#i am terribly amused that dante can remember but I can't
Words: 4,473 Warnings: Physical Health Discussion, Exercise Discussion, Financial Requirements Mention, Self-Defense, Food Mention, Passing Mention of homophobia Characters: Roman, Patton, Virgil. Small Janus and Logan Sighting. Universe: Whole Castle Genre: Family Fluff Additional Tags: Logan Sanders | Logic is Extra about Safety, Good Parenting for Nervous Children, Working out Big Feelings™ in a fun way, Familial/Platonic Physical and Verbal Affection, Virgil Sanders | Anxiety is a good big brother
Whole Castle
Chapter 24: Progress
    Roman popped his head into Patton’s bedroom after knocking, and he sat at his table, poking around on his tablet. He didn’t normally pick the tablet over his other options, but he still wasn’t getting outside much. Patton only had educational games, so it was nice to see him playing with them on his own, but this was the fourth day in a row that he’d been sitting on the floor. The occupational therapist said that Patton wasn’t being active enough to catch up with his development.
    “Patton, dear, do you want to go play on the trampoline or go to the park for a bit?” Roman offered softly. Patton shook his head in response, looking up at Roman with mild concern. Roman smiled back at him and said, “Alright, let me or Virgil know if you change your mind,” before closing the door behind him.
    Roman crossed his arms and stood in the hall, wondering how to proceed. Patton wouldn’t enjoy going to a physical therapist, he knew he wouldn’t. But unless Virgil or Remus wanted to do something particularly physically involved, Patton just wasn’t interested in doing it. He tapped his chin and foot, leaning against the opposite hall for a moment. Remus was only taking violin at the moment, and he hates it, so Patton wouldn’t be interested. Roman found a ‘Fundamentals of Movement’ class for kids his age that was full of things he found fun, but without either Virgil or Remus going, he likely wouldn’t participate. Remus’s parents were very hard to convince of anything that wasn’t advanced, so he couldn’t rely on Remus attending a basics class for Patton. He didn’t know how long that unwillingness to participate was going to take to treat in therapy, either. Roman hummed in contemplation.
    There might be a workaround. Something that will play to Patton’s little duckling instincts. It wasn’t surefire, but with any luck, it could be better for everyone. Roman headed farther down the hall and knocked on Virgil’s door. He could hear the TV playing softly inside. It took a moment and the TV noise paused, then Virgil called out that he could come in. Roman opened the door and saw Virgil lying on the bed with his feet up on the wall, watching TV upside down. Roman chuckled through his nose and came in, closing the door behind him so that Patton won’t hear and possibly get spooked by the discussion.
    “What’s up?” Virgil asked lazily.
    “Virgil, would you be interested in taking a class? Something like dance or martial arts? You seem a little cooped up in here, and it could be fun. It doesn’t have to be high pressure,” Roman asked carefully. He knew Virgil struggled with trying new things in the past and didn’t want to bring up those feelings again.
    Virgil looked at Roman for a moment curiously before responding. “There’s a couple of classes I’d be interested in, but I didn’t think we had the money for that kind of thing,” Virgil replied carefully.
    “I know my income is iffy at times, but we can afford it as long as it’s not too expensive,” Roman replied warily. Logan handled the budgets, so he couldn’t give specific numbers to be able to reply with, and Virgil often liked specifics for his anxiety. “But that does mean that it would be nice if I had a few options to find something we can afford as well as something that had a class for kids Patton’s age,” he clarified.
    “Oh, you also want Patty out of the house? Thinking about committing crimes with Logan?” Virgil raised an eyebrow with a smirk.
    “Be gay, do crimes,” Roman replied with a little shrug and a breezy smile. “Patton needs a little more exercise, and I think the best way to get him to do it is if it’s something you’re doing. I certainly wouldn’t want to deny you a fun class, either, but you never asked us about taking one. You’ll both be in different classes still because of the age groups, so you’ll still have you-time. And I’m sure Logan would try to sell getting Janus to go with you to the de—I mean, his mother—if you wanted that.”
    “I call her devil-woman too sometimes,” Virgil whispered conspiratorially. “So you want me to go so Pat will go?” He asked, clearly bothered by that.
    “No, I want you to go for you, and then if I am lucky, Patton will see you having fun and want to go to his own class. This is still your choice, other than the fact that we need to be able to afford it and get you there and back. If you had asked before now, we would have signed you up for something without considering him, but I’m asking now because if you have fun it might get Patton’s little need to be just like you all worked up enough so that he goes, is why I thought of it in the first place. But that doesn’t mean I’m forcing you to go to a class you didn’t choose or to attend at all.” Roman smiled at him, trying to be as reassuring as possible. He didn’t think that if he was Virgil’s age, he’d have liked the idea of having to go to get someone else to go, either.
    “Oh. Okay,” Virgil accepted it very easily, much to Roman’s relief. “A mixed gender class. Aikido or Capoeira for martial arts. They’re both more defensive, which I’m kind of bad at. Kickboxing would be good, too, but I’m not sure Patty would like it. Gymnastics could be cool if the place has a lot of equipment, and it’s not just tumbling. Pat and I love playing the drums at the park, so that’s an option. No kinds of dance that aren’t a martial art. I’d be too uncomfortable, even if Pat might like it. Maybe when I’m older,” Virgil listed off, counting off on his fingers as he lay up on the bed.
    “Goodness, Virgil, you’ve really thought this through,” Roman stated, rather bewildered by all the things that Virgil listed off, without looking at his phone or anything else to give him answers. He didn’t normally handle being put on the spot well for this kind of thing. Roman expected to have to get back to him at a later date.
    “At least half my class is in those kinds of things. I’m mostly friends with the other scholarship kids, but I’ve heard about almost everything in the area. I kind of got jealous and looked it up, too. Feel kind of stupid for never asking, you’ve always tried to find a way to get me things I ask for, you even got that trampoline…” Virgil trailed off, looking up at the ceiling and dropping his hands to either side of him on the bed.
    “It doesn’t have to be about the time, Virgil. Maybe we should have asked you, too. But we’re asking now, and we’ll see what we can do. Is there anything else you are interested in that you don’t think Patton would do?” Roman asked, just to make sure he felt like this was his decision.
    “There’s a motocross class that’s pretty popular, but it sounds really expensive since the gear costs extra to rent, and you have to be at least 14 for it. It sounds extremely fun, though. There’s also a ninja-themed class that everyone talks about. You get trained to jump around and hide in the padded city in the gym. You can do stand-alone classes without signing up weekly. I’d do that just to get to see it. Everybody who’s been always raves about how fun it is,” Virgil answered quietly, noticeably uncomfortable with answering honestly.
    Roman had to suppress a grimace at the motocross class. It was probably too expensive and would not pass by Logan’s silly protectiveness, but he was extremely positive that he could get Remy to take Virgil to the ninja class. Remy loved signing up Virgil for those day classes when they went out before they got Patton. If Roman chipped in a bit, maybe he could drag Janus along, too. But he had to come up with a way to distract Logan and Patton for that one so that Remy can Virgil-sit alone. Maybe some type of educational trip.
    “You have a scheming face on,” Virgil pointed out, sounding very amused.
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