#hyrox world
p-redux · 1 year
Bonjour, mes amies, I've got a #samtana update, and très interesting! An eagle-eyed follower spotted proof that Monsieur Heughan did indeed spend some romantic time à Paris with our Mademoiselle Montana a few weeks ago. Check it out! 👇
Let me present the evidence. So, apparently every Hyrox Fitness Challenge finisher gets a patch with the year they participated, some also add the city. This year it's a 2022/2023 aka 22/23 patch. 👇
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Some participants put them on backpacks 👇 This is the patch from Rotterdam Hyrox, which was this past weekend.
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Now, please pay close attention. This is what the Hyrox Glasgow patches looked like. 👇 Hyrox Glasgow was held about 14 weeks ago.
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Here is a close up of the Hyrox Glasgow patch. 👇
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Like I said, that was 14 weeks ago, and we know Sam participated 👇
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Weellllll, here's the kicker. 6 weeks ago, Chloé posts about Paris. The post is a multi pic post. As you scroll through, one of the posts is a video of Chloé panning around her Paris hotel suite. And LOOK at what is on the ground, next to her bags, a black backpack with the 22 23 Hyrox Glasgow patch on it! 👀🤗
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Closer look 👇
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Even closer 👇
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Here's a side by side comparison of the Hyrox Glasgow patch Sam received and the one on the backpack in Chloé Montana's Paris hotel suite. 👇
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C'est la même chose, n'est ce pas? AKA Samesies. 🤗
And Mademoiselle M was definitely enjoying Paris à deux. There are two place settings on the table. Rumpled bed on both sides and multiple bottles of water, as well as a bottle of Veuve Cliquot champagne. Voilà 👇
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Sooooo, unless Chloé likes to drink whole bottles of champagne by herself, has room service set a second place setting for an imaginary friend, and has suddenly taken up fitness competitions, the evidence, mes chéries, points to #samtana being real after all...or at least as of a few weeks ago. Oh là là and all that French jazz.
PS. For the inevitable frothers who will gnash, "But he was in England, or Scotland, or Belgium, or Holland, he couldn't have been in Paris!" Um, there's these new things called AEROplanes and they take you from any of those locations to Paris faster than you can order up an oeuf à la coque..that's a French soft boiled egg in its shell, you perverts, hahaha. 😋
Until next time, mes petits chous....oh l'amour, toujours l'amour...
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sgiandubh · 1 month
Fitness at Dawn - The Brixton Dusk edition
This, related to @bat-cat-reader's Anon she refused to publish (see below post):
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So, according to The Queen of Nothing, The Nicorettes own a fitness club in Brixton?
LOL until the Summer Solstice, folks. In a world where information is more and more readily available to anyone with a keyboard, it took me 15 minutes to debunk this bullshit. And FYI, the UK Company Law has recently substantially changed, with the new Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act. Starting May 1st, we will progressively have even more transparency in the Company House system. For example:
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And all the directors will have to have their identity verified. For old and new companies alike.
The only Rasenti being a currently appointed company officer in the UK is not the Male, nor the Female Nicorette:
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I could have stopped there. But I didn't. I went on the Gymnasium's company website. Lo and behold:
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Their Brixton fitness joint is one of the three they own in the London Metropolitan Area. The company is, therefore, a group.
Surely enough:
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Who is running it and most certainly owning it?
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The rest of 25% is most probably split between three other partners/Directors:
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Peter Michael Cuff Olivier, aka 'Big Red Olivier'. Acquaintance of S. South African. He is a shareholder and well, if we are generous, owner of Gymnasium. Probably the real Brixton fitness joint's manager, too.
*urv got it all wrong, again: she wasn't 'hanging out there'. She was probably discussing cha-ching 💵💵💵 and Hyrox-related stuff:
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Is this tenuous connection, via Hyrox, to his fitness buddies being actively pushed, in order to try and substantiate a relationship with S? The answer is yes.
Was *urv tipped accordingly? The answer is hell yes, knowing she will publish anything without double-checking.
