#i can’t even predict if megumi can be saved or not now
chuluoyi · 3 months
fudge, u dont know how much i miss him lord!!!!!!
i love ya, chu, for you loving him... <333
same nonnie same🥲 i just wish we’ll get an epic fight against sukuna with him already out of him tho… like just imagine yuji, yuta and megumi ganging up on that elderly buddy??😭 that would be the closest thing to top gojo vs sukuna fight
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lumelii · 3 years
Summary: Your business partner and you are celebrating the end of a difficult project. Lucky you. 
Content Warning: nsfw, smut, fwb situation, FEM!READER established "relationship", dilf!Toji, face fucking, slight degradation, face slapping (just once) (if I forgot any let me know)
Note: Big thank you to Moni and @shokami for being my guinea pigs on this one. 
Word Count: 5.1k
There were few things Toji liked about traveling for work. He liked seeing new places. He hated long plane rides. Hotels were nice, but sleeping on the mattresses for too long wreaked havoc on his back. He enjoyed making new business connections. Most importantly, however, he hated leaving his kids for long periods.
They were on his mind now, as he checked his phone periodically through the business party he was attending, celebrating the completion of another building Fushiguro Design Group had planned and engineered, this time in New York City. It was almost time for them to go to school in Tokyo, usually one of them called before they left so he knew they were up. His finger paused over the home phone contact for a moment before he put it away with a sigh. Megumi and Tsumiki were both teenagers now, almost in high school. They didn’t need him hovering all the time.
“Congratulations on another success, Mr. Fushiguro.” One of the executives of the company who contracted the firm came up to shake his hand. “You really outdid yourself this time.”
“It was a group effort.” His eyes searched the room, hoping to find a distraction to get him out of this conversation before he put his foot in his mouth. He didn’t deal with clients, he had employees who did that. He wasn’t great at curtailing his frustrations when in conversation. Especially with this client, who changed their design at least four times, which meant he had to redo all the math. Four times.
Luckily, his distraction came just a few seconds later as his phone began to ring. Looking at the caller ID, he felt a wave of relief seeing his home phone number. At least that meant one of the kids was up. He wasn’t counting on Gojou.
“Please excuse me.” Toji stepped away and walked out onto the balcony just off the ballroom, closing the door securely behind him before answering.
“DAD!” He held the phone away from his ear just slightly when Tsumiki yelled even before he said hello. He brought it back to his ear once he was sure his eardrum wouldn’t be ruptured.
“Good morning to you too, princess.” He answered sarcastically. “How are you? Getting ready for school?”
“Megumi stole my notebook again!”
“I did NOT!” Toji heard Megumi yell in the background.
“It had my homework in it! If I don’t get it back, the teacher is going to dock points!”
“Did you already look in your backpack? Everywhere in your room?”
“No, because Megumi took it!”
“Princess, look in your backpack and your room first. If you can’t find it, have Gojou help you. Now give the phone to Megumi.”
He heard her huff and set the receiver down, yelling for Megumi to get on the phone. A few moments later, the receiver was picked up again. This time, Megumi’s voice. “Hi Dad.”
“I swear to god, Megumi, if you have her notebook and you’re lying about it just to bother her—” Toji warned.
“I’m NOT!” He yelled again. “I was over at Yuuji’s house last night anyway, why would I need her homework when we did ours together?”
“Why weren’t you home last night?” Toji’s eyes narrowed even though his son couldn’t see him. “It’s a school night.”
“Yuuji and I were working on homework. Plus his neighbor made sweets. She sent some home with me. I’ll save you some. Are you coming home soon?” His tone was hopeful. It made Toji’s chest hurt. He missed his family.
“I’m going to be on the first flight back tomorrow morning, I promise.” Toji told him. “Are you ready for school?”
“Not yet. I can’t find my slacks.”
“Look on the right side of your closet, they’re probably in there. Where’s Gojou? Can you put him on the phone?”
“I think he’s still sleeping.” The phone was set down again, and Toji had to wait what felt like forever until he finally heard Gojou grumbling on the other end of the line.
“G’morning sunshine.” He yawned. “What’s up?”
“Are you aware the kids are ready to tear each other’s throats out?” Toji frowned. “And why are you still sleeping? They’re almost ready to leave for school.”
“Kento was on the phone late last night freaking out, I had to calm him down.” Gojou stifled a yawn again. “I made sure they have their breakfast and their school stuff is ready.”
“Tsumiki’s missing her notebook.”
“It was in the living room last I saw, I’ll make sure one of the dogs didn’t take it.”
“I KNEW IT!” Tsumiki screeched in the background.
“Shit, I have to go, Toji. Call later.”
The line went dead before Toji could ask any questions. He looked down at his lock screen with a frown, debating on calling back but ultimately deciding against it while he put his phone away. He would call later once both kids were at school, and keep an eye out for breaking news of fratricide in Tokyo.
He looked to the balcony doors when they opened, relaxing slightly when he saw his preferred distraction walking out with two drinks in hand. 
You closed the door behind you before walking up to him, holding out his favorite, an Old Fashioned. “I thought I’d find you out here.”
He took the proffered drink and downed it in one gulp while you sipped your Gibson carefully. “Am I that predictable?”
“When it comes to these kinds of parties, yes. Either you were about to lose your temper and needed a breather, or you had to take a call.” You answered. “Problems at home?”
Toji shook his head. “Just wish we were back.”
“It’s been a month. I can’t wait to get back to Tokyo. No matter what anyone says, no one can beat Tokyo ramen.” You leaned your elbows on the balcony railing. He leaned next to you, copying your pose while you both looked over the glittering New York skyline in silence.
“Why don’t we focus on projects at home for a while?” You offered. “Or in Japan, at least. That way we wouldn’t have to be gone for too long, you’d still be able to go home at night.”
“We have some pretty big clients lined up in Dubai and Europe. I don’t think they’d want to wait until we felt like traveling again.”
“You’re the boss. If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to.” You reminded him with a smile. “I can take someone else with me, then send the specs once we’re done. I’ll even let you pick your stand-in.”
