#how to reach andaman and nicobar islands by ship
dazonntravels1 · 2 months
How to Reach the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
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Andaman and Nicobar is famous for its stunning islands. Over 100,000 tourists visit this stunning location each year. If you're planning a visit but unsure how to get there, don't fret! We've got you covered with a detailed guide on how to Reach the Andaman and Nicobar Islands using various modes of transport.
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thetravelkonnection · 4 months
Exploring Paradise: A Travel Guide to Andaman and Nicobar Islands
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The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a tropical haven nestled in the Bay of Bengal, beckon travelers with pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and a rich cultural tapestry. In this comprehensive guide, we invite you to embark on a virtual journey to discover the allure of these exotic islands.
Draped in emerald waters and fringed with palm-lined shores, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands boast a unique blend of natural beauty and historical significance. As we delve into the details, let's unravel the secrets that make these islands an idyllic destination.
When to Visit
Choosing the perfect time to visit is crucial for an unforgettable experience. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands enjoy a tropical climate, making October to May the ideal months. The weather is pleasant, allowing you to explore the islands' wonders without the hindrance of monsoons.
How to Visit
By Air
The easiest way to reach these islands is by air. The Veer Savarkar International Airport in Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, serves as the primary gateway. Multiple flights operate from major Indian cities, ensuring convenient accessibility.
By Sea
For those seeking a more leisurely journey, ferries and ships connect the islands with the mainland. The sea route offers a unique experience, allowing travelers to savor the beauty of the Bay of Bengal during their voyage.
Attractions That Mesmerize
Radhanagar Beach – A Serene Oasis
Known as Asia's best beach, Radhanagar Beach in Havelock Island captivates visitors with its powdery white sand and crystal-clear waters. The sunsets here are nothing short of magical, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.
Cellular Jail – Witness to History
A poignant testament to India's struggle for independence, the Cellular Jail in Port Blair stands as a silent witness to the sacrifices made by freedom fighters. The Light and Sound Show narrates the harrowing tales of the past, creating a moving experience for visitors.
Scuba Diving in Neil Island – Unveiling the Underwater Wonderland
Dive into the mesmerizing depths of Neil Island's coral reefs, teeming with vibrant marine life. Whether you're a seasoned diver or a beginner, the underwater world here is a captivating spectacle.
Baratang Island – Nature's Canvas
A haven for nature enthusiasts, Baratang Island is renowned for its limestone caves, mangrove creeks, and mud volcanoes. The journey to reach these natural wonders is an adventure in itself, with scenic boat rides and lush greenery.
Ross Island – Reliving Colonial Grandeur
Step back in time as you explore the remnants of British architecture on Ross Island. The dilapidated structures and serene surroundings create a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere, offering a glimpse into the colonial past.
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands stand as a testament to nature's unparalleled beauty and historical resonance. Whether you seek relaxation on pristine beaches or crave adventure beneath the waves, these islands offer a diverse range of experiences. Plan your journey wisely, and let the magic of Andaman and Nicobar create memories that last a lifetime.
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travellingworld469 · 10 months
Andaman Travel Tips: Essential Guide for a Memorable Trip
The Andaman Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal, is a breathtaking paradise with pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, lush greenery, and diverse marine life. Whether you are a nature lover, an adventure enthusiast, or someone seeking relaxation, Andaman has something for everyone. Now, let's dive into the complete guide for an unforgettable Andaman tour!
Along with expert tips to ensure a memorable journey in you Andaman Trip.
Andaman: A Slice of Paradise
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The Andaman Islands, an archipelago of 572 islands, is a breathtaking beauty tucked away in the azure waters of the Bay of Bengal. With its pristine beaches, lush greenery, and diverse marine life, it promises an unforgettable experience. From the moment you set foot on these magical islands, you'll be captivated by their charm and serenity.
Best Time to Visit Andaman
Planning the perfect vacation requires knowing the best time to visit. The weather in Andaman and Nicobar remains pleasant throughout the year, making it an ideal destination for travelers. The peak season, between November and April, offers pleasant temperatures and calm waters, perfect for water activities. However, if you want to experience the islands' lush greenery in full bloom, consider visiting during the monsoon season.
How to Reach Andaman
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Reaching the Andaman Islands is an exciting part of your journey. You can take a direct flight to Port Blair, the capital city, from major Indian cities. Alternatively, adventure seekers can opt for a scenic sea voyage on passenger ships from Kolkata, Chennai, or Vishakhapatnam. Both options provide unique experiences, making your trip even more special.
Top Attractions in Andaman
Andaman boasts a treasure trove of attractions that will leave you in awe. The historic Cellular Jail, known for its role in India's struggle for independence, is a must-visit. The stunning Radhanagar Beach, with its crystal-clear waters and soft white sand, offers the perfect spot to unwind. Don't forget to explore Ross Island, the erstwhile British administrative headquarters, for a trip back in time.
Experiencing Andaman's Culture
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Beyond its natural beauty, Andaman is rich in culture and heritage. The islands are home to several indigenous tribes, each with its own unique traditions and way of life. Embrace the local culture by participating in their colorful festivals and exploring their handicrafts, which reflect their deep-rooted connection with nature.
Adventure Activities in Andaman
For adrenaline junkies, Andaman offers a plethora of adventure activities. Dive into the turquoise waters to discover the mesmerizing underwater world through scuba diving and snorkeling. Trek through the lush forests and hills for a thrilling experience. For an action-packed vacation, indulge in various water sports, such as jet-skiing, parasailing, and banana boat rides.
Island Hopping in Andaman
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Andaman is a paradise for island-hopping enthusiasts. Explore the serene Neil Island, famous for its laid-back ambiance and picturesque landscapes. Havelock Island, now known as Swaraj Dweep, offers mesmerizing beaches and thrilling water sports. Baratang Island's unique limestone caves and mud volcanoes are a natural wonder worth visiting.
Where to Stay in Andaman
Choosing the perfect accommodation enhances your vacation experience. Andaman offers a wide range of options, from luxury resorts to budget-friendly hotels and beachfront cottages. Wake up to the soothing sound of waves, surrounded by lush greenery, or indulge in top-notch amenities at luxurious resorts. The choice is yours!
Andaman Cuisine: A Gastronomic Delight
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The culinary journey in Andaman is as delightful as its landscapes. Savor the freshest seafood delicacies, cooked with local spices, in beachside shacks and fine-dining restaurants. Don't miss out on trying local dishes like seafood platters, crab masala, and delectable fish curries. Make sure to visit the bustling local markets for an authentic gastronomic experience.
Travel Tips For a Hassle-Free Trip
To ensure a smooth and hassle-free vacation, here are some essential travel tips for Andaman. Pack light but include essentials like sunscreen, insect repellent, and a first-aid kit. Keep your travel documents handy and be aware of local customs and etiquette. Safety comes first, so be cautious while indulging in adventure activities and follow local guidelines.
Exploring Andaman's Underwater World
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Andaman's underwater world is a haven for divers and snorkelers. Dive into the clear waters to witness vibrant coral reefs, colorful fish, and exotic marine creatures. The best diving spots include Havelock Island, Neil Island, and Cinque Island. Snorkeling is an equally enthralling experience, allowing you to get up close with the marine life.
Capturing Memories: Photography in Andaman
With its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant marine life, Andaman is a paradise for photographers. Capture stunning moments during the golden hour at the beach or while exploring the dense forests. Learn some photography tips and take advantage of the picturesque backdrops to create unforgettable memories.
Andaman's Hidden Gems
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Explore the lesser-known gems of Andaman and Nicobar to escape the crowds and connect with nature on a deeper level. Discover offbeat beaches, hidden coves, and mangrove forests that offer serene and tranquil experiences. These hidden spots are perfect for those seeking solitude and tranquility amidst the beauty of Andaman and Nicobar.
Andaman for Honeymooners
Andaman sets the perfect stage for a dreamy honeymoon. Walk hand-in-hand with your partner on the secluded beaches, indulge in candlelight dinners by the shore, and stay at romantic beachside resorts. Create cherished memories as you celebrate love in this paradise.