I see Ye Olde South African Mafia Connection still alive and kicking. Hats off to you, @samheughanswife!
But when your mental age is 5, that Fitness at Dawn new episode is probably satisfying, IDK 🤷‍♀️.
PS: Thanks, dearie, for the tip. You know who you are: a much trusted friend.
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bcacstuff · 5 months
I’m thinking they did this run together too
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She trains a lot, also with walking her dog with her son a lot where she lives. It's in Scotland not far from him but that is not the same place. Also for as much as I know, Sam likes to run alone, he often told that's why he likes this kind of sports as he's not a team player. So no, not seeing this as some kind of proof that there is more.
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It doesn't matter to me as well, I feel disgusted and angry someone just put her full name out as this person knows very well what kind of affect that has, but her 'scoop' seems to be much more important to her.
I haven't seen any fitness event in GC. I think they're both training for an event. I believe Sarah even said so in her posts she was getting ready for Hyrox Glasgow and with her statement that her lungs have trouble with the cold in Scotland she is in GC. I could also see how Sam (as a friend) optioned to go together and train together. But it's an option, not a fact.
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She trains in Stirling. Close enough though and they know each other, most likely just from training. They mutually follow and like each others post from time to time. But so do many who are into fitness, running and these branch of sports. She's a fitness influencer, her posts are even liked by KE and other so called 'exes' he has been connected to in the past.
I'm not gonna make anything more from all f it than I posted in my previous post. I've said all there can be said about it.
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I know there's a Hyrox in Glasgow on 2&3 March, but as you already say, just coming back from Australia... then again he's the king of the jetlag and seems to sleep while flying... so that's when his body get's rest I reckon. All the rest, you say it, I have seen it, I have considered it, but there is just guessing and no facts. There's just options to keep open or to close. I keep a lot of options open and try to go by the facts as much as possible
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Yes, and no. I said all I can say in my previous post, and above. I repeat from my previous post they seem to follow a similar schedule. I also saw her on a boat and there is not anything that I can confirm Sam was on that boat as well. They could just be there sharing some activities and doing things on their own. From what I see none of them is committed to be or to do things with the other.
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This is what P is saying in the comments on her post:
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I can tell you that her DMs are either blind, deaf and confirmation biased as I have 3 sources that followed her all the time. they all confirm to me that Sarah was posting from home and not from London while he was in London.
Also, not in any world it was said the 'female friend' he was on a shuttle boat in London with was blonde. I know since I posted a bit ago about people that had contact and convo's, one of them was with this fan from the boat picture in London. My contact asked for more info about the female friend, and the woman didn't answer anymore since most likely she got lots of people bothering her in DM. My contact was one of the first and could talk to her in her own language, which helped a lot, but the fan never confirmed it was a blonde woman. So P is talking BS and her DM partners are lying.
Please let's not make a story bigger than it is and keep going by facts. I know people are gonna speculate, but i just hate it when people try to put him or any woman together based on non-facts. I've posted as clear, unbiased the things that are (were) out there to see. That's all I can do and want to do. In fact, i wouldn't have posted it if not... well you know. I post to put things in perspective, not to have a scoop nor to be interesting and most certainly not to connect any woman to him that seems to be at the same place he is.
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SH reported being in Kitzbühel in the Austrian Alps 🇦🇹 on his IGS.
So he will be able to post a photo at his new destination, which happens to be at one of the most prestigious FIS Alpine Ski World Cup races in Kitzbühel, Austria, this weekend.
We'll be keeping an eye out for his photo, as the event is scheduled to last three days. Let's see if he makes it to the event. 🤷‍♀️
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Weather in Tirol
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Who knows? 🤔
He might have been training for the HYROX Glasgow in March, in the Canary Islands but not in Kitzbühel, in the Austrian Alps where the temperatures range from -9 to -15 C. It seems like it won't be an exciting weekend in Tyrol. If SH is not on the list for the Hahnenkamm downhill race in Kitzbühel. As I know alpine skiing is not part of HYROX 💁‍♀️
Friday 19th January 2024
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hobbies87 · 1 year
It’s just stunning how critical the usual suspects are about Sam’s friends. If Sam didn’t like what the Nics were doing on their SM, he’d drop them like a hot potato. He obviously enjoys their company.
