#hpdt au
korkorali · 3 years
The Beginning
Alright, I wanna talk about the Hp au, so all my my followers are going to be subjected to another post about it!
Today, I think I’m gonna talk about some plot points for what the beginning of the ‘First Book’ would be! (From the beginning up to the collecting of the wand)
First, a few fun facts to get you interested, though
- The first fic’s title would be The Brothers Who Lived (Maybe, I’m not too sold on any title yet)
- It would mainly be told with Dewey at the focus
- Though this doesn’t mean his story would be an exact replica of Harry Potters
- Specifically, he lives with Gosalyn and Drake, who love him a lot
- Though his stay at Hogwarts would be a different story
Caught your interest? Well, continue reading under the cut for more ;) (be warned: it’s a bit long)
-  We start off with Drake Mallard going about town
- He keeps running into weird people saying that ‘She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is dead!’
- This confuses him but he’s seen weirder, they don’t seem to be hurting anyone, so let them be odd, as far as he’s concerned
- He ends up running into this old man, who strikes him as one of those weird people. yet he seems a little sadder than the rest of them
- He is holding a bundle in his arms
- Drake talks to the old man, and he seems nice enough
- They part ways, and later Drake the bundle the old man was carrying in his kitchen
- He opens the bundle to reveal a one year old child, with a note that says ‘His name is Dewey Duck’
- He knows he should contact the authorities, and try to find that old man, but until then, he’ll take care of the kid.
- Fast forward about ten years (specifically about a week before then) and Dewey and his sister Gosalyn are enjoying their summer break by playing video games
- The mail comes and Drake goes to collect it
- He’s surprised when he sees a letter for Dewey tucked into the usual junk mail
- The surprise turns into concern and worry when the address has Dewey’s bedroom on it
- He decides to just it away and pretend it doesn’t exist
- Cuz that’ll solve all his problems
- He ‘nonchalantly’  talks to Dew and Gos about whether or not they’d like to go on a small vacation for Dewey’s birthday
- The next day he gets two of those creepy letters
- He once again pretends that they don’t exist and burns them
- Dewey and Gosalyn start getting a little suspicious
- A day goes by without any letters
- Drake thinks that’s the end of it.
- Then they get a full eight letters
- Cue Panic
- He makes Dew and Gos make a pack and then they head out for ‘vacation’
- They are thoroughly suspicious of him by now
- Gos calls Drake out, but he dismisses her and they go by boat to some run down house on an island
- Drake is sure that’ll be the end of it
- The night before Dewey’s birthday, he decides to stay up until midnight
- Gosalyn joins him and they talk about stuff
- Dewey admits that he wishes he knew about his birth family
- Drake’s only ever told him that he was given to him by some old grandpa
- But both Dewey and Gos think he’s joking about that
- Gosalyn kinda understands, because she knew her grandfather
- She still thinks of Drake as her dad, but she finds comfort in knowing about her biological parents
- So she hopes he learns eventually
- The clock strikes twelve
- Dewey turns 11 (and the same age as Gos, but only for a week)
- And suddenly the door gets busted down
- Gos and Dew are, obviously, pretty fucking scared
- home invasion and all that
- Drake swoops in with a punch to the dudes chest, and nearly breaks his hand
- The strange large man apologizes for knocking down the door, saying that he just wanted to knock
- He says hi to Dewey, introduces himself as Launchpad, and goes to sit down
- Drake shows a lot of confusion at this turn of events. Specifically, he wants to know how Launchpad knows Dewey’s name
- Launchpad express’s his own confusion at this, and realizes that Drake, Gosalyn, and Dewey know nothing about the wizarding world
- So he gives Dewey his Hogwarts acceptance letter (and a cake, which already has a Launchpad-sized bite taken out of it) and explains -sort of- about how he’s a wizard, and what that entails
- He also tells Dewey a little bit about his family, which 100% sells Dewey on the idea
- Drake, understandably, does not believe him, until he gives them a show of magic
- Which kinda freaks Drake out, but makes Dewey and Gosalyn way too excited
- Drake decides to allow Dewey to give this ‘Hogwarts’ a try
- But he does tell Dewey that he’ll love him no matter what happens
- So the group makes plans to go to Diagon Alley with Launchpad in a few days
