#hsh wild
sea-salt-lemon-sugar · 7 months
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Be inspired by @st0rmyskies 《Home Sweet Home》
I went over this article again recently,I love this series of articles! So I drew a little fan graffiti!
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st0rmyskies · 5 months
Rating: Mature.
Summary: The first thing Champion realized was that he wasn’t dead.
The second realization sank in his chest like a stone tossed in a well.
He had failed.
In which Champion wakes up, goes AWOL, and becomes a different person entirely.
Major story spoilers for HSH abound…
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wordwitch00 · 5 months
“How are your hands so big?”
Twilight chuckled as Wild held his hand up beside his own. He wasn’t wrong; WIld’s hands were about two thirds the size of Twilight’s, but they had almost as many scars.
Sitting on the couch, sharing a blanket with a half-empty bowl of popcorn between them, the TV’s volume was much lower than it should be for the movie they were supposedly watching.
“How many burns do you have on yours?”
“Uhhh, one here–” pointed to the inside of his ring finger, “one here–” to the outside edge of his palm, “and one little bitty one here–” to just above his wrist. 
“Catching the edge of a hot pan?” Twilight asked.
Wild giggled. “Frying bacon without a shirt on.”
“Shouldn’t that be gloves?”
“Psh! Details.”
They snickered together as Wild wiggled his fingers, turning his hand this way and that. Before Twilight could lower his, Wild put his palm against Twilight’s. The heat Twilight could feel made his stomach flip pleasantly.
“Big strong hands,” Wild said softly as he looked on in quiet contemplation.
Twilight swallowed. “I’ve seen the way you grip the handle of the cast iron skillet,” he said. “Your hands are just as strong.”
“Huh, I guess that’s true.” Rather than let go, Wild brought his fingers between Twilight’s, interlacing their hands together. “Now they’re even stronger,” Wild said with a bright smile.
Twilight felt the summerwings flare up. “Yeah. they really are.”
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poodle-anon · 10 months
☔️ for the ask? I love hearing about concepts! Especially the ones that’ll never hit the paper.
OH BOY this took a minute to think on but I think I got one @miniscrew-anon
For the life of me I can’t figure out how to write it, but I really really want to explore Wild’s relationship with his dysphoria/lack thereof. I’ve genuinely tried putting it to paper more than once, but each time I can’t seem to get the vibe quite down in a way that resonates with what I enjoy about it in my head
Under a read more because it’s long, and has to do with HRT, gender dysphoria, panic attacks, discussion of needles, and trans!Wild having an overall Bad Time for a day within a 99.99% positive experience being trans otherwise. 
As a disclaimer upfront, I am transmasculine nonbinary myself, and feel that I have a right to depict explorations of that experience in combination with binary ftm experiences. Also, this is NOT a story about detransitioning or “forced feminization,” do NOT get it fucking twisted or I will hunt you the fuck down. I will find you. This is about euphoria and dysphoria and happiness with one's body but clothing/presentation causing issues.
So for background, in my headcanons, I’m pretty convinced that Wild normally doesn’t experience dysphoria at all - something that very much separates him from Champion, whom is a very binary trans man. Wild woke up in a very masculine post-transition non-op body, Champion had been very satisfied with himself and his transition, having begun it as a teen with access to puberty blockers prior to hrt, so he never went through estrogen puberty. Wild is at first pretty bad at keeping track of and administering his hrt shots, something that Champion was very strict about and pretty much never failed to keep up with. At first, the other guard boys had to help him with them when he did remember because the anticipation of a shot is TERRIBLE for wanting to get it done when you have adhd and it’s something you don’t really think matters in your own personal upkeep. Eventually, Wild just kinda gives up on it with a happy shrug and carries on his merry way in his very androgynous body, transness usually being a fun afterthought for him. Even when he starts retaining fat differently, and growing breast tissue through lazy estrogen puberty, he’s having fun with this new experience! Heck yeah more gender fuckery, he’s having a great time being a man while doing it. Nobody in his life invalidates his gender over it. Period.
There is an idea that I must credit to Stormy for sparking but has been making me lose my mind (/pos) over ever since, wherein at some point Wild goes to the mall with one of the other boys (possibly Hyrule, possibly Wars and Sky, never been able to figure that one out) to shop for higher end lingerie. (I see this fic as separate from and kinda irrelevant to the second puberty concept, so disregard that point for now and play with me in this space.) And he picks out some really cute finds! He's very happy with some lacy little numbers that he knows will go well with his eyes or whatever, but you know how they make lingerie that comes in pairs with bras that are equally as cute? Well, he goes to try one on, and standing there in the changing room, looking in the mirror, the world kinda stops.
There’s this overwhelming sense of badwrongbad while looking at himself in a bra. He doesn’t recognize the person in the mirror, he doesn’t like that person, and has no real way of articulating it to himself why.
Now, bear in mind, Wild very technically is a dissociative fugue state initially brought on by a severe concussion, which is a WHOLE OTHER can of worms I hope to explore one day. As thorough of a personality change there is though, he’s not as stable of an existence as I think he presents
So something about how he feels about seeing this sets off a dissociative panic attack that is probably the closest thing that he’s ever come to Champion surfacing into active memory, bearing some resemblance to the one in The Brave that was set off by Time playing the ocarina.
But is the bra too small? The wrong material? Who knows. Doesn’t matter. He’s suffocating. His skin itches like hell. He needs this thing off now.
