#i Also don’t know why I’m cycling thru all of these episodes. I wish I wasn’t
himbodad · 7 months
my brain has currently decided i can Only listen to till death do us blart on loop and on one hand very funny show on the other hand How Many Times Can The Same Men Forget The Same Things
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earthdeep · 6 years
ahhh just finished off a marothon of planet with, since I saw a recommendation from someone I follow, including that it was short and fast paced
and I mean it was deffo fast paced which was amazing! I haven’t been able to enjoy an action show since I was a kid bc fight scenes usually go on for way too long imo, but planet with kept my attention even then? and the cg mecha stuff was actually really nicely done. it was still noticeable, but they definitely used a nicer method than I’m used to in anime. kinda felt close to what the 3d fire emblem cutscenes use?
but overall it was a really fun watch! there were a few off moments that I’ve learned to expect especially in shounen like the occasional accidental pervert moment, or multiple dudes having their fantasies being surrounded by scantily clad women serving them. oh and one female character changes into a weird outfit with thigh cutouts about halfway, but as I said, I’m practically immune to that by now. and I’ll be real, some of the tropey moments did actually get a laugh out of me, like one character starts his happy dream land, and it goes off on a standard women fawning over him thing, then goes ‘ah, or u could have’- and then it starts cycling thru all the dumb wish fulfillment light novel tropes aimed at young men and u realise this character is just a giant loser and literally everything else about him makes sense.
but mostly, really fun shonen send off, I had an extra bit of fun spotting the Meaningful Names of the cast (they’re in giant animal mechas of course there’s stuff in there). it took until the penultimate episode to find one of them bc I didn’t know the different ways of saying the kanji in hare dammit why couldn’t u be like ms birdbird over there? and it was actually quite an interesting take on pacifism. often when “pacifism is good!” is brought up that includes retaliation, but I do like that people fighting back against something literally attempting to murder them all isn’t treated as fighting fire with fire. and personally I think it draws its conclusions over a complex issue in a fairly non-hypocritical way? like I feel like in the end it comes down as ‘forgiveness is the only true end to conflict', but in a fairly open way. the main character gets his chance for revenge, and takes it, and to an extent, succeeds. and it’s only after he receives closure that he arrives to forgive that person, and hell that person is only awake to be forgiven because he’d gotten revenge (it makes sense I swear but it’s spoilery)- the show allows its characters to be angry at the injustices done, and allows them to do injustices and be shown forgiveness by the greater population. I don’t know if I agree that no crime is truly irredeemable, but I do agree only the victim can show forgiveness and only if they’re damn well ready for it, so hey. I’m satisfied.
also they actually explain how the good guys don’t kill hundreds of civilians with every fight. they evacuated, guys. an alien attack actually caused people to evacuate and/or move out of a city. in an anime. this is the same reason why so many tropey jokes work too, the people act like actual people who pay attention to things around them. it’s genuinely fucking great.
so yeah, watch planet with if u have a few hours spare. if we’re in the same alley, it’ll be up yours.
I need to work on my wordplay that one was awful jeez
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