Congratulations! You're now equipped with all the information you need to plan an extraordinary trip to the Andaman Islands. Whether you're an adventure enthusiast, a nature lover, or a couple looking for a romantic getaway, Andaman has something to offer everyone. Cherish the memories you'll make in this paradise, and start planning your dream trip now!
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journeyempires1 · 11 months
Explore Andaman Islands like a Pro with This Travel Guide
 1. Introduction to the Andaman Islands
The Andaman Islands are a group of picturesque islands known for their untouched natural beauty and rich marine life. With pristine white sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and lush green forests, the islands offer a perfect getaway for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike. From historical landmarks to thrilling water sports, the Andaman Islands have something for everyone.
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2. Best Time to Visit
The Andaman Islands can be visited throughout the year, but the best time to visit is between October and May when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities. The monsoon season from June to September brings heavy rainfall and rough seas, making it less favorable for tourists.
3. How to Reach the Andaman Islands
To reach the Andaman Islands, you can take a direct flight from major cities in India like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, or Chennai to the Veer Savarkar International Airport in Port Blair, the capital city of the Andaman Islands. There are also regular passenger ship services available from Chennai, Kolkata, and Vishakhapatnam to Port Blair.
4. Top Attractions in the Andaman Islands
Cellular Jail
Cellular Jail, also known as Kala Pani, is a historical landmark that holds great significance in India's freedom struggle. Built during British colonial rule, it served as a prison for freedom fighters. A visit to this infamous jail offers a glimpse into India's past and is a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for independence.
Radhanagar Beach
Regarded as one of Asia's best beaches, Radhanagar Beach is a must-visit destination in the Andaman Islands. With its golden sand, clear blue waters, and breathtaking sunsets, this beach offers a perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation. Take a leisurely stroll along the shore or simply bask in the beauty of nature.
Ross Island
Ross Island is a serene paradise that was once the administrative headquarters of the British in the Andaman Islands. Today, it stands as a ghostly reminder of the colonial era, with ruins and remnants of old buildings scattered across the island. Explore the historical landmarks, including the Chief Commissioner's House and the British Club, while immersing yourself in the island's natural beauty.
Baratang Island and Limestone Caves
Baratang Island is known for its natural wonders, particularly the limestone caves. Embark on a thrilling boat ride through dense mangrove forests to reach these mesmerizing caves. Inside, you will witness stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations, creating a surreal environment. It's a unique experience that nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers shouldn't miss.
Neil Island
Neil Island, also known as the "vegetable bowl" of the Andaman Islands, is a tranquil paradise offering a serene escape from the bustling city life. The island is famous for its beautiful beaches, such as Bharatpur Beach and Sitapur Beach, where you can relax, swim, and soak up the sun. Enjoy the laid-back atmosphere and immerse yourself in the local culture of the island.
Embark on an unforgettable voyage with Journey Empires, the best travel agency in Andaman Islands. Immerse yourself in the beauty of these pristine archipelago gems as you traverse azure waters and discover the secrets of this tropical paradise. With a team of dedicated experts, Journey Empires ensures a seamless and personalized experience, tailor-made to your desires. Explore the stunning coral reefs, indulge in thrilling water sports, and bask in the golden sunsets of secluded beaches. Let Journey Empires, the best travel agency in the Andaman Islands, be your guide, curating an extraordinary adventure that will leave you with cherished memories for a lifetime.
Practical Tips for Travelers
Entry Permits and Permissions
Non-Indian nationals require a Restricted Area Permit (RAP) to visit certain islands in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. These permits can be obtained upon arrival at the Port Blair airport or seaport. Indian nationals do not require a permit to visit most islands.
Safety and Health Precautions
While the Andaman Islands are generally safe for tourists, it's always wise to take precautions. Be aware of your surroundings, avoid isolated areas at night, and follow any safety instructions provided by authorities. Stay hydrated, apply sunscreen, and carry insect repellent to protect yourself from sunburn and mosquito bites.
Currency and Communication
The official currency of the Andaman Islands is the Indian Rupee (INR). ATMs are available in major towns, but it's advisable to carry sufficient cash, especially if you plan to visit remote areas. Mobile networks and internet connectivity are generally reliable in Port Blair and other main islands.
Transportation within the Islands
To explore the Andaman Islands, you can hire taxis, auto-rickshaws, or motorcycles. Public buses are available for travel between different towns. For island hopping, ferries and speedboats are the primary means of transportation. Book tickets in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to secure your preferred timings.
Respect for Local Culture and Environment
The Andaman Islands are home to indigenous communities, and it's important to respect their culture and traditions. Seek permission before taking photographs of locals or their homes. Additionally, help preserve the fragile ecosystem by refraining from littering and engaging in responsible tourism practices.
The Andaman Islands offer a tropical paradise filled with natural wonders, adventure activities, and cultural experiences. Whether you're a nature lover, history enthusiast, or adventure seeker, this archipelago has something to offer everyone. So pack your bags, embrace the beauty of the Andaman Islands, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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meilleur-holidays · 1 year
Havelock Island – A Bejewelled Beach in Andaman & Nicobar Islands 
Havelock Island is nothing short of paradise. The visual extravaganza all around is a delight for curious minds, nature lovers and tired souls. The bewitching waves, beautiful nature and hair-raising adventure will keep you engaged, entertained and enchanted. Meilleur Holidays’ Port Blair Havelock tour package takes you to one of the most coveted places in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
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This is an island that will leave you in complete awe of its natural landscape. The Kolkata-based travel agency curates a guided trip to this wonderful island. The package is affordable and leaves you with ample opportunity to experience an exciting vacation.
How to Reach?
You have to make your way through Port Blair to reach Havelock. You can take a flight or board a ship. The second choice, though time-consuming, will leave you with more thrilling memories. After you reach your dream destination, a ferry ride (or should it be called a fairy ride?) will take you to the hotel/resort that is going to be your home for the next few days. Both government-run and private ferries are available for travellers. You can choose either. Both promise a convenient and comfortable journey.
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When to Visit?
The best time to visit the Island is from October to April. The weather remains sunny and soothing, which means it is ideal time for beach activities and water sports. It is also the time when Havelock Island receives a heavy crowd of travellers. So, if you prefer serenity, the best time to visit the island is May and June. However, don’t visit Havelock during monsoon as heavy rainfalls coupled with thunderstorms will force you to stay locked in the hotel/resort.
What Are the Best Sightseeing Spots?
Havelock Island houses an array of beautiful places worth a visit. Here are some gems that the island brazenly brags about.
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Radhanagar Beach
When you are on Havelock Island, don’t give miss to the beach! No word is enough to describe its beauty. The crystal clear water, white sand and green trees make a collage that looks out of the world and feels to have come alive out of a painter’s imagination. However, the best thing about the beach is it is one of the cleanest beaches in India. An incredible beauty to behold and equally exciting to explore!
Elephant Beach
 The name sounds interesting. Hold your breath; it is the hub of many adventure activities. The place is famous for some most thrilling water activities like snorkelling, seal walking, scuba diving. Advanced booking is highly recommended as the place is a crowd-puller and thronged by a large pool of adventure junkies. The beauty of the beach is equally breath-taking.
Kalapathar Beach
If you love your privacy, this is the right place to spend your vacation. Kala means black and pathar means rock. The beach has got its name from the deposits of black rock along the shore. Enjoy swimming and sunbathe without worrying about any prying eyes. Nature is mesmerizing; enjoy it in seclusion.
Where to Stay?
Don’t let poor accommodation spoil your fun. At Havelock, you will have plenty of top-tier hotels and resorts that keep the promise of doing their best for you.