Once he exits, the guys he’s with immediately notice a shift. He’s uncharacteristically serious for a beat or two, maybe even recognizable if he’s with the guard boys, but if he’s not nonverbally putting stuff on the reject rack, Wild laughs it off as nothing being wrong. Either Wild or someone else points out they can go get a smoothie after Wild decides he’s not buying any clothes, and his day gets a little better. The temperature of it maybe makes his nipples a little hard and Wild doesn’t know why he’s so aware and uncomfortable with that right now, but the others might also notice that he’s still periodically itching where the band and straps were until they get home.
By the time they leave the mall, he’s more or less fine and all of the Overwhelming Dread has passed. That night though, he puts a blanket over the mirror in his room. And when he curls up in bed, there’s this shuddering sigh that leaves him. That kind where you're just on the edge of crying but don't.
Anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk :) 
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miniscrew-anon · 1 year
HSH Febuwhump Day 5 - “That’s Going to Scar”
Takes place after the attack on the townhouse.
"Doctor Renado and Doctor Mipha did their best but..." Hyrule bit his lip, watching Wild tilt his head this way and that. "It's going to scar. I'm sorry."
'I'm sorry' doesn't feel like enough in this situation. But that's all Hyrule can offer. He can't bring himself to say It's barely noticeable like he really wishes he could. But he can't claim such a bold-faced lie when he, and Wild, can clearly see how bad the scarring is.
In medical terms, Wild got off easy; he got to keep his senses. His eye was protected by his eye lid, which itself avoided any serious injury. His hearing won't be effected and even his hair follicles were spared from damage. The burns weren't bad enough to destroy deep tissue or impede his health in any real way.
The only damage that will remain is cosmetic. By all counts, he's lucky.
If it wasn't for the location.
Burn scars from the side of his neck, stretching to the bottom of jaw and up the left side of his face all the way to his hairline. His left ear visibly burnt on the lobe and ridge with speckles of reddened skin go all the way to the tip. The location and sporadic pattern would make cosmetic surgery difficult, if Wild were interested.
People will be prejudiced. They'll avoid looking him in the eye, gossip behind his back, make snap judgements about his past. It twists Hyrule up inside to think about it.
"It's inflamed now because you're still healing. It will fade into scar tissue soon. It'll be less noticeable but I'm not going to lie - it'll still be visible." Hyrule powers on. He looks at the gauze in his hands and turns it over while he waits for Wild to fully examine his new appearance in the handheld mirror. He has to treat and re-wrap the wound. But he knows this is part of the healing process too.
"I'm sorry." He says again when Wild puts the mirror down.
But to his surprise Wild shakes his head lightly. "No, it's okay."
Hyrule sucks in a breath. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Wild hands the mirror back to him with a smile that’s too wide. "It's not that bad! I thought I'd have half my face melted off or something! Like some sort of crazy zombie! But this isn't bad at all!”
Hyrule opens his mouth to interject but Wild blows past so quickly it makes his head spin. “In fact, a guy I worked with in this kitchen once was way worse than this! He had this big dent in his head that he swears he got from a boiled turkey. And his eye on that side? Fake! Yeah, he used to bend down to pick things up and Pop! His eye just came right out! Once he even dropped it into the soup pot. Oh man, that was funny! I mean, he got fired for it because he tried to serve the soup anyway even though he got eye stuff in it, which I totally get. That's gross, but it was still so funny that I almost dropped a whole bowl of ravioli on the ground cause I couldn't stand up straight from laughing! Man, good times!"
He gestures wildly as he tells his story. Laughs. But it sounds off. Hyrule can't quite pin down what's under his words before Wild turns away to look out the window.  
“Anyway,” He says, deflating before Hyrule’s eyes, “it’s fine. I mean. Scars are cool right? And it’ll have plenty of company here, so.”
Wild chuckles lightly, eyes going distant and dull, "And hey, at least this scar I remember getting."
Hmm ngl not sure how I feel about this one. But eh lol
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i-am-a-hat · 10 months
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I like Wild in a crop top 👌
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 11 months
TMC Home Sweet Home AU: Encounter
Dave Lee stays behind at MandelaTECH to finish clearing out unwanted tech, unable to brush away the feeling that he isn't alone.
TW: blood, injury, body horror
Notes: This is around 5'000 words long, being the shortest HSH fic so far, but. Trust me. it's important. Anyway here it is!!! Hope you enjoy :)
July 29th, 1992. 11:35 PM
Another slow business day.
MandelaTECH had closed a few hours prior, but the emptiness seemed nearly the same as when it was open. Faint music played through a cassette player that rested on one of the metal shelves, said shelf being strangely empty for a store meant to be selling tech. Adding to the strange emptiness was the fact that the entire store was nearly completely silent aside from the stereo playing random songs, along with the sound of the AC blaring from the vents. However, rustling and thumping was heard from behind one of the doors leading to the back storage area. Faint whistling was heard before the door was shoved open by the one person in the store; the founder, Dave Lee.
He was a shorter, stouter man wearing a green shirt with MandelaTECH’s logo plastered on it in white text, partially covered by his nametag. He wore an unbuttoned, red-plaid flannel shirt over his arms, rolled up to his elbows. He had a bushy mustache on his top lip, and was wearing aviator sunglasses over his eyes, concealing them. Also partially covering his face was his black, very curly hair, which was messily covering a small part of his forehead. He held a large analog TV in his hands as he closed the door behind him with his foot, all before walking through the store, placing the Television onto one of the tables, all while he quietly sung to himself to break the silence.