“I’ll pick my stand-in whether you like them or not.” He smirked before continuing. “I’m the boss.”
You rolled your eyes and took another drink. “Just don’t make it fucking Ren. I can’t stand that asswipe.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He promised.
The conversation wasn’t typical between a boss and employee, but you were more than that. You were partners at the firm, Toji was just the one in charge. You’d built the firm together from the ground up, making it the success it was today.
He had come to you, needing an architect for his own firm back when it was only an idea, offering two-hundred million yen out of his personal coffers as an incentive. But it wasn’t the money that had made you say yes. It was the almost maniacal determination in his eyes. He had something to prove, and he would burn the world to the ground to do it.
You learned later his wife had just died a few weeks prior, and it was part of his promise to her on her deathbed that he follow through with his plan of opening his firm. You’d been with him since the beginning, in the early days where you both spent countless sleepless nights completing projects other firms only dared to take on, through the intervention staged by his two closest friends Nanami Kento and Gojou Satoru, as Toji became consumed by his work as a way to suppress his grief, to the point where his son almost didn’t recognize him when he came home. You’d been by his side through the boom of success that befell the firm just a few short years after its founding, along with the money that soon flooded both your pockets, and his second “marriage” to a model he met at a film festival, who promptly disappeared after moving her daughter into his home. He had been surprisingly calm through the whole ordeal, submitting the paperwork to make Tsumiki his own once they were completely certain her mother was never coming back, with a hefty cash incentive and NDA to tie it with a nice bow.
He’d been through a fair amount with you as well, dealing with toxic family that had come out of the woodwork as the company started to increase your wealth, demanding money for so-called “investments” they had made into you by providing basic care until you finally left at fifteen. Through the sudden death of your fiancé, where Toji was the only one who could understand and help you navigate through the unending darkness that consumed your life for almost a year afterwards. He’d ignored some of your questionable choices as you tried to adjust to your new normal, but also was not afraid to step in when necessary if the choices turned destructive. You had thought it was just to protect the interest of the firm, but when he had come to your apartment after a sobbing phone call on the anniversary of your fiancé’s death and held you so you wouldn’t feel so alone, you knew it was because he cared about you.
“Are you ready to go back inside?” You asked after watching the sunset sink below the horizon, breaking you both out of your reflection.
“I’d rather drive an ice pick through my skull.” He admitted. 
You laughed, the sound echoing off the glass windows and empty air around you. “We could always dip.”
“Wouldn’t they be offended, us leaving early?” He turned to face you with one hand on the railing. You ignored the way his suit jacket strained against the hard planes of his chest.
“Mari’s in there, it’ll be fine.” You said, referring to your project manager. “She loves people. She’ll have them eating out of the palm of her hand.”
“If you say so.” He took the empty glass from you, setting it on the railing before taking your hand to thread it through his arm. “Shall we?”
“Lead the way.”
You made a hasty exit from the party, repeating your excuse of an early flight at least a dozen times so no one would hinder your escape. No one bothered to ask follow-up questions. If they had, they might have found out you were flying private back to Tokyo, and the plane could leave whenever you goddamn pleased, obliterating your excuse.
Luckily, the lie held until you were safely in the cab of an elevator, heading up to the floor that held your two hotel rooms. The company had offered the two massive adjacent suites to you both, taking up an entire floor of the newly constructed hotel. Toji probably could have brought his kids if he had wanted, but he didn’t want to pull them out of school for that long. You were happy to have the entire suite to yourself. It meant you didn’t have to listen to neighbors through all hours of the night, and you didn’t have to worry about keeping anyone up when working late at night. 
“The flight leaves at six tomorrow morning.” Toji told you as you stepped off onto your floor. “There’s going to be a car to pick us up an hour before.”
“Did you already send your bags with the service?” You stopped just outside your door, directly across the hall from Toji’s. 
He nodded. “I saw yours were ready, I had them sent as well.”
“Thank you.” You looked behind your shoulder to your door then back at him, his hands in his pockets, watching you like he was expecting you to say something else. He looked downright sinful in his all-black designer suit, his normally straight hair styled back with hair gel but still looking soft to the touch. The watch that cost more than most people’s houses glinted in the warm light of the hallway as he played with his cufflinks, also worth a small fortune. You would know. You bought them. 
He quirked his eyebrow at your examination, almost like a challenge. Damn him. 
“Do you want to come in for a nightcap?”
A slow smile spread across his face. “I thought you would never ask.” 
You smiled back and turned to the door, inserting your keycard to hear the small click of the lock disengaging, slipping inside with him closely following. “We haven’t broken in this one, yet.”
He was on you before you had the chance to slip out of your shoes. Maybe it was the alcohol that gave him a sense of urgency, the sweet bourbon still on his lips as they slid over yours with a practiced ease, or that you had an early flight in the morning and needed as much sleep as possible to prevent jet lag. If it were the latter, this was definitely not the activity to be participating in.
These liaisons only happened on trips, or late nights at the office or your apartment, where there would be no prying eyes. You both didn’t need questions. It was fulfilling a primal desire, one that burned within you even as both your hearts were locked by grief. There was an understanding. You cared for him, and he for you, but not in a romantic way. You were making sure the needs of a friend were met.
The “breaking in” was also a tradition as well, ever since your first major deal had been completed. When the building was finally complete for a major project, you and Toji would sneak off somewhere to do the deed, christening the building like a bottle of champagne before a ship’s maiden voyage. It had started as a joke, a way to release the pent-up stress that resulted from design and construction but eventually became a tradition. As the business grew over the years, you and Toji had christened well over a hundred completed projects with none the wiser. 
You pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders before moving your hands between your fused bodies to start undoing the buttons of his shirt, working quickly in the tight space as Toji didn’t allow you any room to pull away. You struggled to focus while his kisses moved down to your chin and then your neck, licking and sucking the skin with reckless abandon. You let out a breathy moan as he bit your pulse point with a low growl feeling your heartbeat thrum beneath his teeth. Toji pushed your hands away when his shirt was finally on the floor behind him. He grabbed your face between his hands bringing your attention back to him to kiss you. Ever the multitasker, his tongue explored your mouth while he began his task of getting you naked. 