That should be enough, but of course it’s not, because the all-seeing and all-knowing Sam haters have a special insight into Sam’s world that permits them to pass judgement on every aspect of his life.
I saw the post from the Hyrox thingy today and thought “Oh that’s a nice way to start a fun weekend with your friends” (and promote MPC). That’s the beginning and end of my thoughts about it until I saw some of the other posts.
I would also like to add that any person who still harps on and uses the phrase Covidiocy after all we’ve learned about COVID in the past 3 years needs to read up on how unsuccessful and harmful the lockdowns really were. Just because you stayed in your house and others chose to live their lives within reason, makes you the idiot for criticizing them.
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spaceprincessleia · 11 months
My brain is thinking about Bo/Fennec
My brain is thinking about creating a training plan so I can train for Hyrox
My brain is thinking about how to squeeze that into my schedule
My brain is outlining the Velcinta prompt sitting in my asks
My brain is telling me that I need to take a shower
My brain really wants to read a Nitearmor fic and the tab about a random Outer Worlds quest at the same time
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anand07723 · 4 months
Unveiling CR Fitness: Elevating Health and Wellness in Lincoln
Picture this: a bustling city where health enthusiasts converge to pursue their fitness goals. In the heart of Lincoln, the fitness landscape has evolved, and CR Fitness stands as a beacon for those seeking a holistic approach to well-being. As we delve into the realm of gyms, fitness classes, CrossFit, and the unique offering of Hyrox in Lincoln, the narrative unfolds to reveal a dynamic fitness haven. Join us on this journey of discovery, where each step at CR Fitness is a stride towards a healthier, more vibrant life.
Gyms in Lincoln: A Nexus of Possibilities
In the vibrant city of Lincoln, fitness enthusiasts are spoiled for choice when it comes to gyms. Amidst the plethora of options, CR Fitness emerges as a standout, not just for its state-of-the-art facilities but for the personalized approach to fitness. Catering to diverse needs, CR Fitness understands that each individual embarks on a unique fitness journey. Through expert guidance and a supportive community, members at CR Fitness find themselves not just in a gym but in a transformative space that fosters growth and well-being.
Fitness Classes in Lincoln: More Than Just a Workout
The allure of fitness classes lies not just in the sweat-inducing workouts but in the sense of community and shared accomplishment. CR Fitness distinguishes itself in Lincoln by offering an array of fitness classes that transcend the ordinary. From high-energy cardio sessions to calming yoga retreats, each class at CR Fitness is meticulously curated to cater to varied preferences. The communal spirit cultivated in these classes fosters connections, making every workout a shared triumph.
CrossFit Lincoln: Unleashing Potential
For those seeking a challenge that goes beyond conventional workouts, CrossFit at CR Fitness beckons. It's more than lifting weights; it's a fusion of strength, endurance, and mental resilience. CR Fitness brings a unique flavor to CrossFit in Lincoln, fostering an environment where participants push their boundaries under the watchful eye of skilled trainers. The camaraderie within the CrossFit community at CR Fitness transforms challenges into triumphs, creating a sense of achievement that reverberates beyond the gym walls.
Hyrox Lincoln: The Ultimate Fitness Fusion
In the ever-evolving world of fitness, Hyrox at CR Fitness emerges as a revelation. This innovative concept seamlessly integrates functional exercises with elements of obstacle course racing, providing a dynamic challenge for fitness enthusiasts. CR Fitness takes the lead in introducing Hyrox to Lincoln, where participants engage in a blend of running, lifting, and agility. The result? A unique and exhilarating fitness experience that transcends the mundane.
CR Fitness: More Than a Name, a Lifestyle
At the core of CR Fitness lies a commitment to holistic well-being. It's not just about physical fitness but about nourishing the mind and soul. The supportive community, personalized training, and diverse offerings create an environment where individuals thrive. CR Fitness is not merely a gym; it's a lifestyle curator, sculpting a path for individuals to embark on a transformative journey towards better health.