“There she stood in the doorway,” Dave quietly sung as he placed the TV next to the ever growing stack of broken tech on the floor and table. “I heard the mission bell, and I was thinking to myself ‘this could be Heaven or this could be Hell.’”
He took a breath before rubbing his forehead with his hand, all before glancing at his watch, taking a deep sigh when he was reminded of how he should’ve gone home nearly an hour ago. However, the sudden news that he had to throw out most of his tech meant working overtime was an inevitability.
He took a moment to stare at the tech in front of him; radios, Televisions, boxes of VHS tapes, and even more were resting in front of him, doomed to be thrown into a dump in at latest a month. Dave’s brows furrowed, feeling a deep sadness in his chest as he realized that old tech was becoming obsolete, despite his best efforts. However, he then shook his head, realizing he’d rather throw out barely working tech then end up in jail.
He raised his hands to pick up one of the Televisions, pausing before glancing towards one of the back rooms. He then glanced back at the TV, along with a box of tapes before grasping the TV he just brought out and walking back. He opened the small storage room’s door, all before gently placing the TV on the ground and carefully pushing it against the wall. He left the room, coming back after a few moments before placing the box of tapes next to it, all before covering both with a black blanket and closing the door behind him.
“—And still those voices are calling from faaar away,” Dave sung quietly once again as he walked towards the rest of the tech, pushing back his urge to hide all of them somewhere instead of throwing them out like garbage. He picked up one of the smaller Televisions, all before turning back towards where the back door was, failing to notice the cord of the TV was dangling beside his feet. “Wake you up in the middle of the night, just to hear them say—”
Dave’s foot planted on the cord, causing him to trip forward slightly, luckily regaining his balance after a second, though his Television wasn’t as lucky. It fell out of his hands, smashing against the linoleum floor with a loud crash. Dave stumbled forward, staring at the shattered glass underneath the TV’s body, all while he held his hands up to his face in shock. “O-Oh…Oh no….” He muttered, trying to resist the urge to cry. He was going to throw it out anyway, so why did it hurt to see it break? He crouched down, carefully grabbing the metal casing of the TV, all while trying his hardest not to cut himself on the shards of glass underneath it.
He held it up, wincing as he looked into where the screen used to be, only to see the bare electronics and wires. He took in a deep breath, all before he shifted the TV to get a decent grasp on it before stepping over the shards of glass, realizing he was going to have to clean it up later. He continued to walk until he found himself at one of the back exits, pushing the door open with his shoulder before walking outside.
He looked around, seeing the dumpster in front of him, resting in front of the tree line near the back of the building. He turned to his left and right, seeing nothing down the alley within the light above the door, along with the streetlights nearby. He needed to get more lights installed back there, he thought. He hated the idea of not being able to see something back there. He felt the cool air hit him as he quickly walked towards the empty dumpster, hesitantly throwing the TV into it, hearing the loud BANG as it hit the inside of it. The sound made Dave flinch, all before he turned back and walked quickly towards the back door, opening it and slamming it shut behind him. He let out his breath, suddenly remembering how much he hated taking out the trash at night.
Dave swept the shards of glass on the screen into a dustpan as he listened to the faint sound of music coming from the boombox nearby, thinking to himself as he cleaned up the mess. Something in his gut felt especially…sour; a deep feeling of dread that he couldn’t place. It could’ve been anything, ranging from his exhaustion, to his fear of having to close his store for good. He grasped a box of old VHS tapes, holding onto it tight as he walked back towards the back door, pushing it open with his back and walking back into the cool night air. He took in a deep breath, walking towards the dumpster and tossing the entire box into it. Finally done, deciding to throw everything else out in the morning as he turned and walked back towards the door—
“It’s a beautiful, cozy evening in Mandela County tonight; clouds are rolling back, and the sun is set to shine tomorrow morning.”
A radio?
The signal changed, like a car radio flipping stations from songs, to the weather reports, to even a few old TV channels, or the audio of them at least. Dave stared towards the side of MandelaTECH, seeing nothing but darkness past the lights, the tint of his glasses making the dark parts nearly pitch black.
“Welcome to the Hotel California,” The static voice sung, pausing awkwardly before continuing. “Such a lovely place. Such a lovely—I just got a 10-15, heading to the place now. What did you…get a similar call?”
Dave stared into the darkness, slowly raising his hand towards his face, lightly grasping his sunglasses. He paused, listening to the unstable radio signals as he slowly removed them, his eyes squinting slightly from the light above him. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw more and more, seeing nothing until he looked towards the corner of the store, freezing solid.
Reflecting the light; staring back at Dave from the darkness.
Dave stared back, hearing a garbled version of Amazing Grace coming from where the eyes were, Dave beginning to feel his heart sink as he barely made out the outline of a tall humanoid in the dark, seeing glistening teeth and a pale face. Dave and the thing in front of him had a silent staring contest as Dave stepped back a foot. The being remained unmoving, standing as still as a statue, all until it abruptly became silent. Dave stared at it in horror, dropping his glasses, hearing them clatter against the pavement beside his foot. The thing flinched, its gaze looking towards the glasses, then back at Dave, staring at him with its wide, dark eyes. Silence fell, all before it dropped down, pressing its barely visible, bony hands on the ground. Dave felt his heart drop to his feet when it began rapidly crawling towards him.