“Don’t rip the dress.” You warned under his kiss while his large hands grappled for the zipper. “I borrowed it, it has to be in perfect condition.”
“I’ll buy Mei Mei a new one.” Gripping the top of the dress with a hand on each size of the zipper, he yanked hard, the fabric splitting like he had just ripped a sheet of paper as it fell off your body. His eyes went wide as the dress pooled at your feet, revealing the matching black lace set you had underneath. The cups barely contained your breasts and did little to cover your most delicate areas, nipples peeking through the sheer fabric.
“Fucking hell.” He breathed.
You grinned and kneeled in front of him, starting to undo the buckle of his pants. “Paris paid off, then?” 
A sigh fell past his lips as you finally pulled his pants and boxers down, wasting no time to wrap your hand around his thick cock, pumping languidly. His breath hitched as you licked his angry red tip slowly, pulling back to prevent him from pushing past your lips when his hips moved forward. His hand went to the crown of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair. “Shit. You’ve been saving that since Paris?”
“I’ve worn this plenty before. You’ve just never seen it.” Your smirk was devilish. His grip on your hair tightened as you took him to the base, neatly trimmed hair tickling your nose while you forced your throat to relax. You tried to gather as much spit as you could to make the glide easier as you bobbed your head. Toji was a large man with an equally large and impressive dick, almost too much for you to take in. Through years of practice, both on him and several inferior specimens, you had learned just how to hollow your cheeks, how to move, and how to swallow to have a man cumming in minutes flat. 
“Fuck, you okay?” He panted when he thrust involuntarily, hitting the back of your throat and making you gag slightly. Once you composed yourself, you hummed around his cock and nodded. Grabbing his other free hand, you placed it on the back of your head with his other one before taking him back down your throat. A silent invitation. 
He wasted no time responding, beginning to thrust into your mouth with no reserve. You grabbed his hips to steady yourself as you relaxed and remembered to breathe through your nose. Tears ran down your cheeks while he choked you with his massive cock, mixing with your mascara and staining your skin black. The salty tang of precum hit your tongue, mixing with the saliva that fell from your lips the faster he moved. You smiled around his cock when you cupped his balls, squeezing just enough for him to let out a loud groan. 
“Stop.” He growled, pulling you off him and tilting your chin up. He took in your tear-streaked face, your chin and neck covered with a mix of saliva and pre-cum. When he dragged his thumb over your bottom lip, you caught it between your teeth, sucking him in and lavving the digit with your tongue. He chuckled darkly, hooking his thumb in your mouth and using it as a guide for you to stand up in front of him. 
“Messy doll.” He crooned. You had to admit, you were shocked as he leaned forward and licked up your neck, tasting both of you on your skin. While you were distracted with his sinful lips, you heard another distinct ripping sound before you felt the cool air of the room against your bare ass. You broke away and looked down to see your panties in tatters on the ground. 
“Can you at least leave one piece of my clothing intact tonight?” You frowned at him, your voice slightly hoarse from his antics. “Those were expensive. I know we’re made of money now, but I’d prefer not to spend it all.”
He ignored you and reached around to plant a firm smack on your cheeks. “In the bedroom. On the bed.”
You knew exactly what he meant, but you decided to have a bit of fun as you walked through the massive suite. You could feel his eyes on you, almost predatory when you entered the bedroom and caught sight of the king-sized bed, made with fresh linens and piled high with pillows, accented in the light greys and blacks that matched the rest of the suite. You flopped down on the bed with a giggle, back down, and propped yourself up on your elbows to look at him. 
He frowned at your position as he walked forward. “I said on the bed.” He rumbled. 
“I am on the bed.” You played dumb and cocked your head to the side. “What did you mean?”
He shook his head and stopped at the edge, towering over you. “You’re such a brat sometimes, you know that?” 
“It’s a nice break from those girls that call you daddy, isn’t it?” You purred. 
The growl that ripped through his chest made your heart jump and another wave of arousal coat your lips as he surged forward, gripping your hips to flip you onto your stomach and pull them up so you were on your knees, your throbbing center level with his cock. He ground against you, slipping his length along your drenched labia to coat it, the glide easy as your spit mixed with your slick. He was more than ready to pound into you. 
When you tried to prop yourself up on your elbows, he put a hand on your neck and pushed you down so your face was pressed into the mattress. A shiver ran down your spine when you felt his hot breath on your back and trailing up as he bent over you to whisper in your ear. 
“You know, I was going to be nice, maybe take it slow at first so you wouldn’t be absolutely wrecked sitting for fourteen hours on our flight tomorrow.” He hummed. “But now, I think I’m going to like seeing you squirm.”
It wasn’t even a second later before he slammed into your pussy, the stretch almost painful as you wailed at the intrusion and he began a brutal pace that rivaled his speed while he was fucking your face just moments before. You were already sopping wet from sucking his dick earlier, turned on beyond belief as you thought about what lay in store for you after he was done with your mouth being his personal fleshlight. 
“Shit, you’re so tight.” He hissed, spanking your ass to feel you clench around his dick. “No one can stretch this cunt as good as I can, can they? You need a fat cock to satisfy you, those skinny dicks can’t even get you wet.” 
You moaned an affirmative, playing along with his narrative as he pistoned his hips into you. You could feel every vein on him as they dragged along your walls, his tip hitting that soft spot inside you with every thrust. There were plenty of other dicks that had gotten you wet, but it was true his was the most impressive, and the one that had more knowledge of just how to make you scream, monster dick or not. He had that advantage over every other man you slept with. 
The slap of his hips against yours echoed through the cavernous room as Toji grabbed your upper arms, pulling them behind your back and forcing your back in arch, his thrust becoming more shallow but no less punishing. You bit your lip to control the noises you were making, but whines still escaped. 
When the new position didn’t produce his desired response from you, he released your arms without any ceremony causing your upper body to fall limp back to the bed. You gasped as Toji pressed his hips flush to yours, curling his body on top of yours with one powerful arm wrapped around your waist to keep you from pulling away while his tip continually massaged your g-spot with every roll of his hips into you. 
