#i brainstormed a few other ideas with another bud of mine
wrappedupinlight · 2 years
@scarednotscary asked:  ❛ you left like i was never a reason to stay. ❜  - For Eddie~ // 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬. 
they’re parked somewhere near the quarry, settled under a blanket that’s covered in snacks and books and whatever else their little hearts desired for the trek up here. on top of that-- he made a couple decent sized blunts for the both of them. chrissy had an extra rigorous cheer practice earlier that nearly took her out-- and eddie? well-- he still had a slight headache from the near nightmare that him and his sheep’s game was. it was a one shot: shouldn’t have been anything crazy, but one little slip up almost caused the whole party to go down. if it wasn’t for sinclair’s quick thinking getting them all out of the mud-- they might not have made it out alive. 
but, nothing a little bit of recreational drugs wouldn’t patch right up, he figures as he passes the lighter her way and takes another drag. it’s nice, calm, still giggly from some inside joke they shared from before. and eddie figures that’s it. that after some idle small talk about the assembly he barely attended today that that would be the end of it, never to be brought up again.
(in hindsight he figures maybe he should know by now not to tempt fate like that.) it’s quiet for a good while, after she tells him. drops it on the metalhead like it doesn’t shatter him all the way down into the deep recesses of his chest the way she says it: among the noise of crickets and croaks and whatever other woodland creatures might decide to make themselves an audience for the night.
if he’s perfectly honest-- he’s not sure what brought this on. but he figures he owes her his attention at the very least, so he straightens up and releases the last bit of smoke from his lips, “uh, you’ll have to forgive me cunningham. not exactly in top shape right now, so m’sort of scramblin’ here,” he tries for a joke, even if he winces feeling like it’s already fallen flat. “sorry. uh, whatever it is-- i’ll make it right--”
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k-l-neidecker · 6 years
One Person’s Take on what the Infinity War Pitch Room Conversation was Like — K. L. Neidecker
One Person’s Take on what the Infinity War Pitch Room Conversation was Like
A week or so back, I finally broke down and watched Avengers: Infinity War.
It took me a long time to get around to it. I’m not sure, but I think, perhaps, I’ve seen the requisite number of superhero movies one must watch to be considered a happy and productive human in modern society. Check that box, one piece of being an American consumer fully in place, now on to the next strange trend…
Not that I hate comic book movies. In fact, I enjoy them. Just, hey, a few dozen a year is more than enough, thanks! And let’s not even mention that we are stuck with Marvel movies as DC seems to be having…trouble…making movies that don’t suck since the third movie of the Nolan Batman series.
So, considering the spoilers about Infinity War which assaulted my eyes for months, and the fact I knew what was going to happen…the supposed “big moment”…I simply felt no great rush to see it. Sure, I’d see it sooner or later, but it was way down on the the list of things to do—somewhere below a visit to the proctologist and spraying out the inside of the garbage cans.
But, hey, I figured it would be fine for a movie night.
And from minute one, I knew I made a terrible mistake, one which proves karma is a bitch and in a past life I must have been a terrible person. Maybe Attila the Hun’s third cousin twice removed, Bob the Hunnish.
I’d like to present to you my imaginings if what the pitching and brainstorming room must have been like as they planned Infinity War out.
Neon lights flicker and highlight nicotine stained drop ceiling panels. The energy is high, the air buzzing with electricity, though that could always just be the faulty wiring buried in walls which have been privy to so many great ideas in better days…
“Ok, so me and the boys have been talking,” Jim said, gesturing to a pile of sock puppets discarded in a dingy corner, button-eyes staring blankly into the distance, “and we got some ideas for the next Avengers movie.”
The writer’s room hushed in anticipation. A head writer for Iron Man 2, an artichoke heart pickled in brine, wetly rolled from its perch.
“Ok, so we open with a battle! Action is good, right? People love that stuff.”
A cricket farted in the distance, the mating call falling on dead ears.
“I mean, just some fighting, on a space ship. In space! Bunch of stuff happens. Sure, it will be confusing, and maybe some viewers will wonder, hey, did I miss an entire movie or something, because this scene feels like it’s part of some larger whole…
“And then we kill off some important characters! Yeah, baby, yeah! That will get people invested.”
A murmur of assent rippled through the room, taking the form of various belches and the whisper quiet rustle of a nostril mined for ore by a probing digit.
“Ok, and then the Hulk enters the picture, a being so powerful he’s been sent into space because of how dangerous he is to have around…but Thanos mops the floor with him. And guess what? That’s the last time we see the Hulk for the rest of the movie!” Jim leaned back and placed dirty boots on the table, grinning.
He continued, “So, no Hulk, because hell, who needs him anyway, and it fixes the plot hole where he would simply own Thanos early on, end of movie.
“Then, we add in every Marvel hero we have into the mix. So many, in fact, that they all only get five minute snippets on screen, and we just keep cutting between everyone fast enough to send a third of our viewers into epileptic fits. Thank goodness for CGI because we need a half-thousand sets to marionette these characters over.
“Thor, even though he’s been around multiple earthlings over a bunch of movies, will act dumb as hell and confused about words like ‘moron’”
Moron twitched in his sleep, the sound of his name nearly pulling him out of his comfortable dreamland.
“Also, some of the best characters in our universe, the space cadets from Gargantuans of the Galaxy or whatever it was we made a few years back, will run into Thor at random in the almost infinite reaches of the unfathomable soul sucking emptiness that is the ever expanding universe. Good timing!
“Let’s see…ah, right, Thanos just keeps winning non stop, and our heroes simply throw the same tactics at him over and over to no avail. You know, like punches and missiles and some Kung fu or some shit. Hey, the dude owned Hulk, so why wouldn’t Captain America try punching him in the gob?”
Tim, the newest writer, one not yet broken in by Marvel and not yet fitted out for his Marvel Brand Gimp Suit™, broke his silence when he could take no more. “Hey, uh, this all sounds great and all, but don’t you think—“
“No, I try not to, Tim. Thinking is the direct cause of migraines and bed wetting. Ok, so, we have wizards doing the circle things with their palms, some space folk bopping around almost disconnected from the rest of the story, Avengers not calling other Avengers even though fifty percent of the life of the entire universe hangs in the balance…damn, what else was I going to say,” Jim grasped a bong like an infant would a bottle and ripped on it before smashing it on his own head in victory.
“Right. The love story. Every great tale needs a love story: Romeo and Juliet, Ren and Stimpy, all the greats. So, we have a budding relationship between Vision and whatsherface. Let’s make the viewer care, get them invested.”
Tim nodded, “Right, that’s a solid idea man, sounds—“
Jim cut him off, “Of course, with fifty main characters and a two hour runtime, we won’t actually see any of this love or whatever. We’ll just hint at it a bit, you know. Gotta save screen time for purple ballsack, er, I mean Thanos, to wax laconically about how nice a bro he really is on the inside.”
“Hey, no, I don’t think—“ Tim stuttered.
“Good, my man, good. I think you’ll fit in here with that attitude. So, then let’s kill of all the fun characters. Let’s start with the people of color. First scene to last scene, let’s off some green folk, dissolve some Wakanda heroes, let’s go for broke.
“Again, no Hulk. Just Bruce in a CGI suit, so it’s kinda like the Hulk but suckier. You know, we wouldn’t want that actor to actually be in the movie or anything. Just CGI his ass at all times. Note to self, can we just completely CGI his likeness and not have to have an actor at all?
“Let’s have Dr. Strangelove or whatever his name is willingly hand over the one item his entire order was formed to protect… You know, stay true to the characters.”
The sounds of shattering glass echoed from wall to wall as two writers leapt naked through the windows, fist-bumping one another and shouting, “Brooooooooo!”
“See, Tim,” Jim said, “that’s the kind of energy we need here. Get your shit together. Ok, and lastly, let’s dissolve all the interesting characters we have left. Black Panther for one! Oh, and did I bring up the White Wolf? No? Doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have an arc in the movie anyway. Hell, no one needs a character arc here. It’s only half a story, after all, and doesn’t need to stand alone or anything.”
Joseph the Randy Donkey brayed a lonely song at the water cooler before defecating a sad pile on the floor.
“Damn, I love that donkey,” Jim said while cleaning his left ear with his right big toe. “So, you see where I’m going here, right? For year people have complained we are formulaic, but look at us being all badass and breaking the mold! We will take a decade worth of characters and squash them together, making half a movie that means nothing on it’s own, simply designed to set up our next million dollar movie in a year, needlessly kill off dozens of the best characters in a way that means nothing and will be reversed within the first quarter of the next movie, dabble in romance sorta, and wipe out half the life in the universe to save everyone from running out of food and stuff!”
The room erupted in cheers and whoops. Three men dueled to the death in celebration, Moron awoke from his long slumber in time to vote in the midterms and drive without using his blinkers, seven Hollywood executives took time away from sexually harassing the donkey the stamp and squeal in delight, a motley mob of slatterns boxed with a dusty group of heroin addicts in a mock Walmart, and the seventh seal was opened in the distance.
But a hush fell on the room like a smothering pillow as Tim cleared his throat.
“Hey, um, if Thanos can control time and matter with a mere thought, wielding enough power to kill fifty percent of all living things at the blink of an eye…why doesn’t he simply will infinite resources into being instead of killing untold trillions due to limited resources?”
The silence in the room laid so thick in the air that a large housefly, fat and well fed on over-ripe Hollywood movie drech, collapsed like a crumpled piece of tinfoil from the mere pressure in the room.
Lucky for the brave writers of Infinity War, there was a handy and already broken window to defenestrate Tim from before calling the seventy-five actors and warming up the computers for modern CGI magic.