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naturetravel · 2 years
Andaman Tour tour operators in kolkata
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Quick Info for Andaman tour package for couple:
Vehicle: Private
Pick up & Drop Point: Port Blair Airport
Path: Port Blair - Havelock Island – Neil Island - Port Blair
How to reach Andaman & Nicobar Island:
The most popular way to reach Port Blair (Andaman and Nicobar Island) for Andaman tour packages from Kolkata is to catch a flight for Veer Savarkar International Airport (IXZ) from Chennai/Bangalore/Mumbai/Delhi/Kolkata. Cruise services between Kolkata to Andaman also available.
The Shipping Corporation of India operates cruise trip from Kolkata and Vishakhapatnam to Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Island. MV Harshavardhana is a ship that operates from Kolkata and Vishakhapatnam to Andaman.
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mybudgettour · 3 years
Andaman Nicobar Travel Guide
Andaman and Nicobar [1] are a large group of nearly 600 islands in the Bay of Bengal. Though they are a part of India politically, they are closer to Myanmar and Thailand than to the Indian mainland. They are grouped here with Southern India. They were just north of the epicenter of the Boxing Day quake of 2004, and were the site of dozens of aftershocks. The Nicobars were badly hit by the resulting tsunami, while the Andamans escaped with a few bruises. With the exception of Little Andaman Island and the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, the rest of the tourist destinations are operating normally again.
Diglipur – take a road trip to the far north of the island chain, a base for visits to nearby Ross and Smith Islands.
Dundas point
Port Blair – the laid-back capital of the Andamans and the sole entry/exit point. Spend a day or two here walking around and enjoying fresh seafood and seeing a couple of the nearby sites.
Other destinations 📷 Turtle Nesting sites in Dec-Feb 📷 Totani ResortBaratang Island, Mud volcano, Limestone caves, and Mangrove creeks are a good attraction for people looking forward to get a different experience in Andaman. Total journey is long and you need to start the trip as early as 4 AM. Road condition is not very good. The boat charge from Baratang to limestone cave is 1000/- per passenger. Vehicle cost will be anywhere from 5000 – 6000 Rupees. Barren Island, an island with the only volcano in all of India. Private Boats are available to visit Barren Island, however, the cost of the trip will increase. You are not allowed to stay at Barren Island as per government regulation. Havelock Island, the most visited of the islands, with the most (although still minimal) infrastructure. Beautiful beaches, great snorkeling and scuba diving. Jolly Buoy Island, a small island, is a part of the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park. It is undoubtedly the best place for snorkeling with its extremely clear waters and a rich and diverse marine life. Unfortunately, snorkeling is currently banned (January 2020) so you can either pay for a glass bottom boat tour (an extra Rs. 300-1000 depending on how long you go for) or swim in the small sectioned off area. It has a small beach with thatched huts and the location is quiet scenic. To reach here, one has to first go to Wandoor and then take a jetty from there. Taxi costs Rs. 1800 for a private car that will take you to the jetty and return you back to Port Blair. Prior to going, one has to get the permission from the forest department office at Port Blair, charge is Rs 100/- per head for locals and Rs 1000/- for foreigners. Boat charge is 850/- per head. Jolly Buoy is open from November to May. Little Andaman, once popular for surfing, it was devastated in the 2004 tsunami. Ask around in Port Blair to find out the current situation. Lohabarrack Crocodile Sanctuary Long Island, great if you’re looking for Robinson Crusoe style camping. You can bring all of your own gear and food but there is new establishment called Blue Planet with decent huts and foods. This is the only resort in the island as of January 2015. Neil Island, quieter than Havelock with nice beaches and decent snorkeling. Rutland Island, is pristine, non-polluted and least visited island. Beautiful Mangrove forest and coral reefs welcomes you to the 274 sq.km island. There is also a 45 acre Totani Resort which has quaint little huts which can be used as a base camp for exploring the island. It is the ideal place for eco-tourists. Wandoor, a relaxed destination in its own right, but known more as the gateway to the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park. There is a newly setup luxury resort called Sea Princess Beach Resort. Easily reached, and near the Wandoor jetty is Anugama Resort, the newest property there. This location is far from the main city Mid-January until mid-May sees the best weather, and often the best diving conditions. The days are mostly sunny at this time of year, and the sea sometimes flat enough to reflect the clouds. The monsoon usually hits around late May, lasting until the end of July, and is probably the worst time to visit the islands – strong winds, frequent rain and low visibility underwater. August through November some occasional showers and slightly rougher seas are possible but diving can still be great at this time of year. The weather often takes a turn for the worse for the month of December through early January. Andaman has a moderate temperature all through the year within the range of 23 degrees to 31 degree celsius. It has tropical climate, there are no severe climate conditions except for tropical storms and rains in late Summer and Monsoon. By planeAndaman’s airport is at Port Blair. it’s connected to Chennai, Kolkata and other cities in the country. Air India is the most important carrier for Andaman. Throughout the seasons discounted airfares also are provided by the airlines. The price of the tickets is usually cheap, particularly if reserved earlier.The only way to reach
the Andaman is by air is from the Indian mainland. Flights can fill up in peak season and immigration doesn’t look kindly on people arriving without confirmed flights back, so book a return ticket and change the flight date if you decide to hang around longer.Air India [2] flies from Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai. Spicejet, [3] offers a flight direct from Chennai to Port Blair. Go Air [4] now flies daily from Kolkata to Port Blair, and from Delhi via Kolkata. Flights to Port Blair are not really “low-cost”, if compared to the same airlines’ mainland India flights, but still cheaper than any other way to get to islands. Price varies significantly with date, so if your travel dates aren’t fixed, you can save significantly by choosing the right day to fly. Advance booking (available on respective airline’s website) at least several days before trip is recommended.Port Blair’s Vir Savarkar Airport is probably one of the most quaint and idyllic airports in India. There is a scenic view point where the whole airport can be seen. There are no night flights as the airport is handed over to the Indian Air Force after 3pm.By seaIt is possible to take a ship from Kolkata (~60 hrs), Chennai or Visakhapatnam which takes almost 4 days to arrive in Port Blair. It is less expensive. Facilities are basic, though and many prefer to sleep on the deck rather than in the cramped bunks. The ferries can take up to five days to arrive depending on weather and various other variables. This can be quite frustrating for many.The fares:Ship MV Swarajdweep / Nancowry / NicobarDeluxe Cabin: Rs. 7,640 for the tourists and Rs. 3,940 for the islanders. First Class Cabin: Rs. 6,320 for non-islanders and Rs. 3,560 for the islanders. 2nd Class Cabin: Rs. 5,030 for non-islanders and Rs. 2,680 for the islanders. Bunk: Rs. 1,960 for tourists and Rs. 710 for islanders.ders. Ship MV HarshvardhanaDeluxe Cabin: Rs. 7,640 for the tourists and Rs. 3,940 for the islanders. First Class Cabin: Rs. 6,320 for non-islanders and Rs. 3,560 for the islanders. 2nd Class ‘A’ Cabin: Rs. 5,030 for non-islanders and Rs. 2,680 for the islanders. 2nd Class ‘B’ Cabin: Rs. 3,890 for non-islanders and Rs. 2,350 for the islanders. Bunk: Rs. 1,960 for tourists and Rs. 710 for islanders.ders. Ship MV AkbarDeluxe Cabin: Rs. 7,640 for the tourists and Rs. 3,940 for the islanders. First Class Cabin: Rs. 5,400 for non-islanders and Rs. 3,430 for the islanders. AC Dormitory: Rs. 3,290 for non-islanders and Rs. 1,790 for the islanders. Bunk: Rs. 1,700 for tourists and Rs. 660 for islanders Do Scuba diving – Havelock Island is the main dive destination. South Cinque Island is another possibility, enquire at Anugama Resort at Wandoor. One of the dive shops on Havelock was talking about opening a shop in Diglipur soon, which would open up newly discovered sites. The best dive sites in the Andamans are in very remote locations and accessible via a liveaboard. The dive sites around Havelock are actually very ordinary by Andamans standards. The best diving in the Andamans is: Barren Island (an active volcano), Narcondam Island (an extinct volcano), Invisible Bank (an extensive seamount approx. 100 miles Southeast of Port Blair) and 4 spectacular but un-named sea mounts off the west coast. There is also a good wreck dive just south of North Brother Island. There is one regular liveaboard in the Andaman Islands – the Infiniti Liveaboard, and it is the best way to get around. Its brand new & fully equipped, though a little expensive but well worth the money for the comfort & adventure.Sea Walking[5] A major activity conducted both in North Bay Island, Port Blair and Elephant Beach, Havelock Island. You will need a boat to reach North Bay at Port Blair and Elephant Beach at Havelock Island to avail this activity. This activity is more like moonwalking. The cost of the trip is 3500 Rupees per person. Snorkeling – A traditional attraction of the Andamans but the 2010 El Niño sadly resulted in the destruction of most of the coral. As at 2016, there are signs of recovery but the snorkeling is not good.