Dave turned around, sprinting towards the door as he heard it charging close behind, Dave swinging the door open before shutting it behind him. A loud bang emitted from it as the thing behind it slammed against it, the sound making Dave let out a surprised yelp as he fell to the ground. He could hear scratching and banging coming from the door, it shaking with every impact. Dave heard the sound of distorted radio frequencies, and with the realization that the thing was going to discover that the door wasn’t locked eventually came the realization that he needed to hide.
Dave scrambled to his feet, entering the main store, his eyes stinging from the fluorescent lights now that his glasses were gone. He looked around, continuing to hear the sound of the thing banging on the door becoming heavier sounding and more rapid. Dave ducked behind the customer service counter, reaching for the cell phone on top of it, missing grabbing it a few times before finally feeling it in his hand, pulling it down towards him. “Please…God damn it, please…” He whimpered as he dialed 911.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I-I…th-there’s something outside.” Dave whispered, glancing around his hiding place towards the back door, which was barely visible behind the store shelves between him and it. “I don’t know what it is; I don’t know what to do—”
“Sir, please try and remain calm,” The person on the other side of the phone line stated. “Are you hiding?”
“Y...yes, I am.” Dave flinched when he heard another loud crash against the door.
“Did you see what it looked like?”
“I-I don’t…I don’t know it was…tall and…pale?” Dave grasped his hair with his free hand as he tried to suppress the urge to panic. “I…I don’t think it’s human.”
Silence; for a tad too long for comfort.
“Don’t worry sir, help is on the way, where is your location?”
“Mandela Tech, on—”
“Officers have been sent to your location.” The operator stated, their voice strangely…quiet. “Remain silent and hidden. Do not instigate.”
“I w—” A loud crash made Dave choke on his words, hearing the door slam against the wall beside it. Dave’s blood ran cold as he covered his mouth with his hand, scared to look back at the now wide open door as he lowered the phone to his side. Past the music of the boombox, he heard the sound of bare feet walking across the linoleum floors in erratic patterns, along with heavy yet quick breathing. Dave could hear it moving around the store, brushing against shelves and knocking things off of them. He shut his eyes, swallowing hard as he shakily held up the phone towards his ear, barely audible as he whispered into it. “…It’s in the store.”
No response. The operator had already hung up.
The thing behind him continued to search around, mimicking the songs playing on the boombox as it did. Dave took a deep breath in as he carefully turned towards the edge of the counter, peeking out from behind it as he tried to catch a glimpse of the creature he heard walking around. He couldn’t see anything for a little while, instead only hearing the sound of tech parts falling off of shelves and distorted radio signals. However, after seeing it appear from behind a few shelves, Dave felt his heart skip a beat, seeing what he was dealing with for the first time in proper lighting.
It was tall; way too fucking tall, over seven feet at least. Its skin was a dull, pale grey, its veins visible from under its thin, sickly skin. It wore nothing other than a pair of raggedy blue jeans, which were full of holes and stained with what Dave hoped was reddish dirt. Its legs seemed short compared to the rest of its body, and its arms were eerily long, their musculature being odd and strange looking, as if it had more muscles than a regular human did. It held its hands down towards its knees, Dave seeing that they were large, with three short fingers, with the ring finger and pinkie being much longer, with long jagged nails at the end of them like claws. Dave looked up to try and see its face, though something told him it was best that he couldn’t see it. At the very least, it looking away from him gave him at least some comfort.
It roamed around, its movements jerky and erratic, as if it was stumbling over its own feet. Dave pressed his back against the counter as he looked at the phone in his hand, turning to his left, seeing the front doors were decently close to him, albeit in the open. He took in a shaky breath, carefully and quietly shifting onto his knees and soon into a crouching position as he looked towards his right. He wasn’t sure where the thing was, only knowing it was still somewhere on the other side of his hiding place, deciding to take the chance as he threw his phone as hard as he could towards the other part of the store.
It clattered against the ground, metal parts of it breaking off from the impact as it slid a few feet. Dave heard the thing stop, growing silent abruptly as Dave waited, seeing if it would take the bait. Luckily, it did, Dave being able to hear it drop down and crawl towards it, Dave looking to the right to see it huddled over the broken phone. It held itself with three of its limbs, picking up the phone with its one free hand as it stared at it, Dave only barely able to see its all-too-wide smile from where he was hiding. Dave looked back towards the front doors, able to see his car in the dark parking lot through the glass; salvation within his view. He only hoped that the phone would keep its attention long enou—
“911, what’s your emergency?”
The sound of the things radio frequencies made Dave freeze.
“Please…you gotta help me,” the distorted sound of a man’s voice begged. “There’s someone in my house…I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know how it got inside, I’ve had my doors and windows locked for months—”
Dave turned around, seeing the things wide, crazed eyes staring at him, its long face pointed downwards, making it finally look vaguely human instead of an animal with a snout.
“I-I…th-there’s something outside.” The thing spoke. “I don’t know what it is; I don’t know what to do—”
Dave heard his own voice echoed back at him from its mouth, it’s far too wide, toothy smile not once fading as its saliva dripped from its maw. Dave couldn’t think of anything more in that moment than his own conscious yelling that he needed to run.