- A few days later, the group meets up with Launchpad outside the Leaky Tap
- Drake doesn’t notice the Leaky Tap, but he’s the only one who can’t
- Of course, he can easily see Launchpad, so it doesn’t really matter
- Drake is still a little wary about the whole thing, but he is quickly warming up to Launchpad, which helps to put him at ease
- When they enter the Leaky Tap, everyone (sans Launchpad) is surprised at how everyone inside seems to know Dewey
- They even recognize a few faces as some of the strange people who’d wave or act like they knew him sometimes
- Drake never really liked those people
- Launchpad explains that Dewey and his brothers are kinda famous, and he’ll tell him more later after they get him his stuff
- They leave the Leaky Tap out the back entrance, and enter Diagon Alley
- Cue shock and amazement from everyone
- Especially Drake, as he can no longer deny that this actually a thing that is happening
- The kids run off, looking into the shops at all the amazing and mind bending things in them
- They are quickly enthralled
- Drake is initially worried that they’ll get lost, but Launchpad assures him that it’s fine, because the place they need to go (Gringotts) is straight ahead, so they probably won’t get lost
- He and Drake talk for a little bit (Drake is still annoyed about how the letters had Dewey’s  f r e a k i n g  bedroom on them) and Launchpad gets Drake to calm down a little
- Just in time for them to enter Gringotts Bank, and thusly, the mine-cart roller-coaster
- Drake hates it, the others love it
- Launchpad picks up a mysterious parcel, which the kids are immediately intrigued about
- Then they get back on the mine-cart to go to the vault Dewey shares with his brothers
- He learns that both his brothers have already accessed the vault earlier that week, which means that he won’t be running into them until the school year starts
- Which he’s kinda bummed about
- All sad feelings go away when he sees the inside of the vault, and the massive amount of Galleons in there
- Which means that Dewey’s rich
- Which Gosalyn immediately comments on
- After they shake themselves out of the money stupor, and Dewey grabs a fair amount of money, the group goes back outside of Gringotts and begins the trek for Dewey’s school supplies
- Dewey and Gosalyn try to go on a spending spree, and the get the most impressive/expensive stuff
- Which leads to Drake confiscating the gold pouch
- At least until after Dewey gets all his school supplies
- They get most of them, including getting Dewey fitted for robes (which both Dewey and the seamstress hated - Dewey cannot stand still for the life of him) until it gets to the wand
- Dewey and Gosalyn go in, but Drake and Launchpad stay out, saying that they wanted to get him something
- The shop is run by a old duck by the name of Olivander
- He is immediately excited to see Dewey, one of the ‘Chosen Three’
- Though he does spare an intrigued glance to Gosalyn
- He gets right to it afterwards, fitting Dewey with wand, after wand, after wand
- None seem to be right (which makes Dewey nervous)
- Until Olivander finally picks out one special wand, which Dewey immediately knows is right with barely a touch
- He picks that wand, and Olivander explains that it’s core is a phoenix tail feather
- And that the phoenix that gave him that tail feather gave him one more
- And that one had been placed in his mothers wand
- Filled with awe and respect, Dewey pays for the wand, and he and Gos head back out
- And they find Drake and Launchpad waiting for them, with an owl for Dewey
- Gosalyn decides that that’s unfair, until Drake explains that it’s so that Dewey can write to them
- Dewey, overcome with emotion, decides to name his owl Darkwing, for the show that his family was raised on
- Which makes Drake emotional as well, and he does a poor job hiding it
- Drake makes Dewey promise to write every day while he’s gone, and he tells him again that he’s already so proud of him
- And he does end up caving to Gosalyn’s demands and promises to get them a puppy while Dewey is off at Hogwarts
And that’s it for how it would begin! Honestly, the length kinda got away from me, so next time (if it doesn’t get away from me again) we’ll talk about The First Meeting and Beyond! I hope you’ve enjoyed!
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korkorali · 3 years
This post is tied to my harry potter ducktales au, it is a brief character look-at for the head’s of houses and the headmaster
-Scrooge McDuck
Is the headmaster, and he was a Hufflepuff
He values hard work and family above all other values, and he’s good at finding hidden things. That’s totally Hufflepuff, change my mind.