Regardless, the best spots are North Bay, Mua Terra Beach and Havelock Island. Equipment is cheap, and can be bought or rented at North Bay for 100 Rs. The price for Snorkeling at various locations is about 500 Rs (for ~15 min.) and 1000 Rs (for ~25 min.). Surfing is great on Little Andaman Island Scan corals reefs in glass bottom boats off Jolly Buoy Island, at the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park at Wandoor, 29 km from Port Blair. Check out India’s only active volcano on Barren Island, for some magnificent volcanic diving Take the Andaman Trunk Road, and be the zipping-in-the-car-idiot to the curious Jarawas. The ride is long, but the journey that takes you through some gorgeous reserve forests and up to Maya Bunder and beyond, is worth it. Revisit Havelock just to taste the red Snapper in Burmese garlic sauce at Benny and Lynda’s Wild Orchid Beach Resort. Narcondam Island a dormant volcano is spectacular volcanic diving Make a new list. Add scuba diving and sea cow spotting. Do some moon-bathing while planktons swim in a phosphorescent sea. Eat 📷 Tandoori fish at Lighthouse Residency, Port BlairSeafood is the order of the day. From upscale restaurants in Port Blair to local dhabas on Havelock, fish abounds. Be prepared to pay a little more for good fish and seafood dishes than for standard Indian food, but it’s well worth it. Basic Indian food is also available, and as cheap as on the mainland in most of the small dhabas. Resort restaurants on Havelock can also whip up a limited set of more or less Western dishes, but the resort restaurants are pretty expensive for Indian standards. Fresh Crab & Tuna can be enjoyed here.
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askmetraveller-blog · 5 years
Plan  Honeymoon  In  Andaman
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 A large proportion of partner couples head to Andaman per annum. Askmetraveller offers similar itineraries on different travel portals, and also provides similar hotel stays and activities in their packages. If that produces you drop the concept of a honeymoon in Andaman. First, read this article then decides. The land of Kalapani is a land of crystal blue waters. And if you’re trying to possess a romantic honeymoon here, a novel one at that, be from the clichés. Here are some uncommon alterations that may create its awe-inspiring expertise for you.
Arrange A Honeymoon Trip In Andaman
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Andaman incorporates a moderate climate and one will visit it at any time throughout the year. However, the most effective time to arrange a honeymoon in Andaman is from Oct to might. Oct to March is that winter here is additionally the most effective time to fancy the water activities at the beaches in Andaman. The skies are clear and therefore the temperature is pleasant throughout winter here. there’s a conjointly associate exciting beach festival that takes place within April month here. Thus, these are a number of the most effective months to arrange a honeymoon in Andaman.
Andaman may be a stunning Indian dry land with some wonderful places for a honeymoon couple to explore. Have a glance at the places that you just shouldn’t miss on a honeymoon in Andaman.
Places To Visit For Honeymoon In Andaman
Andaman may be a stunning Indian dry land with some wonderful places for a honeymoon couple to explore. Have a glance at the places that you just shouldn’t miss on a  honeymoon in Andaman.
. 1.   Havelock Island
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Famous for its dive sites and beaches, cloth covering Island is that the excellent island for couples. Havelock Island offers one with thrilling activities to relish like diving, snorkeling, kayaking and additional. If one is searching for an additional set back honeymoon trip, then too cloth covering may be an excellent alternative. it's a number of the foremost stunning beaches for one to unwind and relax.
2.    Neil Island
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Neil Island is associate degree epitome of scenic beauty. The island with its stunning geographic region is paradisiacal. The white sand beaches here are excellent to relish evening strolls along with your partner. The waters are calm and clean and one will relish swimming and diving. relish candle flame dinners at the beach and arrange romantic dates for the right honeymoon in Andaman at Neil Island.
  3.   Little Andaman
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Little Andaman is another stunning island to go to on honeymoon trip to Andaman. One will pay some quality time with their partner at the pristine beaches here. The seaboard resorts are stunning providing one with all the luxuries. it's an ideal escape for a pretty honeymoon in Andaman.
Places to Living  For Honeymoon In Andaman
A perfect honeymoon is one once the accommodation is ideal, the requirements are taken care of and therefore the setting is gorgeous. a number of these places in Andaman are the most effective choices for one to remain at for a honeymoon. Have a glance.
1.    Fortune  Resort
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Fortune Resort could be a stunning resort set on the cloth covering Island in Port Blair. With stunning surroundings and therefore the excellent ambiance, it makes for an excellent place for honeymooners to remain. The rooms go together with stunning garden views conjointly the} property also has an associate in house bar for the guests to get pleasure from exotic drinks and additional.
 Location: Marine Hill, Distance From Airport-3.5Km, India
2.    Gold Star Beach Resort
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Another stunning resort placed on the cloth covering Island is Gold Star Beach Resort. it's an incredible keep choice for honeymooners and comes with ocean suites, pool suites and additional. One will opt for in keeping with their preferences. aside from the snug rooms that go together with all the fundamental amenities, the resort options associate in-house building that serves delicious food and continental cuisines.
 Location: Havelock Island, Distance from Harbour-4 km, India
3.    Silver Sand Beach Resort
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With an outside pool and delightful views of the ocean, ocean Silver Sand Beach Resort is another nice choice for honeymooners. The rooms go together with a garden or pool read. The resort is about in the lush inexperienced geographical area and therefore the ambiance is calm and tranquil. The resort conjointly options associate onsite bar for the guests.
 Location: Neil Island, Distance from Neil Harbour-3.5 Km, India
How To Reach Andaman
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The best thanks to reaching Andaman is to require a flight to Port solon. Flights are accessible to Port solon from multiple Indian cities. There are not any direct road or rail routes accessible to Andaman. One will take a train or road trip to an urban center, once that one can get to once more board a flight. The waterway is a choice accessible however not too possible because it takes one a pair of to three days via ship to achieve Port solon from the Indian dry land .
Andaman Honeymoon Packages On Askmetraveller
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Book an unforgettable honeymoon trip to Andaman. keep in a very romantic space, fancy candle light-weight dinner, and acquire rejuvenated at a spa. Packages inclusive of the edifice, cab, airfield transfers, and look.
Contact Information:Company : Askmetraveller Address: Phoenix Bay, Port Blair- 744102,Andaman & Nicobar Islands Phone: +917478508237/ +917063937228 Email: [email protected] information visit: https://www.askmetraveller.com
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Are you looking for an Andaman Tour which must be fun meets adventure?
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Are you looking for a tour which must be fun meets adventure?
Then Andaman has to be in your bucket list. The island Andaman is an ideal destination for the family and couples who are seeking to escape their normal life. Pristine beaches and Azure waters attract people in Andaman.
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You can have a perfect holiday with reasonable price is Andaman. Their many good hotels and resorts are available which make your stay comfortable. In this holiday tour, you will have a lot of fun because it is a place of scenic beauty. You can also enjoy many water-sports activities like Sport Fishing, Scuba Diving, and Snorkelling.
