#i absolutely think that skills like anatomy and perspective and color and value and whatnot is important knowledge like
loverdude · 2 months
I'm just trying 2 do my homework but I'm like having a crisis about my art T_T
#💭#just that like#i love to make cartoony colorful stylized etc fanart and stuff...#and i mean original stuff too ofc#but college art school life makes me feel so like. stupid for it a lot#since like even elementary school i feel like i've been treated like my regular artwork i make is like#a childish unimportant hobby#like once when talking abt stuff for my senior show last semester a professor was like#'well maybe just don't do the stuff u do for fun for awhile and just focus on the senior show'#?!?!? ok so 1. i'm hearing that the artwork i usually make is like. not as good/important even tho i work rlly hard on it#and 2. i'm not gonna tell u not to enjoy ur hobbies or whatever for like 6 months to a year just bc u have homework. what!?!?!?#i get what he meant but. ARGH#i mean don't get me wrong i love to make all kinds of art#all kinds of mediums and varying in like. subject#i love digital art for sure but also painting and markers and fiber art and sculpture and sketching and whatever#the fine arts world of art school/gallery artists is just not for meeee...#it makes me feel like i have to make a serious professional whatever art piece#ABOUT these feelings#in order for them to be taken seriously#i feel like i have to prove that my usual stuff is still like. valuable/important too by being able to do other stuff#and like#i absolutely think that skills like anatomy and perspective and color and value and whatnot is important knowledge like#regardless of your style or medium of artwork but#idfk. do u get what i mean. hello#sorry i rant abt this a lot i've just got serious senior burnout and am also rlly fed up 😭#i'm making a website portfolio thing bc i have to present it basically instead of taking an exit exam#(which i thought i had to do the semester i graduated which will be december; not the semester i'm in the senior show-#-which is only in the spring so i'm like rushing this portfolio that i thought i had to present in 8 months not 3 weeks AUGH but anyway)#and like putting it all together is making me feel so lame....#i have my lampscapes... some fiber artworks but not much bc i haven't had more time (bc of. school. lol)
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