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acahyeri-blog · 7 years
→ introductions ! ☆
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➣  [ ‘ wipes off sweat after following the masterlist ] woo! that was a workout! with that out of the way, it’s time to finally give my proper greetings to the great muns behind the wonderful muses of academykrp!! this is kitty, and this is my first time venturing out of mf/panfandom rp, and i think my friends made the right decision to drag me here to get started (=´∇`=) i’m not too good with intros like these, but please do like this post so i could slide in your ims (or slide into mine). 
to get us started, click here and here for hyeri’s profile and essay! i also put a tl;dr, some little plots, and wanted relationships under the cut! please do check it out! ฅ(^・ω・^ฅ)
[ TL;DR ] 
hyeri is a 95-line junior taking a double major in political science and public administration, all in the name of taking over the world in the near future! she’s very serious about this, and has a twenty-step life-plan to help her achieve it (and with her skills, maybe she really can!)
she’s the daughter of two cosmetic industry giants--her mother owns riverlilee--a world-famous make-up and skin care line (which she models for, sometimes!) while her father is an internationally acclaimed cosmetic surgeon, whose consultation rates go above six figure won prices.
her IQ is over two hundred, and is a member of mensa
even with this, her father doesn’t believe she could be a rightful heir to their industry (spoiler: he’s sexist) and sends her to marriage meetings almost every other week, much to her chagrin.
she topped the CSAT with a near perfect score. she made a speech during the university’s opening ceremony and implied that everybody was inferior to her (”you can work hard and study hard--a great thing!--but you will never be up to my level. but that’s okay! i promise to be a benevolent leader once i’m elected into office. you’ll be in good hands with a genius like me!) you can already guess how the people reacted.
she was offered slots in harvard, along many other known ivy league universities, but declined in favor of bidulgi (she has her reasons!)
she’s jeonghan’s beard fake girlfriend, and have been dating for a total of six years (and counting). she has also known mingyu, chungha ever since middle school, and is cousins with lee jihoon. 
she lives in a three-bedroom, loft-style hotel suite with seola
personality wise, she appears ditzy and self-absored (and she is), but it all changes once she starts talking about the constitution, debating theoretical concepts, or solving high-level mathematical problems in record time. think legally blonde, except she’s a brunette!
hyeri genuinely thinks she’s better than everybody else (there is some truth to that) and has a hard time making friends because of her condescending personality. still, she’s a good kid deep down; her superior intellect just left a few holes in her emotional and social development. 
despite this, she’s still a bad drunk, and becomes touchy, giggly, and prone to stripping to her designer lingerie once intoxicated.=
in summary, hyeri is an over-the-top, larger-than-life, bunny-ears supergenius with genuine plans for world domination, and is gearing up to be the most extra world overlord to ever walk this earth.
freshmen who she pays to do mundane errands, like sprinkling flower petals in her path or blowing wind into her hair as she walks to class. these freshmen are either infatuated with her, or just want some extra cash. it’s open to all courses and all genders!
every queen needs a secretary, and hyeri is no exception. this one is a lowerclassman who helps our future world overlord with her hectic schedule, and makes sure she has a cup of her favorite sweet potato latte (soymilk, please) every morning. preferably female, please!
there are very few people who can match her intellect, so when hyeri meets a muse who can keep up with her rapid fire brain, she couldn’t help but feel a little threatened. and now, hands on her waist and high-heeled feet apart, she has publicly declared your muse as her lifelong rival. both an honor and a burden, really. open to all courses and genders!
a benevolent future overlord like hyeri also makes it a point to assist underclassmen and steer them to the right path, so she picks a hoobae from her course to groom. this means access to her well-written notes, free study tips, and even shopping sessions (or drinking!) when she feels like it. political science majors only, all genders!
kids are cruel, and hyeri has been betrayed by a supposed bestfriend when she was five years old, hence her distrust for “plebes”. but lo, their paths cross once more in bidulgi. will it lead to much needed forgiveness, or will you have her heel stuck in your thigh? open to all majors, preferably a junior, and required to be a female. 
everyone wants the benefit of being friends with a rich kid like hyeri, who spends money on her close friends like it was nothing. but do you really like her? or are you just there to get a taste of her fame? 
you’ve known she’s haughty, you’ve known she’s not available (but really, you don’t believe it’s true love), and you’ve known she has the tendency to step on plebes like she was made for it. still, that doesn’t stop you from falling head over heels in infatuation with the future queen, and you’re doing everything to get her to look your way. but really, all it gives hyeri is some slight annoyance and a lot of amusement. are you up for the challenge of a persistent suitor? any major, preferably male. 
you’re sleepy af from pulling an all nighter and was walking aimlessly along the university roads when a speeding car almost ran you over. you almost wanted to ask the driver to try again, but hyeri looks beyond worried when she parks to check if you’re okay. “world overlords can’t have criminal records, so you have to come to the clinic with me”
you know bidulgi is filled with celebrities and high-ranking people, but you still weren’t expecting to see riverlilee’s spokesmodel lee hyeri in the same bathroom as you. what would you do?
as a part of a well-known family, you’ve been invited to a marriage meeting for the lee heiress. what you didn’t expect is that the beautiful girl in your talks with your parents is the condescending genius from university. would you stay to watch how this would go, and maybe lead to discover that the ditzy queen has more depth than she puts out? 
you were quietly walking along the streets of seoul when you spot hyeri hiding behind a standee and she gets the scare of her life when you ask what she’s doing. apparently, her dad set her up to another marriage meeting and the man turned out to smell worse than an onion patch. she then gets an idea to get you help her out of the sticky situation and you’re now swept on a day-long adventure in seoul, hiding from her many bodyguards until the clock strikes twelve (or maybe, beyond?)
get the resident genius as a tutor!��
one of her hobbies is destroying other budding lawyers in mock-court, and you’re picked to be a member of her team for this week’s round.
hyeri is a bad drunk, and is always in a tight situation if she’s not flanked by jeonghan or mingyu. there’s a lot of ways this night could go. 
all of these plots could be picked more than once, and i am absolutely up for brainstorming if nothing here fits!! i hope to have a lot of fun here with my dear extra baby! please take care of me and this baby queen!
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gonebethebirds · 5 years
It’s been a few months. But at least it hasn’t been a year.
Let’s recap. 
Sick season: you f****ng betcha. My throat has given me problems on and off all year, but in the past few weeks/months it’s been a lot better. Most of the time recently there’s been no issue so that’s good. Carina’s also been sick a little bit here and there but she’s fine right now and has mostly been healthy. 
Carina and Caiba: Amazing. Beautiful. Fun. Bliss. Love these two/our little family so much. Can’t wait to marry Carina next year (we’re in the midst of planning now and might/will probably elope). Carina’s been super chill and reasonable in all of the planning and brainstorming. It’s a bit difficult at times but never because of her - usually more due to family politics. And Caiba is the little furry light of my life. She can take any bad mood of mine and turn it around. She’s just the sweetest thing. She’s gotten insanely good at “no leash walks,” and she’s proven to be a fantastic listener whom the neighbors seem to love almost as much as we do. :) 
Work: We finally moved to Century City in March. The new office is light years beyond the old office and is a huge breath of fresh air. Also, Sabrina left a little over a month ago, just before Endgame (which was amazing). Was obviously very sad to see her go. But she’s been thriving back in New York which is great. Kaitlyn, her replacement, started last week and is doing well so far. Kendall’s stepped up quite noticeably which is really great but there are still problems there.
Kinsley: so much fun watching her grow and learn and play. She’s really starting to show lots of layers of personality and fierce energy in the cutest ways possible. I love seeing her and making her laugh. 
Dad: lots of surgeries in the last few years, now including a hip replacement about a month ago. He’s doing well though - he’s recovering quickly and sounds lucid every time I call. I got to visit him a week after his surgery and it was fun spending time with him. I also got to see Lauren while I was home and hang out with her in the city for a night which was cool.
Jesse and Katie: finally married!! The wedding was a blast and went surprisingly smooth. Going in and out of Mexico was totally uneventful which was perfect (albeit surprising). The venue and the photo venue were both really cool and everyone was just super nice and friendly. I was really proud to be Jesse’s Best Man. It felt like a high honor haha yet at the same time I was just proud to be beside my best bud on such an important day. And my speech went well! And I wasn’t hungover on the early drive home the morning after!
Mom: still really enjoying seeing her frequently and getting to hang out casually since she lives so close (~25, 30 min away). About two weeks ago I was leaving Jesse’s and called her since she lives so close. Turns out Jenn, Brian and Kinsley were there so I went over. It was cool to have an impromptu family hang out (sans Dad). Mom really enjoyed that - I could tell it was special for her.
Life: still running and documenting my runs (been doing this steadily since August 2015 so that’s 3 years and 9 months now). Still commuting from Laguna to West LA (in West LA right now actually) three days a week which is a drag but it works for the current lifestyle. Still traveling a bit, but a LOT less than the days of 2015-2017. I’m also documenting those trips less (but I should get back to doing that). Speaking of which, Carina and I just booked our Massillon Christmas trip today! So we’ll be there Dec 21-25 (the usual) and I can’t wait to bring her home for the Christmas traditions. We’ll have a big group if JBK come - 6 of us! No other trips planned for the year at the moment but a couple of road trip ideas up in the air for Jesse and I. We bought another annual pass to all the parks when we went to Zion in April as part of his bachelor party weekend (with Anu and Tommy). 
Nothing else comes to mind for right now. Happy to have great people in my life, my job, my health, my family, friends, and memories. 
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fesahaawit · 6 years
A handful of SUPER clever ways to spend $100 this holiday season :) PLUS: Our Christmas Stimulus winners!
‘Sup sup!
J. Money Claus here to spread the wealth, both literally and figuratively! ;)
Just spent three solid hours reading and responding to all the great entries from last week’s Christmas Stimulus giveaway (over 800+ comments!), and WOW was it fascinating! You guys are so freakin’ creative!! We had the usual “I’d pay down debts” or “I’d bank it/invest it” or “I’d give it all away to charity” responses of course, but I was blown away by the level of thought that a lot of you put into this too.
You’re good :)
But since I can’t give $100 to *everyone* who made me smile today (and also because I made this a *randomized* drawing vs hand-picking the winners), I wanted to showcase a lot of these gems I came across in case they help you with your OWN ideas for the upcoming holidays, but also just to show these commenters some love too. Perhaps the fame you get off it today will amount to more than $100 over time? I mean, this IS the most fantastic blog in the world, you know!
Before we get to all that though, let me announce the 5 people who DID win the contest so you’re not biting off all your nails and annoying your co-workers.
So drum roll please…. dum ditty dum ditty dum…
The 5 lucky winners of $100 a piece are:
Nicole P.
Sarah P. 
Danny (Commenter #633)
Mike (Commenter #756)
Woo! Congrats! I’ll be reaching out to you on the side to get your money, and be sure to not be strangers the rest of the year as if this was some sort of Church where you only pop over on the “important” days ;) Free education is better than free money, damnit!!
Now to the fun ways to use $100 this holiday!
(Or really, any time – because why only be nice once a year?)
We’ll start with the ones that made me laugh the hardest, and then go down the list to those that were just clever as hell, and then finally right into the ones that make you say, “awwwwww….”