He also is actually a fairly big deal in the muggle world, and is very willing to work with muggles and work without his magic if he needs to. That attitude is actually how he got into the position he has today.
He did not want to separate Huey, Dewey, and Louie (he would’ve preferred to keep them with him) unfortunately, after Della died and Magica was ‘Dispelled’ Scrooge knew a couple things
1. Just because Magica was gone didn’t mean that the people who followed her would suddenly stop doing that
2. He was willing to bet his number one dime that she wasn’t actually gone, just incapacitated for a time
3. Donald had not been responsible for Della’s death, the Ministry of Magic was just using him as a scapegoat. So that meant that the real traitor was still out there.
4. And to top it all off, the magic that backfired on the kids left a damning mark that might be able to be tracked by magic, but he found that the signal could be muffled if they kept away from each other.
All these things meant that the kids would be in danger if not protected correctly, and that meant that they could not stay with him, at least until they started going to Hogwarts
He sent Huey to his nephew Fethry, and he was grateful beyond belief that that was actually approved by the MoM, because he did not think he’d be that lucky.
Dewey, he left with Drake Mallard, just some random muggle that he’d been keeping an eye on. Drake immediately took the kid in as his own, so Scrooge didn’t feel the need to tell him about the world of magic. He’d learn eventually, right?
He hated that he had to leave Louie with the Drakes. The MoM made him, but he just got a bad vibe from them. He would’ve just taken Louie and hoped for the best, but Mrs. Beakley convinced him otherwise. Unfortunately, neither of them could really convince the MoM to let them move him once they realized that the Drakes were abusing him. (Don’t worry: eventually Scrooge said damn the consequences and let Louie stay with him. This was by the 6th book, however)
Scrooge fully believes that Donald did not sell Della out, there was no way he’d do that to his sister. He tried desperately to get him acquitted, but the MoM just wanted a scapegoat, and did not actually care about who was or was not the traitor. Scrooge continued to fight for Donald’s release, even long after his incarceration. He always, always, believed that his nephew was innocent.
His favorite student is actually Webby, though he does try to hide it.
His wand’s core is actually a Thunderbird tail feather.
(More people under the cut)
-Bentina Beakley
Is the head of Gryffindor house
She was an auror during the fight Magica, and she was a damn good one at that. She was discharged afterwards, and Scrooge immediately swooped in and offered her a place at his school. She accepted.
She is a strict head of house, but she’s not heartless. She cares for the kids under her watch. She does have a bit of a competitive streak, which comes out in how much stock she puts in they Gryffindor quidditch team.
She teaches Transfiguration.
She does not trust Goldie O’Gilt, and dislikes it when Scrooge places his full trust in her.
She would stay at Hogwarts year round, but that’s really no place for a baby. So she took Webby and they lived in a magical compound with a couple other witches and wizards. The magic compound is essentially the Weasley house.
This poses quite a shock to the triplets when they go over there in their second year and find their transfiguration teacher there as well.
Her animagus is that of a house cat, and she would often spy on Louie, making sure that if Scrooge ever said ‘fuck it’ and took Louie out of there, she’d have plenty of evidence to defend his decision to the MoM.
Webby is her favorite but she does not let that show
Her wand’s magic core is dragon heartstring
-Goldie O’Gilt
Is the head of Slytherin house, and is very very complicated.
She was rumored to be part of Magica’s regime, but as soon as Magica was destroyed, Scrooge made her the Slytherin head of house. This kept the MoM from really being able to punish her for it. She was rumored to be one of Magica’s right hand women, and it’s rumored that she secretly hates the kids who destroyed her.
The truth is actually much much sadder.
Yes, she was a part of Magica’s regime, but she was actually under the effects of the Imperious Curse. At least, at first. She managed to break out of it, but stayed in so that Scrooge could have a man on the inside. She was actually pretty good at getting him information, which he then fed to the Ministry of Magic.
Now she really did care about Donald and Della, she’d met the two of them multiple times and they were pretty cool. She wanted to keep them safe, especially when she learned that Della had kids.
Unfortunately, she did not catch the Prophecy in time. It turns out Magica had sussed out that she was a traitor and left her at the hands of her Death Eaters while she went to ‘deal with the prophecy’.
