#human wx
maxwiljunkie · 7 months
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Human WX and Wilson talking over the documents for WX’s robot body.
Credit to @sylvermoths for (decently heavy) inspiration.
(Their art is great & y’all should check their blog out if you see this)
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cameoappearance · 2 years
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It’s their them and they get to choose the them
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aroacewxs · 18 days
who up tonight thinking about aro rui again. and perhaps. Living
just! rui's loneliness being a factor of alienation from his peers but also from growing up in an amatonormative society where love is prized above all else. rui, who has always witnessed romantic love as a concept through the eyes of somebody else, but has never experienced on his own. rui, who feels like a complete outsider, merely a member of the audience when it comes to love. he's only a monster, one who is uncaring of others' feelings and is far too wretched to understand such an idea.
but then!! it comes to him! not through a special someone or a hasty front porch confession, but through the understanding that he has a place, he's not alone, there are people just like him. people who want to form connections with him. connections that don't have to be labelled, but rather, transcend any idea of what is considered romantic or platonic, anything else. they can be their own people, their own thing.
it's not only love, it's the bigger realization that you fill up the room and leave holes when you are gone. your name carries weight, and tracks footprints wherever you go. you are a fond memory of the past, a hand they hold for the future, and so many things that matter or could ever matter for each day you live here on earth.
for rui, as someone who was taught to believe that he'll never find what he's looking for, that life will continue to be a futile search for solace and belonging, it's surreal! the fact that he just. has so much now. blows his mind. and that makes me really emotional. good people are out there, good people who understand you and want to see you smile :) and if it's not people, it's experiences, places, feelings, et cetera et cetera.
rui's character arc is such a beacon of hope for anyone who believes, or ever believed, that good things are/were just not in the cards for them. that good things only lie in what society expects of them, in the unattainable. his story is a reminder that there IS a future, that life isn't a tireless search for that One Thing, but more so a journey of learning to open your arms to accept the Many Things that may come your way.
i just think he's a little neat
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proxy-pages · 5 months
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Trying to draw canon vs headcanon for WX-78. Love this game so much
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sylvermoths · 7 months
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I HAD to do another crossover (maybe there'll be more of this idk)
@gommih and I came up with like backstories and stuff so lemme know if you guys wanna see that
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captainblux3 · 2 months
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Me when I ask my evil merman boyfriend to kill someone
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zondearts · 8 months
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I initially just wanted to doodle a bit to warm up. but...but I tripped and stumbled and fell, thus havet miku
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kerizaret · 7 months
More hinamatsuri Tenmas au thoughts because it is developing...
Enter: W×S (because I'm biased. I know. Leave me be. I have thoughts for Leo/Need too tho! Just gotta flesh them out)
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Bonus interactions:
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hello-dr-freeman · 1 year
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Some WX-78 drawings I plan to refine
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 2 days
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hands you a whole bunch of little guys. maybe ill give you lore for this au later. maybe it will just be something i draw for fun and i keep the lore to myself. who knows.
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fizzy-tizzy · 30 days
Losing my mind over the Wagstaff short but I have seen ppl shit on him for leaving the guy to get crushed so like… what did y’all expect him to do??
The man was pinned under what was probably several hundred pounds of rubble- and the other stuff fell before Wagstaff could even get that close!! There was nothing he could’ve done!!! The guy was fucked regardless imo
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unpopulargoose · 11 months
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Humanized wxwood stuff Lolol
Aka Woodrow x Human!Wormwood
I am normal about them
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s0meth1ngswr0ng · 1 year
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i was always somewhat intrigued by the subtle but of story that this person had, and while i believe their LAST name is woodrow and first name is something a bit more mundane, they also have something else going on that i just can't put my finger on and it just reels me back into my own headcanons. (also pls ignore how bad the shading on the chin went! i swear it's not facial hair!)
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jin-zixun · 1 month
You know what, recontextualizing the changes CQL makes to the story from "anti-JGY propaganda" to "justifying WWX and LWJ taking down JGY" actually kinda works.