Runners up to the people who mentioned: Chuck E. Cheese’s, doorbells, monks, manatees, accordions, tacos, sensory deprivation tanks (?), pickles, cabin escapes, tequila, fruit roll-ups, marijuana stock, escape rooms, “dutch ovens” (hah!), lunch tables, baseball cards, greenhouses, livestock water troughs, and finally to the one who almost made me spit out my coffee with their “Careergasm courses” line, haha… *goes to turn browser on “private” mode*
Now to the ones we’re paying in fame:
The Prankster
I’d take it to the bank and ask for all quarters, and then take the quarters and glue them to the sidewalk and sit on my porch with my phone filming all the kids so excited to see 400 quarters on the ground, and then me laughing at them because they can’t pick them up.
Then I’d start a YouTube channel with my daily videos and take my millions of dollars from my massive subscriber growth and buy a cabin up in the mountains and buy all the turtles from pet stores to start training them to fight terrorism and then set them free all around the world. – Lance
The Jeffersonian
First I would ask to be paid in $2 bills! Then I would stack those Jefferson’s as high as they would go and just admire them a bit. Then I would hop on my electric bike and head downtown handing them out to anyone in need, ending up at my favorite watering hole with just three of them left. I would then order my favorite IPA and drop my last three Jefferson’s on the unsuspecting waitress and call it a day! – bmiles62
The Convert
I’d convert the $100 all into pennies and leave noticeable and various pennies around the house to drive my brother crazy. – Kevin
(Editor’s Note: I don’t know why that would drive him crazy? It’s FREE MONEY!!! :))
The Goldbug
I would buy gold. Then, I would ask my friends what they would do if they had $100 worth of gold. The best response gets the gold! – Meghan
The Kidder
I would use the $100 on hookers and blow. Just kidding. Something boring like saving for my kids education. – Josh
The Original Zac Efron
I’ll buy 2 MyHeritage DNA kits at a discount. One for myself and another for Zac Efron. I wanna prove everyone wrong that he’s not my twin brother :) – Menard
(Editor’s Note: I actually DO want this kit! It’s pretty cool!!)
The Gamer
I would throw a $100 party. It would consist of me and my girlfriend maybe a brother or cousin in there randomly sitting on the couch at my place drinking crown royal (750ml) $22.97. I would eventually get off the couch, and cook up some ribs (3 racks $38) that had been marinating in the fridge over night (spices and various ingredients $10). After the food is consumed we would partake in a intense game of drunkin-go-kart on the Nintendo 64 (24 pack of Bud Light of Coors Light $20). With the remaining $9.03 we would donate it to a random homeless person. – Heath
The Gambler
Put aside for buying lottery tickets in all of 2018, because someone once said “Is $1 a week worth a chance to win $100,000,000 or even $1,000,000,000?” For me it is. – Nitin
The Adventurer
We’re looking to convert a school bus over the next year and then take a leap year to travel with our 5 kids (ages 4 months-18yrs) all over the US. I’d add it to our school bus fund! – Aden
The Stealthy Kleenexer
I will exchange them into 100 $1 bills and treat my 10 friends with a box of Kleenex each for Christmas. And after the first couple of Kleenex, there will be surprises waiting. – Kim
The Money Oozer ;)
I would use an extra $100 to buy a bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. My kids love it when Mommy smells good and it makes me feel sexy – LIKE $$ MONEY $$! – Rebekah
The Dollar Tree Fan
I would get 50 $1.00 bills and hide them around the Dollar Tree with my granddaughter. Then take her to lunch and leave the rest for a tip. What a fun day! – Rose
The Financial Gabber
I would use it to pay you $100 for a 30 minute phone call for some financial advice. This would be the biggest gift of all. I feel like the hardest part is talking about money with other people (no one want’s to hear your problems) and it’s driving me crazy because I really want to talk about it and get good sound advice on how to get out of the mess I’m in. – Mike
(Editor’s Note: This is actually a REALLY good idea and there’s a big need for this in our community! Unfortunately I don’t do coaching anymore, but here’s a list of other people in our space here that do – in case anyone else is looking for a good money coach: http://ift.tt/2jvY42T)
The Brainstormer
I have 2 Ebay stores that have been running for a few years now and need to know how to increase our sales… I would use this for a brainstorm session at our local Panera or Starbucks hoping to find someone that could help me with promotion of our sites – or run a contest online for the best idea. – Kate
The Quitter
I will put in my 2-weeks notice at my job for early/mini-retirement on Friday! – JP
(Editor’s Note: I sure hope $100 isn’t the only thing stopping you from doing this! :))
The Self-Promoter/Do-good-er ;)
I’d buy 49 copies of my book, Success: For Minority Teens (& Their Friends) at $4.99/copy, defraying the cost of taxes, and I’d give these to 49 of my most needy 8th grade students at school. So many need a book like mine but can’t afford to buy on Amazon. – Carlos Gomez
The Gardener
I would buy $100 worth of seeds, plant them and go back and give them out to all of my elementary school classrooms. Learning how to tend to a garden, getting your hands dirty, keeping plants alive and getting to enjoy the result of your hard work is one of those timeless lessons that is hard to recreate in our candy crush obsessed society. – Alicia
******* The Compassionate Knitter
If I won the money I’d use it to buy yarn to knit a blanket for my mother-in-law. The yarn is sort of expensive, like $70 per blanket, and it takes about 15 hours of knitting (so not a smart time or money investment) but it is a handmade blanket, and relationships with the in-laws are important. – Hannah
The Knowledge Pusher
I’ll use the money to buy books related to Investing and give them away to my coworkers. I have given 2 books away for my coworkers In the past years: Total Money Makeover, The Millionaire Teacher. – Vielka
The Tree Gifter
I’d use $100 to purchase a bike for a little boy – there’s a giving tree at my local wellness center with tags listing gift wishes from local children in need. This particular tag has been languishing as it’s a request for a larger gift. I’ve purchased a few gifts to match other requests, and saw this tag when I delivered the gifts. It’s been weighing on me since – I’d hate for this little one to go without and will find a way to get a bike to him – Heather
The Perfect Wife ;)
I would use the money to buy my husband 10 movie tickets so he could get out of the house, take a break from the kids, and treat himself to a movie about once a month! – Kayla
The Fiscal Librarian
I’d use the money for books that I want to read. Then I’d donate the books to my local library so everyone else will have a chance to read them too. Not a big choice for money management, retirement, investment, or financial books available and I’d like to change that. – Michelle
The Best Christmas Game (Not really an entry, but still a fun idea!)
Every participant puts in twenty bucks cash. The wad of money is wrapped in paper, then more, then a box, then more paper, another box, etc. until you have a large box wrapped. You set a timer or play music and you have only so many seconds to unwrap. When the timer dings, you have to pass the wrapped wad of cash. Whoever touches the cash first wins it all!!! One year I used my teeth – she said it wasn’t allowed but I say house rules. – Victoria
And lastly, The Boobie Award
I’m not going to lie, I’d probably blow the $100 on food and drink for Christmas day… Probably why I’m in debt and reading this blog… – Kate
And that’s why they pay me the big bucks ;)
Happy weekend, y’all!
****** Links to Amazon products above are affiliate links, and I want you to buy 1,000,000 of those books/DNA kits so I can give away another $500 and keep being entertained by you all… Make it happen!
[Photo by Dakota Corbin via Unsplash]
A handful of SUPER clever ways to spend $100 this holiday season :) PLUS: Our Christmas Stimulus winners! posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
heliosfinance · 6 years
A handful of SUPER clever ways to spend $100 this holiday season :) PLUS: Our Christmas Stimulus winners!
‘Sup sup!
J. Money Claus here to spread the wealth, both literally and figuratively! ;)
Just spent three solid hours reading and responding to all the great entries from last week’s Christmas Stimulus giveaway (over 800+ comments!), and WOW was it fascinating! You guys are so freakin’ creative!! We had the usual “I’d pay down debts” or “I’d bank it/invest it” or “I’d give it all away to charity” responses of course, but I was blown away by the level of thought that a lot of you put into this too.
You’re good :)
But since I can’t give $100 to *everyone* who made me smile today (and also because I made this a *randomized* drawing vs hand-picking the winners), I wanted to showcase a lot of these gems I came across in case they help you with your OWN ideas for the upcoming holidays, but also just to show these commenters some love too. Perhaps the fame you get off it today will amount to more than $100 over time? I mean, this IS the most fantastic blog in the world, you know!
Before we get to all that though, let me announce the 5 people who DID win the contest so you’re not biting off all your nails and annoying your co-workers.
So drum roll please…. dum ditty dum ditty dum…
The 5 lucky winners of $100 a piece are:
Nicole P.
Sarah P. 
Danny (Commenter #633)
Mike (Commenter #756)
Woo! Congrats! I’ll be reaching out to you on the side to get your money, and be sure to not be strangers the rest of the year as if this was some sort of Church where you only pop over on the “important” days ;) Free education is better than free money, damnit!!
Now to the fun ways to use $100 this holiday!
(Or really, any time – because why only be nice once a year?)
We’ll start with the ones that made me laugh the hardest, and then go down the list to those that were just clever as hell, and then finally right into the ones that make you say, “awwwwww….”
Runners up to the people who mentioned: Chuck E. Cheese’s, doorbells, monks, manatees, accordions, tacos, sensory deprivation tanks (?), pickles, cabin escapes, tequila, fruit roll-ups, marijuana stock, escape rooms, “dutch ovens” (hah!), lunch tables, baseball cards, greenhouses, livestock water troughs, and finally to the one who almost made me spit out my coffee with their “Careergasm courses” line, haha… *goes to turn browser on “private” mode*
Now to the ones we’re paying in fame:
The Prankster
I’d take it to the bank and ask for all quarters, and then take the quarters and glue them to the sidewalk and sit on my porch with my phone filming all the kids so excited to see 400 quarters on the ground, and then me laughing at them because they can’t pick them up.