In the vibrant tapestry of Lincoln's fitness scene, CR Fitness stands tall as a comprehensive solution for health enthusiasts. From cutting-edge gyms to innovative fitness classes, CrossFit, and the groundbreaking Hyrox, CR Fitness offers a diverse range of avenues to explore one's full potential. As we navigate the landscape of well-being, CR Fitness beckons, promising not just physical transformation but a holistic, life-altering experience. How will you embrace the journey towards a healthier, more fulfilling life?
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diet-tip · 7 months
A workout to suit your every need and level
Are you ready to take your fitness to a new level? HIROX, a relatively recent addition to the world of endurance sports, offers a unique and challenging experience that combines functional fitness and endurance. Whether you’re a beginner looking to immerse yourself in the world of HYROX or an advanced athlete looking to reach the pinnacle of performance, this comprehensive guide will help you…
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p-redux · 1 year
Yesterday I posted that I'd been told in DM that Sam was most likely at Hyrox World Fitness Games in Rotterdam, Netherlands. I posted a pic of a guy who may or may not be him, today I woke up to DM CONFIRMING Sam definitely competed at Hyrox Rotterdam!
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Now, do we think the pic I posted yesterday was him or has a better pic of him come out yet. My eyes are killing me from being on so much yesterday. So, please let me know if you find anything. Thanks!
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Similar look to what Sam has worn before while running in marathons.
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But I don't think the other pics are him, but who knows.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
Out of the OL bubble
Sidenote: this post owes everything to the incredible sleuthing skills of an already longtime trusted friend, who wishes to remain discreet. All credit goes entirely to her - this is such an idiotic topic, yet the Ur Troll insists.
I answered one of you in the comment threads yesterday, that once you get the hell out of the OL bubble, things begin to make sense. Why? Well, because of distance and context, I suppose. And also because this always was the dirty little secret of our Dedicated Manipulative Trolls: to make you believe in a terribly poor narrative, fit for a linear world. A world without compromise, drama, secrets and lies. Collective lack of time, perspective and/or Internet research skills did the rest and gave birth to this monster: the OL Fandom.
We are now told and are supposed to believe that because Scottish Xena apparently chose on purpose (with this and only this, I could agree, but for opposite reasons) to show us she trains in a Cumbernauld gym, that means... well, you know the rest and it involves The Magic Golden Dirk. That troll was never exactly subtle, was she, bless her heart?
That mother and entrepreneur has a life of her own and an entourage of her own and business collaborations of her own and her own agenda. Some of it is shown on her Instagram account, most of it can be speculated. Connecting dots just for the sake of it is neither productive, nor remotely interesting.
Let's see, for example, how she reacts to a very insistent fellow German athlete, whom she is going to meet at the Hyrox Cologne event (13-14th of April, during the Landcon week-end):
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What is Flamingos Club? Nope, not an ikebana society, no:
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They were there before, in good company, last year, when they actually first met (rings a bell?):
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(April 2023, ok? I am still waiting for my own DeLorean)
Who is this guy?
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Fellow athlete, HYROX Ambassador (something I bet the farm she wants to achieve) and a contestant in this year's German reality show First Dates Hotel, on VOX (https://www.vox.de/cms/sendungen/first-dates-hotel.html):
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The concept is simple: a renowned German chef, Roland Trettl (no idea!) now takes his blind date cooking show to the next level, with singles from all over the country parked into a Spanish dream holiday resort (Mallorca), shake, stir and see whatever happens. The classical Endemol recipe, now produced by Twenty Twenty. It also has an UK version, running on Channel 4 (coincidence? I doubt that very much, thank you!).
On set, Max's 'love interest' is a certain Linda. He recently wrote her ' a sweet love letter', taking the good advice of his namesake cast friend Max-the-Bartender:
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(I swear to God, I feel like I am prostituting my 🧠, right now).
There is obviously nothing to see, here (or is it, such as two wannabes desperately wanting limelight?). She leads the typical no strings attached life of a single mom and he is still looking for a real job:
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Since VOX does not give his full name, neither will I. It took five minutes to find him, with a bit of luck.
