#i SWEAR kin drama is so fucking scary i would die if it wasnt just me and my gaggle of kinnie pals minding our business 24/7
unhingedkinfessions · 8 months
Okay so not a factkin but I think this story belongs here and goes along with recent events.
This one time in a kin server, someone (who I’ll call Factkinner for coherency) befriended a mod. This friendship lasted long enough for Factkinner to know what Mod looked like. Randomly one day they saved a picture of Mod and took it to the “help and questioning” channel, and promptly stated they thought they kinned Mod because they felt connected to Mod’s appearance, and even began trying to use Mod’s name, pronouns, etc etc, the whole ordeal. Mod was weirded out but stated that since they believe you can’t control your identity, they would respect Factkinner, but could no longer continue their friendship. A day or two goes by (factkinner making a few more statements about their new “identity” despite Mod asking them to not talk about it in the server) and Factkinner storms into the chat harassing people and claiming they “never kinned (Mod) to begin with” and just said they did for attention and some other reason I don’t really remember.
Factkinner got banned from this server and now nobody really talks about it. Left a bad taste in my mouth for anything involving factkin. While I’m a firm believer of reincarnation, and believe it possible to be a person from the past, factkin are just so /weird/ about it, and it’s even worse when they claim to be someone who is still alive.
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