Dave hurried to his feet, already sprinting towards the door before the thing behind him let out inhuman, garbled laughter and screaming. He glanced back only once as he rushed for the doors, turning back the second he saw the thing also scrambling to its feet and running around the counters towards him. Dave ran through the automatic doors, looking up to see his car across the parking lot besides the trees, suddenly wishing that he had the habit of parking closer to the building. He flinched when he heard a loud crash behind him, glancing back only once to see that the entity had lunged through the window beside the doors, landing on the shards of glass though seemingly unaffected by the shards of glass in its hands and feet. Dave simply turned back, deciding to not look back even once, not wanting to see its face again.
As he ran, his breathing harsh and rapid, he heard the thing behind him, its garbled radio signals becoming far too close for comfort. Dave finally made it to his car, grasping the handle only to find that the door was locked, and when he looked towards the creature chasing him, seeing that it wasn’t slowing down, Dave decided he didn’t have time to try and unlock it. He let go of the handle, beginning to sprint away as the thing behind him lunged at him, swiping at his back with its claws, narrowly missing it. Dave tried to suppress his urge to sob, feeling adrenaline rushing through his veins as he could all but feel the things breath on the back of his neck. He ran for the road, his lungs burning and his body sore, all as the creature grew ever closer, all before it dropped down, and swiped at Dave once again with its jagged claws.
Dave felt it tear the flesh of the back of his left knee. He let out a loud yell as he fell onto the cold asphalt, slamming against it, feeling his breath be forced out of him. A pulsing pain radiated from the large gash in the back of his leg as he quickly turned onto his back, looking at the twisted knee in horror before he looked up, seeing the alternate’s glistening teeth above him. Dave crawled back, his leg crying out in agony with every kick of his foot, barely able to get a few feet away from the alternate in front of him before it slashed at him once again. Dave held his arm up to protect his face, the creature’s claws scratching his skin, leaving two jagged, bloody lines in his forearm as Dave screamed. He held his bloody arm with his other hand, looking back up just in time for the other arm of the thing to slash at his face.
He felt warm blood run down the right side of his face from the two new, deep gashes across his skin. He turned away, supporting his body with one shaking arm as he held up his other over the new wound. He couldn’t see his own hand in front of him through his right eye, instead only seeing a reddish black; blind.
He looked back up at the creature, seeing it was stumbling closer to him; this was it. Dave was dead, and he didn’t even know it yet. That thing only knew slaughter, and Dave could see it in its crazed, bloodshot eyes. It looked down at him, echoing things it’s heard before, both familiar and alien to Dave. Dave covered the bloody wound that used to be where his right eye was with his hand, closing his other as he awaited the death he felt was inevitable. However, when he took one last glance at it, he noticed it wasn’t even looking at him anymore. It was looking towards the edge of the parking lot, and as Dave heard the sound of tires on asphalt, Dave began to wonder just how lucky he was.
Headlights hit the thing’s form, it backing away slightly as it covered its eyes from the light, though it refused to turn away from the car as it stopped nearby. Dave was blinded by the bright lights obscuring his already blurry vision, only able to see a dark silhouette exit the vehicle. The alternate was staring at the person, completely still and making no noise, as if it froze solid. It tilted its head slightly as it felt a strange sense of familiarity. The figure raised their arm, and a series of loud shots rang from the gun in their hand, Dave barely able to process anything aside from the thing stumbling back and screaming with stolen voices. It turned away, crawling away like spooked wild animal as its thick, dark blood oozed out of its new wounds. Dave watched as the figure blotted out the headlights, standing in front of him with their gun by their side. Dave could only hear their heavy breathing before they spoke.
“Shit…you alright?”
 “N…I don’t…n-no.” Dave stammered over his words, his mind going faster than his tongue.
“Jesus, you need a fucking hospital, come on.” The man said, his voice soft yet urgent as he held out his hand for Dave to grab. “Can you walk?”
“…I don’t…I don’t know, it…it—” Dave was suddenly reminded of the sharp, borderline unbearable pain in his leg.
“Give me your hand, we’re gonna get you some help.”
Dave obliged, grasping the figures thin hand as he helped Dave stand up, Dave wincing with every movement. The figure was far taller than him, making it hard for Dave to wrap his arm around his shoulders for support, but soon enough he was being led to the car nonetheless. Dave glanced up at the figures head, only being able to see pale bangs concealing his face. He seemed decently thin, and was wearing a leather jacket. Dave couldn’t make much out through the darkness, unable to even begin to state how grateful he truly was before he was ushered into the back seat of the car. Dave felt himself growing tired with every minute, unclear if it was from the blood loss or the pain. He tried not to think of what would have happened if the man didn’t make it there just in time; something told him he didn’t want to know.
He was too focused on the throbbing pain in his head and leg to pay attention to the what-ifs anyway.
July 30th, 7:10 AM
Dave awoke on a hospital bed the following morning, soreness rushing over his body as soon as he regained consciousness. He heard the sound of the heart monitor beside his bed, along with faint talking outside of his room, and when he opened his eyes, the fluorescent lights in his room stung his eyes, making him wish he had his sunglasses back. He had two long slashes on his face, held together by stitching that was partially covered up by the bandages concealing his right eye. He looked down to see that he had bandages on his arm as well, lightly stained with red, though it seemed like the bleeding had stopped or at least slowed. It didn’t stop Dave from feeling sick and woozy however.
He glanced around the unfamiliar room, seeing the pale brown and white walls along with the medical equipment nearby. He then took in a deep sigh, wincing slightly as he leaned back and closed his eye, feeling the exhaustion creeping up on him despite just waking up. However, before he could drift off to sleep once again, he heard the door open to his right. He turned slightly, at least enough to be able to see who it was, able to see that it was a nurse standing near the doorway.