“Tell me how it feels.” He murmured in your ear, his voice steady without any sign of effort. His stamina was something to marvel. 
“You know how it feels.” You moaned back, unable to control yourself. You were so close, just ready to reach that peak if he would only speed up. You reached back with one hand and gripped his hip hoping that would encourage him to resume his previous pace. 
He took your hand from his hip and put it back near your head, delivering a harsh smack to your ass. The sharp sting of pleasure was what you needed for your back to arch, squeezing around him while you fucked yourself back onto his cock to prolong your climax as much as you could. 
Toji pulled out as you finally slowed down, his heavy cock bouncing against his leg as he sat up against the headboard and patted his thigh, signaling for you to climb on. You wasted no time in doing so, raising yourself on shaky legs to straddle his lap. His hands moved to cup your ass as you settled over him, taking his length in hand and sinking down onto it with a sharp exhale through your nose. You could almost feel him in your throat in this position, the stretch still borderline uncomfortable even after he had already stretched you out, coupled with the sensitivity of just having orgasmed. 
His gentle grip turned hard just as you were about to start bouncing to stop your movements. You gave him a confused look but understood when his hands started to guide you in grinding on his lap. The added friction on your clit against his pelvis made you sigh in pleasure, just a tinge of overstimulation creeping through the tightness already building in your stomach again. In this position with the lack of harsh movements he was able to play with your breasts, which he always gave proper worship. 
His large hands made your breasts look small as he covered the left, slipping your nipple between his fingers and rolling it while he cupped the other, pushing it up and licking at the flesh. You sighed at the rough texture of the scar marring his lips against your sensitive skin and wrapped your arms around his head, tangling your fingers in his hair to hold him close. He loved to tease, licking and sucking all around your breasts until you were about to beg, arching your back further into his touch. You hated begging him, hated admitting how well he could affect you. But you had known each other for so long, you knew each other better than anyone else. 
You whined as his lips finally closed around the pert bud, laying the flat of his tongue over the sensitive skin. You felt his lips stretch into a smile against your skin at your vocalizations before he moved to your other breast, immediately latching onto the nipple to produce a breathy moan. You knew he was enjoying himself from the way his hips matched each roll of your own, driving deeper as he got lost in the feeling. 
“I got your milkies.” You whispered, part of your sinister trick to bring him back to earth. You were starved for actual friction, grinding not providing the drag on your insides you craved. 
He pulled back with a soft pop and frowned, though his pupils were still blown out. “You did not just say that.”
You shrugged. “I thought it was funny.”
“Way to kill the mood.” He mumbled, pushing your breasts together to bury his face between them, licking through your cleavage and up your chest.
“Then why are you still hard?” You squeezed down on him deliberately. His eyes grew dark as he looked up at you through thick lashes and you knew you were in for it. 
With one quick movement you were under him, back pressed into the pillows while he kneeled between your legs still holding your waist so he could stay buried inside you, your hips tilted so you were at an angle. You struggled to sit up trying to resume your previous position, but his strong hold on you didn’t allow you any room before he continued burying himself in your velvet walls. You could barely breathe from the force of his thrusts, twice as hard as before but just as fast. 
You could have killed him from how composed he looked as he watched you slowly lose control. He watched you with an almost curious expression, studying how your brow drew together and short gasps fell past your lips while he was barely breaking a sweat. You refused to give him the satisfaction of hearing your moans. If he wanted them, he’d have to earn them. 
“I know you like taking it from the back, but I think I like this better.” He mused, voice even like he wasn’t balls deep in your cunt. “I can see the look on your face when you lose control.”
“Fuck you, Toji.” You gasped, your words stuttering with each of his thrusts. 
“No, that’s your job.” He grinned devilishly and bent down over you, resting on his elbows. “Scream for me, little slut. Let the floors around us know how good I fuck.” 
You opened your mouth to retort but a loud scream came out instead as Toji sneaked his hand between you to roll your clit between two fingers. You barely felt his breath on your skin as you shattered beneath him, screaming just like he wanted as your orgasm crashed over you, ten times as intense as the one he had just given you. You gripped the pillow under your head and turned your face into it so he couldn’t see just how much you were enjoying this. 
In an instant, you felt the pillow ripped from beneath your head and his hand come into contact with your cheek. The sting of his slap was dulled by the pleasure still running over your body as he gripped your chin tightly in one of his large hands, forcing you to look in his eyes, your noses almost touching. Your eyebrows knit together and mouth open on a silent moan made him finally push as far in as he could on a final thrust, painting your inner walls white with his cum as he groaned loudly. The roll of his hips didn’t stop until he deposited every last drop within you, until you could feel his cum leaking out the sides of his dick. How could he cum so fucking much?
His hands turned gentle as he pulled out, smoothing your hair off your sweaty forehead and tracing his fingers over the hickeys he’d left on your neck. He bent down to ghost his lips on your hairline before hauling himself off the bed and walking toward the bathroom. You could faintly hear him rummaging around through your post-coital fog, coming back with a warm damp towel and starting the task of cleaning you up. 
While he did, he grabbed the phone from the room and dialed room service, ordering two meals, along with ice cream at your insistence, billing it to his room. Not that it mattered, you were staying here on your host’s dime. When he was done cleaning you, he laid on his side next to you, smiling down fondly as you still tried to catch your breath. 
“You did good.” He whispered, caressing your face. You managed a weak smile and laughed. 
“Don’t get soft on me now, Fushiguro.” You sighed. “I might just lose respect for you.”
He smiled down at you, basking in the afterglow of your liaison. “Wouldn’t dream of it, doll.”
Tags: @oikawaandkuroostan, @gummy-dummy
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questions and answers...
done over discord, collected here for archives!
(also, a reminder that the askbox is always open~)
“Does anyone like to collect or hoard things?”