Then I’d start a YouTube channel with my daily videos and take my millions of dollars from my massive subscriber growth and buy a cabin up in the mountains and buy all the turtles from pet stores to start training them to fight terrorism and then set them free all around the world. – Lance
The Jeffersonian
First I would ask to be paid in $2 bills! Then I would stack those Jefferson’s as high as they would go and just admire them a bit. Then I would hop on my electric bike and head downtown handing them out to anyone in need, ending up at my favorite watering hole with just three of them left. I would then order my favorite IPA and drop my last three Jefferson’s on the unsuspecting waitress and call it a day! – bmiles62
The Convert
I’d convert the $100 all into pennies and leave noticeable and various pennies around the house to drive my brother crazy. – Kevin
(Editor’s Note: I don’t know why that would drive him crazy? It’s FREE MONEY!!! :))
The Goldbug
I would buy gold. Then, I would ask my friends what they would do if they had $100 worth of gold. The best response gets the gold! – Meghan
The Kidder
I would use the $100 on hookers and blow. Just kidding. Something boring like saving for my kids education. – Josh
The Original Zac Efron
I’ll buy 2 MyHeritage DNA kits at a discount. One for myself and another for Zac Efron. I wanna prove everyone wrong that he’s not my twin brother :) – Menard
(Editor’s Note: I actually DO want this kit! It’s pretty cool!!)
The Gamer
I would throw a $100 party. It would consist of me and my girlfriend maybe a brother or cousin in there randomly sitting on the couch at my place drinking crown royal (750ml) $22.97. I would eventually get off the couch, and cook up some ribs (3 racks $38) that had been marinating in the fridge over night (spices and various ingredients $10). After the food is consumed we would partake in a intense game of drunkin-go-kart on the Nintendo 64 (24 pack of Bud Light of Coors Light $20). With the remaining $9.03 we would donate it to a random homeless person. – Heath
The Gambler
Put aside for buying lottery tickets in all of 2018, because someone once said “Is $1 a week worth a chance to win $100,000,000 or even $1,000,000,000?” For me it is. – Nitin
The Adventurer
We’re looking to convert a school bus over the next year and then take a leap year to travel with our 5 kids (ages 4 months-18yrs) all over the US. I’d add it to our school bus fund! – Aden
The Stealthy Kleenexer
I will exchange them into 100 $1 bills and treat my 10 friends with a box of Kleenex each for Christmas. And after the first couple of Kleenex, there will be surprises waiting. – Kim
The Money Oozer ;)
I would use an extra $100 to buy a bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. My kids love it when Mommy smells good and it makes me feel sexy – LIKE $$ MONEY $$! – Rebekah
The Dollar Tree Fan
I would get 50 $1.00 bills and hide them around the Dollar Tree with my granddaughter. Then take her to lunch and leave the rest for a tip. What a fun day! – Rose
The Financial Gabber
I would use it to pay you $100 for a 30 minute phone call for some financial advice. This would be the biggest gift of all. I feel like the hardest part is talking about money with other people (no one want’s to hear your problems) and it’s driving me crazy because I really want to talk about it and get good sound advice on how to get out of the mess I’m in. – Mike
(Editor’s Note: This is actually a REALLY good idea and there’s a big need for this in our community! Unfortunately I don’t do coaching anymore, but here’s a list of other people in our space here that do – in case anyone else is looking for a good money coach: http://ift.tt/2jvY42T)
The Brainstormer
I have 2 Ebay stores that have been running for a few years now and need to know how to increase our sales… I would use this for a brainstorm session at our local Panera or Starbucks hoping to find someone that could help me with promotion of our sites – or run a contest online for the best idea. – Kate
The Quitter
I will put in my 2-weeks notice at my job for early/mini-retirement on Friday! – JP
(Editor’s Note: I sure hope $100 isn’t the only thing stopping you from doing this! :))
The Self-Promoter/Do-good-er ;)
I’d buy 49 copies of my book, Success: For Minority Teens (& Their Friends) at $4.99/copy, defraying the cost of taxes, and I’d give these to 49 of my most needy 8th grade students at school. So many need a book like mine but can’t afford to buy on Amazon. – Carlos Gomez
The Gardener
I would buy $100 worth of seeds, plant them and go back and give them out to all of my elementary school classrooms. Learning how to tend to a garden, getting your hands dirty, keeping plants alive and getting to enjoy the result of your hard work is one of those timeless lessons that is hard to recreate in our candy crush obsessed society. – Alicia
******* The Compassionate Knitter
If I won the money I’d use it to buy yarn to knit a blanket for my mother-in-law. The yarn is sort of expensive, like $70 per blanket, and it takes about 15 hours of knitting (so not a smart time or money investment) but it is a handmade blanket, and relationships with the in-laws are important. – Hannah
The Knowledge Pusher
I’ll use the money to buy books related to Investing and give them away to my coworkers. I have given 2 books away for my coworkers In the past years: Total Money Makeover, The Millionaire Teacher. – Vielka
The Tree Gifter
I’d use $100 to purchase a bike for a little boy – there’s a giving tree at my local wellness center with tags listing gift wishes from local children in need. This particular tag has been languishing as it’s a request for a larger gift. I’ve purchased a few gifts to match other requests, and saw this tag when I delivered the gifts. It’s been weighing on me since – I’d hate for this little one to go without and will find a way to get a bike to him – Heather
The Perfect Wife ;)
I would use the money to buy my husband 10 movie tickets so he could get out of the house, take a break from the kids, and treat himself to a movie about once a month! – Kayla
The Fiscal Librarian
I’d use the money for books that I want to read. Then I’d donate the books to my local library so everyone else will have a chance to read them too. Not a big choice for money management, retirement, investment, or financial books available and I’d like to change that. – Michelle
The Best Christmas Game (Not really an entry, but still a fun idea!)
Every participant puts in twenty bucks cash. The wad of money is wrapped in paper, then more, then a box, then more paper, another box, etc. until you have a large box wrapped. You set a timer or play music and you have only so many seconds to unwrap. When the timer dings, you have to pass the wrapped wad of cash. Whoever touches the cash first wins it all!!! One year I used my teeth – she said it wasn’t allowed but I say house rules. – Victoria
And lastly, The Boobie Award
I’m not going to lie, I’d probably blow the $100 on food and drink for Christmas day… Probably why I’m in debt and reading this blog… – Kate
And that’s why they pay me the big bucks ;)
Happy weekend, y’all!
****** Links to Amazon products above are affiliate links, and I want you to buy 1,000,000 of those books/DNA kits so I can give away another $500 and keep being entertained by you all… Make it happen!
[Photo by Dakota Corbin via Unsplash]
A handful of SUPER clever ways to spend $100 this holiday season :) PLUS: Our Christmas Stimulus winners! published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
0 notes
fesahaawit · 6 years
A handful of SUPER clever ways to spend $100 this holiday season :) PLUS: Our Christmas Stimulus winners!
‘Sup sup!
J. Money Claus here to spread the wealth, both literally and figuratively! ;)
Just spent three solid hours reading and responding to all the great entries from last week’s Christmas Stimulus giveaway (over 800+ comments!), and WOW was it fascinating! You guys are so freakin’ creative!! We had the usual “I’d pay down debts” or “I’d bank it/invest it” or “I’d give it all away to charity” responses of course, but I was blown away by the level of thought that a lot of you put into this too.
You’re good :)
But since I can’t give $100 to *everyone* who made me smile today (and also because I made this a *randomized* drawing vs hand-picking the winners), I wanted to showcase a lot of these gems I came across in case they help you with your OWN ideas for the upcoming holidays, but also just to show these commenters some love too. Perhaps the fame you get off it today will amount to more than $100 over time? I mean, this IS the most fantastic blog in the world, you know!
Before we get to all that though, let me announce the 5 people who DID win the contest so you’re not biting off all your nails and annoying your co-workers.
So drum roll please…. dum ditty dum ditty dum…
The 5 lucky winners of $100 a piece are:
Nicole P.
Sarah P. 
Danny (Commenter #633)
Mike (Commenter #756)
Woo! Congrats! I’ll be reaching out to you on the side to get your money, and be sure to not be strangers the rest of the year as if this was some sort of Church where you only pop over on the “important” days ;) Free education is better than free money, damnit!!
Now to the fun ways to use $100 this holiday!
(Or really, any time – because why only be nice once a year?)
We’ll start with the ones that made me laugh the hardest, and then go down the list to those that were just clever as hell, and then finally right into the ones that make you say, “awwwwww….”
Runners up to the people who mentioned: Chuck E. Cheese’s, doorbells, monks, manatees, accordions, tacos, sensory deprivation tanks (?), pickles, cabin escapes, tequila, fruit roll-ups, marijuana stock, escape rooms, “dutch ovens” (hah!), lunch tables, baseball cards, greenhouses, livestock water troughs, and finally to the one who almost made me spit out my coffee with their “Careergasm courses” line, haha… *goes to turn browser on “private” mode*
Now to the ones we’re paying in fame:
The Prankster
I’d take it to the bank and ask for all quarters, and then take the quarters and glue them to the sidewalk and sit on my porch with my phone filming all the kids so excited to see 400 quarters on the ground, and then me laughing at them because they can’t pick them up.
Then I’d start a YouTube channel with my daily videos and take my millions of dollars from my massive subscriber growth and buy a cabin up in the mountains and buy all the turtles from pet stores to start training them to fight terrorism and then set them free all around the world. – Lance
The Jeffersonian
First I would ask to be paid in $2 bills! Then I would stack those Jefferson’s as high as they would go and just admire them a bit. Then I would hop on my electric bike and head downtown handing them out to anyone in need, ending up at my favorite watering hole with just three of them left. I would then order my favorite IPA and drop my last three Jefferson’s on the unsuspecting waitress and call it a day! – bmiles62
The Convert
I’d convert the $100 all into pennies and leave noticeable and various pennies around the house to drive my brother crazy. – Kevin
(Editor’s Note: I don’t know why that would drive him crazy? It’s FREE MONEY!!! :))
The Goldbug
I would buy gold. Then, I would ask my friends what they would do if they had $100 worth of gold. The best response gets the gold! – Meghan
The Kidder
I would use the $100 on hookers and blow. Just kidding. Something boring like saving for my kids education. – Josh
The Original Zac Efron
I’ll buy 2 MyHeritage DNA kits at a discount. One for myself and another for Zac Efron. I wanna prove everyone wrong that he’s not my twin brother :) – Menard
(Editor’s Note: I actually DO want this kit! It’s pretty cool!!)