“Mr. Lee, you’re awake.” He stated. “You have a visitor from the police department; he wishes to speak with you privately.”
Dave stared blankly at the nurse for a second. “Yeah…yeah that’s…fine.” Dave said weakly, his voice hoarse and his throat sore as he spoke. He rested his head against the pillow once again, preparing to answer a bunch of questions despite being half asleep. The nurse turned towards the partially open door before pushing it open, gesturing into the room before leaving, all before another person walked into the room.
“Mr. Lee?”
A familiar voice; gruff yet not too deep. Dave turned towards the man, finally able to see the person who saved him in proper light. He was a tall, decently thin man wearing a lazily put on white dress shirt, along with blue jeans. He had bleached long hair, held back with a lazy bun except for his long bangs. It had a scruffy beard, and tired green eyes that stared back at Dave with disguised concern. It had its hands in its pockets as it sat down in a chair next to Dave’s bed, all before Dave smiled softly.
“Y…It’s you.” Dave said.
“I was just stopping by to check in.” The man stated. “Making sure you’re doing alright after…everything.”
“Heh…yeah.” Dave grew quiet for a second before looking back at the man beside him. “Who…are you anyway?”
“Oh yeah, right…” The man cleared his throat. “I’m lieutenant Thatcher Davis, I work for the MCPD.”
“So you’re the one they sent?” Dave asked. “Cutting…it a bit close, don’t you think?” Dave chuckled nervously slightly, trying to lighten the mood despite not really feeling in the mood for jokes.
Thatcher stared at him blankly before looking away. “Hm.”
Silence fell between the two for a moment, at least until Thatcher continued.
“How do you feel?” Thatcher asked.
“As…good as I can be right now.” Dave said. “They…couldn’t save my eye, judging by what I’ve heard.”
Thatcher sighed deeply. “I’m…sorry to hear that.”
“…Don’t be.” Dave said. “I mean…it’s…better than it could’ve been. You win some, you lose some, y’know? Just…happy to be…alive I guess.”
“You’re…certainly more positive than…I could ever be.” Thatcher said quietly.
“Sometimes you have to be.”
Silence fell, and with it, the light attitude in the air began to dissipate.
“Lee, do you know…exactly what attacked you?” Thatcher asked.
Dave looked away from the lieutenant as he thought to himself. “Uh...it…It had to have been one of those…alternates, right?” Dave paused again. “Though…I don’t know; the way you posed that question…” Dave let out another nervous, not quite genuine chuckle.
The tense silence felt more uncomfortable that time.
“Did…you get it?” Dave questioned hesitantly. “Were you guys able to…find that thing, and…stop it from hurting anyone else?”
Thatcher looked at Dave, its stare dark yet sad at the same time.
“They’re going to list it as an animal attack, Dave.” Thatcher said quietly.
Dave didn’t understand the statement at first, taking a few moments to process it. “…Do…do they not…know—?”
“They do.” Thatcher stated, glancing away for a second.
“I-I don’t understand, are they just…you’re just going to cover it up?” Dave questioned with a tinge of anger to his voice. Thatcher didn’t respond, not making eye contact as Dave continued. “What the hell do you mean, you…I don’t understand—”
“Dave.” Thatcher stated quietly. “Look…I…I hate this as much as you do.”
“Then why don’t you just…tell them it was an alternate?” Dave asked. “Why are you allowing them to cover it up?”
“Listen…I wasn’t sent by the police last night, I was off duty.” Thatcher responded, feeling guilt creeping up inside of him. “I went Mandela Tech because I overheard the call on the police scanner in my car.”
“I was going out to drive because I couldn’t sleep.” Thatcher continued. “…If I didn’t do that, Lee…you’d be dead.”
Dave remained in silence as he listened.
“They weren’t…going to send anyone, Dave.” Thatcher stated with a slightly wavering voice. “…They didn’t think…you were going to survive.”
Dave had no clue how to process how he felt, only being able to look away with furrowed brows and a confused and scared look in his eyes.
“Y…I d…I don’t…understand.” Dave muttered.
“It’s…protocol.” Thatcher stated. “And trust me; I hate it as much as you do. If I could, I’d leave that god forsaken police station but…at the moment…I can’t. I have a job I need to do before I can.”
Dave remained in stunned silence as Thatcher fetched a small notepad, writing something down in it before ripping out the paper. “Look, if anything happens again, you call me, alright?” Thatcher handed Dave the slip of paper, Dave able to see it was a phone number. “I’ll be there. I wish I could…do more to help but I’m afraid right now I can’t—”
“No…n…no you’re fine.”
Thatcher looked at Dave who was staring at him with a tinge of sadness. “Look…y…you saved my life last night.” Dave continued. “If anything…I should be the one repaying you.”
“Dave, that’s not necessary—”
“Thatcher.” Dave paused for a second as he thought to himself. “Thank you.”
Thatcher didn’t maintain eye contact. “You don’t…need to thank me. It’s just my job.”
“Yeah, but…you were off duty.”
Thatcher sighed quietly as it fidgeted with its hands. “…That…thing.” It muttered to itself. “…I saw it before.”
