#i also forgot to put a watermark whoops
vik-the-prik · 1 month
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I don’t know if I’m gonna finish this but IM OBSESSED WITH THEM ‼️
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fern-hounds · 3 years
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what if baby aurene sleeps like a cat though 
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nokhia-jay · 3 years
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since I have committed myself to using tumblr properly I should probably post my art...whelp.
I present to you: Patrochilles - before the war 
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picnokinesis · 2 years
hiya! an attempt to figure what those characters you always put in your watermark is led me to finding the takadian cipher--it's very cool! I spent quite a while trying to figure out if it was some pictographic language I didn't know about.
I don't know if you ever ended up showing the solution to the post, so I'll just send it in a separate ask in case you'd rather not reveal it.
(also, I must ask--what do J, Q, V, and X look like? I don't think they were shown, at least in the first post.)
Oh my days....how deep did you dig to find THAT HAHAHAHA
But yeah, it's my symbol cipher!! I developed in when I was working in Taiwan, but also into Gravity Falls and the Fordese cipher, which is why it looks a little aesthetically similar to a few pictographic Asian languages. I haven't actually used it in AGES outside of my signature, and I tried to write it out the other day for my co-workers and realised that I forgot half the letters whoops. But this ask just made me dig out the original notebook to find the alphabet! And it's interesting because I've actually subtly changed how I write a few of the letters. So for fun, here's the original alphabet vs the way I would write a lot of the letters now.
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Sidenote - I hate the J and Q symbols HAHAHA they're such a pain and don't feel natural to draw at all. Also I messed up drawing the E in the new version, it's meant to be the same as the original rip.
Also you nailed the translation in the other ask!! Even down to my typos BLESS HAHAH
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clichesadmusic · 3 years
Ranboo Lore Recap (April 29)
The villain returned:
Intro piano music with black screen instead of his normal blue one.
Screen goes to complete black, is totally silent (no music) as he opens the game and goes onto the server, first words being “Oh, shoot.”
When he logs on he is still on top of L’manhole
“I’m seeing dead people again.”- Ranboo
(note: none of his usual stuff is on screen, he already stated that donos would be off but the subgoal, follower goal and even his watermark are gone which usually remain when he is doing lore)
Ranboo talks about how hard it is to deal with knowing that someone that made his friends' lives so terrible is back.
“Obviously I don’t like the guy.”- Ranboo
Ranboo tabs so he can see who is on and notices that Phil is there. Ranboo realises that he has to tell Phil, as he farms wheat by the community house he practices what he’s going to say to him….it doesn’t go great but there’s not really a good way to say it.
Ranboo makes his way towards their home and goes over what happened so that he can tell Phil.
“I shouldn't rehearse, I should say it naturally.”- Ranboo
Ranboo hypes himself up as he makes his way to Phil’s door.
He greets Phil and makes him a “chair” to sit down.
Ranboo tells Phil….everything. The plan for the prison, Ghostbur going in as cover with Tommy following, how Tommy came out with Friend and without Ghostbur.
Phil doesn’t put together that Ghostbur is “dead” until Ranboo says it, even then he doesn’t believe him because “Ghostbur is a ghost.”- Phil
“Ghostbur being gone is the good news….”- Ranboo
“....Wilbur’s back….he’s alive”- Ranboo
Phil seems very happy saying that it “changes everything.”
“I wonder if he’s any different.”- Phil
“He said that he was in a train station or something for like 13 years.”- Ranboo
Phil keeps looking up at his picture of Wil. “13 years is a very long time to be away, he might not be the same person. He certainly isn’t the same person actually. This changes a lot.”- Phil
Phil tries to get Ranboo to explain what Wilbur ways saying and how he was acting but this was Ranboo’s first time meeting Wil so he doesn’t really know.
Ranboo tells Phil that Wil thinks that the current state of L’manberg is his fault. Ranboo also tells Phil that Wil originally didn’t know him but then said he knew a lot about him.
