#i can see them as the adorable teasing playfight couple give it to meeeeee
dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Silvio Ricci - Wet & Nekkid Story
STANDARD AMATEUR DISCLAIMER APPLIES! This is from the current collection event, I hope you guys enjoy some shirtless cute bickering <3
One sweltering rainy summer day, Emma is walking down the hallway and sweating in the oppressive heat when she comes across Silvio.
"Perfect timing, woman," he says. 
She's looking at him and commenting in shock on his appearance - he's leaving a literal trail of water behind him, soaked from head to toe. Clearly having been caught in the summer downpour outside. 
Imperiously, he demands she bring some linens/towels to his room.
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"... I'm not a maid," she reminds him, but he dismisses her argument and insists she do so quickly. She's left to silently curse his unreasonableness as he stomps off in irritation, swiping at the water still dripping from him.
Realizing there's nothing else she can really do, she reluctantly complies. Soon announcing herself as she enters Silvio's guestroom, carrying an armload of linens - only to stop, stunned.
"You're late. Hurry up and bring the towels here," he orders.
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She's still reeling, trying to catch up. Silvio's always draped in jewels and finery…but at the moment, he's naked from the waist up and she's struck speechless.
"Hey, are you listening?" Silvio scowls and closes the gap between them, as she is still standing there dumbstruck. The well-built, toned body before her is still slightly damp, and even his normal exotic scent seems different than usual in this moment.
He reaches towards her - and that's the point at which she finally hits her limit. She lets out a shriek that startles him, chucking the linens she was holding and retreating to the nearest corner. "Wh-why are you naked?! You knew I was coming!"
He points out that he's not naked, he's only got his shirt off. "Was I supposed to stay in those sopping wet clothes?"
She's still bluescreening, watching the water dripping from his hair and glistening down his body. A half second from swooning clean away at just the sheer level of sexy when all that is coupled with his stupidly handsome face.
She can't look at this!!! Half panicked, she starts stammering that she's brought him the linens so she'll head out now, tyvm!!
But Silvio stops her. "Wait." Grabbing her by the scruff of the neck as she tries to make a break for it. 
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She's flailing that he's gotta let her go and hurry up and dry himself off before he catches a cold - but he's too busy being amused by how her usually uncharming self is so shy and embarrassed by all this.
"I'm not embarrassed!" She corrects him. "I just don't know where I'm supposed to look!"
"Then look at me," he smirks. "It'd be rude to avoid looking at an honored guest."
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But she vehemently rejects this idea, accusing him of being a shameless prince. Unperturbed, he just sort of shrugs and says if that's what she thinks he'll live up to her expectations of him and make her stay there until he's finished changing.
She's got zero interest in that, but as she tries to flail free of his grip he grabs her chin so that she can't escape. Her whole body burning as he forces her gaze to meet his.
"What's the matter? None of your usual bravado?" Silvio smirks.
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He's enjoying this, she realizes, fuming. "Fine then. If that's what you want, I've got an idea." She's not about to go down without a fight, and boldly she declares that in that case, she's going to dry his hair.
He flinches and lets go of her immediately, just as she expected he would. Knowing he hates to be touched.
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"Fine, fine, you've killed all the fun. Now get out," he tells her.
She tells him not to hesitate though. "You're the one who said I should stay here until you were finished changing," she points out gleefully. Now she's gotten over the moment and is able to face him in all his smexy glory head on, bending down to pick up a fallen towel and advance on him.
As she does, Silvio takes a step back to escape from her. "You get any closer and I'm upgrading you from cheeky woman to shameless woman," he scowls.
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"You started it first!" she counters.
"Shut up."
They start bickering as she accuses him of being the embarrassed one, and he snipes back that she's getting all cocky about this. Emma personally enjoys having the tables turned more than a little, and presses this to her full advantage - advancing on him until he's trapped against the wall.
That is until she gets tangled up in some of the fallen towels on the floor and trips, letting out a little cry as she feels herself start to fall. She braces herself for the pain…only for Silvio to reach out and grab her, catching her in his arms.
"Sorry. Thank yo-" But her automatic response dies away when she lifts her head and is hit with the full force of those ocean eyes up close, their gazes locking.
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The second it sinks in that she's held in his arms, pressed up tight to all that wet, bare, delightfully fragrant body, a soundless cry escapes her as a gasp.
They stare like that for long moments, Silvio's expression cycling from shock to a scowl to something softer, but still blushing.
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Until she finally breaks the silence by asking what they're doing.
"...Hell if I know," Silvio replies.
She's managed to make a total fool of herself, she's painfully aware of that. And the strange spell lasts a bit longer, before it finally passes.
Silvio breaks out into a grin, and observes that being stupid seems contagious when she's around.
"That's rude," she huffs.
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He's a domineering tyrant, full of unreasonable demands, she thinks…but then, this sort of thing is exactly what makes him so hard to hate.
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