#i am a simple pal i see a good cape & sword movie - i like it
review des trois mousquetaires (2023)?
Cons :
Athos is too old
Porthos doesnt have enough screentime (almost none at all, in fact)
Sometimes a bit too much shaky cam ?
In some parts they dont care about the canon at all. For example, Constance is just single, and there's nothing close to a relantionship between d'artagnan and Milady. I'm personally fine with it (mostly thanks to bbc musketeers) but i know some people will be put off by that.
It's part 1 of 2 movies; even tho they managed to do one complete movie (whith high stakes and a satisfying resolution), they have to set up part 2 so it does end on a kind of cliffhanger
I wish there was more swordsfights :c
Pros :
The swordfights that were here were EXCELLENT. The big one at the beggining ("We're 3 against 20 !"/"No, we're 4 !") is basically ONLY one shot, of several minutes people jumping and swordfighting ??? It was AWESOME
As I say, the movie is complete even without part 2 (and the maybe 10 last minutes), which i think is quite impressive
D'Artagnan is a puppy <3 proud and ready to fight the world, little gascon boy
The romance in this movie is genuinly very good. The men are so in love. Poetry and ache.
The dialogue (especially in the first half) is sooo satisfying. It's quick and witty and sarcastic, i love it.
They made one change with Porthos; well, more like made something canon that i thought was only implied in the book about his character. No spoil, but i reaaally liked it. I hope he gets more screentime
There is one scene with Aramis that is just... 👌 chef kiss. Duris will never be Santiago Cabrera, but the scene where he needs to get infos from a guy ? 👀
They got hats they got swords they got cape they got wordplay, I was satisfied
Btw costumes ? Very cool
And the locations too
(Also the king is autistic, he's me, i love how he talks, it's very fun)
Conclusion : a fine adaptation, not the funniest nor the most faithful but I enjoyed it a lot. However it's only the 1rst part of a 2 parts film so I will wait for part 2 (out in december) to know if the film overall achieves its goals !
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