CHIYO: I really, really like collecting headbands!! I’ve got a frankly embarrassing collection at home, from Hello Kitty styled ones to more “mature” looking ones. My grandma gave me a lot of my collection, so they’re really important to me! AMAL: I don’t really have time to collect things. Collecting postage stamps would be a nice hobby if it didn’t get so expensive with limited runs or whatever. TATSUMARU: ... Why would... why would I want to spend money on things I don’t need or want? SENTAROU: I collect interesting yarn. But you didn’t hear that from me and if you ever tell anyone I’m legally obligated to kill you. IRIS: Um... hair clips? I have a few sets depending on what I feel like doing! And I buy more every year for my birthday. It... might be a problem. ASTER: Bold of you to assume I know anything about myself, let alone what I have at home. Bold of you to assume I know where my home is, too. I hope past me collected rocks. Not gemstones or anything, just funky rocks. CLAUDE: If it exists in collectible form, I have a few. Don’t even ask me to pick a specific thing, ahaha. My room’s a mess. Wait, Kinder egg toys! Those are fun. HIRONO: I don’t really collect things, but I do keep a lot of physical photographs of places I’ve been to and people I like. Photography reminds me of Megumi, so I like doing it! ALEXEI: Feathers. Call me predictable, but I prefer “dedicated” or “has a very clear idea of what I want in life”. RIRIKA: I collect anime girl PNGs. Never, ever play gacha idol games. Don’t make my mistakes. TSUKINO: I have a TON of plane tickets!! Well, most of them aren’t mine, and sometimes I just beg them off people at airports and they look at me weird. It’s so neat knowing that these little papers can take you anywhere and that they’re from so many cool places, too! BRENDAN: I hoard anything I can fit in my toolbelt and save for later. So like, odds and ends. I, uh... may have a problem with never throwing things away. TIANA: A lot of my jewelry is from lot sales conducted by my aunt. I suppose most of the reason I have so much of it is to feel closer to my family, though I make some of it myself, too. RYOUJI: I collect... what do I collect, actually? I collect dust from sitting in one place for so long. Haha. I’m kidding, I’m always on my feet, please god send help I just want to sleep. TRISTAN: I don’t see the point in keeping so much stuff. Not to sound like a cleaning show host, but collecting things is such a waste of time, space, and money. No offense. KANEMORI: I don’t usually care about things but I got one of those little, what are they called, aquabead bracelets? From a sponsor? And suddenly my house is full of cheap bracelets. Especially those thin vinyl ones, those are the best. Why has my life come to this though.
“Do they dress for looks or comfort? What’s their fashion angle?”
CHIYO: I’d say looks are... most of it? I mean, of course I want to be comfortable, but ultimately I don’t think I’m ever going to stop worrying about passing. It does help that I genuinely like skirts and dresses and stuff, although I’m still kinda insecure about showing too much skin. I like the aesthetic of Howl’s Moving Castle, so I think that’s the kind of fashion I’d like to wear - something simple and crisp. AMAL: For me, fashion is definitely comfort over appearance. I haven’t really thought about what I wear in a while. Bates says I look like a wannabe TA who’s currently sucking up to the professor and I am ACTIVELY CHOOSING to view that as a compliment. Fuck you, Bates. TATSUMARU: In all honesty, what I wear every day is only a slight modification of what I wear onstage. I haven’t even thought about what I would wear if not this. Although this cloak is nice. SENTAROU: Are you kidding? Comfort all the way, but because of my stupid job I have to look at least somewhat professional. Hence, the tuxedo jacket. This is my life hack or whatever, I just toss it on if I need to look fancy. If I had my way, I’d be wearing T-shirts and jackets all the time. I’m not interested in looking nice for other people’s enjoyment, thank you very much. IRIS: As much as I’d love to dress up, I don’t leave my house very often, so there’s really no point in wearing anything fancy. I guess off the shoulder tops would be cute? I don’t really know. Oh, but if societal standards weren’t a thing, I’d love to have a pair of those kiddie butterfly wings! ASTER: ... I mean assuming what I’m wearing right now is close to my normal clothes, I guess this is looking a lot like function over form. But given the option, I think I’d wear more patterns. Like, yeah, I like simple clothing items, but I also want to wear some kind of personality, y’know? I’d keep this jacket, for example. But I want patterns on my pants. CLAUDE: It’s a mix of both for me! Just, y’know, my idea of “comfort” doesn’t exactly match with other people’s. I try to go for an approachable but fashionable vibe! Thin, large sweater tops, scarves, I’d basically be the poster child of every men’s fashion catalogue if I could be, ahaha. HIRONO: Definitely comfort. I’m used to being overlooked, so I may as well be comfortable. Though I’m told if I dress in a suit and fold my arms, my glare is impressive enough to melt holes in steel. I guess that’s kind of cool, but I’d still rather have people to talk to, y’know. ALEXEI: Comfort. Yes, this includes the cape. The cape is comfort. I am comfortable being dramatic and unknowable to man. Fuck off if you have a problem. RIRIKA: Looks, of course. It’s a little hard for me not to be detail oriented, considering my talent and everything, and besides, dressing nicely makes me feel more confident. I like layering things and using repetitive colors or patterns to tie outfits together. Sometimes I’ll focus all of my energy into an outfit in order to kill God or something. I don’t know. TSUKINO: I don’t know what this is! I wish I could be more punkish when I’m flying with like spikes and everything but noooo apparently that’s a “safety hazard” and “a distraction to the instructor”. Well, joke’s on you, safety instructor, but my normal flight clothes have studs on them ANYWAY. I’m gonna fight the establishment in every way, bitch! BRENDAN: It’s comfort. It’s absolutely just for comfort. I’ve had this jacket since I was 12, 13...? I bought it two sizes too big and it’s so worn out now that I’ve had to sew patches into it, but I hate throwing anything away so I just keep it. So I guess my fashion sense is just... “shabby”. I don’t mind, though! I think it gives me character. TIANA: Looks are MUCH more important than comfort when it comes to clothes. A good outfit can make or break someone’s perception of you. Though I don’t like to wear full business attire every day and I can’t imagine doing so at this time, I think it’s wise to at least have a decent collared shirt at all times. As for my shorts and socks... I think I just have a look going on here. Besides, gyaru fashion is quite cute. So roll with it. RYOUJI: Uh... At this point, imma keep it real with you, my fashion sense is a game of “how androgynous can I go without my parents suspecting anything”. I’m kind of dying in this, considering the heat of wearing two layers and a binder, but I also don’t care anymore. I guess I’m okay wearing T-shirts and stuff if I don’t have anywhere to be, but I’d like to at least LOOK competent, you know? TRISTAN: I’m wearing socks and sandals as we speak. So take a guess. I look exactly like a stereotypical gamer because it’s true. KANEMORI: Weird as this is to say, I favor both. I’m never far from a spotlight, between me and my parents and everything, so I have to look at least kind of presentable at all times. Which sucks, but it’s what I grew up with, so I guess that’s just how my life is. I’m used to just wearing T-shirts and stuff. If I had to wear a tie I guess I’d just choke or something.