Why on Earth would one connect that woman to S, rather than to this nice, ambitious Bavarian?
I know why. It's almost too damn easy.
Two words: Channel 4. Truman Show. Ginger and Fred (oops, these are Our Couple).
Is it anything we haven't seen before?
Nope. We've seen way worse. But gone are the Days of Flukenzie Floozy.
[Edited] - there is no need to further expose our people.
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bcacstuff · 7 months
I suppose you have seen his post in the MPC FB which suggests he is participating in the work going on just not the photo shoot with the peakers . Maybe he travelled and will return with Valbo think his post was a latergram by a day or so he usually stays for around one week .
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I settle for 'it's a mystery' 😂
After just a few stories on Friday and Saturday at times that didn't match UK (around 2am and 5.30 GMT) last night he came online after midnight and kept on posting. Almost for 12 hours in a row, with just a little gap of 3 hours between 4am and 7am GMT.
I made a little list as I was as confused as you all are. All times are in GMT
1.24am story 2.02am story 2.10am story 2.45am story 2.53am post 3.51am post 6.49am story 11.55am comment Eleanor +like 12.50pm comment Dries 13.22pm story 13.23pm story
And in between liking posts and followed 4 new accounts as well as posted in MPC FB group (same video as in his stories).
US times like LA or NYC, would all be totally from late evening till early morning. That sounds crazy. Well or if you take the insomnia or playful vampire as an option 😂 One thing is sure, anybody thinking about a romantic vacation.... doesn't look like it, now does it?
Mystery, traveling? I have been thinking perhaps he had a delay or canceled flight, or even layover at an airport? As the man certainly was bored and had nothing else to do but scrolling IG, catching up, posting, commenting, liking and following accounts...
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yes, yes... well as i often say, his follows often are connected with other accounts he follows. The Miss World Inked was connected to Allison Outlaw
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(for the ones remembering, a bit ago some opportunists involved her in connecting SE via a very complicated way, via a fan who won the signed glasses of the Tasting Alliance competition, and trained at the same gym, and was connected to Allison as a Hyrox trainer... yeah that kind of connection) - but that aside...
Don Saladino follow was connected to Ryan Reynolds, who btw. has been spotted a lot in NYC and started filming there again end of last week!
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while the following of Phillip John, who was working on OL in S2 and the Rag and Bone account, a brand he often wore, are bit strange. Why after all this time 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, like I said, clearly bored, nothing else to do. Don't ask me where he was, no way to tell so far. Looks imo like he's traveling, has been traveling... and we'll wait and find out at some point what he has been doing (or not) 😂
At least now it looks like he's...
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When SH trying to decide to participate in Hyrox Men 🤔 Does it feel heavy or Does it feel light?
If it feels “heavy,” for him don’t do it. (unless it’s something that is required of you and you are prepared). The fact that started an online fitness gym is not a “crucial” factor in making him the fittest man in the CrossFit world, since there is no reason to be surprised by his achievements, but, except for his fans, of course.
He signed up for three consecutive HYROX competitions, but he wasn't consistent in his training routine, which made it difficult for him to participate in the full session HYROX race.Despite this, he still enjoyed signing up and found some moves easier. He became a fan of the Hyrox Pro Women girls and appreciated the experience. It was as if he had escaped from something. SH's Great Escape.
People who are related to sports know You can’t do HYROX with no training. It is still a fitness race which requires training and preparation in strength as well as endurance. HYROX includes a mix of eight 1km runs alternating with eight different workouts. The individual stations are: (1) SkiErg, (2) Sled Push, (3) Sled Pull, (4) Burpee Broad Jumps, (5) Rowing, (6) Farmers Carry, (7) Sandbag Lunges, and (8) Wall Balls. The running course lead around the workout stations.
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Each HYROX finisher receives a finisher patch at the finish line. No flags or patches are sent after the event. That means only Hyrox participants who finished and completed the race are entitled to receive proof of their participation on the same day.