Before you select Andaman as your holiday destination you need to know main entry points like how to reach Andaman and Nicobar Islands? Well, you can fly to Port Blair from Chennai, Kolkata, or Delhi or you can even go in a ship from Kolkata, Chennai, or Vizag. Through sea voyage, it will take 50 to 60-hour journey. Almost from every place tourist can go for a vacation like that time they need to select different packages like Andaman Tour package from Hyderabad, Andaman Tour Packages from Mumbai etc.
There are some more things which you must know, those are discussed below:
The right time to visit: You as a visitor throughout a year can visit, but the maximum number of tourist likes to visit from October to May.
Ideal duration: Well, the ideal duration depends on your itinerary. But still, it needs a minimum of four nights or five days to seven nights or eight days.
Important festivals: Andaman is a place where all mix category regions stay, so most of the festival celebrates here. The biggest festival which celebrates here is ‘Durga Pooja’ because the maximum number of Bengalis are available on this island.
Best shopping place: Andaman is also famous as the best shopping place, and you also get their crafty traditional handmade things like jewelry, bangles, flower vase, earring, etc.
Best time for honeymoon: The best time to visit for honeymoon couple is winter month that is October to February because this time the weather is pleasant.
Nightlife in Andaman: Nightlife is different during Christmas and New year. In this day includes many activities like electrifying music, cheerful dancing, colorful disco, and much more.
Alcohol: Alcohol is readily available here, but much foreign liquor is restricted.
Unique in Andaman: If you are visiting Andaman then you can take some things as a gift for your beloved ones like handicraft shells, jute, and wood from souvenirs, etc.
The weather condition in Andaman: The weather is a little unpredictable in this Island so better to carry some extra clothes because anytime sudden rain may spell. Click here:- Andaman Tour Packages from Bangalore, Andaman Tour Packages from Delhi, Andaman Tour Packages from Chennai
There are some tips which will help you to select your perfect tour package for Andaman Island. Those are discussed below:
Research thoroughly: Before you choose your destination, you must do the first thing is a visit to the official trustworthy site and search article where you will get the clear picture about their culture, transport, hotels, sightseeing, and much more.
Decide what do you want to do and how much is your budget: Depending on your budget you can select the package. You can also tell them your desire and do the customization within your budget. You can also make a list of the places where you wish to visit.
Need to examine the company’s experience and reputation: Before you make the payment, you please make sure that you have investigated about that company. You must always look for a trustworthy, reputed, reliable company so that they meet your expectation and needs. You must always look for a genuine one.
Always need to look for well-organized, balanced schedule: You can select those packages which is scheduled according to your preferred location and also includes some activities which you would like to participate. You can avoid those packages where you need to run for a full day without taking a break, another type where you need to always sit without doing anything. The good tour package always helps you to explore the sight without any rush with a reasonable price.
Local Knowledge is vital: You make sure that the company uses a local guide of Andaman who are experienced enough and must know the local language. He has traveled Andaman widely, and he must have equipped with life-saving skills.
Better to travel in a group: If you visit a large group minimum of 20 people then you may get some attractive package for flight booking and also can get some discount up to forty percent.
You can visit Andaman anytime in a year but the best season is to visit from September to March because that time weather is pleasant and water is also clear which is the best time for coral viewing and scuba diving. November and February month is a peak season because of the holiday and marriage time so this the time when most of the honeymoon couples travel. During the new year and Christmas time, hotel rates become more because many foreigners go this time. The visitors who are little budget conscious for them monsoon climate is the best for traveling, and this time hotel rates are also less and most of the activities you can get a discount. For more info: Andaman Tour Packages from Kolkata, Andaman Tour Packages from Ahmedabad,
In conclusion, you need to select your preferred Andaman Tour Package so that you can enjoy a lot. You must try to negotiate so that you can get some extra discounts and benefits. For adventurous people, this is the best tourist destination. Here many water sports activity give you a great memory which will be unforgettable for you. Compare to other city Andaman is less expensive which can provide you the best and unforgettable experience ever.
For more info: Andaman Honeymoon Tour Packages, Andaman Family Tour Packages, Andaman Tour, Andaman Holiday Tour Packages, Andaman Tour Packages
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How To Sneak Alcohol On A Cruise Ship
Many of the identical principles apply for children's retail stores as with every other store display, nevertheless it is good idea to review those ideas and then any differences in the children's retail environment. It's that they respond to their nerves when in pressure situations that separates the fantastic golfers in the crowd. Most of the very best selling golf bag brands should contain bags that come with cooler pockets. Models and fashion magazine covers are complementary to each other's successes. Type within the keywords "Osprey backpack" into a internet search engine and see what results come up. You can likewise try keywords that include "for sale", "retail", or "back-to-school". Wilson NFL football golf bags are pretty expensive, but they're recommended for their toughness, and reliability to keep clubs as well as other accessories protected while about the course. You can get the cheapest price online at the world of golf. Visualize the Result You Would Like To Happen. If you are not using hair, a bow on leading of a hat will help distinguish sex. There is really a type of juggling the location where the balls travel in the circle, called a full shower, although carrying it out with two balls doesn't count. Special sets are d for some individuals that have no woods or no irons. It may also take longer to arrive when you order it since it is made after you pay because of it and never before.
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NFL Dallas Cowboys Cart Golf Bag. Many better players obtain a belly or longer putter after they develop doubt in their normal putter. A putter that's too short or too much time won't allow you to definitely start to concept of best golf stand bags see the line properly. If you've a very large budget by which to buy a winder and have a very valuable timepiece to store, a high-end watch winder can be a may be the right choice you. Please have fun each time you play, however, if you don't play in the driver you can never reach your potential. They can place you through for an employee working inside the backpack department and also you can ask if they've got anything like what you are looking for. The islands of Andaman &amp Nicobar and Lakshadweep take your beach vacations towards the next level making use of their distinct cultural setup. Also, the concept of mannequin dressing is to display as many different products as possible while sticking to departmental or designated themes. NFL Dallas Cowboys Cart Golf Bag. You may hold the best mannequins, in the best positions, with all the perfect clothes, but if they aren't well lit, it is all waste. It saves you a large amount of money. As I said before, we have an inclination to 'oversize' our portions. All of their carry bags come with stands. It isn't unusual to get a player to only carry certainly one of them. Lighting really can function as finishing touch to bringing great energy to an outlet display. (We will examine each one of these ways in awhile. Cause- Your favorite team wins and you also go to bed wearing the team's colors, next day you awaken looking for the shirt and suit to fit the colours of the winning team and also call for a coffee or perhaps a drink of exactly the same color. In fact, the recognition of a model is often gauged by the variety of fashion covers that he or she's got appeared in. You will help to be certain many people are all smiles, and feeling relaxed around the day of the wedding. . . . Excellent video for understanding how to juggle three ballsSimilar to my instructions but with a few more standard steps.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