For Hirono: What's your favorite genre of music?
EKYOU: Uh... anything, I guess? I have what’s described as “eclectic” taste. But I promise I’ll listen to anything people show me, and I’ll do my best to like it!
Uhmm for Iris: How would your ideal romantic date be?
SUMITAMA: E-eh?? This is super cheesy, but... I like the idea of a traditional date! A fancy dinner with candles and everything. SUMITAMA: Oh, but outside of that, I’d really enjoy a date where I can do things I love with someone I love! Walking around a botanical garden, or having a library day... As long as it’s free. I need to save money for textbooks. College courses are evil, don’t do them.
for ryouji: do you keep your room as clean as you keep the kitchen?
ATSUI: HAHAHAHAHA no I wish. ATSUI: The kitchen thing isn’t so much my rules as my parents’ rules, but it’s good to follow - if your kitchen is a mess you’re going to knock something over and regret everything. This may or may not be from personal experience. ATSUI: But my room?? That’s my HOME. That’s my PRIVATE AREA. I’m going to trip over everything in it and no one can say shit. ATSUI: I should probably start picking up all the laundry though.
Alexei, what is the most beautiful bird you have ever seen and why do you think is the most beautiful?
BAZHANOV: Pigeons are underrated. They have iridescent feathers and yet we as humans still consider them nuisances. It’s a shame. BAZHANOV: I would say something real deep about the nature of humanity to ignore beauty but I’m pretty sure that people hate them because they shit everywhere. Which is fair enough, I suppose.
For Chiyo: This is going to sound really dumb, but do you like to read? If so, what sorts of things do you like to read (genre-wise)?
CHIYO: I like kids books a lot more than young adult stuff. You know how young adult novels these days are always either “gritty sci-fi suspense” or “vaguely Eurocentric fantasy” or “heartwarming realistic fiction”? Kids stories are a lot more creative. And with a lot less pointless death. CHIYO: As for what kind of stories, I think fantasy/sci-fi is nice! Especially books that lean on fairytale elements and mythology, it’s like a history lesson and story at once! CHIYO: But, uh, I don’t understand that series with the talking cats. I tried to read it a few times but I think that’s just something you have to get into as a child.
(This is going off Western genres I don’t actually know shit abt Japanese novels)
Tsukino, do you have a celebrity crush?
Does Alexei just have the one mask or does he have multiple for different outfits/occasions
BAZHANOV: Just the one. It’s surprisingly hard to track down decent and inexpensive masks for dramatic occasions. I wish I had more, but it’s also not as if I have the money to procure them. BAZHANOV: ... Unrelated, how feasible is it to break into a bank?
hirono, how did you start ōendan?
EKYOU: After... well, after some family things happened, my oldest brother Rousei thought that I needed something to do. He said ōendan would be good because I’m good at cheering for people, and he said it’s what he did in high school, too. So... I guess I gave it a shot? I’m glad I can encourage people to do their best!! But it’s just not something I’m super into for the sake of myself. But I’m at HPA now, so I shouldn’t be ungrateful, it’s just.... Yeah. EKYOU: Plus, I haven’t had time to pursue photography... It’s kind of driving me up the wall.
If tsukino could do anything other than her talent hat would she do?
CHISAKI: It would be my GOD GIVEN RIGHT as an individual to join some kind of band and go break some hearts and make like ten million dollars! But I’m kinda tone deaf! ... Not like that matters for the kind of music I’m into but hey!!
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sparda3g · 6 years
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma Chapter 281 Review
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“Soma and other Elite Ten members did a great job for making a great comeback; even surpassing the expected number of $27,000. While that’s all nice and all, it’s sad to know the arc will go to another serious threatening arc that will probably use the ladder routine like one hero will say, ‘You guys go ahead and save Erina. I will take him on!’ Oh well, it was fun while lasted.”
That quote was my early intention to write. I was certain that it was going to be the case. I was wrong. I was so happy to be wrong. This chapter is an example of what if you wait for a little longer and see what this arc is truly capable of. By no means, it did start fishy with the Noirs and the Underworld concept, but this chapter is what I would like to think the one that pulled 180 for the greater good. Needless to say, I am excited.
The chapter begins with Soma and others celebrating for passing the exam. I was beginning to wonder when we will get to see Erina, but in due time. Polar Star Dorm also passed the exam, which is expected but good to know. Elite Ten is being heavily praised by Yuki because it’s in their title. I love Alice taking it all in and gloat about friendship power, even though Nikumi knows that’s not completely true.
I like the fact Hayama and others elaborate Megumi’s accomplishments in the exam. If you thought she was only greeting them, think again because she was everyone’s waitress. That’s incredible; hospitality at its finest. It shows how great she has improved. I can’t say she can do Shadow Clone now, but give her time. She will soon enough.
Always the charming Alice thought she can go on a vacation, but because she’s an Elite Ten member, there’s no time for that. She got all pouty about it, which is always adorable. If she wants freedom, got to drop the title then. Not that I want her, I’m just saying. It is now that Soma realizes Erina has been missing for a while. Judging by the chapter’s title, I thought it will mean he will suffer the blue for her disappearance.