“What I’m scared of now Ranboo is what has he been thinking about this whole time.”- Phil
Phil says that he needs to prepare for when Wilbur comes to see him, saying that they have a lot to talk about.
Phil says that he’ll talk to Ranboo later and leaves.
Throughout Ranboo keeps saying that Wilbur seemed happy and that “he didn’t seem that bad”. (Ranboo is def an optimist about how much people can change).
Ranboo looks at the blue in his inventory, goes silent for a moment before saying in the saddest voice “Ghostburs gone….I just realised that. I’m gonna miss Ghostbur.”
“I think that Wilbur has probably turned over a new leaf.”- Ranboo
Ranboo talks about how Wilbur seemed to be really fond of Tubbo. But he also knows how Wilburs actions have affected Tubbo. (He is very concerned about Tubbo, for obvious reasons)
Ranboo flips through his memory book to the last page where enderwalkboo responded to him saying “this is what I have to do” (aka stop conflict).
Ranboo says that he needs to keep a close eye on Wilbur and that there are only a few people who can help him with that.
“I know exactly who I need to go see”- Ranboo
“I just have to make sure...that he doesn’t do anything too bad.”- Ranboo
Ranboo runs through the nether, back through the main portal.
I think that Wilbur has probably turned over a new leaf cause if he hasn’t *pulls out axe*, then we are in for a wild ride.”- Ranboo
“Cause then Tubbo. Michael and Tommy will be safe.”- Ranboo
Ranboo jumps down to the hole where The Council has most recently reconvened (originally it was a joke about the 6 endermen holding grass block that had all gotten stuck in the staircase down to Ranboo’s strip mine, they were accidently let out because of a creeper explosion but Ranboo found another group of endermen in a different hole that he has redubbed The Council).
He asks The Council to keep an eye on Wilbur for him. “Let me know what he does. Make sure that if anything happens tell me. Just...let me know, okay?”
He leaves the hole. “The Council usually helps me out with that stuff. Especially since I re-learned how to talk to them” (confirmation that non-enderwalk boo can talk ender).
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Just wait for the letters. Oh! That means I have to make the mailbox for them.”- Ranboo (I love this, I love this so much).
“Is it my duty to tell people? What do you think particles?”- Ranboo (I love when he refers to us as particles, I don’t know why, it’s just so great)
“*reads chat giving him totally conflicting answers because it’s chat* *laughs* you guys are useless. ”- Ranboo “A lot of you guys are saying no…”
He goes looking for crying obsidian for the mailbox, going back to his place.
“Something tells me that I’m not gonna have to tell people honestly.”- Ranboo
Ranboo decides that he should put the mail box in the original meeting area (the entrance to his mine). He talks himself through building it as if there is a specific format it must be in (like a nether portal for example) in order for it to work, implying that this is something that he has either done before or has seen be done.
“Hopefully by the time I get back I will have news about what happened.”- Ranboo
He blocks off the mailbox room with dirt.
“Re-learning how to speak enderman was a fantastic idea. See that's a good thing about the experiments at least! Before I could kind of say hello sometimes...”- Ranboo
Chat/Particle: Explain the experiments?
Ranboo: No, I don’t think I will.
(at this point he turns the subgoal and dono alerts back on)
“When Tubbo described Wilbur to me he said that he really liked debates.”- Ranboo
(music comes back on)
Ranboo decides to fix up the courthouse a bit.
“We’re gonna fix Wilburs courthouse. Maybe he can warm up to me. Cause I hope he likes me. First impressions are everything. I just wanna get on Wilburs good side y’know.”- Ranboo (Ranboo’s need to be liked by new people is just a little too relatable man).
Ranboo says a couple of times that he is aware that Tommy didn’t seem to like Wilbur when he saw him but that Wilbur has been gone for a long time and has hopefully turned over a new leaf.
