#i DID have a spider crawl down my shirt before while hiding tho.. hmm
chryzuree · 10 months
It's 11:34 rn, I'm thinking about being nervous for a zoom meeting I have for the film I'm gonna work on. The end of it also might cut it close to when I have to leave for work today. Screaming in my mind I fear social interaction lmao
YOU’LL HIT IT OUT OF THE PARK!!!! cheering for you!!!!!!!!!!!! i am there in spirit, holding ur hand :))
it’s 11:45 AM & i’m thinking abt the dumb games chrysi and jacks and that friend group would’ve played that possibly could’ve gotten them in legal trouble… like the kidnapping game, or cops and robbers, or paintball, or extreme airsoft games(chrysi accidentally broke jacks’s arm while playing that one 💔 oops. their fault for kinda trespassing though, and honestly, jacks’s fault for tripping and falling off the edge of the concrete heap.)
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