Megumi suggests that she could have gone to the Mountain Course and it appears that they buy into that story. Now I get why we have a small mention of Hisako at a different location. That being said it dismiss the idea of Soma feeling the blue, let alone anyone. It’s as if the writing wants everyone to take time before realizing her disappearance, and then engage the rescue mission. After reading this whole chapter, it doesn’t appear to be the case. In fact, it’s far better than I expected.
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Most of the chapter is technically a flashback, where Erina was locked up a day ago. Erina gathers all the information from the past and quickly discovers the identity of the group. I know Saiba exposed himself, but Le Cuisiners Noirs was something she learned from her grandfather, Senzaemon, so she is very aware of their capabilities. What’s hilariously cute is the fact she learned about them when she was a grade-schooler. He told her stories in a most haunting and disturbing way possible; so much so, she couldn’t sleep for a while. And you thought Azami was evil.
Seriously, why would you tell her stories so violent at a young age? I know we all eventually learn outside world isn’t all sunshine and rainbow, but goodness gracious, talk about traumatizing a kid to her sleep. Poor little Erina. It is comical how her visual of Noirs being cliché criminals seem to be accurate with drugs and deadly weapons on the floor like no one’s business. What a friendly home.
Saiba finally speaks up to advance the plot or exploit the reason behind the kidnapping. He wanted to settle the point that he’s a bad dude and what better way to do so than a place filled with bad stuff. Plus it does make conversation easier for him. In case you’re wondering, the guy with black hair and glasses was the kidnapper. I know it because Saiba flat out said it. This series is so self-aware. The guy sounds very loyal to him; I’ll bet he’ll be shouting, “Boss!” So now come to the real meat of the chapter.
Saiba challenges Erina. Oh no, that means he’s going to derail her hype. That means for the time being she will suffer a disorder where she was once showed greatness, but once she becomes hostage, all of her “power” will be wiped out and cry someone for help. It looks like it was starting already with Erina asking him for why he did all of this mess. I got to admit, I do like how Saiba is self-aware that there are things that can’t work the way he wanted, so he’s just like, “Yeah…I’m just going to kidnap you and demand a challenge.” Way to go, guy…
It’s like what he said, he truly wants to marry Erina for supremacy. His bet is if he wins, she will marry him. The whole reason why the Noirs spread out earlier was to test her; uncovering her prowess to be legit and not a rumor. If it’s Erina, anything incredible is true. Once he confirms the truth, that’s where he begins to go after her at Tootsuki Academy. It doesn’t explain the ordeal with him and Joichiro, but in due time, especially with that ending.
Apparently, the members he sent out weren’t their best, rather their worst. Who said they’re the true pillars? I assume the ones in the room are among the best. It’s expected Shounen formula to hype the real threat. So what Erina can do about this? Surely, she has to stay and feel helpless; unable to do anything. This is what fans feared the most: unable to stand up for herself.
Well thank God, she broke the so-called code of WSJ Heroine of remaining hopeless as a damsel in distress, because she does stand up for herself, literally!
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This is what fans was hoping for, myself included. Not only she exploded with rage, but she wants to slaughter the hell out of him. He wants challenge? He sure damn got it. Keep in mind, she didn’t know he was Saiba back then, so there was no reason for her to take in charge. Now that she knows, she won’t let him get the best of her. She was ready to throw down a face down (yeah, I said it). Hell, it’s even better that she mocks his agenda as a foolish act, which we can all agree on.
She didn’t back away one iota. I thought she will just break free and win; I can buy into that. I don’t know why but when she asks for a knife, I can’t help but vision in my head, thinking she said it like, “Give me that f*****g knifc!” Talk about close call before making her return to the state during Azami’s reign of terror, which was understandable at the time. It’s good to see some series in WSJ not succumb to the so-called “Heroine doesn’t matter” law. I don’t need to be SJW to know that’s nonsense. That’s nice and all from her, but she’s going to lose to him right now, right? Not exactly.
As much as I enjoy the characters, the arc could have been rough if it was following the Shounen law of escalation or tower of doom system. Plus, it would have been less believable to buy in characters taking on one enemy at a time where everyone could just barge in and rescue Erina altogether. It’s like some form of Yu-Gi-Oh! Why let card games stop you? Punch him. The world literally depends on you. Ahem. Bottom line, it would have been odd. Thankfully, not only there’s another (better) way, but it’s at this moment where my interest increased tenfold.
Saiba challenges Erina, but not in a form of Shokugeki. Instead, he actually has a good idea for once. It goes through a slow hype build to the revelation, starting with the mention of The Blue. How foolish I was that I didn’t think of the grand competition, The Blue, rather the mood. It’s one of the fans’ most anticipated tourney, so when he brought it up, he got my full attention. In case you don’t know it, it’s a tournament that gathers the top-tier chefs from around the world; as long as he/she is younger than 35 years. Sorry, no Joichiro.
This begs one question: why would Saiba brought it up if it’s a tourney for legal chefs only. This year however is different because Chief Executive changed the policy to go beyond. The rules no longer has a limitation, which means Noirs can in fact enter the tournament. That Chief has gone mad. What does this all means? Saiba will challenge her through a genuine match at The Blue, and everyone will be at the tourney to claim the best of the best title. This is surprisingly a great move.
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This removes the idea of rescuing Erina at the Tower of Doom system, because everyone, including Noirs, will be at The Blue. It’s like Tsukuda takes the best aspect of “serious” arc and tournament arc. The serious side is the personal bet between the two and the tournament side is self-explanatory. We don’t have to worry about the world ending stake or anything too dramatic. It’s inserted within The Blue. It’s more of character’s subplot than the main plot.
The best part is the tournament. We’re going to see plenty of new/old characters across the world, so we can expect plenty of new style/type of dishes. Another good part is it removes the complete predictability as there will be other characters to worry about. As long as it doesn’t format the predictable straightforward Noirs versus Elite Ten. It could mix up with some other character(s). There are tons of possibilities. I got to hand in to Tsukuda to pull a 180. First the pairing moment, now this. Well done. Of course, Saiba really believes he’s going to win and marry her. Haha. Okay. Maybe if she was in another manga, she would easily lose, but here, well, we’ll see, buddy.