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Anyone can participate in HYROX. HYROX Glasgow 2024 was held at the SECC Scottish Exhibition Center in Glasgow last March, and SH was present around the SECC. However, SH can provide proof that he was the one who completed the race in Glasgow and received the finisher's patch at the end.
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It seems SH has not reached a reasonable level of fitness. He couldn't train specifically for Hyrox for 4 weeks, say 3 times a week, and be ready to compete to complete it successfully. Most will prefer to train specifically for 8 weeks, to be better prepared, and up to 5 times a week to perform better that day.
If SH wasn't able to reach the fitness level required for Hyrox due to commitments, although he seems to have a lot of free time. Why, did he still sign up for Hyrox Men Glasgow, Hyrox Men Cologne, and Hyrox Men London consecutively, and He give up on participating? It seems that he didn't focus on improving his performance, as athletes usually do. Comparing oneself to others can be demotivating, and this could be one reason why SH lost motivation to participate in the race.
If Sam is SO competitive with a strong need for validation, and recognition, leading them to prioritise their interests over others, why not compete intensely in HYROX MEN. If he signed up for Hyrox it is to compete. Or this gives him something to focus on like being a HYROX PRO WOMEN’s cheerleader. 📣
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He's far from the elite, but if he's just looking to have a good time and prove himself as an enthusiastic cheerleader in different ways, he'll never improve his fitness. It seems his motorbike mishap he suffered in 2021 when he tore his MCL and fractured his knee, requiring surgery, is still taking its toll on his body.
SH has never participated in the HYROX men's singles category, nor has he ever run in the HYROX Rotterdam or Paris events. Some of his fans seem to imagine him running in places where he has never been. However, in February 2023, he did participate in the HYROX Doubles category with his partner Nicolas (Nick). They competed as a team, sharing each training station according to their choice.
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In Glasgow 2023 SH appears to have had difficulties, in two stations 1) Burpee Broad Jumps, (in the lowest position, the athlete's chest should touch the ground. The athlete then stands up and jumps forward, jumping and landing with both feet simultaneously - Sam did not do well at this station, as shown in this video). It appeared that his knee was stiff when he was in a plank position and then he attempted to stand up and jump with both feet forward.
2) Sandbag Lunges. (The athlete must lift the sandbag without assistance and place it over their shoulders. The athlete during each lunge, the rear knee must touch the ground. A repetition ends with knees and hips fully extended). There are no photos of Sam doing this station. As Nick said, he did the hardest job while SH posed. One thing is for sure with Nick - in every joke, there's a bit of truth.
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It is unjustifiable to not honour a commitment. When Sam bought his ticket and confirmed his participation in HYROX, he personalised it with his name. There is no evidence that he was injured, and he decided not to attend the event in London. Or It is unclear whether he wanted to transfer his ticket to a friend or sell it. Who knows? 🤷‍♀️
SH has managed to join the Hyrox Pro Women cheer team. He feels more comfortable being a spectator and cheerleader than being a competitor in the Hyrox Men category. It must be exciting for him to know what his future holds. Being a cheerleader requires a diverse set of skills in order to be successful. We will get to see SH's specialised techniques in action, and perhaps he will take private lessons that could change his life. While he may not be as physically active as the Hyrox Men competitors, he is still entertaining. Despite this, he may not impress as much as the other competitors do.
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There is always someone who believes that SH by registering and then not participating in Hyrox is aiming to confuse their fans. 😂 (pure idiocy) This only confuses those who do not understand the true meaning of competition and what it entails. His faults have become more evident, making it difficult to decide to compete in Hyrox. Despite this, in recent months he has gained a new fangirl who does not participate with him in the Hyrox mixed doubles. Can you guess why?