“I like to remain neutral in most things. But if the council comes back with bad news then obviously I’m going to protect Tuboo by any means and make sure Tommy is also good.”
“When push comes to shove I’m probably gonna be on Tommy and Tubbo’s side” *eyes emoji*
Dono: He did say that Dream was his hero
Ranboo: Yeah, he did say that Dream was his hero. Ohhhh….I forgot to mention that to Phil. Whoops….probably should have to Phil that he sees Dream as his hero…..probably a bad guy…
Ranboo says that him and Tubbo were playing chess while they waited for Tommy to kill Dream.
Ranboo realises that he needs to keep the knowledge of the nukes away from Wilbur.
He writes a note to Phil telling him about how Wilbur said that Dream was his hero. “Heya phil! Quick thing that i forgot to mention...Your newly revived son considers Dream his hero! So read into that what you want! Just thought you should know haha- Ranboo the Beloved”
He put the book and quill (not a signed book) into a chest he leaves in Phil’s house that he labels “Mail for phil”
Ranboo realizes that Wilbur doesn’t know about him and Tubbo being married or about Michael but decides that this is fine.
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your gifs are so nice! how do you make your gifs? any app or website suggestions?
LIAR. They look mediocre!
I deleted photoshop a long time ago to make room for my uni softwares so all of my gifs that I’ve made in the past few years are made using...and i just know some of yall are going to be so horrified by this; imovie, whatever free photo/video editors i have in my phone and a gif converter.
This is how I make my gifs. Of course, different peeps has their own way of make them.
Step 1: Plan your gifset/what you want to gif.
Step 2: Download the vid in the highest quality possible.
Step 3: Put it in a video editor software. Take what you need. Adjust, speed, framing, lighting, colouring, all that jazz.
Step 4: Save and put it in the gif converter (My favourite because you can see a preview of your gif before saving)
Step 5: Pray. It the gif is wonky, the speed’s not right, go back to editing Step 3
Step 6: Cry, because the quality’s horrible and the colouring’s bad and everything is falling apart.
Step 7: Repeat Step 1 with a different idea or go back to Step 3.
Step 8: Whoops i forgot the watermark. Go back to Step 3. Or skip, bc im tired.
Step 9: Repeat Step 3 three to seven more times for a gifset.
Step 9: Oh shoot, I have to think of a caption.
Step 10: Arrange, tag like your life depends on it, post on tumblr.
I started making my own gifs bc i hate stealing/saving others’ gifs for my meta, header or reaction posts. I know some of my talented moots are appalled with me rn but really from the bottom of heart Nonny, thank you so much for the complement. I appreciate it. And thank you all who also enjoy my creations too <3
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estrangedaframian · 6 years
Ninety-Nine Percent Better
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Word Count: 1,589
Summary: While hunting for a Whisper (aka were-pire) with Castiel, Reader must contend with their social anxiety. Fluff and mixed-feelings ensue.
Prompt/Request: Castel x Reader with Social Anxiety by @fandomsthatkandiceloves
Rated: PG. Mild language, mentions of violence.
A/N: This marks my first-ever ‘reader x’ story, so please let me hear your thoughts. I tried to keep the reader as inclusive as I could, while still providing a bit of a lovey edge to her/him. That said, the love can be perceived as either romantic, or non-romantic. Whichever you like best, or feel... Great for boils and ghouls of all ages! (The use of Y/N has been replaced with a double-underscore.)
~ Enjoy!
(gif credit on watermark)
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You were a hunter who preferred staying indoors, and that made you a walking, stalking— shooting— paradox.
Castiel, as it happened, was a paradox of biblical proportions. And so naturally, you two got along swimmingly. You liked the Winchesters well enough, but they were also bleak in that very human way— though if it hadn’t been for their flanneled hospitality, you wouldn’t be here, after all— maybe alive, maybe dead— but certainly not in a bunker in Lebanon, Kansas, sitting comfortably as an honourary person of letters in the vein of Henry Winchester and Josie Sands…
Your buddy Cas, on the other hand— despite his Neo-Noir good looks and according hint of aftershave— was never truly apart from his Precious Moments milieu. The Angel was at once the essence of everything you felt was missing in humanity; as well as the too few parts you loved about it.