“It didn’t look…like that, it looked more…like an imitation of…m…fuck.” Thatcher shook his head as he stood up. “Forget it. Call me if you need anything, but…hopefully this is the last time we see each other.” Thatcher approached the door, grasping the handle before looking back at Dave through the corner of his eye one last time. “Good luck, Dave. Wish you…a quick recovery.”
With that, it left, Dave left wondering how to process how he felt as he looked down at the phone number in his hand. He sighed slightly as he thought to himself. He laid back in his bed, the pain in his body a bit more tolerable as he shut his eye. He was exhausted, and despite the looming dread of knowing he was left to die by the people meant to protect him, along with the strange feeling he got from Thatcher’s sudden leave, he decided to sleep, or at the very least try to. He wasn’t sure how well he would rest, knowing the things he now knew.
Either way, at least he knew there was a friend he could count on.
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@st0rmyskies ‘s aus gave me an interesting idea so it’s like an au of an au really- but what if a god decided to spilt Wild & Champion into two separate ppl after Champion regained his consciousness but the only thing is Wild cannot under any circumstances reconnect with the ppl he connected too in Champions body? He can talk to Champion all he wants but if he comes into contact any closer (to the Chain) then like a brief walk past in the street or store he gets zapped out of existence.
So in order to keep himself safe he decides to give himself a sort of half disguise half experimentation and just takes photos and makes art for a living instead, luckily the god who let him come back gave him a place to stay so he wasn’t just homeless but he’s completely alone only talking to Champ when the other has questions (usually on how to try to connect with the Chain as himself and not Wild). And Wild just has a sort of bittersweet feeling on hearing how the Chain is doing, happy they’re alright but sad he can’t see for himself.
He can’t really be upset at Champ because that was his body first, he’s just happy he wasn’t completely zapped out of existence, but it sucks being alone.
Some differences between the two is Wild will dye his hair whatever color he wants and when Champ cut his hair it also took some of Wild length as well, it’s still longer then Champs but not as long as it was before. Also Champ has both of his arms, but Wild does not (he has a prosthetic arm) and has little random tattoos and piercings, he also usually wears a mask to hide the lower part of his face.
Sorry if this was a bit rambly and confusing I just wanted to share.
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niamflopped · 10 months
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Yet more proof that some of HsH was recorded in 2021.
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accidentalharrie · 2 years
I love this! 
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jackalsarchive · 2 years
Updates: I got a new job recently! They encourage a much more healthy work/life balance, (and higher pay!) so more time to get ahead on college work, which means, for me and ao3, more time to write 🥃🌅
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st0rmyskies · 5 months
Working on the 'Wild Wakes Up' story this weekend...
Champion spent several days drifting in an out of lucidity. He spent those few, precious moments getting to know his surroundings. There was a predictable array of footsteps in and out of his room and up and down the hallway outside of it each day. He got to know the change of shift when new hands would come to turn him and clean him and dress him. The ceaseless beeping of his monitors lulled him in and out of wakefulness as he waited for the right moment. It took days. Weeks, maybe.  In that time, no one visited him.  But there came a morning when the nurses didn’t come to his room right away. He could feel sweat gather on his palms as he waited, counting the minutes in his mind, five past, then seven, then ten. There were loud voices and panicked footfalls moving down the hallway, a page of code blue overhead. It was now or never.
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the-travelling-witch · 11 months
The series is about Japan in a post world war 3 society where an all female group called ‘Chuuoku’ (The party of words.) takes over the government and demotes all men to second class citizens and passes a law called ‘The H law’ that bans weapons and military forces. Instead of weapons, they give all men weapons called hypnosis microphones. (Leaving out spoilers.) They split Japan up into 6 different divisions, Ikebukuro, Yokohama, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Nagoya, and Osaka. The divisions have a group that ranks above all, Ikebukuro’s Buster bros, Yokohama’s MAD TRIGGER CREW, Shibuya’s Fling Posse, Shinjuku’s Matenro, Nagoya’s Bad Ass Temple, and Osaka’s Dotsuitare Honpo. Each group has three members and their own set of creative lore.
that sounds absolutely wild, thank you hshs
i don’t even know what to add to this other than that i should really have a look at this
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poodle-anon · 9 months
Poodle Anon’s Fic Directory
Hey there! I’ve written a bunch of stuff that’s had to be on anon, and since to my knowledge you cannot add them to a series within Ao3, I thought it best to collect them all together here in one post with a semi-arbitrary order. Currently doing this all on mobile so things may be a bit off in formatting but they SHOULD all be under link/link on ao3.
Most of my things draw from the Townhouse AU created by the lovely @st0rmyskies, but I do NOT consider my own works to be related to Linked Universe, personally. We serve linkshipping here, sir.
Have fun!
