#i bet my mom was so scared at that school that shamed her native language out of her and made her learn how to braid with a dirty mop
percyjacksonscookies · 6 months
being alive is fucking wild
idk who said this on this stupid blue website but someone once said that were all skyscrapers of information trying not to crash into each other
and the more I live the more I see just how fucking true that is
and then I think about the systems we have in place that brought us here
the ways that people with power exerted that power over others to try and make life feel like more than it is
like.... imagine if instead of Europeans killing off natives with their nasty ass habits and diseases, instead, a disease that native people had, killed off every European that made it to our shores
THEN how would human history have developed? without a continent dedicated to imperialism and exerting power over others??
I like to think that native teachings would have thrived
I like to think that maybe when we figured out how to take care of immediate danger, we would thrive
instead of developing a world where your emotions are suppressed and squashed due to the culture built off of suffering of the many for the luxury of a few, wouldn't it be nice to just...
truly truly live
bills don't exist
you have clean water, food, shelter, electricity, and internet
the community takes care of you and you take care of your community when you can
and the rest is just.....
up to you
theres a reason why the cliché of "life is what you make of it" exists
so people would have the opportunities to pursue what makes themselves happy
or make a miserable lives for themselves, dealing with whatever consequences may come
but they'll be alive to make new decisions
they won't have to make mistakes from being worried sick about how to survive in a world where community is being strangled right before our eyes
thats my utopia
everyone has their basic needs met
if people are assholes, they dont have the power to make other people's lives miserable with their own unhappiness
basically; my utopia is you get to hang out with whoever you want
if someone sucks you can just fuckin leave
they can't control your shelter, clean water, food, electricity, or internet
and if they find themselves alone with no one that wants to be around them, they need to do some haaaaaaard soul searching
I just wanna hang out for a living man
why is that so hard
it shouldn't be
but im hopeful, that one day it won't be hard
were at a point in human history we've never been at before
more connected than ever, yet more isolated because of systems before us out of our control
those systems were made by people
so why can't we change it?
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