If that whole revelation wasn’t good enough, the chapter ends with Joichiro arriving to the beach to meet Soma at the shop. He looks rather happy after losing his knife to Saiba, let alone losing. This is a great time to clear out some confusions with his ordeal with Saiba. There’s a good chance that he will avoid it, but I’d prefer to clear it out now. Either way, I look forward to the next chapter.
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This was one of the best chapter that involves with Saiba and Noirs. While I didn’t mind so much back then, it wouldn’t be my ideal of introducing a new arc involving with another dark storyline. Instead, it’s more of a personal grudge manner and that’s how it should remain. What better way to settle it than at the Blue. And some people thought it wouldn’t happen at all, because “it’s Soma lol.” I suppose so. Still waiting on that “moon mission” in that other series.
Hm. I feel bad for that shot fired; I apologize.
Anyway, Erina remains great as I was expecting. I told you, fans. Don’t let mainstream series get to you. She is above that, believe it or not. The artwork is solid and comical with Erina exploding like a volcano. Seriously, I think she can kill them by herself. With Joichiro arriving, this arc is looking very promising. Let’s hope Tsukuda can keep this momentum strong. We’re counting on you.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Bookshelf Briefs 4/10/17
Black Clover, Vol. 6 | By Yuki Tabata | Viz Media – Most of this volume is taken up with one big fight, but the single focus is quite welcome, and it helps to give depth to another one of the Black Bulls, as Yami shows up to save our heroes and promptly shows off that his powers are (if you’ll pardon the cliché) on a completely different level from our heroes. He’s utterly cool, and I fully expect he will die tragically somewhere down the line, but that day is not today. Asta also does some leveling up, though, and we see that the Midnight Sun cult is after his grimoire—and is rather ticked off that he has it at all. Black Clover continues to remind me of various series mushed together (Magi stands out this time), but it’s fun and readable. – Sean Gaffney
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Vol. 17 | By Yuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki | Viz Media – I expected a more serious arc and I was right. Erina’s father has changed the rules so that all chefs are equal, but that just means that no one is allowed to express themselves in any way. The middle third of this book is like eating a bag of gravel, as smug snake Eizan is such an obvious villain that even one of his fellow Council members (Rindo, who is wonderful and appears to be siding with the enemy just because she’ll be more entertained by what follows) points it out. Meanwhile, the Polaris Dorm is due to be shut down… or at least it would be, but Megumi and company get out their riot gear and stand their ground. Hard to read in places, but excellent. – Sean Gaffney
Haikyu!!, Vol. 10 | By Haruichi Furudate | Viz Media – I tend to like the training parts of sports manga more than the actual matches, and that proves to be the case here, as this is a stellar volume. Everyone is watching the other teams to try to find ways to improve, and despite a fight over staying the course vs. risking failure with something new, Hinata and Kageyama are the same. The exception is Tsukishima, everyone’s favorite jerk, whose apathy is starting to concern everyone. Surprise, it stems from a tragic flashback that crushed his dreams. Can you really strive to improve yourself if you don’t really care all that much? How do you make something you’re good at fun? Haikyu!! is one of Jump‘s best pickups lately, and I am happy it’s a monthly concern. – Sean Gaffney
Honey So Sweet, Vol. 6 | By Amu Meguro | VIZ Media – Honey So Sweet is consistently cute and adorable, and this volume definitely offers up an assortment of heartwarming moments for our lead couple. That said, a fair amount of what happens here feels like something I’ve seen before. Even within this own series, in fact. It begins with Nao running into yet another wounded delinquent. This time it’s a guy named Nishigaki who, it turns out, idolized Onise in junior high and doesn’t think Nao is cool enough to be his girlfriend. When the new school term begins, he and his twin sister, Miyabi—yes, fraternal twin sibling firsties just like in Say I Love You.—begin attending school with the other characters, and Onise is very nice to socially clueless Miyabi, who seems to be developing feelings for him, which of course worries Nao. Still, I’m sure a happy ending awaits. – Michelle Smith
Honey So Sweet, Vol. 6 | By Amu Meguro | Viz Media – This was a stronger volume than the previous one, despite the fact that we’re introducing yet another love rival. Miyabi is a twin, and also very introverted, to the point that it takes her a minute or so to respond to anything someone has said to her. I appreciated that the solution was not “you just need to be more extroverted,” as it is in many other Japanese manga—the idea of telling people she responds slowly was good. That said, now we get to see how Nao deals with jealousy, though given that this is a pretty sweet manga, I think it will be fine. Taiga’s flashbacks were also quite good, showing off what drew him to Nao and the difficulty he has looking like a thug. Cute shoujo—not top-tier but definitely readable. – Sean Gaffney
In/Spectre, Vol. 3 | By Kyo Shirodaira and Chashiba Katase | Kodansha Comics – This volume has a large hurdle to get over, in that it’s almost entirely exposition, as our trio discuss what Nanase really is and how to deal with her, along with a heavy dose of Japanese urban legends. Luckily, Kotoko’s amazing pettiness and jealousy still livens things up, and despite her discussion of losing her virginity in the first book you sense she and Kuro haven’t gotten very far at all. We also get a discussion of how Kuro wins his fights—he can alter probabilities, to an extent. Of course, this tends to involve seeing a lot of bad futures. And he can’t be everywhere, as the cliffhanger shows another murder gumming things up. I still find this quirky mystery refreshing. – Sean Gaffney
Yona of the Dawn, Vol. 5 | By Mizuho Kusanagi | VIZ Media – It was a foregone conclusion that Yona would persuade the Blue Dragon—ostracized for his abilities—to join her, but despite the predictability, her acceptance of him is still touching. She names him Sinha, and with his awkward kindness, he instantly becomes my favorite character. Unfortunately, he’s promptly sidelined during the second half of the volume, as the gang ventures into a port town in search of the Green Dragon, a pirate named Jaeha who plans to fight to escape his fate. And then he sees Yona at the end of the volume. I hereby predict that he will be won over eventually, too. A little formulaic? Sure, but it’s still good fun, and I’m always a bit sad to see a volume end. – Michelle Smith
By: Michelle Smith
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