#i am really going to have to investigate making gifs less grainy and pixelated bc it's honestly driving me mad though
lit-in-thy-heart · 9 months
made a silly little thing
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[ID: a blended gif of Elizabeth Swann from the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy and Gwaine from BBC Merlin. On the left is Elizabeth in Dead Man's Chest during the fight scene against the crew of the Flying Dutchman on the island. She is wearing trousers, a white shirt, a waistcoat and a three-pointed hat with her hair loose and is wielding two swords. As she is attacked from behind, she flips the swords and stabs her attackers beneath her armpits without looking. On the right is Gwaine in 'Diamond of the Day: Part One' when he protects Merlin from bandits in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. He is in full armour and stabs a bandit attacking from behind without turning around, tossing his hair as he withdraws his sword. The gif is desaturated and overlaid with the colours of the bi flag. A line of text runs across the middle of the gif in a purple cursive font, with the same text in a larger font and in capital letters underneath with a blending effect placed on it. The text reads: 'sexuality in a nutshell'. End ID.]
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