#how have i written something with nursey and dex in it that isn't nurseydex
embyrr922 · 7 years
Ceramic Frogs
(I assure you that this has nothing at all to do with me taking an intro pottery class, nor does it have anything to do with seeing a plate on the finished pieces shelf that had the Sharks logo painted on it.)
Chowder is the one who suggests it; they’re picking out courses for spring semester their senior year when he says that they should all take an elective together. A senior slacker course, Frog-style.
None of them actually remember who suggested pottery, but it’s the one they all end up agreeing on.
The first class is kind of a mess:
Dex has to ask for help a couple of times because he can’t wedge his clay correctly.
Chowder has to be reminded that wedging your clay too much is bad. (Wedging is kind of like kneading, it’s a lot of fun and super stimmy.)
Nursey doesn’t throw his clay correctly, and when he starts up the wheel and tries to center it, it slides right off.
Chowder spends the entire first class unable to center his clay.  It’s fine, though, he’s having fun and he isn’t the only one who can’t get centered.
Dex asks so many questions. Like, a million questions.
“Yo, dude, is that how you are in all your classes? You sounded like Tango.”
“You have to know what each step is trying to accomplish and what it’s supposed to feel like when you’ve gotten it right. When you’re working with your hands, sometimes it’s easier for a particular person to do it slightly differently, but you can’t know if you’re doing it right if you don’t know what each step is supposed to do.”
“Yeah, okay, but you still asked a lot of questions.”
Nursey actually manages to pull walls up and make a cylinder, but when he goes to stop the wheel to take it off, he accidentally turns it up to full speed and ends up splattering clay everywhere.
 From that point on, classes are a little more straightforward, or at least less disaster-prone.
The first time Dex accidentally collapses a piece, Nursey and Chowder expect him to go off the way he does when his code isn’t working, but he’s remarkably calm. Chill, even. The clay can be reused, so he’s not wasting materials, and unlike buggy code, he’s actively learning the entire time that he’s making a mistake.
Once hockey season has ended, they spend a lot of the time when they would have had practice in the ceramics studio. It’s a really good way to de-stress and hang out.
One of the things they’re taught how to make is coffee mugs. Putting handles on correctly is definitely a skill.
Once they’ve gotten to the step of painting and glazing, Nursey suggests that they all make matching mugs.
After a bit of discussion, they decide on the SMH logo and a frog.
At the end of the class, as they’re all gearing up for graduation, they decide to swap mugs.
Dex gives his to Chowder, Chowder gives his to Nursey, and Nursey gives his to Dex.
It’s a solid, physical reminder that even though they’re graduating and starting jobs and moving to different cities, they’re still the Frogs, and they’re still a team.
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