As the harvest sun settled, a cornucopia of cumulus hanging low, the muddy earth gripping the soles of your boots— the supply store came into view. The storefront was brick, capped off by a bright red awning, an inexpensive vinyl-like material printed with bold black lettering: WE SELL AMMO.
Your partner for this particular hunting trip was none other than Castiel. He wore one of the same number of coat-and-tie combinations he always did, but something about the sky and him on this evening… You couldn’t describe it, but it appealed to you. He appealed to you. Much so. That kindness, that raw power. The manner in which the wind tousled his humble haircut, teasing his put-on-backwards tie to the point where it flapped like a lame-winged bird, and how he almost seemed to be the causal force of such wacky yet refined weather.
His proximity to you was meticulous, one step behind you—two or three, if you got excitable— and his feet made no more disturbance over the crisp forest floor than a squirrel’s paws might have. Less perhaps, for Castiel wasn’t the least bit squirrelly.
“There,” he spoke, his voice hushed, almost hallow, and he placed a hand on your shoulder, pointing you in the direction of the store.
“… That place? What about it, Cas?” The present and ongoing pursuit of a ‘Whisper’ wanted you to be tense, but you couldn’t be; not while God’s grace disguised as a private dick was THIS close to you.
Generally, Castiel’s expression remained unchanged from that of saccharine and matter of fact, but as his ocular oceans sank down to his shotgun’s empty barrel, you knew he was feeling heavy-hearted about something or other.
“I’m out… and I know you are, too.” Intense light poured from a sliver in the Angel’s wounded cheek— slashed early on in the hunt by the elusive ‘were-pire’ which was your prey of the hour, as it were. Watching your back, he simply had not the time nor strength enough to fix it. “Speak not of your condition, __.” Cas raised his hand from your shoulder (you were amazed at how long he let it linger there), and began rummaging in his coat’s inner pockets. “I saw it in your heart— ”
Your breath hitched in your chest as he spoke— interrupting his serene, severe thought process— your aforementioned organ thumping inside you to the beat of an ill-tuned drum. For his sake, you mostly kept your composure.
“Wait. What do you mean? You lost me, buddy,” you said, your attention torn between Castiel and the ominous dead-end surplus in the foreground of where you and Cas both stood by quietly.
“Social anxiety.” He blinked, completely non-judgmental, his face awash with all the caring and stone of a Churchyard. This face— Castiel’s face— would be the death of you, you thought, struck again with the duality of the earth Angel you cherished above all others— Angel, and non.
You wanted to speak, wanted to explain yourself.
“You thought I was going to ask you to go into there… I was,” he confessed plainly. “With my vessel as it is, I thought our ‘luck’ at getting what we need approximately ninety-nine percent better at your behest.”
Forever befuddled, you allowed yourself to slump to the ground in an exhausted, marginally comfortable, sitting position. Castiel followed suit, assuming a gargoyle crouch at your side.
“I can’t lie to you, Cas— Yeah, the place rubs me the wrong way. Same as every public place does, except this one has the element of cobwebs and surprise! Has anyone even been inside there in the last…  decade? Doctor Doom could be our cashier, for Christ’s sake!” Sorry, Lord’s name in vain. You grimaced out your apology, but Cas made no acknowledgement of either your slur or your sorrow.
In a manner he was as perplexed by your nature as you by his; he was hung up on your reference to comic villainy and improbable passages of time. You were a fool in the grand scheme of things, but you were his fool to protect.
Cas was now sitting alongside you, his transfigured legs stretched out in a sequence similar to your own. When did this happen? It seemed, as usual, his segueing was too fast for your human eye to conceive, and you cursed yourself for always missing out on strange little moments like these.
