes finally focused weakly on the glistening red liquid that trailed through the water and right to him, that his body couldn’t recover from. His breaths were weak and he’d lost so much blood, but through weak and blurry vision he could see there was a clear hole, half the length of his side, where the skin was gone.
He shivered at the realization that he’d shredded it when he pulled away from the anchor. Blood poured and lightheadedness pulled him up and away from reality, but Llyr knew he was in no state to recover it. His only hope was… shedding his skin and hoping that, however deep this wound, it hadn’t cut far enough to maim his human form.
Shuddering with unsteady breaths, Llyr rolled up on to his side and focused. God, what was he even doing? He’d never used his human form before. He’d never even tried to shed his skin; he was too young. Or that’s what his mother told him. Too young and impressionable to be associating with humans, the worthless scum, and to be the subject of their lusting, greedy gazes.
Well, damn it, mom probably wouldn’t want me to die either, he thought with a snarl and forced himself to close his eyes. Slowly, he grasped on to the unfamiliar human form always stirring under his skin, burying his senses deeper into his consciousness to grasp hold of it. He felt himself reaching and digging, prying open the jaws that trapped him inside his seal skin and stepping out, legs separated, fingers long and spindly, and everything so unfamiliarly human.
Llyr opened his eyes to see his skin lying far below where he stood. He stood, he realized with a startle, looking down to see the unsteady legs holding up his body, and seeing long, sopping wet hair flop in front of his eyes. His side was still covered in a smear of blood, but it wasn’t bleeding so heavily now, the wound only remembered in red stained waves and a bloody tear in his sealskin.
Legs shaking with the effort, he crouched down to reach for his skin, which became more of a slowed down fall to the ground as he lost his balance and fell to the side. His shoulder fell against a rock, and the rest of his body slammed on the ground with a grunt. His fingers curled tightly around the skin, and he dragged it closer to his chest as he tried again to stand.
Llyr looked up in preparation to get up, but a pair of legs was already standing right in front of him.
“Oh hey, buddy? Are you okay?”
Next part
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