That day, Goldie killed many Death Eaters, desperately trying to get to Scrooge to warn him.
But she was to late. Della was dead, and her kids were now orphans.
Donald hadn’t been enough, the Ministry needed more scapegoats, and she seemed like the perfect candidate. She was under the full belief that this was how it would end, and she was at peace with that. She’d promised Scrooge that she’d keep his kids safe, and she failed. She promised Della she wouldn’t let anything happen to her, and she failed.
But Scrooge stepped in. He saved her by claiming that she was his informant, and he gave her diplomatic immunity by sticking her in the Slytherin head of house position.
Goldie, being Goldie, couldn’t let this just lie. She told him that this didn’t mean that she owed him anything, because he did this without her permission. And Scrooge agreed with her, which seriously threw her for a loop.
So, out of her own volition, she kept a close eye on the kids. After all, she’d failed Della and Scrooge once, she wouldn’t do so again.
She is a very lax head of house, and commonly just gives out points for no real reason other than that it pisses off Mrs. Beakley. She actually mainly teaches Charms, which is surprising. Though she does make it clear that she’d prefer to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts.
The four main kids are kinda afraid of her, but she really does not make it any mission of hers to make any kids think that they are inferior. She also totally knows that Louie is much better at Charms than he presents, and she actually approves of him hiding it.
Louie is her favorite student by far, and she does not disguise that.
Her wand’s core is Veela hair
-Gyro Gearloose
Is the head of Ravenclaw house
He is actually a fairly good head of house, he’s very fair with his giving out of points, he is able to answer most questions his kids have, and he does try to teach well.
But he is kinda shit at it. Sort of.
See, he’s the Potions teacher. He can teach potions pretty well, and he does actually stumble upon ways to get most of the kids to learn pretty complicated shit.
But he fails miserably at making it a safe place to learn. There are a lot of accidents in Potions.
He tries to stay civil with the kids, and he usually succeeds. But if a kid fucks up and makes something dangerous, he is prone to panic and leads to shrieking and that leads to kids thinking he doesn’t like them, which isn’t entirely wrong. He does make sure to check up on any kids sent to the Hospital Ward from Potions, though.
He’s actually on the younger side, and actually went to Hogwarts with Della and Donald. He was actually friends with them and their friend group, and that made him an animagus.
His animagus form is that of a bear, which nobody expected.
His favorite student is definitely Huey, because as far as Gyro is concerned, he’s definitely the smartest one.
His wand core is unicorn tail hair.
-Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
Is the head of Hufflepuff house
Though the youngest head of house, he definitely has a lot on his plate. He teaches Herbology, Flying, and Care for Magical Creatures, though he does drop that one by the third year and let’s Launchpad take over.
He’s actually a very kind head of house, and is always willing to help his Hufflepuff kids out when they need anything. He’s also one of the only heads of houses that can be found either in his house dorm or the Ravenclaw house dorm (because Gyro).
The kids all definitely have him as their favorite head of house, even though none of them are actually from Hufflepuff.
He tried to away from picking favorites, but he does like Huey’s quick mind.
His wand’s core is actually phoenix feather, though it usually disagrees with him a lot. Huey does try to come to him for help with a phoenix core wand, but quickly realizes that Fenton was just as lost -if not more- than he was.
So that’s the head of Hogwarts, next time we’ll talk about the other interesting adults!
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korkorali · 3 years
This post is about my HPDT au, specifically about the main four, their characteristics, their houses, and who they live with for the summer.
-Huey Duck
Is a Ravenclaw
He has an interesting relationship with magic, because he was raised by his Uncle Fethry, who is a squib. Even though he couldn’t cast magic, Fethry taught him a lot about the mechanics of magic, and gave him hands on experience with the non-magical skills he’d need to excel as a wizard (like potion making).
Huey’s best subject is Potions, followed by Arithmancy and Herbology. He struggles to fully grasp the nuances of the magical based classes, however, and by far his worst class is transfiguration. He’s actually surprisingly good at spell experimentation, however.
He’s not a part of his house quidditch team, but he is the main the commentator.