The Gamer
I would throw a $100 party. It would consist of me and my girlfriend maybe a brother or cousin in there randomly sitting on the couch at my place drinking crown royal (750ml) $22.97. I would eventually get off the couch, and cook up some ribs (3 racks $38) that had been marinating in the fridge over night (spices and various ingredients $10). After the food is consumed we would partake in a intense game of drunkin-go-kart on the Nintendo 64 (24 pack of Bud Light of Coors Light $20). With the remaining $9.03 we would donate it to a random homeless person. – Heath
The Gambler
Put aside for buying lottery tickets in all of 2018, because someone once said “Is $1 a week worth a chance to win $100,000,000 or even $1,000,000,000?” For me it is. – Nitin
The Adventurer
We’re looking to convert a school bus over the next year and then take a leap year to travel with our 5 kids (ages 4 months-18yrs) all over the US. I’d add it to our school bus fund! – Aden
The Stealthy Kleenexer
I will exchange them into 100 $1 bills and treat my 10 friends with a box of Kleenex each for Christmas. And after the first couple of Kleenex, there will be surprises waiting. – Kim
The Money Oozer ;)
I would use an extra $100 to buy a bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. My kids love it when Mommy smells good and it makes me feel sexy – LIKE $$ MONEY $$! – Rebekah
The Dollar Tree Fan
I would get 50 $1.00 bills and hide them around the Dollar Tree with my granddaughter. Then take her to lunch and leave the rest for a tip. What a fun day! – Rose
The Financial Gabber
I would use it to pay you $100 for a 30 minute phone call for some financial advice. This would be the biggest gift of all. I feel like the hardest part is talking about money with other people (no one want’s to hear your problems) and it’s driving me crazy because I really want to talk about it and get good sound advice on how to get out of the mess I’m in. – Mike
(Editor’s Note: This is actually a REALLY good idea and there’s a big need for this in our community! Unfortunately I don’t do coaching anymore, but here’s a list of other people in our space here that do – in case anyone else is looking for a good money coach: http://ift.tt/2jvY42T)
The Brainstormer
I have 2 Ebay stores that have been running for a few years now and need to know how to increase our sales… I would use this for a brainstorm session at our local Panera or Starbucks hoping to find someone that could help me with promotion of our sites – or run a contest online for the best idea. – Kate
The Quitter
I will put in my 2-weeks notice at my job for early/mini-retirement on Friday! – JP
(Editor’s Note: I sure hope $100 isn’t the only thing stopping you from doing this! :))
The Self-Promoter/Do-good-er ;)
I’d buy 49 copies of my book, Success: For Minority Teens (& Their Friends) at $4.99/copy, defraying the cost of taxes, and I’d give these to 49 of my most needy 8th grade students at school. So many need a book like mine but can’t afford to buy on Amazon. – Carlos Gomez
The Gardener
I would buy $100 worth of seeds, plant them and go back and give them out to all of my elementary school classrooms. Learning how to tend to a garden, getting your hands dirty, keeping plants alive and getting to enjoy the result of your hard work is one of those timeless lessons that is hard to recreate in our candy crush obsessed society. – Alicia
******* The Compassionate Knitter
If I won the money I’d use it to buy yarn to knit a blanket for my mother-in-law. The yarn is sort of expensive, like $70 per blanket, and it takes about 15 hours of knitting (so not a smart time or money investment) but it is a handmade blanket, and relationships with the in-laws are important. – Hannah
The Knowledge Pusher
I’ll use the money to buy books related to Investing and give them away to my coworkers. I have given 2 books away for my coworkers In the past years: Total Money Makeover, The Millionaire Teacher. – Vielka
The Tree Gifter
I’d use $100 to purchase a bike for a little boy – there’s a giving tree at my local wellness center with tags listing gift wishes from local children in need. This particular tag has been languishing as it’s a request for a larger gift. I’ve purchased a few gifts to match other requests, and saw this tag when I delivered the gifts. It’s been weighing on me since – I’d hate for this little one to go without and will find a way to get a bike to him – Heather
The Perfect Wife ;)
I would use the money to buy my husband 10 movie tickets so he could get out of the house, take a break from the kids, and treat himself to a movie about once a month! – Kayla
The Fiscal Librarian
I’d use the money for books that I want to read. Then I’d donate the books to my local library so everyone else will have a chance to read them too. Not a big choice for money management, retirement, investment, or financial books available and I’d like to change that. – Michelle
The Best Christmas Game (Not really an entry, but still a fun idea!)
Every participant puts in twenty bucks cash. The wad of money is wrapped in paper, then more, then a box, then more paper, another box, etc. until you have a large box wrapped. You set a timer or play music and you have only so many seconds to unwrap. When the timer dings, you have to pass the wrapped wad of cash. Whoever touches the cash first wins it all!!! One year I used my teeth – she said it wasn’t allowed but I say house rules. – Victoria
And lastly, The Boobie Award
I’m not going to lie, I’d probably blow the $100 on food and drink for Christmas day… Probably why I’m in debt and reading this blog… – Kate
And that’s why they pay me the big bucks ;)
Happy weekend, y’all!
****** Links to Amazon products above are affiliate links, and I want you to buy 1,000,000 of those books/DNA kits so I can give away another $500 and keep being entertained by you all… Make it happen!
[Photo by Dakota Corbin via Unsplash]
A handful of SUPER clever ways to spend $100 this holiday season :) PLUS: Our Christmas Stimulus winners! posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
fesahaawit · 6 years
A handful of SUPER clever ways to spend $100 this holiday season :) PLUS: Our Christmas Stimulus winners!
‘Sup sup!
J. Money Claus here to spread the wealth, both literally and figuratively! ;)
Just spent three solid hours reading and responding to all the great entries from last week’s Christmas Stimulus giveaway (over 800+ comments!), and WOW was it fascinating! You guys are so freakin’ creative!! We had the usual “I’d pay down debts” or “I’d bank it/invest it” or “I’d give it all away to charity” responses of course, but I was blown away by the level of thought that a lot of you put into this too.
You’re good :)
But since I can’t give $100 to *everyone* who made me smile today (and also because I made this a *randomized* drawing vs hand-picking the winners), I wanted to showcase a lot of these gems I came across in case they help you with your OWN ideas for the upcoming holidays, but also just to show these commenters some love too. Perhaps the fame you get off it today will amount to more than $100 over time? I mean, this IS the most fantastic blog in the world, you know!
Before we get to all that though, let me announce the 5 people who DID win the contest so you’re not biting off all your nails and annoying your co-workers.
So drum roll please…. dum ditty dum ditty dum…
The 5 lucky winners of $100 a piece are:
Nicole P.
Sarah P. 
Danny (Commenter #633)
Mike (Commenter #756)
Woo! Congrats! I’ll be reaching out to you on the side to get your money, and be sure to not be strangers the rest of the year as if this was some sort of Church where you only pop over on the “important” days ;) Free education is better than free money, damnit!!
Now to the fun ways to use $100 this holiday!
(Or really, any time – because why only be nice once a year?)
We’ll start with the ones that made me laugh the hardest, and then go down the list to those that were just clever as hell, and then finally right into the ones that make you say, “awwwwww….”
Runners up to the people who mentioned: Chuck E. Cheese’s, doorbells, monks, manatees, accordions, tacos, sensory deprivation tanks (?), pickles, cabin escapes, tequila, fruit roll-ups, marijuana stock, escape rooms, “dutch ovens” (hah!), lunch tables, baseball cards, greenhouses, livestock water troughs, and finally to the one who almost made me spit out my coffee with their “Careergasm courses” line, haha… *goes to turn browser on “private” mode*
Now to the ones we’re paying in fame:
The Prankster
I’d take it to the bank and ask for all quarters, and then take the quarters and glue them to the sidewalk and sit on my porch with my phone filming all the kids so excited to see 400 quarters on the ground, and then me laughing at them because they can’t pick them up.
Then I’d start a YouTube channel with my daily videos and take my millions of dollars from my massive subscriber growth and buy a cabin up in the mountains and buy all the turtles from pet stores to start training them to fight terrorism and then set them free all around the world. – Lance
The Jeffersonian
First I would ask to be paid in $2 bills! Then I would stack those Jefferson’s as high as they would go and just admire them a bit. Then I would hop on my electric bike and head downtown handing them out to anyone in need, ending up at my favorite watering hole with just three of them left. I would then order my favorite IPA and drop my last three Jefferson’s on the unsuspecting waitress and call it a day! – bmiles62
The Convert
I’d convert the $100 all into pennies and leave noticeable and various pennies around the house to drive my brother crazy. – Kevin
(Editor’s Note: I don’t know why that would drive him crazy? It’s FREE MONEY!!! :))
The Goldbug
I would buy gold. Then, I would ask my friends what they would do if they had $100 worth of gold. The best response gets the gold! – Meghan
The Kidder
I would use the $100 on hookers and blow. Just kidding. Something boring like saving for my kids education. – Josh
The Original Zac Efron
I’ll buy 2 MyHeritage DNA kits at a discount. One for myself and another for Zac Efron. I wanna prove everyone wrong that he’s not my twin brother :) – Menard
(Editor’s Note: I actually DO want this kit! It’s pretty cool!!)