The Dutch sea captain Willem de Vlamingh never imagined in his wildest dreams that black swans could exist. He never saw or heard of one in Europe. In January 1697 he and his crew sailed up a river, later named Swan River, in Southwestern Australia to explore it. And much to their utter amazement they became the first Europeans to see black swans. “Black swan” events are extremely rare and highly improbable events. They share three characteristics: 1) they are unpredictable 2) they have a massive impact 3) post the event, we concoct an explanation that makes it appear less random and more predictable. Is the COVID-19 outbreak a black swan event? Here are three reasons why it is not an unpredictable event. First, there have been more than a dozen serious epidemics, many of them worldwide, in the last 100 years (see Box 5). The Spanish flu and smallpox killed 50 million people each. Eighteen million Indians died of Spanish flu. HIV killed 30 million people. The Asian flu and Hong Kong flu killed at least a million people each. But they have faded quickly from public memory. Second, a paper is written by four Chinese scientists titled, Bat Coronaviruses in China, published on 2 March 2019, specifically warned, “it is highly likely that future SARS- or MERS-like coronavirus outbreaks will originate from bats, and there is an increased probability that this will occur in China. Two bat origin CoVs caused large-scale epidemics in China over fourteen years, highlighting the risk of a future bat CoV outbreak in this nation. Therefore, the investigation of bat coronaviruses becomes an urgent issue for the detection of early warning signs, which in turn minimizes the impact of such future outbreaks in China.” The Chinese government, which funded this study through its science academies, did not heed the warning it carried. Third, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, speaking at the World Government Summit, Dubai on 12 February 2018, warned the world, “A devastating epidemic could start in any country at any time and kill millions of people because we are still not prepared. The world remains vulnerable.” The world heard him but did not listen to him. COVID-19 is not a black swan event. It is a “gray rhino” event, one that is a highly probable and with a potentially large impact. Gray rhino events can be seen in advance because of their size and the early warning they give. Yet, they are ignored. India has had many big gray rhino events in the past. Recent Indian gray rhino events India’s record of handling gray rhino events is poor and leaves doubts about how it will handle the coronavirus outbreak. There have been occasions though when it has rolled up its sleeves and done a particularly good job like in the Machilipatnam cyclone or what Kerala is doing now to control COVID-19. 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy: Union Carbide made Sevin, a carbamate group pesticide, in its Bhopal plant. Soon after the plant went into production, Sevin lost market space to the next generation pesticides and the company slipped into losses. Consequently, safety and environmental management standards in the plant declined. Between 1981-84, the plant had a series of accidents (see Box 6). This prompted journalist Raj Kumar Keshwani to write three articles lamenting on the plant’s poor safety conditions, and warning Bhopal that it was on the brink of a disaster. A state government minister responded saying, “The Carbide plant is not some small pebble that can be picked up and put elsewhere.” Forty-two tonnes of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) leaked on the cold winter night of 2 December 1984, killing about 8,000 persons immediately. Another 17,000 died subsequently of chronic toxic effects. 1999 Ersama cyclone: Odisha is hit by a severe cyclone almost every year, and by a super cyclone once every few years. A super cyclone hit Ersama block in coastal Orissa on 29 October 1999. Three 10-metre high storm surges swept everything in their path for up to 20 km inland, killing about 50,000 persons. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami: Indonesia is frequently rocked by earthquakes and the offshore ones sometimes generate tsunamis. On 26 December 2004, a 9.1 magnitude offshore earthquake near Sumatra, Indonesia generated tsunami waves that rose to 9 m before they hit coasts of 14 countries along the Indian Ocean rim, and wreaked enormous destruction. About 250,000 persons died, including 10,000 on the Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh coasts.   Information failures increase lives lost Information plays a critical role in minimizing the probability of a gray rhino event from becoming a disaster. Information throughputs have five stages—generation, transmission, interpretation, access, and use. An information failure at any of these stages increase the probability of a hazard hit converting into a disaster. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami disaster in India was an information generation failure. India did not install seabed sensors in the Bay of Bengal to detect tsunami pressure waves. It was also an information transmission failure as the Indian government was informed about the tsunami soon after it hit the Andaman Islands (see information timeline), which lie close to Sumatra. It took another two hours before the tsunami hit India’s east coast, which was adequate to evacuate fisherfolk inland. Failure to do that was a criminal act of negligence which cost India 10,000 lives. Information timeline after tsunami wave was generated off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia  6.29 am 7.30 am 8.00 am 8.56 am 9.00 am 10.30 am 12.00 noon 5.45 pm Quake strikes Sumatra. India Meteorological Department (IMD) knows about it by 6.40 am, but could not analyse data as its computer developed a snag, Indian Air Force (IAF) Nicobar informs IAF Tambaram, who inform IAF Chief who alerts Defence Min Waves lash Machilipatnam, Chennai, Cuddalore, on India’s southeast coast. Faxes sent to Secretaries of Department of Science & Technology, Home Ministry, Home Minister. Tsunami waves strikes east coasts of India, Sri Lanka. Cabinet Secretary calls Port Blair. Secretary of Ocean Development briefs him. Crisis Manage-ment Group meets. Indian Navy ships dispatched to Andaman Islands. The IMD computer being down and not available to analyse the incoming data also made this event an information interpretation failure. The Bhopal gas tragedy was an information access failure. People in Bhopal were sleeping when a highly toxic MIC gas cloud formed at the Carbide plant and drifted slowly downwind towards JP Nagar, Chola Khenchi slums and areas further south. Being heavier than air, the gas cloud hugged the ground, and remained concentrated as the prevailing low wind speed dispersed it very slowly. People woke up and ran to save themselves. But they ran downwind and remained in the gas cloud, inhaling a large amount of toxic MIC gas. Had they known that they should move perpendicular to the wind direction, the quickest way to get out of a gas cloud, and cover their nose and mouths with a wet cloth as MIC is soluble in water, many thousands of lives may have been saved, and injury would have been less. Not a single Carbide worker died on the as they were aware that running upwind and away from the gas cloud was the best way to save themselves.     The Ersama cyclone disaster was an information use failure. The National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) provided the Odisha government with satellite pictures of the cyclone’s path for 3 days prior to the cyclone making landfall. Yet, the Odisha government did not use this information. If the coastal population had been evacuated, most of the 50,000 people who lost their lives would have lived. There are other examples of hazard strike events that became disasters due to information failures. One of them is the 7.5 magnitude (on the Richter scale) Bhuj earthquake that occurred on 26 January 2001. Hundreds of buildings collapsed in several cities in Gujarat killing about 25,000 people and causing a financial loss of Rs 25,000-50,000 crores. Had the buildings been built to Bureau of Indian Standards (ISI) codes for earthquake resistant structures, far fewer people would have died. BIS codes were available for engineered and non-engineered buildings but were not used, making this event an information use failure. Bhuj is in a Zone 5 (most earthquake prone) seismic region, making it a high-risk area. Damage to Gujarat Housing Board colonies built to ISI standards, was minimal, but Shikhar Towers, Himgiri Apartments, and 170 other buildings in Ahmadabad crashed as they were not built to ISI standards. In a quake of similar magnitude that shook Seattle soon after the Bhuj quake happened, only 3 persons died as structures in that city conformed to building standards for earthquakes.   Lack of emergency response plans and action increase loss of lives Six elements that constitute emergency response plans and actions (ERPA)—event prediction, warning, hardware and facilities, risk avoidance action by public, emergency response plan (ERP), and the emergency response actions (ERA)—if in place, minimize loss of life when natural or man-made hazards strike. Each missing element increases the probability of the event converting into a disaster and causing great loss of life. A comparison of two cyclones—the 1990 Machilipatnam cyclone that hit the Andhra coast and the 1999 Ersama cyclone—illustrates this point (see Box 7). Prior information (event prediction) about a hazardous event—its nature, magnitude, hit location and time, lead time between event prediction and hit—helps save lives. Using satellites, IMD tracked the Machilipatnam and Ersama cyclone for several days before they made landfall, and predicted their intensity, landfall location and time accurately. Event predictions for both these cyclones was good. An effective warning before a hazard hit must fulfil 6 criteria—it should come in time, reach everyone, be appropriate for the event, be unambiguous about the action people should take, sound credible, and be specific to the risk posed by the impending event. The Machilipatnam warning met all these criteria. The Ersama cyclone warning met the first 3 criteria—it came in time, reached most people on the coast and was appropriate to the event. But it failed the next 3 criteria as it was ambiguous, lacked credibility and was vague. The warning bundled weather and emergency-action information, creating doubt whether people should use their judgement or follow instructions. The warning for the Ersama cyclone was remarkably like the one for a lower intensity cyclone that hit the Ganjam