killercmd Β· 6 months
πŸ•―οΈ also from @huntcmd 😳
send me πŸ•―οΈto hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. | @huntcmd
Still beautiful as ever, aren't you, J?
... Could you at least care for yourself? I know you aren't sleeping.
You're so warm, soft.
I know we come back but, seeing you die made me scared. I don't like being scared.
What.. are we?
Something is bothering you- I just wish I knew how to ask if I can help.
Hey, we're proud of you y'know? Who needs the company anyways, really?
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cardedsoul Β· 1 month
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KISSING BOOTH ! βΈ» currently accepting
@huntcmd dealt their hand: kissing booth! you know who for
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Oho ? And what was this ? Such a pretty little orchid coming to him ? Well, who is Hyde to deny Ms. J a kiss ?
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He takes her hand in one of his own, innocently nosing under her chin to place a surprisingly gentle kiss to her neck, just under her jaw.
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mixed-up-multiverse Β· 6 months
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"N! What did you say to her THIS time?!
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killercmd Β· 6 months
@huntcmd sent a broadcast: silently leans against v. not one word.
To say that V was expecting the sudden contact would be a lie. She actually jumps as though given a mild shock when she feels the weight of her squadmate against her. It takes a moment to process exactly who was there, but when she does, she immediately begins to purr, resting her head on J's shoulder contentedly. No words necessary. She simply allows her tail to wrap around the other woman's own, quietly taking in her company in peaceful bliss.
At least for the moment, they could be at ease.
Even if only a little bit.
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killercmd Β· 6 months
Functionality Tags 2/??
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killercmd Β· 6 months
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a private, heavily selective independent rp / writing blog for serial designation: v from murder drones; canon adjacent, low-to-medium activity, heavily headcanon based. i use xkit rewritten for formatting purposes. v is somewhat written as an original character. puppeteered by sΓ­mone (25, she / they). i am in no way affiliated with liam vickers or glitch productions.
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content warning!!! this blog contains dark and disturbing themes including, but not limited to: loss of sense of identity, depression, trauma related to being reborn into something much worse, personal devaluement, neglect, body mutilation / horror, psychological abuse / torment, robot gore and violence.
mains & affiliates ↳ @hopeful-hugz, @roguecmd, @huntcmd, @deadcmd, @xluciifer
other blogs of mine ! ↳ @mawsilent (serial designation: n), @heavenlyhatred (adam from hh), @cardedsoul (horror/dark comedy multimuse)
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i. you must beΒ at least 18 yearsΒ of age to follow, or interact with, me given the nature of the medias my muses come from. this is to avoid any sort of issues that can arise with such topics and minors being involved. if i find out you are underage, i will block you. no negotiations. just stay out of adult spaces.
ii. mun =/= muse. i am not my muses nor are they me. my interpretations of my muses does not directly correlate with any of my personal ideals or morals. fantasy isn't reality, etc etc. do not godmod or powerplay; every action has an opposite and equal reaction, my muses will act accordingly to yours. don't involve me in any fandom / rpc drama either. i'm just here for a good time.
iii. i require a rules page be available to read in some capacity before i will even consider engaging with you. if i follow you, it means i've read your rules and am interested in roleplaying with you! that said, i am oc, duplicate, and multimuse friendly.
iv. i work full-time and can't always be readily available. as such, i offer my discord to mutuals for easier contact during my work week. i'm a moderately quick writer, but my writing tends to fluctuate based on motivation and time, so bear with me please! you can nudge me after about a week if i haven't replied to one of our threads!
v. the only really "blacklisted" topics i have are the obvious standard ones + untagged irl eye gore and trypophobia-inducing images. otherwise, i'm relatively solid about handling things. i don't follow nor reblog politics; this is an rp blog and not a political one for a reason. as far as nsfw is concerned, jokes and implications of sexual nature will occur here; any nsfw threads will be put underneath a read more and appropriately tagged. these will only be done with close friends and require some form of character chemistry beforehand.
vi. no graphics used are mine unless stated otherwise. any of my art will be tagged as such. otherwise, the graphics will be credited to their rightful artist and said artist is welcome to contact me if they'd like their art removed from the blog!
vii. i am multiship with chemistry. this means things have to build up or be plotted beforehand! literally just talk to me. also every ship takes place in its own separated verse unless directly stated otherwise.
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