SH's idea of ​​competitiveness involves providing cloakroom service by holding crossbody bags while the girls compete. He must have been very proud to show off that style at the Hyrox Olympia in London 🙄
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#HyroxGlasgow #HyroxCologne #HyroxLondon #HyroxUK #Hyrox2024 #Hyrox
Posted 9th May 2024
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obstakels · 3 years
Unieke internationale fitnessrace HYROX naar Nederland en België
Dé fitness competitie voor every-body komt naar Nederland! Op 24 oktober vindt het eerste Nederlandse HYROX event in Amsterdam plaats. Goed nieuws voor elke fitness liefhebber die de sport door sluiting van de sportscholen de afgelopen tijd heeft moeten m
Dé fitness competitie voor every-body komt naar Nederland! Op 24 oktober vindt het eerste Nederlandse HYROX event in Amsterdam plaats. Goed nieuws voor elke fitness liefhebber die de sport door sluiting van de sportscholen de afgelopen tijd heeft moeten missen.   Ben jij klaar voor de world series of fitness? HYROX is in 2017 ontstaan in Duitsland en wordt nu al wereldwijd georganiseerd in onder…
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beastnetpod · 4 years
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Hammer Kyle Jolliff gets a chance to talk with 2019 Spartan Pro Racer Alex Walker today on the show. They talk a little bit of everything. From her passion for Trail running, on to Spartan and Tough Mudder, World's Toughest Mudder, and beyond. Alex is heading over to HYROX this weekend to begin challenging herself in new ways and see where she leads and where she can improve. Look for other current and former Spartan Pro Racers at this event in Dallas. Alex talks about the primal mentality that takes effect when you are out on the trail or in an OCR and how it carries you through the event. Have a listen and send us your thoughts @BeastNetPod Follow Alex on Instagram @alexandra_celeste_walker Have a listen, do us a favor and rate us and leave a review on your favorite Podcast Platform. Screenshot it and email the review to us at [email protected] and we will send you a sticker. www.BeastNetPod.com Get Your Groove On by Ron Gelinas Chillout Lounge | https://soundcloud.com/atmospheric-music-portal Torn by Ron Gelinas Chillout Lounge Freedom by Twisterium | https://www.twisterium.com Bittersweet by | e s c p | https://escp-music.bandcamp.com Wandering by Numall Fix | https://soundcloud.com/numall-fix Runaways by MegaEnx | https://soundcloud.com/megaenx Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US #BeastNetPod #Spartan #SpartanPro #Hyrox #ToughMudder #Running #TrailRunning #OCR https://anchor.fm/beastnetpod/episodes/Episode-171-Alex-Walker-eaudo5 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8166Thgcvx/?igshid=1qa5bjhsnohkr
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damenace37ocr · 4 years
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What was everyone up to this weekend??⁣ ⁣ I was up in New York at the Hyrox competition. I opted out of competing, December is my recovery month from this season. So instead I went to spectate and cheer on some friends. ⁣ ⁣ What started as casually observing, ended up in me yelling and cheering on anyone I saw needed that extra push. There was a lot of good competitors out there, but the stations were very tough, and you could tell when people were starting to die out there. ⁣ ⁣ Watching a Pro like Ryan Kent out there, chasing the world record as well all watched. Amazing to see him just completely empty the tank and use everything he had in him to complete those final reps. ⁣ ⁣ This picture is our group cheering on a guy we didn’t even know. But we saw that he was struggling with his wall balls, so we started cheering him on. I grabbed some buckets, and started pounding on them like drums! The energy was pretty intense as so many people were counting down his every rep. The final rep was an eruption of applause and yelling as he finished the race.⁣ ⁣ Great job to everyone who competed. You should be really proud of your accomplishment as it was a very tough competition!! (at Pier 94) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JwHXHAK3q/?igshid=1bze1hcq7jso4
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p-redux · 1 year
Destination change, mes amies...I just got a DM letting me know Sam may actually be at the Hyrox Fitness Games in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 👇 He follows the account.
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We know he's been filming The Couple Next Door in England, Belgium, and most recently, The Netherlands. And he's participated in the Hyrox Games UK before, so this would make sense.
Have to say I was looking forward to him looking all dapper at a Cannes Film Festival party instead of all sweaty at a fitness competition in Holland. But on second thought, Sam all sweaty sounds niiiiice.
It will be interesting what we'll wake up to tomorrow. 🤷‍♀️
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