His wand’s core is a phoenix feather
-Dewey Duck
Is a Gryffindor
He was raised by Drake Mallard, and was unaware of the world of wizards. He always thought he was special, though.
His relationship with magic is very much reliant on raw power and force to get his way. His best class is Defense Against the Dark Arts, but he’s actually halfway decent and transfiguration, which surprises everyone. He’s not very good with Charms, however, his Potion skills are utterly abysmal, and History of Magic is practically just nap time for him.
He is damn good on a broom, just like his mother. Again like her, he was also appointed to the quidditch team in his first year. He forced himself to play Seeker for a while, trying to follow exactly in his mother’s footsteps. He wasn’t necessarily bad at it, his great flying made up for his lack of perception, but after his second year he found that he felt much more comfortable in the position of Chaser.
His wand’s core is a dragon heartstring.
-Louie Duck
Is a Slytherin
Louie ended up in the care of the Drakes, who are essentially the Dursley’s. He’s like, supposedly distantly related to them or something. Point is, he hates them, they hate him, it sucks.
Louie’s relationship with magic is probably the most fluid and intricate of the four. He is very good at Charms, fully able to grasp the ins and outs of third year charms by the halfway point in his first year (he knows better than to advertise this, however. He just does enough to get that 100 and moves on, keeping his extensive charm knowledge as one extra tool in his back pocket). He’s pretty good in Potions, too. Actually, he’s pretty naturally good in all of the classes, and he knows how to bullshit History of Magic, so it looks like he’s good at that one too. He starts to slip at Defense Against the Dark Arts, slightly, but you can only really tell that he’s bad at Herbology.
Louie is also really good at slight-of-hand magic, which he will readily show off to all the other students as if he’s a master wizard already.
He’s actually fairly good on a broom, and by his second year he actually becomes Slytherin’s Seeker. He’s damn perceptive, and he can spot that snitch easily.
His wand’s core is unicorn tail hair
-Webbigail Vanderquack
Is a Gryffindor
She lived with her grandmother, Mrs. Beakley, for most of her life. She grew up immersed in magic, and her grandmother gave her many lessons on it.
Webby is excels in all of her classes, but she is especially gifted with Transfiguration. That isn’t her favorite class, however, that spot belongs to History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures.
It makes her a little strange, but she’s happy to be known for that. After all, her granny does make sure that most people won’t learn that she and Webby are related, she doesn’t want Webby to be treated differently for that.
Webby is also on the quidditch team, she’s a beater, and damn good one at that.
Her wand’s core is also a phoenix feather
She and Louie are also trying to figure out how to become animagi
-In my next post, I’ll go over the head’s of houses and the headmaster
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korkorali · 3 years
Alright time to talk about the other interesting adults in the Harry Potter Ducktales AU
-Donald Duck
Was a Gryffindor
He was wrongfully accused of colluding with Magica and being responsible in his sister’s death, which lead to him being incarcerated in Azkaban.
All he knew was that he was innocent. He didn’t even know if Scrooge was fighting for him. (Scrooge was, but Donald did not believe it)
He had actually been helping Della raise the kids, but was out of the house the day Magica killed her.
Eventually he escapes Azkaban, and immediately makes sure that his kids are alright. He has some time where he helps them and keeps them steady, then book 5 happens (but it might happen a little differently than how you expect)
Donald is an animagus, and his form is that of a dog.
When he was in Hogwarts, his favorite class was Defense Against the Dark Arts, because that seemed like the most useful class.
He was actually a beater for the Gryffindor quidditch team by his 3rd year.
His wand’s core is a dragon heartstring
More (Della, Fethry, Launchpad, Drake, etc.) under the cut
-Della Duck
Was a Gryffindor
She died protecting her kids from Magica, and her love for them made Magica’s killing curse rebound onto herself. They were actually the only two to die that night.
Back in the day, she was a pretty powerful witch, and probably the best Seeker to date in Gryffindor. It was honestly expected that she’d be picked up by a full fledged quidditch team, but she subverted expectations and became an Auror with Donald.
Her favorite class was Astrology, but then again she didn’t really consider flying class as an actual class, so. She was also pretty surprisingly good at transfiguration.
She was also an animagus, her form was that of an eagle.
Her wand’s core was a phoenix feather.