The Gamer
I would throw a $100 party. It would consist of me and my girlfriend maybe a brother or cousin in there randomly sitting on the couch at my place drinking crown royal (750ml) $22.97. I would eventually get off the couch, and cook up some ribs (3 racks $38) that had been marinating in the fridge over night (spices and various ingredients $10). After the food is consumed we would partake in a intense game of drunkin-go-kart on the Nintendo 64 (24 pack of Bud Light of Coors Light $20). With the remaining $9.03 we would donate it to a random homeless person. – Heath
The Gambler
Put aside for buying lottery tickets in all of 2018, because someone once said “Is $1 a week worth a chance to win $100,000,000 or even $1,000,000,000?” For me it is. – Nitin
The Adventurer
We’re looking to convert a school bus over the next year and then take a leap year to travel with our 5 kids (ages 4 months-18yrs) all over the US. I’d add it to our school bus fund! – Aden
The Stealthy Kleenexer
I will exchange them into 100 $1 bills and treat my 10 friends with a box of Kleenex each for Christmas. And after the first couple of Kleenex, there will be surprises waiting. – Kim
The Money Oozer ;)
I would use an extra $100 to buy a bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. My kids love it when Mommy smells good and it makes me feel sexy – LIKE $$ MONEY $$! – Rebekah
The Dollar Tree Fan
I would get 50 $1.00 bills and hide them around the Dollar Tree with my granddaughter. Then take her to lunch and leave the rest for a tip. What a fun day! – Rose
The Financial Gabber
I would use it to pay you $100 for a 30 minute phone call for some financial advice. This would be the biggest gift of all. I feel like the hardest part is talking about money with other people (no one want’s to hear your problems) and it’s driving me crazy because I really want to talk about it and get good sound advice on how to get out of the mess I’m in. – Mike
(Editor’s Note: This is actually a REALLY good idea and there’s a big need for this in our community! Unfortunately I don’t do coaching anymore, but here’s a list of other people in our space here that do – in case anyone else is looking for a good money coach: http://ift.tt/2jvY42T)
The Brainstormer
I have 2 Ebay stores that have been running for a few years now and need to know how to increase our sales… I would use this for a brainstorm session at our local Panera or Starbucks hoping to find someone that could help me with promotion of our sites – or run a contest online for the best idea. – Kate
The Quitter
I will put in my 2-weeks notice at my job for early/mini-retirement on Friday! – JP
(Editor’s Note: I sure hope $100 isn’t the only thing stopping you from doing this! :))
The Self-Promoter/Do-good-er ;)
I’d buy 49 copies of my book, Success: For Minority Teens (& Their Friends) at $4.99/copy, defraying the cost of taxes, and I’d give these to 49 of my most needy 8th grade students at school. So many need a book like mine but can’t afford to buy on Amazon. – Carlos Gomez
The Gardener
I would buy $100 worth of seeds, plant them and go back and give them out to all of my elementary school classrooms. Learning how to tend to a garden, getting your hands dirty, keeping plants alive and getting to enjoy the result of your hard work is one of those timeless lessons that is hard to recreate in our candy crush obsessed society. – Alicia
******* The Compassionate Knitter
If I won the money I’d use it to buy yarn to knit a blanket for my mother-in-law. The yarn is sort of expensive, like $70 per blanket, and it takes about 15 hours of knitting (so not a smart time or money investment) but it is a handmade blanket, and relationships with the in-laws are important. – Hannah
The Knowledge Pusher
I’ll use the money to buy books related to Investing and give them away to my coworkers. I have given 2 books away for my coworkers In the past years: Total Money Makeover, The Millionaire Teacher. – Vielka
The Tree Gifter
I’d use $100 to purchase a bike for a little boy – there’s a giving tree at my local wellness center with tags listing gift wishes from local children in need. This particular tag has been languishing as it’s a request for a larger gift. I’ve purchased a few gifts to match other requests, and saw this tag when I delivered the gifts. It’s been weighing on me since – I’d hate for this little one to go without and will find a way to get a bike to him – Heather
The Perfect Wife ;)
I would use the money to buy my husband 10 movie tickets so he could get out of the house, take a break from the kids, and treat himself to a movie about once a month! – Kayla
The Fiscal Librarian
I’d use the money for books that I want to read. Then I’d donate the books to my local library so everyone else will have a chance to read them too. Not a big choice for money management, retirement, investment, or financial books available and I’d like to change that. – Michelle
The Best Christmas Game (Not really an entry, but still a fun idea!)
Every participant puts in twenty bucks cash. The wad of money is wrapped in paper, then more, then a box, then more paper, another box, etc. until you have a large box wrapped. You set a timer or play music and you have only so many seconds to unwrap. When the timer dings, you have to pass the wrapped wad of cash. Whoever touches the cash first wins it all!!! One year I used my teeth – she said it wasn’t allowed but I say house rules. – Victoria
And lastly, The Boobie Award
I’m not going to lie, I’d probably blow the $100 on food and drink for Christmas day… Probably why I’m in debt and reading this blog… – Kate
And that’s why they pay me the big bucks ;)
Happy weekend, y’all!
****** Links to Amazon products above are affiliate links, and I want you to buy 1,000,000 of those books/DNA kits so I can give away another $500 and keep being entertained by you all… Make it happen!
[Photo by Dakota Corbin via Unsplash]
A handful of SUPER clever ways to spend $100 this holiday season :) PLUS: Our Christmas Stimulus winners! posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
heliosfinance · 6 years
24 Ways to Spend $100 This Holiday Season :) (Plus: Our Stimulus Winners!)
‘Sup sup!
J. Money Claus here to spread the wealth, both literally and figuratively! ;)
Just spent three solid hours reading and responding to all the great entries from last week’s Christmas Stimulus giveaway (over 800+ comments!), and WOW was it fascinating! You guys are so freakin’ creative!! We had the usual “I’d pay down debts” or “I’d bank it/invest it” or “I’d give it all away to charity” responses of course, but I was blown away by the level of thought that a lot of you put into this too.
You’re good :)
But since I can’t give $100 to *everyone* who made me smile today (and also because I made this a *randomized* drawing vs hand-picking the winners), I wanted to showcase a lot of these gems I came across in case they help you with your OWN ideas for the upcoming holidays, but also just to show these commenters some love too. Perhaps the fame you get off it today will amount to more than $100 over time? I mean, this IS the most fantastic blog in the world, you know!
Before we get to all that though, let me announce the 5 people who DID win the contest so you’re not biting off all your nails and annoying your co-workers.
So drum roll please…. dum ditty dum ditty dum…
The 5 lucky winners of $100 a piece are:
Nicole P.
Sarah P. 
Danny (Commenter #633)
Mike (Commenter #756)
Woo! Congrats! I’ll be reaching out to you on the side to get your money, and be sure to not be strangers the rest of the year as if this was some sort of Church where you only pop over on the “important” days ;) Free education is better than free money, damnit!!
Now to the fun ways to use $100 this holiday!
(Or really, any time – because why only be nice once a year?)
We’ll start with the ones that made me laugh the hardest, and then go down the list to those that were just clever as hell, and then finally right into the ones that make you say, “awwwwww….”
Runners up to the people who mentioned: Chuck E. Cheese’s, doorbells, monks, manatees, accordions, tacos, sensory deprivation tanks (?), pickles, cabin escapes, tequila, fruit roll-ups, marijuana stock, escape rooms, “dutch ovens” (hah!), lunch tables, baseball cards, greenhouses, livestock water troughs, and finally to the one who almost made me spit out my coffee with their “Careergasm courses” line, haha… *goes to turn browser on “private” mode*
Now to the ones we’re paying in fame:
The Prankster
I’d take it to the bank and ask for all quarters, and then take the quarters and glue them to the sidewalk and sit on my porch with my phone filming all the kids so excited to see 400 quarters on the ground, and then me laughing at them because they can’t pick them up.
Then I’d start a YouTube channel with my daily videos and take my millions of dollars from my massive subscriber growth and buy a cabin up in the mountains and buy all the turtles from pet stores to start training them to fight terrorism and then set them free all around the world. – Lance
The Jeffersonian
First I would ask to be paid in $2 bills! Then I would stack those Jefferson’s as high as they would go and just admire them a bit. Then I would hop on my electric bike and head downtown handing them out to anyone in need, ending up at my favorite watering hole with just three of them left. I would then order my favorite IPA and drop my last three Jefferson’s on the unsuspecting waitress and call it a day! – bmiles62
The Convert
I’d convert the $100 all into pennies and leave noticeable and various pennies around the house to drive my brother crazy. – Kevin
(Editor’s Note: I don’t know why that would drive him crazy? It’s FREE MONEY!!! :))
The Goldbug
I would buy gold. Then, I would ask my friends what they would do if they had $100 worth of gold. The best response gets the gold! – Meghan
The Kidder
I would use the $100 on hookers and blow. Just kidding. Something boring like saving for my kids education. – Josh
The Original Zac Efron
I’ll buy 2 MyHeritage DNA kits at a discount. One for myself and another for Zac Efron. I wanna prove everyone wrong that he’s not my twin brother :) – Menard
(Editor’s Note: I actually DO want this kit! It’s pretty cool!!)
The Gamer
I would throw a $100 party. It would consist of me and my girlfriend maybe a brother or cousin in there randomly sitting on the couch at my place drinking crown royal (750ml) $22.97. I would eventually get off the couch, and cook up some ribs (3 racks $38) that had been marinating in the fridge over night (spices and various ingredients $10). After the food is consumed we would partake in a intense game of drunkin-go-kart on the Nintendo 64 (24 pack of Bud Light of Coors Light $20). With the remaining $9.03 we would donate it to a random homeless person. – Heath
The Gambler
Put aside for buying lottery tickets in all of 2018, because someone once said “Is $1 a week worth a chance to win $100,000,000 or even $1,000,000,000?” For me it is. – Nitin
The Adventurer
We’re looking to convert a school bus over the next year and then take a leap year to travel with our 5 kids (ages 4 months-18yrs) all over the US. I’d add it to our school bus fund! – Aden
The Stealthy Kleenexer
I will exchange them into 100 $1 bills and treat my 10 friends with a box of Kleenex each for Christmas. And after the first couple of Kleenex, there will be surprises waiting. – Kim
The Money Oozer ;)
I would use an extra $100 to buy a bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. My kids love it when Mommy smells good and it makes me feel sexy – LIKE $$ MONEY $$! – Rebekah
The Dollar Tree Fan
I would get 50 $1.00 bills and hide them around the Dollar Tree with my granddaughter. Then take her to lunch and leave the rest for a tip. What a fun day! – Rose
The Financial Gabber
I would use it to pay you $100 for a 30 minute phone call for some financial advice. This would be the biggest gift of all. I feel like the hardest part is talking about money with other people (no one want’s to hear your problems) and it’s driving me crazy because I really want to talk about it and get good sound advice on how to get out of the mess I’m in. – Mike
(Editor’s Note: This is actually a REALLY good idea and there’s a big need for this in our community! Unfortunately I don’t do coaching anymore, but here’s a list of other people in our space here that does – in case anyone else is looking for a good money coach: http://ift.tt/2jvY42T)
The Brainstormer
I have 2 Ebay stores that have been running for a few years now and need to know how to increase our sales… I would use this for a brainstorm session at our local Panera or Starbucks hoping to find someone that could help me with promotion of our sites – or run a contest online for the best idea. – Kate
The Quitter
I will put in my 2-weeks notice at my job for early/mini-retirement on Friday! – JP
(Editor’s Note: I sure hope $100 isn’t the only thing stopping you from doing this! :))
The Self-Promoter/Do-good-er ;)
I’d buy 49 copies of my book, Success: For Minority Teens (& Their Friends) at $4.99/copy, defraying the cost of taxes, and I’d give these to 49 of my most needy 8th grade students at school. So many need a book like mine but can’t afford to buy on Amazon. – Carlos Gomez
The Gardener
I would buy $100 worth of seeds, plant them and go back and give them out to all of my elementary school classrooms. Learning how to tend to a garden, getting your hands dirty, keeping plants alive and getting to enjoy the result of your hard work is one of those timeless lessons that is hard to recreate in our candy crush obsessed society. – Alicia
******* The Compassionate Knitter
If I won the money I’d use it to buy yarn to knit a blanket for my mother-in-law. The yarn is sort of expensive, like $70 per blanket, and it takes about 15 hours of knitting (so not a smart time or money investment) but it is a handmade blanket, and relationships with the in-laws are important. – Hannah
The Knowledge Pusher
I’ll use the money to buy books related to Investing and give them away to my coworkers. I have given 2 books away for my coworkers In the past years: Total Money Makeover, The Millionaire Teacher. – Vielka
The Tree Gifter
I’d use $100 to purchase a bike for a little boy – there’s a giving tree at my local wellness center with tags listing gift wishes from local children in need. This particular tag has been languishing as it’s a request for a larger gift. I’ve purchased a few gifts to match other requests, and saw this tag when I delivered the gifts. It’s been weighing on me since – I’d hate for this little one to go without and will find a way to get a bike to him – Heather
The Perfect Wife ;)
I would use the money to buy my husband 10 movie tickets so he could get out of the house, take a break from the kids, and treat himself to a movie about once a month! – Kayla
The Fiscal Librarian
I’d use the money for books that I want to read. Then I’d donate the books to my local library so everyone else will have a chance to read them too. Not a big choice for money management, retirement, investment, or financial books available and I’d like to change that. – Michelle
The Best Christmas Game (Not really an entry, but still a fun idea!)