“If… Doom were the cashier,” Cas started slowly, way too deep into postulation, “that would be fortunate, wouldn’t it? The man wears much silver… We could fell him where he counts the change, and melt down his armour, and fashion it into new silver bullets.” He stared at you, his steely gaze fishing for a battle plan, his pink mouth not bent to any one emotion. It reminded you how helpless he was, all things considered.
Leaning, you pressed a tragic-hero type kiss to his brilliant wound, half imagining that your true love would seal it up ‘magically’. Alas, the blinding grace continued to shine from within Castiel’s cheek, and you still felt like shit thinking of how you would approach the employee lurking behind the blazing OPEN sign beyond.
“No matter,” Cas resumed, “I’ve thought of something. My angel blade— we shall pawn it for ammunition. Silver blades, in any case.” Belatedly, he raised an eyebrow in response to your PDA, but said nothing of it.
You sprang to your feet in protest. “No way!” Crap. Looking around, you lowered your voice. “I can’t let you do that over my stupid anx… What, Angel blades don’t work on Whispers?” You groaned, prompting Castiel to rise and subsequently embrace you. It was, in reality, his idiosyncratically tight grip on your arm, a silent ‘Get yourself together, man’. But you would gladly accept it as a hug.
“—They don’t. And it’s like you said, no one comes here. We can return for the Angel blade later,” Cas assured you. “I wouldn’t dream of letting it lie around for long. In the wrong hands… it’s suicide.”
“You’re really insisting, aren’t you? Well, at least let me put something over your grace… ” With several layers to spare, you reached for your thinnest shirt, and with a healthy tug— you tore off a portion of cloth. In a jiff, you fixed the makeshift bandage around Castiel’s head, taking advantage (inconspicuously if not innocently) of the chance to feel up his stubble and jawline. When you were through, the Angel looked passably pathetic— a regular ol’ guy after a regular ol’ hunting accident.
“There. Good as old!” Beaming, you admired your work. You didn’t even mind that Castiel forgot to laugh at your funny.
“Thank you… I won’t be long.” He handed you his everyday knife, hoping it would give you at least a little extra protection while he left you unattended. “We should continue down that way,” Castiel flagged the southwest of the store’s exterior, proceeding towards the entrance. “Wish me luck?”
“I love you, Cas.”
That’s when the door chimed. A moment later, you thought you could hear a peaceable back-and-forth between Castiel and the mystery worker, but perhaps that was the former’s powers putting your mind at rest. You wouldn’t know until he emerged— an arm through a thanks for shopping plastic bag heavy with goods, and the other arm wielding his angel blade.
“The cashier wasn’t Doctor Doom… ” Castiel informed you, as the both of you (now a kosher distance from the eerie place of business), continued walking. “He was a Whisper. THE Whisper.”
“WHAT? Why didn’t you shout, or send Angel... signals… or something?!” It was concern forming your words. That, and being bummed out at losing another shot at proving you could defend your star-crossed constant companion (that’s what you wished he was, anyways— your constant companion). “How did you… know?” He’d told you all the details before, but you’d never seen one in person. And though you got the gist of hybrids, the specs. were still very much above your understanding.
“He asked me when’s the solar eclipse,” Cas explained.
“And you killed him? Jesus!” Whoops. “Lots of people are interested in eclipses, and it doesn’t mean they’re a were-pire!” Dammit, Dean had all but drilled that title into your skull. “It’s probably the only thing someone like him— being someone from around nowhere— has going for him.”
“I told him it was today, and then he attacked me… ”
“Oh… Guess I owe you an apology. Sorry, Cas.”
“It’s tomorrow.”
*** END ***
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utapri-randomness · 6 years
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Why have amazon echo when you can have amazon reiji. I'll be glad to be greeted with a "murachacha" any day;3 I also didn't put a watermark there because I forgot whoops but that doesn't mean you can take this without credit:(
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