coast 10 days before the Ersama cyclone occurred. As the Ganjam cyclone did not cause much damage or death, going by the similarity between the Ersama and Ganjam cyclone warnings, people thought that Ersama cyclone would be like the Ganjam one. When in doubt people prefer status quo; they stayed home during the Ersama cyclone and were swept away by its giant waves. The chances of taking risk-avoidance/ mitigation action are higher when people know the risks they face and the choices they have. People in Machilipatnam were ready to evacuate their villages as they had cyclone emergency drills earlier. People in Ersama were not put through such drills and therefore were less aware of the danger they faced and the action they should take to save themselves. The infrastructure and hardware that Odisha had was highly inadequate--23 cyclone shelters, a police wireless system that died when the cyclone worked itself into a fury, and no backup communication system. Andhra Pradesh had 1,041 cyclone shelters, a police wireless system that could withstood 250 km/hr windspeeds, and a backup active ham radio network. Odisha had no emergency response plan (ERP) for cyclones and therefore no emergency response action happened in Ersama. Two lakh persons were kept safe in Machilipatnam by evacuating them. The consequence—50,000 persons died in the Ersama cyclone, even though it happened 9 years after the Machilipatnam cyclone. Less than 1,000 persons died in the Machilipatnam cyclone. Information failure and lack of emergency response plans will affect India in COVID-19 pandemic A critical information failure in the COVID-19 outbreak in India is the lack of information on the total number of cases. This can be acquired through extensive testing and good surveillance. But on both counts, India’s effort falls below the curve. When cases are detected at an early stage, they can be isolated immediately and treated. This minimizes the time they are in contact with the people, thus reducing infection spread. India has an information generation failure in its COVID-19 control programme. Several elements of the emergency response to the coronavirus outbreak in India have failed either partially or entirely. Event prediction: India was forewarned of the coronavirus outbreak in general way in the form of knowledge of previous virus outbreaks, WHO DG’s warning that a viral epidemic could happen anytime, and the Chinese paper on the possibility of a coronavirus outbreak. India should have had a viral outbreak response plan but does not seem to have one. The Indian government would have become aware of the coronavirus outbreak in China by early-January 2020. Though there may have been some confusion about the possibility of human to human transmission till 21 January, this was dispelled by the last week of January when WHO declared a global health emergency. Warning: India had about eight weeks of warning time to prepare before the case numbers started going up sharply towards end-March. Kerala prepared for a coronavirus outbreak from January, but the rest of India did not. Risk avoidance action by people: As people’s understanding of the risk that coronavirus poses, and the actions they need to take to stay safe is sketchy, their response has been varied. While most people are willing to live with the lockdown, migrants want to return to their villages. Some resistance was visible in Surat in the second week of April when migrants rioted as they wanted transport to return to their villages. Physical distancing is difficult for slum dwellers, and for many ordinary people it is an alien concept. Infrastructure and facilities: India’s public health system is weak. Isolation and ICU beds, ventilators, doctors, and nursing staff are less than what is required for a large COVID-19 outbreak. Emergency response plan: The only visible document is the ‘Containment Plan.’ It was prepared in the first week of April and covers plans only for local transmission. Plans for community transmission and epidemics have either not been prepared yet or are not available in public domain. Emergency response action: India’s response action can best be described as jerky. The way the lockdown was declared gives the impression that the lack of preparedness and the enormity of the problem may have made the government panic. No thought was given to how migrants would respond to a sudden lockdown announcement, and the beating the economy would take because of the break in the supply chain of almost all goods and services, the loss of income to farmers, unorganized labour and self-employed. The steps after lifting the lockdown do not seem to have been thought through either. India’s actions give the impression that it is playing it by the ear and “muddling through,” which is not the best way to handle a health emergency. But India is not alone in doing this. It has the US, GB and many other countries keeping it company. Box 5: Pandemics in the last century Date Deaths Event Disease Location Jumped into humans from: 1877–1977 500 M Smallpox Worldwide 1899–1923 800 K"}" data-sheets-numberformat="{"1":2,"2":"#,##0","3":1}">>800 K Sixth cholera pandemic Cholera Europe, Asia, Africa 1910–12 40 K 1910 China plague Bubonic plague China 1915–26 1.5 M 1915 Encephalitis lethargica pandemic Encephalitis lethargica Worldwide 1918–20 50-100 M Spanish flu Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 Worldwide Pigs 1957–58 2 M Asian flu Influenza A virus subtype H2N2 Worldwide 1968–69 1 M Hong Kong flu Influenza A virus subtype H3N2 Worldwide 1974 15 K 1974 smallpox epidemic of India Smallpox India 1981–present 32 M"}">>32 M HIV/AIDS pandemic HIV/AIDS Worldwide Chimpanzees 1998-2018 350-500 Nipah virus infection Nipah Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Kerala (India) Bats 2002-04 774 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) SARS-CoV-1 China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Worldwide Bats, Civet cat 2009-10 150-575 K Swine influenza virus (SIV) Swine flu Worldwide Pigs 2012-17 666 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Camel flu Saudi Arabia, South Korea, UAE, Worldwide Bats, Camels 1976-2019 1,590 Ebola outbreak Ebola Sudan, Zaire, Guinea, DR Congo, West Africa Bats 2019-present 80 K on 8 Apr 2020 Coronavirus outbreak COVID-19/ SARS-CoV-2 Worldwide Bats, Pangolin, or another small mammal Box 6: Series of accidents in the Union Carbide plant, Bhopal, 1981-84 In 1981, a worker was splashed with phosgene. He ripped off his mask in panic, inhaling a large amount of phosgene gas. He died 72 hours later. In January 1982, 24 workers exposed to phosgene were hospitalized. None of the workers had been ordered to wear protective masks. In February 1982, an MIC leak affected 18 workers. In August 1982, an engineer came into contact with liquid MIC, resulting in 30% body burns. In October 1982, there was a leak of MIC, methyl carbaryl chloride, chloroform, and hydrochloric acid. In attempting to stop the leak, the MIC supervisor suffered intensive chemical burns and two other workers were severely exposed to the gases. During 1983 and 1984, leaks of the following substances regularly took place in the MIC plant: MIC, chlorine, monomethylamine, phosgene, and carbon tetrachloride, sometimes in combination. Reports issued by scientists within the Union Carbide Corporation months before the Dec.2 incident warned of the possibility of an accident almost identical to that which occurred in 1984. The reports were ignored and never reached senior staff. Union Carbide was warned by American experts who visited the plant after 1981 of the potential of a "runaway reaction” in the MIC storage tank; local Indian authorities warned the company of problems on several occasions from 1979 onwards. Again, these warnings were not heeded. Box 7: How Emergency Planning and Response Actions save lives Six factors minimize loss of life during hazard strikes. The Ersama cyclone’s high death toll was because of four factors, and a part of the fifth, were out of place. Elements of emergency response plan Ersama (1999) Machilipatnam (1990) COVID-19 (2019) 1. Event prediction Nature of expected event Yes Yes Yes Event magnitude Yes Yes Yes Event location Yes Yes No Hit time Yes Yes Difficult to predict Lead time 75 hrs Adequate 1 year 2. Warning In time Yes Yes India had 10-12 weeks warning time Reach everyone Yes Yes Yes, reached government Appropriate to event Yes Yes Yes to government Unambiguous No Yes Initial confusion in WHO’s warning Credible No Yes Loss of credibility due to initial confusion Specific to event No Yes Yes 3. Risk avoidance action People confused People willing to act People willing to act, some reaction visible 4. Infrastructure India’s public health system poor Cyclone shelters 23 1041 Wireless No No Ham radios No Yes 5. Emergency response plan No Yes ‘Containment plan’ is available in public domain. Not known if other ERPs exist Vulnerable zones mapped Yes Yes Vulnerable structures mapped Yes No Emergency response organization No Yes NDRF exists, but not trained for epidemics Emergency response codes No No Triggers for lockdowns not prepared Emergency response action plan No Yes 6. Emergency response action No 2 lakh people Government’s actions jerky, playing by ear Deaths 50,000
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yourpujaworld-blog · 4 years
How to go Andaman from Mumbai?
Andaman is an island, so it has no road connectivity from mainland India. Thus traveling via road is never an option. The cheapest way to reach Andaman from Mumbai is to take a train from Mumbai to Chennai and then take a bunk class ship ticket from Chennai to Port Blair. However, while opting for this option, the overall travel time may increase and you may need to incur personal expenses during this period. So choose the best Andaman and Nicobar tourism package and plan your trip accordingly.