-Fethry Duck
Is a Squib and a werewolf, but he got an education (or at least, part of one) at Hogwarts. While there, he was a Ravenclaw.
Originally, he wasn’t allowed to go to Hogwarts, but Scrooge pulled a lot of strings so that he could be there for most of the year (He wanted Fethry to be somewhere where he could keep an eye on him). So Fethry was one of the only Squibs to go to Hogwarts for an education. The Ministry did not allow him to take the O.W.Ls or the N.E.W.Ts, so he did not graduate from Hogwarts, but he still learned a lot.
Donald, Della, and Gyro were his friends at Hogwarts (well, two of them were his cousins, but whatever), but he did not tell them about being a werewolf. When they eventually figured out (because of course they did- Della couldn’t let sleeping dogs lie) they actually became unregistered animagi to keep him company.
After Della died, Scrooge pulled even more strings and entrusted Huey to his care. As a part of Huey being in his care, the Ministry would supply him with wolfsbane potions while in the safe house that they were given to live at. Fethry loved and cared for Huey with all his heart.
In Huey’s 3rd year at Hogwarts, Fethry was actually given the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching role. He was the best teacher that that class ever saw for that position.
As a Squib, he never got a wand.
-Drake Mallard
Is a muggle
He raises Dewey, and eventually adopts Gosalyn as well.
He doesn’t know about the world of magic until Dewey gets a letter from Hogwarts. Dewey was just kind of given to him by this strange old man, and Drake was like ‘Welp, guess he’s mine now!’
When Dewey was sent the first letter, Drake did not approve (I mean, it had the room he slept in, it set off alarm bells in Drake’s head). Eventually he did let Dewey go to Hogwarts, though he was worried the whole time.
He is initially distrusting of everything magical, but he and Gosalyn quickly find themselves immersed in that world. Despite the fact that they aren’t really a part of it.
A lot of people tend to forget that he is a muggle. He becomes a member of the Order of the Phoenix in the 5th year, he is kind of a part of the Ministry as well by the 4th, and by the end of year 7 he’s actually the acting Minister of Magic.
Because he’s a muggle, he doesn’t have a wand.
He does have a massive crush on Launchpad though.
-Launchpad McQuack
Was a Hufflepuff
He is the groundskeeper for Hogwarts, and eventually becomes the Care of Magical Creatures instructor.
He’s the one who gave Dewey his letter, and kind of got off on the wrong foot with Drake for it. He made lengths to make up for it, however.
He cares for the four kiddos very much, and does his best to help them in any way that he can.
He was actually on the quidditch team originally, and he was the Keeper.
His wand is in his umbrella, and he doesn’t remember it’s core.
He has a huge crush on Drake.
There’s also Ludwig Von Drake, who becomes the Charms professor in 6th year, Black Heron, who’s essentially Bellatrix Lestrange, Lunaris, who’s just a bitch in the Ministry, and some more who I can’t really think of rn.
That’s it for the adults, next we’ll talk about the other kids, who are actually pretty important.
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korkorali · 3 years
Hey, I don’t know if this is where I ask stuff, I’m new on here 😂. Anyways, with your DuckTales HP Au, I have a few questions if you don’t mind answering them. 1) are the Drakes part of the magic community? 2) who is older, Louie or Doofus (and will Doofus be at Hogwarts if he S magical) 3) is Mark Beaks going to be like the Lockhart of this Au? Wow, this was longer then I realised, sorry bout that :)
Don't worry, you got the right place! And don't worry about the length, I'm happy for it!
Now to answer your questions.
1) No, the Drakes are not part of the magic community, they take the place of the Dursleys, and stay more consistent with those characters, not themselves.
2) Doofus is older, but only by a few months. (If he did go to Hogwarts, he'd be a Slytherin. Willing to do anything to get his way. Fun fact, I almost made the Drakes the Malfoys, but I felt like Doofus was more like Dudley than anything. Means I'm going to have to come up with someone else to take Draco's place, though)
and 3) Yes, 100%, Mark Beaks is going to be the Lockheart of this Au. I mean, they are practically the same person already, there's no need for messy assimilations!
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korkorali · 3 years
The other kids besides our four protagonists are also pretty important, and in this post we’ll be going over a bit about them.
