#how to lose ur virginity a book by arizona close
Last line tag
Tagged by @careful-pyromancer (tysm!!)
Today's last line tag is from Neon Glow
"You could...come in?" Ari hears the words leave his mouth before he's really processed them - startling even himself in the process. "...it's well past midnight," he reasons aloud "...and I have plenty of room to spare."
Edward's agreement is meek and accompanied by a flush that the darkness could not cover, illuminated in the street light as they thank their driver and haul their items to the front step.
He's barely got into the cool air of his home, hand fumbling for the light switch - when it registers that he doesn't think he remembers the last time someone other than himself slept here.
He turns to look at Edward, who is clutching his suitcase amid a very obvious panic attack, and anything he had remembered to say had only managed to run away from him.
'Oh right,' he thinks to himself in a shock of realisation '...that's why I invited him in.'
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