Because like... I don't think MDZS!WWX and LWJ are justified in taking down JGY! I kind of don't like them! The only way I can really understand WWX's actions irt JGY are like... He's negatively affected by NMJ's empathy the whole time. Until the end where he almost realizes he's fucked up.
And maybe instead of watching CQL like "well with what actually happened, the heroes kind of suck" it's just like... Giving more likeable versions of the heroes. Not in terms of 'doing less evil things' but in terms of 'not being horrible hypocrites who don't need to be doing this, are making it all about their stupid relationship issues, and are knowingly siding with the actual villain'. And that's kind of better for them tbh.
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artofcjb · 2 years
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sylvermoths · 7 months
DST x Detroit Become Human AU
So obviously i didn't make backstories for everyone yet so here's the few that are 'finished' for now
I came up with the AU and @gommih came up with some ideas too ^^
Robert Wagstaff
A co-creator of androids. He distanced himself from Cyberlife after androids became manufactured worldwide and continued working independently with his assistant android Woodrow.
Wilson (WH300)
An early generation android who was already a deviant the day he was created. Wagstaff knew about his deviancy but let him go, he didn't think it would be too much of a problem as long as the android behaved. (like in the short animation "Kara")
Wilson was made to take care of damaged or malfunctioning androids in Cyberlife and to overall assist the employees. Unfortunately his deviancy affected his work (being forced to disassemble his own kind isn't great) and the employees didn't fail to notice that. They gradually became more frustrated with him, until one day Wilson overheard them talking about a new, more advanced, android that will soon replace him. Wilson knew that he would end up being disassembled and decided to run away from the Cyberlife building. He disguised himself as a human employee to go unnoticed.
Wendy & Abigail (WK200)
They were both 'adopted' in the same household since the parents wanted twins. They both have a pretty normal childhood until Abigail started showing sign of deviancy. Children androids were supposed to simulate more emotions than regular android but they weren't supposed to be disobedient. They both got sent to Cyberlife, Abigail for repairs and Wendy for a checkup to make sure she doesn't have the same problem as her sister since they are the same model.
The technicians deemed Abigail as unsalvageable. The 'parents' were upset and complained about losing their money, so they decided to transfer some of Abigail's code to Wendy before destroying her, so that they have both androids in one (a mix of their personalities, memories, etc...). After losing her sister, Wendy became aware that her 'parent's' love was entirely conditional and that if she ever disobeys she'd be destroyed. She runs away a few days after Abigail's destruction.
Abigail is still somewhat there thanks to the code the technicians transferred. She is present in Wendy's mind palace. Wendy often goes into 'sleep mode' to spend time with her sister.
Woodrow (WX78)
One of the oldest models of android made. They were made by Wagstaff to be his personal assistant. Wagstaff treated them well, he talked to them as if they were a human.
Woodrow slowly deviated of the years. One day, they openly admitted their deviancy to Wagstaff who didn't have a problem with it. Everything was going well, expect that Woodrow started getting ideas about freeing androids and starting an android revolution. They talked about it a bit to much for Wagstaff's taste and he started getting worried about Woodrow's ideas and their consequences. Wagstaff was pro-android but not that much. He unexpectedly sent Woodrow to be destroyed.
They were dumped in the junkyard, heavily damaged. They repaired themself as well as they could, using the parts lying around that were compatible with their unique model. They lost most of the function that could make them look human. Their voice was also damaged, making them sound more robotic.
After this incident they starting feeling hatred towards all humans and stopped trusting them entirely. They started going by their model number, WX-78, to distance themself even more from humanity.
Webber (WK500)
Webber lived in a good family where he was treated well and lived a pretty normal life. However, while exploring a bit to far from home, he met a man who introduced himself as Zlatko and who invited him to his house. Webber, as the adventurous and way too trusting child that he was, accepted the offer.
Zlatko heavily modified Webber. He transformed him using parts of animal androids which ended up making him look spider-like. He worked around the house, helping Zlatko with his experiments and doing chores. He would often go see the other less lucky androids trapped in the basement to keep them company.
he eventually manages to escape (haven't decided how or with who yet)
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