Every participant puts in twenty bucks cash. The wad of money is wrapped in paper, then more, then a box, then more paper, another box, etc. until you have a large box wrapped. You set a timer or play music and you have only so many seconds to unwrap. When the timer dings, you have to pass the wrapped wad of cash. Whoever touches the cash first wins it all!!! One year I used my teeth – she said it wasn’t allowed but I say house rules. – Victoria
And lastly, The Boobie Award
I’m not going to lie, I’d probably blow the $100 on food and drink for Christmas day… Probably why I’m in debt and reading this blog… – Kate
And that’s why they pay me the big bucks ;)
Happy weekend, y’all!
****** Links to Amazon products above are affiliate links, and I want you to buy 1,000,000 of those books/DNA kits so I can give away another $500 and keep being entertained by you all… Make it happen!
[Photo by Dakota Corbin via Unsplash]
24 Ways to Spend $100 This Holiday Season :) (Plus: Our Stimulus Winners!) published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
0 notes
fesahaawit · 6 years
24 Ways to Spend $100 This Holiday Season :) (Plus: Our Stimulus Winners!)
‘Sup sup!
J. Money Claus here to spread the wealth, both literally and figuratively! ;)
Just spent three solid hours reading and responding to all the great entries from last week’s Christmas Stimulus giveaway (over 800+ comments!), and WOW was it fascinating! You guys are so freakin’ creative!! We had the usual “I’d pay down debts” or “I’d bank it/invest it” or “I’d give it all away to charity” responses of course, but I was blown away by the level of thought that a lot of you put into this too.
You’re good :)
But since I can’t give $100 to *everyone* who made me smile today (and also because I made this a *randomized* drawing vs hand-picking the winners), I wanted to showcase a lot of these gems I came across in case they help you with your OWN ideas for the upcoming holidays, but also just to show these commenters some love too. Perhaps the fame you get off it today will amount to more than $100 over time? I mean, this IS the most fantastic blog in the world, you know!
Before we get to all that though, let me announce the 5 people who DID win the contest so you’re not biting off all your nails and annoying your co-workers.
So drum roll please…. dum ditty dum ditty dum…
The 5 lucky winners of $100 a piece are:
Nicole P.
Sarah P. 
Danny (Commenter #633)
Mike (Commenter #756)
Woo! Congrats! I’ll be reaching out to you on the side to get your money, and be sure to not be strangers the rest of the year as if this was some sort of Church where you only pop over on the “important” days ;) Free education is better than free money, damnit!!
Now to the fun ways to use $100 this holiday!
(Or really, any time – because why only be nice once a year?)
We’ll start with the ones that made me laugh the hardest, and then go down the list to those that were just clever as hell, and then finally right into the ones that make you say, “awwwwww….”
Runners up to the people who mentioned: Chuck E. Cheese’s, doorbells, monks, manatees, accordions, tacos, sensory deprivation tanks (?), pickles, cabin escapes, tequila, fruit roll-ups, marijuana stock, escape rooms, “dutch ovens” (hah!), lunch tables, baseball cards, greenhouses, livestock water troughs, and finally to the one who almost made me spit out my coffee with their “Careergasm courses” line, haha… *goes to turn browser on “private” mode*
Now to the ones we’re paying in fame:
The Prankster
I’d take it to the bank and ask for all quarters, and then take the quarters and glue them to the sidewalk and sit on my porch with my phone filming all the kids so excited to see 400 quarters on the ground, and then me laughing at them because they can’t pick them up.
Then I’d start a YouTube channel with my daily videos and take my millions of dollars from my massive subscriber growth and buy a cabin up in the mountains and buy all the turtles from pet stores to start training them to fight terrorism and then set them free all around the world. – Lance
The Jeffersonian
First I would ask to be paid in $2 bills! Then I would stack those Jefferson’s as high as they would go and just admire them a bit. Then I would hop on my electric bike and head downtown handing them out to anyone in need, ending up at my favorite watering hole with just three of them left. I would then order my favorite IPA and drop my last three Jefferson’s on the unsuspecting waitress and call it a day! – bmiles62
The Convert
I’d convert the $100 all into pennies and leave noticeable and various pennies around the house to drive my brother crazy. – Kevin
(Editor’s Note: I don’t know why that would drive him crazy? It’s FREE MONEY!!! :))
The Goldbug
I would buy gold. Then, I would ask my friends what they would do if they had $100 worth of gold. The best response gets the gold! – Meghan
The Kidder
I would use the $100 on hookers and blow. Just kidding. Something boring like saving for my kids education. – Josh
The Original Zac Efron
I’ll buy 2 MyHeritage DNA kits at a discount. One for myself and another for Zac Efron. I wanna prove everyone wrong that he’s not my twin brother :) – Menard
(Editor’s Note: I actually DO want this kit! It’s pretty cool!!)
The Gamer
I would throw a $100 party. It would consist of me and my girlfriend maybe a brother or cousin in there randomly sitting on the couch at my place drinking crown royal (750ml) $22.97. I would eventually get off the couch, and cook up some ribs (3 racks $38) that had been marinating in the fridge over night (spices and various ingredients $10). After the food is consumed we would partake in a intense game of drunkin-go-kart on the Nintendo 64 (24 pack of Bud Light of Coors Light $20). With the remaining $9.03 we would donate it to a random homeless person. – Heath
The Gambler
Put aside for buying lottery tickets in all of 2018, because someone once said “Is $1 a week worth a chance to win $100,000,000 or even $1,000,000,000?” For me it is. – Nitin
The Adventurer
We’re looking to convert a school bus over the next year and then take a leap year to travel with our 5 kids (ages 4 months-18yrs) all over the US. I’d add it to our school bus fund! – Aden
The Stealthy Kleenexer
I will exchange them into 100 $1 bills and treat my 10 friends with a box of Kleenex each for Christmas. And after the first couple of Kleenex, there will be surprises waiting. – Kim
The Money Oozer ;)
I would use an extra $100 to buy a bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. My kids love it when Mommy smells good and it makes me feel sexy – LIKE $$ MONEY $$! – Rebekah
The Dollar Tree Fan
I would get 50 $1.00 bills and hide them around the Dollar Tree with my granddaughter. Then take her to lunch and leave the rest for a tip. What a fun day! – Rose
The Financial Gabber
I would use it to pay you $100 for a 30 minute phone call for some financial advice. This would be the biggest gift of all. I feel like the hardest part is talking about money with other people (no one want’s to hear your problems) and it’s driving me crazy because I really want to talk about it and get good sound advice on how to get out of the mess I’m in. – Mike
(Editor’s Note: This is actually a REALLY good idea and there’s a big need for this in our community! Unfortunately I don’t do coaching anymore, but here’s a list of other people in our space here that does – in case anyone else is looking for a good money coach: http://ift.tt/2jvY42T)
The Brainstormer
I have 2 Ebay stores that have been running for a few years now and need to know how to increase our sales… I would use this for a brainstorm session at our local Panera or Starbucks hoping to find someone that could help me with promotion of our sites – or run a contest online for the best idea. – Kate
The Quitter
I will put in my 2-weeks notice at my job for early/mini-retirement on Friday! – JP
(Editor’s Note: I sure hope $100 isn’t the only thing stopping you from doing this! :))
The Self-Promoter/Do-good-er ;)
I’d buy 49 copies of my book, Success: For Minority Teens (& Their Friends) at $4.99/copy, defraying the cost of taxes, and I’d give these to 49 of my most needy 8th grade students at school. So many need a book like mine but can’t afford to buy on Amazon. – Carlos Gomez
The Gardener
I would buy $100 worth of seeds, plant them and go back and give them out to all of my elementary school classrooms. Learning how to tend to a garden, getting your hands dirty, keeping plants alive and getting to enjoy the result of your hard work is one of those timeless lessons that is hard to recreate in our candy crush obsessed society. – Alicia
******* The Compassionate Knitter
If I won the money I’d use it to buy yarn to knit a blanket for my mother-in-law. The yarn is sort of expensive, like $70 per blanket, and it takes about 15 hours of knitting (so not a smart time or money investment) but it is a handmade blanket, and relationships with the in-laws are important. – Hannah
The Knowledge Pusher
I’ll use the money to buy books related to Investing and give them away to my coworkers. I have given 2 books away for my coworkers In the past years: Total Money Makeover, The Millionaire Teacher. – Vielka
The Tree Gifter
I’d use $100 to purchase a bike for a little boy – there’s a giving tree at my local wellness center with tags listing gift wishes from local children in need. This particular tag has been languishing as it’s a request for a larger gift. I’ve purchased a few gifts to match other requests, and saw this tag when I delivered the gifts. It’s been weighing on me since – I’d hate for this little one to go without and will find a way to get a bike to him – Heather
The Perfect Wife ;)
I would use the money to buy my husband 10 movie tickets so he could get out of the house, take a break from the kids, and treat himself to a movie about once a month! – Kayla
The Fiscal Librarian
I’d use the money for books that I want to read. Then I’d donate the books to my local library so everyone else will have a chance to read them too. Not a big choice for money management, retirement, investment, or financial books available and I’d like to change that. – Michelle
The Best Christmas Game (Not really an entry, but still a fun idea!)
