#i accidentally made this rain+mountain/reader i hope that's okay QAQ
spoiledleaff · 9 months
Hello! Do you happen to take xReader requests? I would just love to see a ficlet from you where Mountain catches Rain and Reader cuddling in the gardens? They/Them pronouns for the Reader please? and SFW if possible?
I know I'm asking for a lot, so please don't feel like I'm pressuring you! :)
i mean, i've been threatening to delve into the world of /reader fics for quite some time, but i've never actually made true on my threats, unfortunately :') but!! i will tonight!! >:3c
sfw ✿ he/him mountain/rain + they/them gn sibling of sin reader ✿ wc ; 860.
Mountain knows that Rain's been... predictably vacant from the Ministry's hallways, but the earth's sin had just figured that he was napping in between the pews after Mass or getting high at the lakeside. Rain might not be the same... 'level' as Dewdrop, but the water ghoul certainly knows how to shirk the work he simply doesn't want to do.
Luckily for the Ministry, it's only during the more extreme seasons that Rain choses to abandon his duties. Luckily for Mountain, nothing's really happening at this point in time, so Rain's extra hands aren't a necessity for the wellbeing of the Abbey.
It was midday when he caught them, the black ink of their church uniforms clashing dramatically against the vibrant colors of the garden's flowers. It wasn't surprising at all to find Rain curled up in the depths of the gardens, the shade of the gazebo sparing the water's sin from any risk of drying up in the sun's rays. It took a moment, however, for Mountain to find that Rain wasn't alone in his loafing around.
Mountain recognizes the Sibling from the way they wear their uniform: elongated in some traditionally short areas and trimmed shorter where it was once long. He recalls Rain rambling once — after having met the Sibling a couple of times — about how everything they did was just so uniquely them; their uniform included. It drew Rain in, among other things, and Mountain was happy to watch as Rain grew increasingly infatuated with the very existence of the Sibling.
Speaking of, the earth's sin watches as Rain's tail flicks lazily against their ankle, docile barbs brushing against the sliver of exposed skin. There's small pink welt dragging across the bone of their ankle, he notices, and Mountain decides he's going to have to talk to Rain again about human fragility.
Other than that small detail, the sight laid before Mountain is actually quite wholesome. Rain has the poor Sibling practically suffocated in his arms, his mask flattening the grass below them though his balaclava remains secure over his face. His arms are locked tight around the small of the Sibling's back, their arms curled up in the small spaces left between them and the water's sin. Mountain notices how one of their hands is buried deep between the seam of Rain's button-up shirt, one of the golden buttons having been popped free to accommodate the space of their hand.
The Sibling is curled up tight in Rain's chest, so small and human in comparison to the water ghoul's borderline awkward proportions. It's cute, and Mountain can't help but think of how much smaller the Sibling would feel tucked up into his own side.
Well, it's not that he's never thought about it — the way this Sibling in particular would slot so perfectly into his side or the weight of them on his chest — and he knows that they wouldn't mind! Mountain's lost count of how many times he's caught the little creature wrapped up in Dewdrop's arms or faceplanted into Cumulus' chest. Of course, Rain is never too far away from the Sibling, but Mountain knows the water's sin — or any of them for that matter — wouldn't have any issues with sharing.
They've even offered it to him before! All sweet smiles and an outstretched hand, somehow managing to wiggle out of Rain's grasp just enough to brush their fingers against the leather of Mountain's boots. But, alas, Mountain was supposed to have been in Copia's office two minutes prior to your proposal, and the earth's sin had to refuse.
But now? Mountain's finished his chores in the greenhouse, dinner isn't for another hour or so, and there's no gremlin trying to get into his pants with nothing but hot hands and sly smiles, so-
There's nothing stopping the earth's sin from joining the pair.
Just in case, Mountain quietly slinks off to Rain's side of the cuddle pile, watching the steady of rise and fall of both cuddlebugs' chests as he moved. Mountain plops himself down right behind Rain's curled up form, carefully slotting himself behind the water ghoul so as not to disturb neither sin or Sibling. He presses his chest against the hard plane of Rain's back, scrambling to be rid of his own mask before getting too comfortable dozing underneath the gazebo's shade in the company of those he adores. He sets his mask next to Rain's, mindful of the 'clink' the two masks make, before allowing himself to curl up around both Rain and his napping partner.
Mountain purrs quietly as throws one arm above his head and wiggles the other carefully in the open spaces between Rain and the Sibling, quickly finding the lump of their hand underneath Rain's partially unbuttoned shirt. Through the cotton of the fabric, Mountain holds the Sibling's hand, delighting in the way they snuggle closer and press their nose against his knuckles.
Rain's tail stops swishing, and the devious little bastard starts up a purr of his own, taking great pleasure in having lured in another sailor lost at sea with the sirensong promise of a nap in the middle of the day.
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