-Lena Saberwing
Is a Slytherin
She’s about three years ahead of the main four, but latches onto them pretty quickly. She enjoys hanging out with Louie (one of the only other Slytherins who knows what the muggle world is like) likes Webby (she grows on her immediately) shares a lot of the same views on what Hogwarts could do better with Huey, and just finds Dewey’s can-do attitude hilarious, and absolutely loves it.
Little does anyone know, she harbors a dark-ish secret. She’s actually the niece of Magica De Spell.
Magica took Lena to the Duck’s house the day she killed them. The plan had been twofold: kill the children that were destined to destroy her if they grew up, and show her rebellious niece -who was only 4 years old at the time, mind you- what happened to those who defied her.
But she died, leaving Lena alone in a burning house, with a dead woman on the ground and three crying one year olds.
Lena got the kids out of the crib and took them outside, where they’d be safe from the flames that Magica had started, but not before grabbing the lady’s wand and coat. She tried to keep the triplets safe for a bit, but panicked and ran when she heard a motorcycle pull up.
She ran away and forgot most everything about that encounter as the years went on.
She kept the coat, though.
Lena spent most of her life as a kid bouncing around the muggle foster system. She’d hated it, but she hated the idea of being found by Magica -or her enemies, so practically the entire wizarding world- even worse.
But on her 11th birthday, Scrooge McDuck hand-delivered her letter. He told her that he -unlike many other wizards- did not believe that blood was what made family. He offered her a place at his school, but he wanted to change her last name and put her with a different wizarding family that he’d come to trust, just as a precaution.
Lena had never accepted an invitation so damn fast. It wasn’t that she believed him, necessarily, but she wanted what he was saying to be true.
Scrooge put her in the Saberwing household, and that was the end of that.
Her wand is actually Della’s old wand, having never gotten rid of it.
By her seventh year at Hogwarts, she’d come to fully accept her place as a Saberwing, and loved them like a family. More than that, she’d found a group of friends that made her feel invincible, like she could handle anything.
Maybe that’s why she put her name in the Goblet of Fire. Or maybe she’d just wanted to look cool in front of Webby.
She hadn’t been expecting it to spit out her name, however.
It was even stranger when it spit out Webby’s as well.
Gosalyn and Violet are discussed under the cut
-Gosalyn Mallard
Is a Gryffindor, but she doesn’t know that until she’s 13
She’s Dewey’s sister, having been raised by Drake since she was 9 and Dewey was 8. She didn’t get a letter from Hogwarts on her 11th birthday, however. It had been a surprisingly hectic year that year, and the owl-keeper and letter-sender had decided that he wasn’t getting paid enough, and purposefully messed up the sending of letters as a way of rebelling. Everyone tried to get the letters to the people they needed to go to, but a few kids -including Gosalyn- had been missed.
In Dewey’s second year, however, she got a letter saying that she’d been accepted at Hogwarts, and that they were sorry that it’d taken so long. So after that she started going to Hogwarts, and is actually fairly important to the second book.
Gosalyn quickly becomes a Chaser for the quidditch team, and when Oliver Woodchuck leaves, she becomes the team captain, which Dewey is jealous about for all of one second before she beats some sense into him.
She’s fairly prolific in the dueling club, and enjoys flying class the most.
Her wand’s core is dragon heartstring.
-Violet Saberwing
Is a Ravenclaw
She is Lena’s younger sister, and she comes to Hogwarts in hdlw’s second year.
She is very smart and bookish, excelling in all of her classes, but she does best in Divination, surprisingly.
She and Huey develop a fast friendship, but she’s closer with Webby, seeing as how they are really the only one’s who ever get interested in History of Magic.
She is one of Lena’s biggest supporters (along with Webby) and she becomes one of the best students in Scrooge’s Army, when it gets created.
She is not on the quidditch team, and doesn’t enjoy flying very much at all.
Her wand’s core is a unicorn tail hair
There are, of course, other kids. A fair amount of them will just be ripped from the hp universe, some will be ones transferred from the dt universe, but those three are some of the more important ones.
That’s really it for the characters, I think I might make an overview of the start next. Or just give out some random information/scenes, that sounds pretty dope. See you next time!
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