Every participant puts in twenty bucks cash. The wad of money is wrapped in paper, then more, then a box, then more paper, another box, etc. until you have a large box wrapped. You set a timer or play music and you have only so many seconds to unwrap. When the timer dings, you have to pass the wrapped wad of cash. Whoever touches the cash first wins it all!!! One year I used my teeth – she said it wasn’t allowed but I say house rules. – Victoria
And lastly, The Boobie Award
I’m not going to lie, I’d probably blow the $100 on food and drink for Christmas day… Probably why I’m in debt and reading this blog… – Kate
And that’s why they pay me the big bucks ;)
Happy weekend, y’all!
****** Links to Amazon products above are affiliate links, and I want you to buy 1,000,000 of those books/DNA kits so I can give away another $500 and keep being entertained by you all… Make it happen!
[Photo by Dakota Corbin via Unsplash]
24 Ways to Spend $100 This Holiday Season :) (Plus: Our Stimulus Winners!) posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
heliosfinance · 6 years
24 Ways to Spend $100 This Holiday Season :) (Plus: Our Stimulus Winners!)
‘Sup sup!
J. Money Claus here to spread the wealth, both literally and figuratively! ;)
Just spent three solid hours reading and responding to all the great entries from last week’s Christmas Stimulus giveaway (over 800+ comments!), and WOW was it fascinating! You guys are so freakin’ creative!! We had the usual “I’d pay down debts” or “I’d bank it/invest it” or “I’d give it all away to charity” responses of course, but I was blown away by the level of thought that a lot of you put into this too.
You’re good :)
But since I can’t give $100 to *everyone* who made me smile today (and also because I made this a *randomized* drawing vs hand-picking the winners), I wanted to showcase a lot of these gems I came across in case they help you with your OWN ideas for the upcoming holidays, but also just to show these commenters some love too. Perhaps the fame you get off it today will amount to more than $100 over time? I mean, this IS the most fantastic blog in the world, you know!
Before we get to all that though, let me announce the 5 people who DID win the contest so you’re not biting off all your nails and annoying your co-workers.
So drum roll please…. dum ditty dum ditty dum…
The 5 lucky winners of $100 a piece are:
Nicole P.
Sarah P. 
Danny (Commenter #633)
Mike (Commenter #756)
Woo! Congrats! I’ll be reaching out to you on the side to get your money, and be sure to not be strangers the rest of the year as if this was some sort of Church where you only pop over on the “important” days ;) Free education is better than free money, damnit!!
Now to the fun ways to use $100 this holiday!
(Or really, any time – because why only be nice once a year?)
We’ll start with the ones that made me laugh the hardest, and then go down the list to those that were just clever as hell, and then finally right into the ones that make you say, “awwwwww….”
Runners up to the people who mentioned: Chuck E. Cheese’s, doorbells, monks, manatees, accordions, tacos, sensory deprivation tanks (?), pickles, cabin escapes, tequila, fruit roll-ups, marijuana stock, escape rooms, “dutch ovens” (hah!), lunch tables, baseball cards, greenhouses, livestock water troughs, and finally to the one who almost made me spit out my coffee with their “Careergasm courses” line, haha… *goes to turn browser on “private” mode*
Now to the ones we’re paying in fame:
The Prankster
I’d take it to the bank and ask for all quarters, and then take the quarters and glue them to the sidewalk and sit on my porch with my phone filming all the kids so excited to see 400 quarters on the ground, and then me laughing at them because they can’t pick them up.
Then I’d start a YouTube channel with my daily videos and take my millions of dollars from my massive subscriber growth and buy a cabin up in the mountains and buy all the turtles from pet stores to start training them to fight terrorism and then set them free all around the world. – Lance
The Jeffersonian
First I would ask to be paid in $2 bills! Then I would stack those Jefferson’s as high as they would go and just admire them a bit. Then I would hop on my electric bike and head downtown handing them out to anyone in need, ending up at my favorite watering hole with just three of them left. I would then order my favorite IPA and drop my last three Jefferson’s on the unsuspecting waitress and call it a day! – bmiles62
The Convert
I’d convert the $100 all into pennies and leave noticeable and various pennies around the house to drive my brother crazy. – Kevin
(Editor’s Note: I don’t know why that would drive him crazy? It’s FREE MONEY!!! :))
The Goldbug
I would buy gold. Then, I would ask my friends what they would do if they had $100 worth of gold. The best response gets the gold! – Meghan
The Kidder
I would use the $100 on hookers and blow. Just kidding. Something boring like saving for my kids education. – Josh
The Original Zac Efron
I’ll buy 2 MyHeritage DNA kits at a discount. One for myself and another for Zac Efron. I wanna prove everyone wrong that he’s not my twin brother :) – Menard
(Editor’s Note: I actually DO want this kit! It’s pretty cool!!)
The Gamer
I would throw a $100 party. It would consist of me and my girlfriend maybe a brother or cousin in there randomly sitting on the couch at my place drinking crown royal (750ml) $22.97. I would eventually get off the couch, and cook up some ribs (3 racks $38) that had been marinating in the fridge over night (spices and various ingredients $10). After the food is consumed we would partake in a intense game of drunkin-go-kart on the Nintendo 64 (24 pack of Bud Light of Coors Light $20). With the remaining $9.03 we would donate it to a random homeless person. – Heath
The Gambler
Put aside for buying lottery tickets in all of 2018, because someone once said “Is $1 a week worth a chance to win $100,000,000 or even $1,000,000,000?” For me it is. – Nitin
The Adventurer
We’re looking to convert a school bus over the next year and then take a leap year to travel with our 5 kids (ages 4 months-18yrs) all over the US. I’d add it to our school bus fund! – Aden
The Stealthy Kleenexer
I will exchange them into 100 $1 bills and treat my 10 friends with a box of Kleenex each for Christmas. And after the first couple of Kleenex, there will be surprises waiting. – Kim
The Money Oozer ;)
I would use an extra $100 to buy a bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. My kids love it when Mommy smells good and it makes me feel sexy – LIKE $$ MONEY $$! – Rebekah
The Dollar Tree Fan
I would get 50 $1.00 bills and hide them around the Dollar Tree with my granddaughter. Then take her to lunch and leave the rest for a tip. What a fun day! – Rose
The Financial Gabber
I would use it to pay you $100 for a 30 minute phone call for some financial advice. This would be the biggest gift of all. I feel like the hardest part is talking about money with other people (no one want’s to hear your problems) and it’s driving me crazy because I really want to talk about it and get good sound advice on how to get out of the mess I’m in. – Mike
(Editor’s Note: This is actually a REALLY good idea and there’s a big need for this in our community! Unfortunately I don’t do coaching anymore, but here’s a list of other people in our space here that does – in case anyone else is looking for a good money coach: http://ift.tt/2jvY42T)
The Brainstormer
I have 2 Ebay stores that have been running for a few years now and need to know how to increase our sales… I would use this for a brainstorm session at our local Panera or Starbucks hoping to find someone that could help me with promotion of our sites – or run a contest online for the best idea. – Kate
The Quitter
I will put in my 2-weeks notice at my job for early/mini-retirement on Friday! – JP
(Editor’s Note: I sure hope $100 isn’t the only thing stopping you from doing this! :))
The Self-Promoter/Do-good-er ;)
I’d buy 49 copies of my book, Success: For Minority Teens (& Their Friends) at $4.99/copy, defraying the cost of taxes, and I’d give these to 49 of my most needy 8th grade students at school. So many need a book like mine but can’t afford to buy on Amazon. – Carlos Gomez
The Gardener
I would buy $100 worth of seeds, plant them and go back and give them out to all of my elementary school classrooms. Learning how to tend to a garden, getting your hands dirty, keeping plants alive and getting to enjoy the result of your hard work is one of those timeless lessons that is hard to recreate in our candy crush obsessed society. – Alicia
******* The Compassionate Knitter
If I won the money I’d use it to buy yarn to knit a blanket for my mother-in-law. The yarn is sort of expensive, like $70 per blanket, and it takes about 15 hours of knitting (so not a smart time or money investment) but it is a handmade blanket, and relationships with the in-laws are important. – Hannah
The Knowledge Pusher
I’ll use the money to buy books related to Investing and give them away to my coworkers. I have given 2 books away for my coworkers In the past years: Total Money Makeover, The Millionaire Teacher. – Vielka
The Tree Gifter
I’d use $100 to purchase a bike for a little boy – there’s a giving tree at my local wellness center with tags listing gift wishes from local children in need. This particular tag has been languishing as it’s a request for a larger gift. I’ve purchased a few gifts to match other requests, and saw this tag when I delivered the gifts. It’s been weighing on me since – I’d hate for this little one to go without and will find a way to get a bike to him – Heather
The Perfect Wife ;)
I would use the money to buy my husband 10 movie tickets so he could get out of the house, take a break from the kids, and treat himself to a movie about once a month! – Kayla
The Fiscal Librarian
I’d use the money for books that I want to read. Then I’d donate the books to my local library so everyone else will have a chance to read them too. Not a big choice for money management, retirement, investment, or financial books available and I’d like to change that. – Michelle
The Best Christmas Game (Not really an entry, but still a fun idea!)
Every participant puts in twenty bucks cash. The wad of money is wrapped in paper, then more, then a box, then more paper, another box, etc. until you have a large box wrapped. You set a timer or play music and you have only so many seconds to unwrap. When the timer dings, you have to pass the wrapped wad of cash. Whoever touches the cash first wins it all!!! One year I used my teeth – she said it wasn’t allowed but I say house rules. – Victoria
And lastly, The Boobie Award
I’m not going to lie, I’d probably blow the $100 on food and drink for Christmas day… Probably why I’m in debt and reading this blog… – Kate
And that’s why they pay me the big bucks ;)
Happy weekend, y’all!
****** Links to Amazon products above are affiliate links, and I want you to buy 1,000,000 of those books/DNA kits so I can give away another $500 and keep being entertained by you all… Make it happen!
[Photo by Dakota Corbin via Unsplash]
24 Ways to Spend $100 This Holiday Season :) (Plus: Our Stimulus Winners!) published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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