#i am so sorry this is a MESS of just JUMBLED THOUGHTS kjhsfkjs
knicks-knacks · 4 years
holy shite can we get vol'jin's grandma lore???????
AJDKJKHKDJS alright but I just woke up so coherency is 50/50. it was basically on a night I got sauced as hell and was sick of all the WoW characters never having named mothers or always having dead mothers that only get a name retrospectively because blizzard finally remembers women and mothers exist and hey maybe we should give them a name (listen I’ll always be angry about WoW’s sexism lmfao)
her name is Eza, she’s a very very old retired shadow hunter and is the mother of Vilja (Vol’jins mom oc who isn’t as fleshed out as Eza is yet haha)
She’s a very wise, caring, and generous woman, but is very abrasive and kinda intimidating. She was a hella powerful shadow hunter, and still is though she’s retired, and in general is very likely to bop you on the head with whatever she’s currently holding when you’re late or you don’t visit often enough. And though she has wisdom and advice aplenty it’s likely to be shouted at you rather than calmly explained because she’s got no patience, though it’s all from the good of her heart lol
She’s become the pseudo grandma of a lot of the trolls in the village, and even a parental figure to the older trolls in the village - she’s about 150 so she’s seen a lot of these trolls age all the way from childhood into having kids of their own. The majority of the village refers to her as Great Grandma.
Also, a quick aside - I have some headcanons regarding troll tusks. I think that they go through three sets of tusks through their life - childhood tusks, teenage tusks, and then their adult ones come in. Yes this does mean teenage trolls, instead of having the awkward acne puberty phase, instead have their tuskless phase - though it is celebrated by the adults as like the ultimate Coming Of Age Sign. And there are traditions surrounding the tusks, and who they go to once they fall out. The childhood/baby tusks get passed off to the grandparents, one to each of them - because the tusks pretty reliably fall off within hours or days of each other - and its customary for the kid themselves to be the ones to hand it off to the grandparents. Then, the teen years tusks go to the parents themselves. Parents very commonly use these tusks as household decorations or jewelry. 
Then, in the case of there being a death in the family, the tusks would be passed on to other living members. I.E. if the grandparent were to pass on, then the baby tusks passed down to the parent, vice versa. Or, if the tusks fell off and you didn’t have a grandparent to begin with... it’d just go to the person who fit that role the best. You see where I’m going with this lol
Eza’s got a FUCK ton of tusks from pretty much the whole village, both baby and teen ones. Her house and jewelry look like a horror show to any outsiders including Zandalari or other trolls types because the tusk heirlooms are a more Stranglethorn Jungle Troll type tradition, and the Darkspear take it a tiny bit farther than those ones even. Gurubashi also pass their tusks on to their family units but they’re usually kept in boxes and safe, not worn hanging from the ear lol. But, to a Darkspear, walking into Eza’s hut and seeing all the tusks from your tribe lovingly decorated and hung is very comforting because it just screams Home. like this is a woman that is loved and respected by so many and can be trusted with anything because how else does she have the whole tribes baby teeth lmfao.
also side side note, Vol’jin doesn’t have too much time to visit in general so he is a frequent victim of the head bonks with a stick. and also sometimes he gets a TINY bit jealous that his grandma is the whole tribes grandma because it’s competition on who she pampers more and who can give G-Ma the best gifts (because again I think trolls show their love and respect primarily through giving gifts) but he does have the SOLE HONOR of HIS baby tusks being the ones she has around her neck at all times because Vol’jins her only blood related grandkid
also, to the few who don’t just call her Zul’muu (what i hc is the troll word for great grandma) people tend to call her Eza’jin because even though she’s not THE leader she’s def a big influence on the whole tribe and ‘jin is the suffix for leader/chieftain SO
also she is trans ✨
anyways. i’ve gotten off track and this is an incoherent mess bc i woke up, had a hit, and then wrote this so djfhk apologies but THERE SHE IS. GRANDMA TEETH
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