Champion's upbringing was not as easy as some. Extension of lore from Home Sweet Home: The Brave, and the companion piece to HSH:Run, and I suggest you read that one first. Gen fic, Champion-only. HSH/DF compliant. Heavily features hallucinogens/bad trips, cults, and hazing. Oneshot, 3,008 words. Mature
Digital Footprint
Champion returns to his body and all of Wild’s leftover possessions and data. Like nudes. So many of his own nudes that he does not remember taking. Self loving (in many forms) ensues. Champion/Wild. Attempting to be HSH Compliant. Cis!Champion (started before trans!Wild was canonized). My smut magnum opus for some reason. Work in Progress. 5/? chapters, 16,484 words (so far). 18+ (with some sfw chapters)
Breathe Out, So I Can Breathe You In
This one's The Weed Fic (™) where Legend and Champion smoke some, have a heart to heart, and get handsy. Legend/Champion, background Legend/Hyrule. Digital Footprint compliant but not really canon. Semi-HSH compliant. Trans!Champion Oneshot, 4,632 words. PG-13
Once, and In a Fantasy
Champion finds an old video of a fling he had with his longest running crush (Sky) once. Jealousy and jacking off ensue. Wild gets to have all the fun, doesn't he? Sky/Wild, Sky/Champion (unrequited). Digital Footprint compliant but not really canon. Semi-HSH compliant. Cis!Champion. Oneshot, 1,750 words. 18+
What I Am
Champion has a bad time with some of Time’s old habits, and both are terrible at communicating. This is their get-along lakehouse. Followup/hypothetical addition to What We Are. Involves heavy discussion of dysphoria, discomfort, and failsex/sudden safewording. Champion/Time. Based on LMTCOY Oneshot, 2,000 words and counting. Unpublished wip you can ask me about. 18+
Unexpected Obstacles
Champion has some old trauma that dies pretty damn hard, sometimes getting in the way of his sex life. Or: champion accidentally pulls a knife on Twilight during sex and is then sad about it, but everything turns out fine because Twi is a goober. Champion/Twilight. Sorta HSH compliant. Oneshot, 998 words. 18+
Poodle Anon’s Speakeasy Kinktober Collection (2022)
Super secret server I’m in did a kinktober! Had a lot of fun with these, it’s all over the place but just oneshots. Many different ships (primarily HSH), but includes OC Link, and canon-inspired situations 7 chapters, 6,861 words, 18+
Playing With Your Food
Collab with our dear St0rmy! Wild and Dark as vampires, per Blood Lust, give gorey head to their boyfriends. Under-discussed kink, CW for dick squick, and blood/minor gore. There are Flesh Descriptions. Wild/Time (my bit), Twilight/Dark (Stormy’s bit). Blood Lust compliant. MIND THOSE TAGS. Oneshot, 3,016 words, VERY 18+
Broken Mirror
Time is goaded into fucking Dark over his desk, harkening back to the days of their misspent youth under control of various entities where they also fucked against a wall when they were supposed to be killing each other. Not really a hatefuck, more like an annoyed-fuck? Smangst. Dark/Time. LMTCOY/HSH compliant-ish. Kinda rough but Dark is into it. Mind the tags. Oneshot, 2,348 words. 18+
Practical Exam
Direct followup to Chapter 18 of Let Me Take Care of You Sky gets a final “test” before “graduating” his Dom training. The test? Time has wanted this flyboy's dick since the first day of their training, Sky sweetly obliges and Time gets turned into a puddle of mush (rare subspace). It’s very cute. Time/Sky. LMTCOY compliant. Mostly aftermath of their scene and some aftercare. It’s cute. Mind those tags!!! Oneshot, 3,538 words. 18+
Bunny Love
Legend and Hyrule mess around and get all cute and gross like the happy couple they are. They’re going to give me fucking cavities. Legend/Hyrule, established relationship. LMTCOY compliant. Short and sweet. Oneshot, 899 words. 18+
Bonus: Followup to @miniscrew-anon's febuwhump fill! Champion wakes up from his second bonkening that returned him to the world, and starts getting caught up on what he’s missed. Guard boys being friends. No ship (gasp). HSH: The Brave compliant. Oneshot, just under 500 words. PG-13
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miniscrew-anon · 4 months
AroAce Four, my beloved
“You seem like a really nice guy,” She says, “And I happened to notice that you always stick around for my whole shift even though you don’t buy anything other than your coffee. So… do you want to grab something later?” Four sticks around because the cafe lets him sit as long as he wants and he gets unlimited refills of his small black coffee for just three rupees a day. The place is dry and warm and gives him a space to work on applications. It helps that the staff is nice, but Four stays here for hours because he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. He didn’t even realize he tended to come in when this woman was here. But he can’t tell her that. He doesn’t want to embarrass her. So he smiles back, eyes flickering down to check her nametag. Erune. “Yeah, actually. I’d love to.” --- AKA the fic where i put all my aroace dating experiences onto my fav lil guy and Four gets to feel my pain, but also my catharsis.
You may recognize this already. That's because in June I posted this to this tumblr. But it wasn't super good or well edited because I'd whipped it up in a day. So I decided to finally edit and post it to a03, since it surpassed my usual word count for such things. And when better than aromantic awareness week?
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orgaslink · 5 months
WIP game; Miracle, Omegaverse, WildLight Pole??
Thank you for the ask!
Miracle: Set in Stormy's HSH AU, this WIP is a "What If" in which I started thinking about Marin being okay and very suddenly (and very unexpectedly) tracks Legend down to Time's house. Needless to say, Legend is very surprised to see her.
Below the cut for discussions of NSFW content:
Omegaverse: omg I have so many little wips for this trope. I have Hyrule and Legend bonding as my closest to being finished but I have ideas for an AU Link's meet and I can't decide if I want it set in Omegaverse or not. Also have lots of thoughts on Omega!Dark which again, might be it's own AU or might not. I'm too indecisive!
WildLight Pole was part of a prompt game in a server I'm in, I think the prompt was "sex in unusual places" and I decided that Wild was a pole dancer who invited Twilight along to a practice session. Twilight was mesmerised and fun times happened.
I reallllly need to get writing these wips, I'm just too indecisive and it slows me down. That and I lack confidence 😅
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