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bloglumfia · 4 years
How to Policy for Peru and Find the Right Tour Offer
All required services are given by travel agents on the area, or you can pick to stay in active camps established on some popular seaside destinations. Radanagar seaside and Neil Island are among the most popular camp sites. To include more fun to your expedition, program some related activities like small hiking or birding all through island camping at Andaman.
Located in the North-West of Dock Blair, this activity complex has changed into a important tourist attraction of Andaman tour. It gives the fun-loving tourists a way to engage with different enthralling ventures in water. Needed equipment and advice is presented to the novice explorers for secure, relaxed and satisfying experiences.
You will see here a number of cruise boats, water scooters, rowing ships and facilities for other aqua activities obtainable in abundance. You are able to choose to take pleasure from an task to complement your interest. Inside the complicated is an artificial waterfall, which is really a great tourist attraction. With diverse topography and exotic climate year-round, Andaman properties an amazing variety of flora & fauna.
In term ecology, andaman tour package you can see here will undoubtedly be your connection with lifetime. Andaman woods, ranging from wet deciduous to damp evergreen form, provide some of the very endangered species of plants, plants, animals, chickens and reptiles. They are mainly unspoiled and permit the readers to feast their eyes on some remarkable selection of flora and fauna.
Andaman is a very popular holiday destination. Andaman and Nicobar islands are acknowledged as the truly lovely part of the Indian Territory. Andaman is recognized as the most popular destinations of India and preferably it will stay the exact same in the future. Being truly a little group of islands in Bay of Bengal, the wonderful exquisiteness of this position will truly mesmerize you.
When you being there you won't feel the urge ahead back home. It's one of many great honeymoon places and honeymooners love paying each and every bit to be there. If you're preparing for a trip to Andaman, it is really crucial to deal with the best Andaman visit packages.
The wonder of the beaches, blue lagoons, exciting wildlife and fun-filled trips can truly hypnotize you; this position is basically the indigenous place of several tribal communities in the country. Not just from India tourists come from different parts of the planet to really have a look at the enjoyable elegance of the islands.
Discovering the wonder of the islands is definitely specific and following reaching Andaman you're permitted with the ability to discover the sweetness really well. If working with Andaman visit plans be sure that you're coping with the most effective one. Things you need to do is bit of study; because them all are not ample and won't function your purpose.
These plans are available throughout every season since Andaman is this kind of destination that can be visited anytime of the year. Journey agencies who're arranging such tours are getting large make money from the travelers. You will definitely run into numerous holiday deals organized by a few tour and travel agencies. Andaman and Nicobar islands is one destination that is largely endorsed by the tourism industry.
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tusharpalets · 6 years
How to Plan a Budget Trip to Andaman and Nicobar Island?
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Andaman and Nicobar is called as heaven on the earth. And really, it is a paradise for the sea lovers, honeymoon couples and even perfect for family outings. One can enjoy a romantic holiday in Andaman that offers turquoise water with white pearl beaches, fun and entertaining water sports activities and what not. Even if you are not a traveler, you would love to travel to Andaman and Nicobar Island. This island has so many things to offer to its visitors and one can return back with lots of memorable moments. Hundreds of people are booking Andaman tour packages to explore this exotic destination.
 Though Andaman attracts many people but it is somehow not affordable by everyone to visit Andaman Island and may be the reason behind this is Andaman is only connected through either air or sea. To reach Andaman one has to take flight or a cruise or ship. There is no way to reach Andaman by road. And this makes the trip a bit costly for many people. So, what does it mean? Does it mean that you cannot go to this magnificent and wonderful island. Will you be not able to witness the beauty of this island? Well, probably not, you can make your trip cheap or can plan a budget trip to Andaman and Nicobar Island. But the question still remains the same, how?
 How can you plan a budget trip to Andaman and Nicobar Island?
 For planning a budget tour in Andaman and Nicobar Island there are few important things that you must consider. Below are the things that will help you to plan a budget trip to Andaman:
 Know your budget
Well, this is important because everything lies around this only. What you will do, where would you go, etc. So, for this decide your budget. Some people give preference to their budget and look for the ideas or ways to how they can make their trip the cheapest.
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 Number of days you plan to visit
To plan a budget trip the number of days of your trip is one of the main factors to consider. We all know that Andaman and Nicobar Island is an exotic destination, even a month will be less to explore this paradise. But, as you cannot afford to stay longer here you have to decide for how long you will be staying in Andaman Island. Do not plan a short trip of 2 or 3 days as the island has a plethora of things to see and experience which is obviously very less to explore this exotic destination. If you have time constraint then, you must at least plan for a combination package of 2 nights and 3 days of Port Blair and Havelock Island.
 Decide the destinations to visit
You should search about the main attractions and places to visit in Andaman island. Well, there are lots of islands and places to visit in Andaman also it has many hidden gems that are yet to be explored by the tourists. There are some of the most popular and visited tourist destinations in Andaman Island. You can select the locations or destinations that whee you would like to visit it is because the foods, drinks, accommodations or any other things can be costly at these top tourist destination as compare to the less popular ones. So, do your research and know where you would like visit during your Andaman holiday tour.
 What you prefer?
Some prefer everything like they want to cover and explore everything. They want to see the top attractions of the island and also do the top activities, enjoy the specialty of the island and return back with loads of memories. While in other hand there are people who do not prefer anything. They are comfortable in everything like they don't have any special plans or a priority list that they must need to do this or that in the particular destinations. They just prefer a relaxed trip and do not bothered about where to go or what to do and spend a relaxed and awesome trip. So, write your preferences what would you like to do or see in Andaman so that you can plan your budget trip accordingly.
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 Things you wish to do in Andaman
Andaman is a paradise for adventure enthusiasts as there are lots of activities to do especially water sports activities. There are various types of water sports activities that one can enjoy during his Andaman holiday trip like Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, Parasailing, Boat ride, Undersea walking, Jet Skiing, Banana Boat Ride, Speed Baoting, Sport Fishing or Angling and much more. But these activities are not so cheap. So, before planning your activities check their rates and charges and plan what fits within your budget.
 Where to Stay
Choosing or selecting the accommodation plays a vital role while setting your budget. Where you are going to stay is really important as this will directly affect your budget. There are many budget friendly and luxury hotels and resorts in Andaman. In fact, a lot of local residents have built many floors in their houses and rented out as rooms.
 Do you need a travel package?
Most of the people thinks that Andaman tour packages can cost them a lot which is actually not very true. There are many tours and travel agencies that offer budget friendly tour packages. This is in fact the best way for you to explore the top attractions of the Island while staying at a good resort or hotel. If you are preferring Andaman tour packages then, go for minimum 4Nights/5Days packages which is ideal time to explore the exotic island.
 Bonus Tips
We will recommend you to check your flight tickets at least a month before the date of your travel. You should book the tickets as soon as possible because flight tickets usually get expensive as the date of the travel approaches near. So, book your ticket in advance if you are not booking Andaman tour packages.
Blog Sources: https://roverholidaysblog.wordpress.com/2018/08/14/how-to-plan-a-budget-trip-to-andaman-and-nicobar-island/
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naturetravel · 2 years
Andaman Tour Package For Couple
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Quick Info for Andaman tour package for couple:
Vehicle: Private
Pick up & Drop Point: Port Blair Airport
Path: Port Blair - Havelock Island – Neil Island - Port Blair
How to reach Andaman & Nicobar Island:
The most popular way to reach Port Blair (Andaman and Nicobar Island) for Andaman tour packages from Kolkata is to catch a flight for Veer Savarkar International Airport (IXZ) from Chennai/Bangalore/Mumbai/Delhi/Kolkata. Cruise services between Kolkata to Andaman also available.
The Shipping Corporation of India operates cruise trip from Kolkata and Vishakhapatnam to Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Island. MV Harshavardhana is a ship that operates from Kolkata and Vishakhapatnam to Andaman.
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